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08-19-2018, 04:54 PM
We need to organizes these thoughts.

Have we agreed that there was indeed collusion between trumps campaign and the Russian government yet? Is that at least one point on which we all agree?

They can't even acknowledge that the Trump team has lied from the very beginning about meeting with Russians.

08-19-2018, 05:02 PM
We need to organizes these thoughts.

Have we agreed that there was indeed collusion between trumps campaign and the Russian government yet? Is that at least one point on which we all agree?

No no, you don't get to play this game. pk started this off by saying Trump admitted to collusion then jumped straight to it was "conspiring to defraud the US."

08-19-2018, 05:03 PM
They can't even acknowledge that the Trump team has lied from the very beginning about meeting with Russians.

Yes, that's another point we should see if we can find some agreement on.

Do we all recognize that the trump team has "evolved" their story from originally saying there were no Russian meetings?
This one's a little more complicated because there are so many individuals who've made conflicting statements. I'd hope that we can agree to a general theme of denial to downplaying to admitting but that the meetings were ok.

08-19-2018, 05:06 PM
No no, you don't get to play this game. pk started this off by saying Trump admitted to collusion then jumped straight to it was "conspiring to defraud the US."

We've been over the same ground a million times. We need to put this to bed.

Did the trump team collude or not? Outside of any criminal wrongdoing. That's not even part of this question right now. First of all we need to figure out if we can agree that trumps team colluded with the Russians during the election

08-19-2018, 05:07 PM
We've been over the same ground a million times. We need to put this to bed.

I agree, let's put this to bed. pk, when did Trump admit to "conspiring to defraud the US"?

08-19-2018, 05:09 PM
I agree, let's put this to bed. pk, when did Trump admit to "conspiring to defraud the US"?

He has not admitted to that. He has admitted to the actions around collusion while simultaneously saying, "no collusion"

The question to you is this; can we agree that trumps campaign colluded with Russia. Again, we're not asking for a criminal admission. Just collusion. Can we agree to that at this point?

08-19-2018, 05:14 PM
Yes, that's another point we should see if we can find some agreement on.

Do we all recognize that the trump team has "evolved" their story from originally saying there were no Russian meetings?

This one's a little more complicated because there are so many individuals who've made conflicting statements. I'd hope that we can agree to a general theme of denial to downplaying to admitting but that the meetings were ok.

You're making the mistake in thinking they want to have an actual discussion on this rather than what they've been doing for almost 2 years now in just coming here to toss insults/harass people. They have 0 interest in finding out the truth of what happened in 2016.

08-19-2018, 05:17 PM
You're making the mistake in thinking they want to have an actual discussion on this rather than what they've been doing for almost 2 years now in just coming here to toss insults/harass people. They have 0 interest in finding out the truth of what happened in 2016.

I tend to agree with this but lets give them the benefit of the doubt. There's got to be some common ground that we all can agree on. At least if we get that far we won't have to re-hash the same old stuff.

08-19-2018, 05:22 PM
I agree, let's put this to bed. pk, when did Trump admit to "conspiring to defraud the US"?

Please quote me where I said Trump admitted to anything.

08-19-2018, 05:30 PM
It was an example, dork.

Let's say the "Russian collusion" meeting took place on August 4th, I'm really too lazy to find the exact date the meeting took place.

They could ask Trump: "What day did the meeting take place with the Russian lawyer?"
Trump answers "August 3rd" because he legit thought it took place on August 3rd.

Trump just "perjured" himself.

This is what perjury traps are. Don't you work at a lawyer's office or something? Can't you ask them to explain this shit to you so you stop making a fool of yourself?

Learn to read past the first sentence.

08-19-2018, 05:45 PM
You're making the mistake in thinking they want to have an actual discussion on this rather than what they've been doing for almost 2 years now in just coming here to toss insults/harass people. They have 0 interest in finding out the truth of what happened in 2016.

Democrats spent 2 terms calling everyone racists. That's what happened, stfu and move on.

P.S. You don't have discussions with crybabies throwing themselves on the ground and having a hissy fit. You point fingers at them and laugh. Normally for a child this takes about 3 or 4 failed attempts, this means you guys are less mature than 2 year olds.

08-19-2018, 05:49 PM
Democrats spent 2 terms calling everyone racists. That's what happened, stfu and move on.

Another version of the same old story. "You made me be an asshole.", "its not my fault, you're such a (_______) I cant help myself but to say stupid trolling things"

08-19-2018, 05:56 PM
Another version of the same old story. "You made me be an asshole.", "its not my fault, you're such a (_______) I cant help myself but to say stupid trolling things"

That's literally why the democrats lost. You can continue to be little bitches and make up fairy tales this will not change the fact that democrats were absolutely vile for 8 years. Put your big panties on and start coming up with ideas the people will vote for.

08-19-2018, 06:01 PM
That's literally why the democrats lost. You can continue to be little bitches and make up fairy tales this will not change the fact that democrats were absolutely vile for 8 years. Put your big panties on and start coming up with ideas the people will vote for.

I agree that white anxiety is a real thing though as a white, middle American blue collar man I have failed to feel the threat from Obama to cause such anxiety. My peers have although they've also been unable to articulate how Obama (or the dems in general) did them a disservice for 8 years

08-19-2018, 06:04 PM
I agree that white anxiety is a real thing though as a white man, middle American blue collar man I have failed to feel the threat from Obama to cause such anxiety. My peers have though they've also been unabke to articulate how Obama (or the dems in general) did them a disservice for 8 years

It's not anxiety dumbass, it's being insulted by fucktards like yourself for 8 years. A large number of those people voted for Obama.

Disservice = forcing a shit insurance scam down everyones throat. Jesus, you're fucking obtuse.

08-19-2018, 06:09 PM
It's not anxiety dumbass, it's being insulted be fucktards like yourself for 8 years. A large number of those people voted for Obama.

Disservice = forcing a shit insurance scam down everyones throat. Jesus you're fucking obtuse.

Thats not true. For one thing we saw in 2017 how difficult it was for the GOP to repeal the ACA because their constituents liked it even if they struggled to identify the differences between obamacare and ACA.

I didn't insult your whiteness. I'm dead center demographically representative of the people you think got insulted and I'm telling you that I've lived through the same time period you're talking about and I don't see what youre saying. In fact, I think you are full of shit.

08-19-2018, 06:16 PM
We've been over the same ground a million times. We need to put this to bed.

Did the trump team collude or not? Outside of any criminal wrongdoing. That's not even part of this question right now. First of all we need to figure out if we can agree that trumps team colluded with the Russians during the election


There was no collusion, which is why the "investigation" has been forced to turn into other directions like tax evasion and financial fraud from the early 2000s.

I'm not one to tell you I told you so on 11/9/16 when this story first came about.. but I did tell you so...

08-19-2018, 06:17 PM
I didn't insult your whiteness.


Quit being a cunt and listen to what Michael Moore said, he's one of your own ilk and was saying this before the election. You're just too full of yourself to listen.


08-19-2018, 06:17 PM
That's literally why the democrats lost. You can continue to be little bitches and make up fairy tales this will not change the fact that democrats were absolutely vile for 8 years. Put your big panties on and start coming up with ideas the people will vote for.

First off- YOU ARE RACIST you white nationalist baby.

Secondly, Democrats got about 14 million more votes than Republicans between the Senate and the Presidency in 2016. And only about 1 million votes fewer for the House.

So let's stop pretending that Republicans are in charge of Congress and the White House because they were more popular.

08-19-2018, 06:19 PM

There was no collusion, which is why the "investigation" has been forced to turn into other directions like tax evasion and financial fraud from the early 2000s.

I'm not one to tell you I told you so on 11/9/16 when this story first came about.. but I did tell you so...

Early 2000's? You mean 2016 and 2017 right? That's when Manafort's most recent fraudulent bank loans happened. Fucking moron.

08-19-2018, 06:21 PM
I agree that white anxiety is a real thing though as a white, middle American blue collar man I have failed to feel the threat from Obama to cause such anxiety. My peers have although they've also been unable to articulate how Obama (or the dems in general) did them a disservice for 8 years

If white anxiety is a thing you feel.. perhaps you should go speak with someone who can help you through why you are such a racist?

Why do you believe that the amount of melanin in the skin is something you should be so concerned about all the time?

I'd like to say I'm sorry you have this overwhelming anxiety based on race.. but I don't, so I can't help you.

08-19-2018, 06:21 PM
First off- YOU ARE RACIST you white nationalist baby.

Secondly, Democrats got about 14 million more votes than Republicans between the Senate and the Presidency in 2016. And only about 1 million votes fewer for the House.

So let's stop pretending that Republicans are in charge of Congress and the White House because they were more popular.

you're retarded.

08-19-2018, 06:23 PM

There was no collusion, which is why the "investigation" has been forced to turn into other directions like tax evasion and financial fraud from the early 2000s.

I'm not one to tell you I told you so on 11/9/16 when this story first came about.. but I did tell you so...


Alternative facts, anyone?

08-19-2018, 06:24 PM
First off- YOU ARE RACIST you white nationalist baby.

I'm not sure, being a racist, that you are one to judge anyone else on that.


Secondly, Democrats got about 14 million more votes than Republicans between the Senate and the Presidency in 2016. And only about 1 million votes fewer for the House.

So let's stop pretending that Republicans are in charge of Congress and the White House because they were more popular.

You really, REALLY need to take a Civics 101 course at a local community college or something.. since you clearly aren't familiar with how our electoral process works.

08-19-2018, 06:25 PM

Alternative facts, anyone?

Only alternative to alternative fools like yourself.

Reality has been a harsh princess to you for your entire life.

Sorry (not really)

08-19-2018, 06:35 PM
First off- YOU ARE RACIST you white nationalist baby.

Need I say more Cwolff?

This little racist cunt has been going on like this since she joined these forums. Everyone that has disagreed with her has been negatively labeled, it's all she knows because the ideas she supports suck giant whale dick.

08-19-2018, 06:38 PM
Need I say more Cwolff?

This little racist cunt has been going on like this since she joined these forums. Everyone that has disagreed with her has been negatively labeled, it's all she knows because the ideas she supports suck giant whale dick.

I had disagreements and arguments with time4fun all during 2016 and not once was I called a racist.

08-19-2018, 06:39 PM
I had disagreements and arguments with time4fun all during 2016 and not once was I called a racist.

subpoena subpoena

08-19-2018, 06:41 PM
I had disagreements and arguments with time4fun all during 2016 and not once was I called a racist.

Maybe you should dox more people.

08-19-2018, 06:48 PM
Maybe you should dox more people.

Because that's totally why people get called racists.

08-19-2018, 06:53 PM
Because that's totally why people get called racists.

People that can't make an argument call people racists in this day and age, people like you.

Who are you stealing from next PK?


08-19-2018, 06:55 PM
People that can't make an argument call people a thief, like me.


08-19-2018, 06:57 PM


08-19-2018, 07:21 PM
Need I say more Cwolff?

This little racist cunt has been going on like this since she joined these forums. Everyone that has disagreed with her has been negatively labeled, it's all she knows because the ideas she supports suck giant whale dick.

Okay, let's play Neveragain vs Neveragain:

You are why I'm a white nationalist.

You made me a White Nationalist, I'm not chiding when I say this.

Alt-left: White people have no culture.

Alt-right: I'm proud of my anglo saxon heritage

Alt-left: RACIST! It's not your body, now pay for this insurance or else.

I could have gone on with more choice quotes about the plight of white Christian males in this country, but I figured this got the gist.

You sad, mentally unstable little racist hobgoblin.

08-19-2018, 07:22 PM
People that can't make an argument call people racists in this day and age, people like you.

Who are you stealing from next PK?

Given that you threatened to find my family and call ICE on them to get them deported- you are the last person on Earth to be making these jokes.

Your hypocrisy and apparent clinical-level denial knows no bounds.

08-19-2018, 07:32 PM
Given that you threatened to find my family and call ICE on them to get them deported- you are the last person on Earth to be making these jokes.

Your hypocrisy and apparent clinical-level denial knows no bounds.

I didn't threaten to find your family, I threatened to turn in an illegal alien. Ice would be the ones finding your illegal family member.

Last I knew turning in lawbreakers is a citizens duty.

08-19-2018, 07:34 PM
I didn't threaten to find your family, I threatened to turn in an illegal alien. Ice would be the ones finding your illegal family member.

Last I knew turning in lawbreakers is a citizens duty.

I'm sorry, white nationalist says what?

08-19-2018, 07:34 PM
Okay, let's play Neveragain vs Neveragain:

I could have gone on with more choice quotes about the plight of white Christian males in this country, but I figured this got the gist.

You sad, mentally unstable little racist hobgoblin.

Why should I not be proud of my anglo saxon heritage?

I think the "you made me a white nationalist" went way too far over your head.

08-19-2018, 07:36 PM
I'm sorry, white nationalist says what?

Did you not say your family member is here illegally? They should be deported, sorry you have ignored them for so very long.

08-19-2018, 07:37 PM
I didn't threaten to find your family, I threatened to turn in an illegal alien. Ice would be the ones finding your illegal family member.

Last I knew turning in lawbreakers is a citizens duty.

so you're a white supremacist and a snitch

08-19-2018, 07:43 PM
so you're a white supremacist and a snitch

I didn't say anything about white supremacy, I am proud of my anglo saxon history though. I mean nearly 400,000 of us died ending slavery in this country, I'm pretty fucking proud of that.

Now people are snitches for turning in law breakers?

08-19-2018, 07:45 PM
so you're a white supremacist and a snitch

Another one of his classic posts:

I'm just doing my best to keep the sand niggers out of my back yard.


We should be careful though- if we keep pushing he might dive into another beta male/cuck racist rant and have to change his PC handle again.

08-19-2018, 07:46 PM
Now people are snitches for turning in law breakers?

A snitch is a snitch.

08-19-2018, 07:47 PM
Another one of his classic posts:

We should be careful though- if we keep pushing he might dive into another beta male/cuck racist rant and have to change his PC handle again.

I could have sworn someone posted his lnet rant on the PC but I'm not sure where.

08-19-2018, 07:48 PM
Another one of his classic posts:

We should be careful though- if we keep pushing he might dive into another beta male/cuck racist rant and have to change his PC handle again.

Anyone from the middle east that screams "death to america" is a sand nigger, sorry you're a supporter of terrorism and names hurt your feelings.

08-19-2018, 07:49 PM
I could have sworn someone posted his lnet rant on the PC but I'm not sure where.

I would love for someone to post "my" lnet rant here, because then time4funs little game is over.

08-19-2018, 07:50 PM
A snitch is a snitch.

So you support illegals that steal other peoples identity, I get it you're a criminal.

08-19-2018, 07:51 PM
Need I say more Cwolff?

This little racist cunt has been going on like this since she joined these forums. Everyone that has disagreed with her has been negatively labeled, it's all she knows because the ideas she supports suck giant whale dick.

I don't care if someone hurt you. You are still responsible to not be a racist. This idea of, "I wasn't ever a racist until I got called bad names" doesn't absolve you of responsibility.

08-19-2018, 07:54 PM
Also LOL at: "I'm not a white nationalist, I was just joking!"

I mean...wow.

Again, we get that you're mentally unstable. But this is just...sad.

08-19-2018, 07:58 PM
Anyone from the middle east that screams "death to america" is a sand nigger, sorry you're a supporter of terrorism and names hurt your feelings.

Yeah, I totally love radical islamists, that's why I joined the military right after 9/11.

You're such a sad little neo nazi :/

08-19-2018, 07:58 PM
I don't care if someone hurt you. You are still responsible to not be a racist. This idea of, "I wasn't ever a racist until I got called bad names" doesn't absolve you of responsibility.

This obviously is over your head as well.

Let me explain it for your pea sized little brain. When someone labels you, do they not make you what they have labeled you?

What is my responsibility here Cwolff? To try to disprove what is already a lie?

08-19-2018, 08:01 PM
Also LOL at: "I'm not a white nationalist, I was just joking!"

I mean...wow.

Again, we get that you're mentally unstable. But this is just...sad.

I said I wasn't a white nationalist, what more can a person say?

08-19-2018, 08:02 PM
Another one of his classic posts:

We should be careful though- if we keep pushing he might dive into another beta male/cuck racist rant and have to change his PC handle again.

Oh fuck off you miserable excuse for a human being. That conversation started because you made yet another one of your classic racist and sexist remarks. It's beyond hilarious watching you, one of the biggest racists and bigots on this forum, bitch at someone else for using racial slurs.

08-19-2018, 08:04 PM
I don't care if someone hurt you. You are still responsible to not be a racist. This idea of, "I wasn't ever a racist until I got called bad names" doesn't absolve you of responsibility.

That's exactly the excuse Sarah Jeong used, surely you're one of the people who called her out for being a raging racist, right?

08-19-2018, 08:06 PM
I totally want the lnet spam posted here, I have asked for them to post this ever since this shit started and nothing.

I mean Chris and Wyrom know someone created an account to impersonate me. Please post, pretty please, with white sugar on top.

08-19-2018, 08:07 PM
Oh fuck off you miserable excuse for a human being. That conversation started because you made yet another one of your classic racist and sexist remarks. It's beyond hilarious watching you, one of the biggest racists and bigots on this forum, bitch at someone else for using racial slurs.

Project much?

08-19-2018, 08:08 PM
I said I wasn't a white nationalist, what more can a person say?

You said you were a white nationalist. Several times. You also defended the Alt-Right repeatedly, attacked the counter-protesters in NC, and often talked about the plight of white christian males in this country while dismissing racism against other people. You've used a white power hashtag several times, and you've had several rants using alt-right language like beta male/cucks, Plus there was the whole racist rants on lnet thing you did a bit after leaving the boards.

And the best part? You are in a perpetual victim stance about being called a racist.

Honey- you're a mentally unstable racist.

It's okay- plenty of weak-willed, unstable people fall victim to extremist ideologies. Just try not to blow anything up.

08-19-2018, 08:10 PM
This obviously is over your head as well.

Let me explain it for your pea sized little brain. When someone labels you, do they not make you what they have labeled you?

What is my responsibility here Cwolff? To try to disprove what is already a lie?

No, they do not make you what they label you. You own that and you have a responsibility to not be racist.

Now I am familiar with the racial anxiety that helped,elect trump. I'm not saying that anxiety isn't real. I'm saying that it's dumb as fuck to feel this anxiety and let it influence your vote

That's exactly the excuse Sarah Jeong used, surely you're one of the people who called her out for being a raging racist, right?

Whatabouting again? Thats all youve got. Did you answer the collusion yes or no question yet?

08-19-2018, 08:11 PM
Project much?

It's actually pretty funny.

Neveragain: "I'm a white nationalist. There's nothing wrong with the alt-right. White Christian males are the real victims in this country. #WhitePower"

Me: "You're a racist. You called yourself a racist. You sympathize with racists. You use racist language and arguments constantly"

Tgo: "God T4F, you're such a racist! Leave that poor victim alone!"

Oh Tgo. He's never met a racist he didn't like and desperately need to defend.

08-19-2018, 08:13 PM
It's okay- plenty of weak-willed, unstable people fall victim to extremist ideologies. Just try not to blow anything up.

Haha Haha. Thats great advice. Please just blow up here dont actually go all McVeigh on us

08-19-2018, 08:22 PM
No, they do not make you what they label you. You own that and you have a responsibility to not be racist.

Now I am familiar with the racial anxiety that helped,elect trump. I'm not saying that anxiety isn't real. I'm saying that it's dumb as fuck to feel this anxiety and let it influence your vote

Whatabouting again? Thats all youve got. Did you answer the collusion yes or no question yet?

Just because you want to label everyone a racist doesn't make them racist. I'm not apologizing for shit.

I said I'm not a white supremacist, that's all you're getting.

08-19-2018, 08:24 PM
You said you were a white nationalist. Several times. You also defended the Alt-Right repeatedly, attacked the counter-protesters in NC, and often talked about the plight of white christian males in this country while dismissing racism against other people. You've used a white power hashtag several times, and you've had several rants using alt-right language like beta male/cucks, Plus there was the whole racist rants on lnet thing you did a bit after leaving the boards.

And the best part? You are in a perpetual victim stance about being called a racist.

Honey- you're a mentally unstable racist.

It's okay- plenty of weak-willed, unstable people fall victim to extremist ideologies. Just try not to blow anything up.

Or you could just come out and say this all stems from you being butt hurt over a story line I was running that had Christian overtones in it. That's what this is really about isn't it.

08-19-2018, 08:27 PM
Whatabouting again?

I'll take that as a no ;)

So you give the racist Asian lady a pass for being a raging racist because she's Asian, right?

My my, what a little racist you are.

08-19-2018, 08:27 PM
Just because you want to label everyone a racist doesn't make them racist. I'm not apologizing for shit.

I said I'm not a white supremacist, that's all you're getting.

Interesting couple sentences there. Note that I've not asked for an apology. I said not to be racist even if your feelings get hurt.

Then you hedge by saying you're not a white supremacist but won't go further. Theres a hell of a lot of wiggle room there.

I think you want to tell us your real feelings but are afraid of the criticism you will get.

08-19-2018, 08:27 PM
Or you could just come out and say this all stems from you being butt hurt over a story line I was running that had Christian overtones in it. That's what this is really about isn't it.

It's about you saying: I'm a white nationalist....I'm not chiding when I say that. i.e. I'm a white nationalist, and I am being completely serious

You were quoted twice as saying you were a white nationalist. You were quoted defending the white nationalist movement. And you were quoted using a racial slur and a white power hashtag.

Seriously, no one is buying this act of yours.

08-19-2018, 08:28 PM
It's actually pretty funny.

Neveragain: "I'm a white nationalist. There's nothing wrong with the alt-right. White Christian males are the real victims in this country. #WhitePower"

Me: "You're a racist. You called yourself a racist. You sympathize with racists. You use racist language and arguments constantly"

Tgo: "God T4F, you're such a racist! Leave that poor victim alone!"

Oh Tgo. He's never met a racist he didn't like and desperately need to defend.

Where did I say to leave the poor victim alone?

It's just funny watching you work. "I'm gonna prove what a racist you are! Here is a conversation where I was being my whiny little racist self yet again!"

It's like watching someone prove to the police they couldn't have possibly robbed the bank that night because they were busy murdering a homeless person.

I had forgotten about most of the racist shit you posted in 2015/2016, but here you are reminding everyone and not thinking twice about it.

08-19-2018, 08:28 PM
I'll take that as a no ;)

So you give the racist Asian lady a pass for being a raging racist because she's Asian, right?

My my, what a little racist you are.

Please feel free to make any assumptions you like. I give you permission.

Have you answered the collusion question yet?

08-19-2018, 08:32 PM
Where did I say to leave the poor victim alone?

It's just funny watching you work. "I'm gonna prove what a racist you are! Here is a conversation where I was being my whiny little racist self yet again!"

It's like watching someone prove to the police they couldn't have possibly robbed the bank that night because they were busy murdering a homeless person.

I had forgotten about most of the racist shit you posted in 2015/2016, but here you are reminding everyone and not thinking twice about it.

Except you know I was humorously paraphrasing. And then- in order to divert attention away from the fact that I was accurately calling you out for rushing to defend an admitted racist- you pretended not to know that and tried to shift the subject.

This little game of yours- pulling out an insignificant part of a post, intentionally misconstruing it, and then using it to avoid having to deal with the substance of a post is juvenile. If the only way you can handle an argument is by ignoring the substance of the argument- then you shouldn't be in the conversation.

08-19-2018, 08:32 PM
It's about you saying: I'm a white nationalist....I'm not chiding when I say that. i.e. I'm a white nationalist, and I am being completely serious

You were quoted twice as saying you were a white nationalist. You were quoted defending the white nationalist movement. And you were quoted using a racial slur and a white power hashtag.

Seriously, no one is buying this act of yours.

Post the lnet rant, please. I'm begging you to expose you and your group of friends little game.


08-19-2018, 08:34 PM
Except you know I was humorously paraphrasing.

Only you can use humor?

08-19-2018, 08:36 PM
Interesting couple sentences there. Note that I've not asked for an apology. I said not to be racist even if your feelings get hurt.

Then you hedge by saying you're not a white supremacist but won't go further. Theres a hell of a lot of wiggle room there.

I think you want to tell us your real feelings but are afraid of the criticism you will get.

Nobody is getting an apology. I already said I'm not a white supremacist, there's nothing more I can say.

To be honest I really don't care.

08-19-2018, 08:37 PM
Nobody is getting an apology. I already said I'm not a white supremacist, there's nothing more I can say.

To be honest I really don't care.

Who asked for an apology?

08-19-2018, 08:41 PM
Who asked for an apology?

Oh, please.

Keep supporting killing babies and calling people racists.

There's only one color that matters to me, the color of money.

08-19-2018, 08:44 PM
Hmm...that doesn't seem right. You get pretty hyped up about racial issues.

08-19-2018, 08:46 PM
Only you can use humor?

Normal people don't joke about being white supremacists.

Pathetic people pretend they were joking about being a white supremacist when they really weren't.

You got caught identifying as a white supremacist twice and defending the white supremacist movement. (Among other things)

And now you're gaslighting everyone and claiming you aren't really a white supremacist. Grow up.

08-19-2018, 08:46 PM
Hmm...that doesn't seem right. You get pretty hyped up about racial issues.

Ok Mr. good news white people are dying. I'm pretty sure you meant Jewish people when you said that.

You need to take responsibility for your anti-Semitism.

08-19-2018, 08:49 PM
Normal people don't joke about being white supremacists.

Pathetic people pretend they were joking about being a white supremacist when they really weren't.

You got caught identifying as a white supremacist twice and defending the white supremacist movement. (Among other things)

And now you're gaslighting everyone and claiming you aren't really a white supremacist. Grow up.

Post the lnet chat you keep going on about. You know the one where you made a character to impersonate me because OMG there's Christian lore in that story line.


08-19-2018, 08:50 PM
Neveragain was in Icemule screaming, "The Jews will not replace me!"

08-19-2018, 08:52 PM
Ok Mr. good news white people are dying. I'm pretty sure you meant Jewish people when you said that.

No, white people. Specifically the older boomer generation. As they pass we should hopefully transition into a new, more inclusive type of country. I think the younger generations are more tolerant

08-19-2018, 08:52 PM
Didn't find the lnet one but I found this that I had forgotten about - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?103904-Time-to-bring-this-out-in-the-open-You-wanted-drama-you-got-it&highlight=

Dude was harassing someone in game so much they got a restraining order on him IRL. - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?103904-Time-to-bring-this-out-in-the-open-You-wanted-drama-you-got-it&p=1878125#post1878125

08-19-2018, 08:56 PM
Didn't find the lnet one but I found this that I had forgotten about - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?103904-Time-to-bring-this-out-in-the-open-You-wanted-drama-you-got-it&highlight=

Dude was harassing someone in game so much they got a restraining order on him IRL. - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?103904-Time-to-bring-this-out-in-the-open-You-wanted-drama-you-got-it&p=1878125#post1878125

Wasn't this right before he left the boards?

08-19-2018, 09:01 PM
Wasn't this right before he left the boards?

Just post the lnet spam you're accusing me of and all of this becomes crystal clear, doesn't it.

08-19-2018, 09:02 PM
Wasn't this right before he left the boards?


08-19-2018, 09:03 PM
Wasn't this right before he left the boards?


making f2p accounts to harass a girl in game, stealing from people in RR, busted for MA script hunting for silvers.. :lol2:

08-19-2018, 09:05 PM
Didn't find the lnet one but I found this that I had forgotten about - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?103904-Time-to-bring-this-out-in-the-open-You-wanted-drama-you-got-it&highlight=

Dude was harassing someone in game so much they got a restraining order on him IRL. - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?103904-Time-to-bring-this-out-in-the-open-You-wanted-drama-you-got-it&p=1878125#post1878125

An IRL restraining order?

08-19-2018, 09:07 PM

making f2p accounts to harass a girl in game, stealing from people in RR, busted for MA script hunting for silvers.. :lol2:

Nope on the f2p account.

Pickpocketed the fuck out of them.

Yup on the scripting violation.

08-19-2018, 09:08 PM
An IRL restraining order?


08-19-2018, 09:11 PM
An IRL restraining order?

Not sure if you've noticed or not, but the angry conservative posse of PC has a lot of creepy and unstable members.

In before one of them says "YOU'RE CREEPY AND UNSTABLE!"

08-19-2018, 09:13 PM
Not sure if you've noticed or not, but the angry conservative posse of PC has a lot of creepy and unstable members.

Hey, I have no control over a character you created to impersonate me, post the lnet you keep going on about.

Hell, you can even post the non-existent restraining order if you like. I would love to see that.

08-19-2018, 09:13 PM

making f2p accounts to harass a girl in game, stealing from people in RR, busted for MA script hunting for silvers.. :lol2:

Look at pk making a big deal about pick pocketing in game. What a joke.

08-19-2018, 09:19 PM
Look at pk making a big deal about pick pocketing in game. What a joke.

Aren't you going to comment on your friend constantly using the N word or do you only get mad at racists when you project your racism on time4fun and pretend she's the real racist?

08-19-2018, 09:21 PM
Not sure if you've noticed or not, but the angry conservative posse of PC has a lot of creepy and unstable members.

In before one of them says "YOU'RE CREEPY AND UNSTABLE!"

I had no idea, especially not with parkbandit and wraithbringer blowing up my inbox constantly for the past 5 years straight.

08-19-2018, 09:22 PM
I had no idea, especially not with parkbandit and wraithbringer blowing up my inbox constantly for the past 5 years straight.

Remember that time PB made that thread about how my life wasn't believable, and it turned into a bunch of people talking about how creepy and sad he was?

Ahhh memories.

08-19-2018, 09:23 PM
Remember that time PB made that thread about how my life wasn't believable, and it turned into a bunch of people talking about how creepy and sad he was?

Ahhh memories.

Must have missed that one but it doesn't surprise me.

08-19-2018, 09:25 PM
I'm more than happy to admit to anything I have done wrong but I'm not going to take a fall for games Time4fun has played because she's anti-Christian and this is how this all started.

08-19-2018, 09:26 PM
Remember that time PB made that thread about how my life wasn't believable, and it turned into a bunch of people talking about how creepy and sad he was?

Ahhh memories.

Post the lnet chat, just do it.


08-19-2018, 09:30 PM
What games? You called yourself a white nationalist twice, and I called you out for it. You tried to make it sound like I was making things up, and I very quickly found four posts with you identifying as a white nationalist, defending the white nationalist movement, and/or using a white power hashtag.

And what's the point of posting the lnet chat? You'll just say it wasn't you. You used multiple F2P characters for it- a new one every time you got banned from lnet.

You're the one playing games here- trying to switch the topic to something you can more easily deny.

Mentally unstable, racist, and not too bright. What a winner.

08-19-2018, 09:33 PM
Aren't you going to comment on your friend constantly using the N word or do you only get mad at racists when you project your racism on time4fun and pretend she's the real racist?

Look at pk reading all of the racist shit time4fun has said and claiming she isn't a racist.

Damn, pk, time4fun must be taking really good care of you. Good for you. And she doesn't seem to mind your history of taking advantage of women with mental issues or stealing from women.

Who knew Trump Derangement Syndrome could bring the dregs of society together.

08-19-2018, 09:37 PM
Look at pk reading all of the racist shit time4fun has said and claiming she isn't a racist.

Damn, pk, time4fun must be taking really good care of you. Good for you. And she doesn't seem to mind your history of taking advantage of women with mental issues or stealing from women.

Who knew Trump Derangement Syndrome could bring the dregs of society together.

I've never seen her say anything racist, only you and neveragain/gs4pirate. Which is probably why you have 0 problems with what he just said recently.

08-19-2018, 09:49 PM
I've never seen her say anything racist, only you and neveragain/gs4pirate. Which is probably why you have 0 problems with what he just said recently.

This is the classic right-wing, racist spin job.

When someone calls out racist narratives or behaviors you sympathize with or engage in, you immediately call them racist. That way you shift the conversation from the racist behaviors/narratives that you engage in/feel comfortable with to their actions/behaviors. The assumption is that the liberal person who is genuinely uncomfortable with racism will find the label so loathsome that they'll immediately launch into a defense of their own actions- which provides the pivot.

Tgo- who is always last in class- just doesn't have the good sense to avoid attempting that trick when there's someone else in the mix caught literally referring to themselves as racist, saying blatantly racist things, and using white power hashtags.

He's exposing his own insincerity and the limitations of the trick. But he's not exactly smart enough to realize how ridiculous it looks. He's seen other people on TV use this rhetorical device, personally found it effective, and is now wielding it with absolutely no skill.

i.e. Tgo is playing racist checkers while the rest of us are playing chess and laughing at him

08-19-2018, 10:06 PM
I've never seen her say anything racist

Except not all of us are straight white men who have the luxury of being "entertained" while people are forcibly deported, children who are born in this Country are suddenly told they aren't American citizens because we hate Mexicans, while certain religious groups are banned from entering the country, while white supremacists have representation in the White House, while women are punished for having abortions, while LGBTQ people lose their marriage rights, etc etc

People like you don't have to worry about who is in office- you're safe no matter what.

The rest of us aren't so lucky or aren't so selfish as to be nonplussed about others not being so lucky.

To which you replied:

Wow, talk about being sexist and racist..

You really are a sad sack of shit, pk.

08-19-2018, 10:07 PM
To which you replied:

You really are a sad sack of shit, pk.

The funniest part of all? time4fun is the one who dredged up this conversation a few posts ago. So thanks, time4fun! Couldn't have both proved what a racist you are and what a liar pk is without you!

08-19-2018, 10:11 PM
What did she say that was racist?

08-19-2018, 10:12 PM
What did she say that was racist?

You are the one who said she was racist, you should know.

08-19-2018, 10:16 PM
You are the one who said she was racist, you should know.

We may not agree on much, but you're better than this. Neveragain is, of course, going to deny that his literal self-identification as racist was actually racist. And Tgo is, of course, going to ignore the real racism and create an imaginary jackalope to follow instead.

But you're neither stupid, nor insincere, nor an actual racist. If you're going to wade in- don't be one of the people who ignores the real racist comments to go chasing empty rhetorical points.

08-19-2018, 10:18 PM
What did she say that was racist?

You tell me, I quoted you.

08-19-2018, 10:18 PM
To which you replied:

Please explain to the class how what I said was racist.

08-19-2018, 10:19 PM
We may not agree on much, but you're better than this. Neveragain is, of course, going to deny that his literal self-identification as racist was actually racist. And Tgo is, of course, going to ignore the real racism and create an imaginary jackalope to follow instead.

But you're neither stupid, nor insincere, nor an actual racist. If you're going to wade in- don't be one of the people who ignores the real racist comments to go chasing empty rhetorical points.

He literally called your post racist in 2016.

08-19-2018, 10:20 PM
We may not agree on much, but you're better than this. Neveragain is, of course, going to deny that his literal self-identification as racist was actually racist. And Tgo is, of course, going to ignore the real racism and create an imaginary jackalope to follow instead.

But you're neither stupid, nor insincere, nor an actual racist. If you're going to wade in- don't be one of the people who ignores the real racist comments to go chasing empty rhetorical points.

Look at time4fun, caught her boyfriend calling her a racist AND a sexist in the past and now she's trying to appeal to others.

"You're better than this, ignore Androidpk calling ME the racist and remember to look at that darn Tgo01 guy! He's trying to trick you by quoting someone calling me a racist!!!!"

08-19-2018, 10:20 PM
Please explain to the class how what I said was racist.

Why don't you ask Androidpk? Why is it up to me to explain Androidpk's very own words?

08-19-2018, 10:20 PM
We may not agree on much, but you're better than this. Neveragain is, of course, going to deny that his literal self-identification as racist was actually racist. And Tgo is, of course, going to ignore the real racism and create an imaginary jackalope to follow instead.

But you're neither stupid, nor insincere, nor an actual racist. If you're going to wade in- don't be one of the people who ignores the real racist comments to go chasing empty rhetorical points.

Like how Tgo made that homophobia slur thread but won't call out methais, parkbandit, or wraithbringer. Anything to deflect.

08-19-2018, 10:21 PM
Why don't you ask Androidpk? Why is it up to me to explain Androidpk's very own words?

It's up to you to explain your actual words- especially since you said them within the last hour.

Let's hear it.

08-19-2018, 10:22 PM
You all are interrupting my sales with this stuff. :( lol

08-19-2018, 10:22 PM
It's up to you to explain your actual words- especially since you said them within the last hour.

Let's hear it.

Your gaslighting isn't going to work on me ;)

Hold your boy toy accountable for his own words.

08-19-2018, 10:23 PM
I think all of you are racist. You may not act on it, but you are.

08-19-2018, 10:23 PM
You all are interrupting my sales with this stuff. :( lol


08-19-2018, 10:23 PM
Look at time4fun, caught her boyfriend calling her a racist AND a sexist in the past and now she's trying to appeal to others.

"You're better than this, ignore Androidpk calling ME the racist and remember to look at that darn Tgo01 guy! He's trying to trick you by quoting someone calling me a racist!!!!"

Wait, I thought I was cwolff's bf? You guys really ought to get your story straight.

08-19-2018, 10:24 PM
Wait, I thought I was cwolff's bf? You guys really ought to get your story straight.

I'm sure you all three share one another equally. So why do you think time4fun is a racist and a sexist? Let's hear it.

08-19-2018, 10:24 PM
Wait, I thought I was cwolff's bf? You guys really ought to get your story straight.

You are in a love human centipede.

08-19-2018, 10:26 PM
To which you replied:

You really are a sad sack of shit, pk.


Androidpk deleted the post ;)

I guess he's doing some damage control now, gotta go through all those old posts when you were "holding both sides accountable" and made some unflattering remarks about both time4fun AND cwolff, huh pk?

I'm just waiting for him to start saying "I never said that, you made that up!"

08-19-2018, 10:29 PM
Why don't you ask Androidpk? Why is it up to me to explain Androidpk's very own words?

You're the one that's been saying she's racist, so I'm asking you.

08-19-2018, 10:29 PM
Your gaslighting isn't going to work on me ;)

Hold your boy toy accountable for his own words.

Oh honey. Every one of your posts is cringe-worthy. You're patting yourself on the back for ineptly defending an actual racist by intentionally lying about the content of a post written by someone calling out that racism. That's a decent person's idea of rock bottom.

There aren't enough showers in the world to wash that away.

08-19-2018, 10:31 PM

Androidpk deleted the post ;)

I guess he's doing some damage control now, gotta go through all those old posts when you were "holding both sides accountable" and made some unflattering remarks about both time4fun AND cwolff, huh pk?

I'm just waiting for him to start saying "I never said that, you made that up!"

Are you always this unhinged?

08-19-2018, 10:31 PM
You're patting yourself on the back for ineptly defending an actual racist by intentionally lying about the content of a post written by someone calling out that racism.

Oh honey. All I did was literally quote your post and pk's post and you're saying I "intentionally lied about the content" of the posts?

Again, your gas lighting doesn't work on me. Try that on someone more weak willed, someone like pk.

08-19-2018, 10:32 PM
You all are interrupting my sales with this stuff. :( lol

Got any urglaes for sale??

08-19-2018, 10:35 PM
Are you always this unhinged?

It's not even unhinged. It's just...gross. I mean, this is his idea of a good time.

He's literally defending a racist and trolling people who called the racism out.

Can you even imagine being that kind of person?

08-19-2018, 10:44 PM
He performs olympic level gymnastics to defend Trump so it doesn't surprise me.

08-19-2018, 10:47 PM
He performs olympic level gymnastics to defend Trump so it doesn't surprise me.

More like pre-k tumbling.

They sort of go through the motions, fall on their faces a lot, and then look at the crowd expecting press and feeling like champions.

Some Rogue
08-19-2018, 10:52 PM
I'll take that as a no ;)

So you give the racist Asian lady a pass for being a raging racist because she's Asian, right?

My my, what a little racist you are.

Stop being retarded.

08-19-2018, 10:53 PM
I'm still waiting to hear how they've rationalized the Trump Tower meeting story being changed multiple times and still remain convinced Trump didn't do anything potentially illegal.

08-19-2018, 11:11 PM
I'm still waiting to hear how they've rationalized the Trump Tower meeting story being changed multiple times and still remain convinced Trump didn't do anything potentially illegal.

I'm still waiting to hear you explain why you think time4fun is a racist and a sexist.

08-19-2018, 11:15 PM
I'm still waiting to hear you explain why you think time4fun is a racist and a sexist.

This is the Russia investigation thread, stay on topic instead of deflecting.

08-19-2018, 11:54 PM
What games? You called yourself a white nationalist twice, and I called you out for it. You tried to make it sound like I was making things up, and I very quickly found four posts with you identifying as a white nationalist, defending the white nationalist movement, and/or using a white power hashtag.

And what's the point of posting the lnet chat? You'll just say it wasn't you. You used multiple F2P characters for it- a new one every time you got banned from lnet.

You're the one playing games here- trying to switch the topic to something you can more easily deny.

Mentally unstable, racist, and not too bright. What a winner.

I don't care about proving myself right or wrong to you, there is no way I could, one can't prove a lie. Just as one can't prove they are not a white nationalist when someone just accuses them of being a white nationalist. This is the exact scenario "You made me a white nationalist" by labeling me a racist for well over a year before I ever said "You made me a white nationalist". You know this, this is your retarded little game. Sadly you and your faggot friends took it further by creating these f2p accounts. You're literally crazy fucked up bitches nobody should ever get involved with.

So again, please post the lnet. I would very much like to see it.

08-19-2018, 11:55 PM
I don't care about proving myself right or wrong to you, there is no way I could, one can't prove a lie. Just as one can't prove they are not a white nationalist when someone just accuses them of being a white nationalist. This is the exact scenario "You made me a white nationalist" by labeling me a racist for well over a year before I ever said "You made me a white nationalist". You know this, this is your retarded little game. Sadly you and your faggot friends took it further by creating these f2p accounts. You're literally crazy fucked up bitches nobody should ever get involved with.

So again, please post the lnet. I would very much like to see it.

Was that restraining order lifted yet?

08-20-2018, 12:03 AM
Was that restraining order lifted yet?

Your more than welcome to post said restraining order, I already said I would love to see it.


08-20-2018, 12:15 AM
How would I have access to someone's restraining order on you?

08-20-2018, 12:30 AM
How would I have access to someone's restraining order on you?

You're the doxing pro around here, maybe call ANTIFA?

Honestly though. I would really like to see it, don't you think I should be able to see this restraining order? I mean don't they serve restraining orders? there must be some kind of record of this restraining order. Or perhaps you can talk to the person who says they served me a restraining order and have them post it here. I would think they would want me to see it, I know I want to see it.

08-20-2018, 12:35 AM
I'm not going to meddle in your personal affairs. Hopefully you learned your lesson and the restraining order was lifted.

08-20-2018, 12:51 AM
I'm not going to meddle in your personal affairs. Hopefully you learned your lesson and the restraining order was lifted.

The only lesson I have learned is to avoid interacting with rainbow jihad that terrorizes gemstone.

08-20-2018, 09:26 AM
The only thing Trump really needs to do is stop acting guilty.


My earlier advice stands. The main thing Trump should do is stop acting guilty.

08-20-2018, 09:33 AM

My earlier advice stands. The main thing Trump should do is stop acting guilty.


This is just NOT okay. This is the office of the President of the United States, and this man demeans it- and us- every day.

Then he and his followers wonder why we hate him so much.

08-20-2018, 10:00 AM

This is just NOT okay. This is the office of the President of the United States, and this man demeans it- and us- every day.

Then he and his followers wonder why we hate him so much.

It's almost like he's talking about you and the GS rainbow jihadists.

08-20-2018, 10:02 AM
It's almost like he's talking about you and the GS rainbow jihadists.

It's almost like he's talking to you and your white supremacist friends

08-20-2018, 10:16 AM
It's almost like he's talking to you and your white supremacist friends

Are you and the fascist fags so uncomfortable with yourselves that you need to chase everyone out of the game that disagree with your infinite gender fairy tale?

08-20-2018, 10:24 AM
Because that's totally why people get called racists.

What was the motivation to dox Methais and then threaten to dox him more and give the information you acquired to your Antifa friends?
In before you deny you ever did.. like every other scumbag maneuver you've done here.

08-20-2018, 10:27 AM
Are you and the fascist fags so uncomfortable with yourselves that you need to chase everyone out of the game that disagree with your infinite gender fairy tale?

Yeah, nothing mentally unstable about that post.

08-20-2018, 10:27 AM
What was the motivation to dox Methais and then threaten to dox him more and give the information you acquired to your Antifa friends?
In before you deny you ever did.. like every other scumbag maneuver you've done here.

What's your motivation to be obsessed with various posters on the PC and stalk them for years on end?

08-20-2018, 10:33 AM
Yeah, nothing mentally unstable about that post.

The only unstable ones are the people, like you, that create characters to impersonate other players and spread rumors about restraining orders that don't exist. I guess that's why they needed to add rules about doxing.

08-20-2018, 10:34 AM
Are you and the fascist fags so uncomfortable with yourselves that you need to chase everyone out of the game that disagree with your infinite gender fairy tale?

Pretty sure you were chased out of the game for stalking and harassing people to the point where they had to get an IRL restraining order on you.

08-20-2018, 10:35 AM
I proudly voted for Donald Trump and can't wait to vote for him again in 2020.

08-20-2018, 10:37 AM
Yeah we get it, you don't like me. Shocker. Go on and continue being demented and comment on all of my posts like the sick fuck you are. Watching you throw a tantrum with our anti-Trump posts is worth it.

To be fair, everyone here except soywolff and time4fun think you're a huge piece of shit. soywolff and time4fun probably do too actually, but since you agree with their shitty politics, they tolerate you for now.

08-20-2018, 10:38 AM
To be fair, everyone here except soywolff and time4fun think you're a huge piece of shit. soywolff and time4fun probably do too actually, but since you agree with their shitty politics, they tolerate you for now.

A couple of people != everyone. Sorry.

08-20-2018, 10:41 AM
Yeah we get it, you don't like me. Shocker. Go on and continue being demented and comment on all of my posts like the sick fuck you are. Watching you throw a tantrum with our anti-Trump posts is worth it.

Let's be real, everyone here except soywolff and time4fun thinks you're a huge piece of shit of a person. soywolff and time4fun probably do too actually, but since you agree with their shitty politics, they tolerate you for now because politics > everything else to them, especially if it involves being butthurt over Trump.

08-20-2018, 10:41 AM
Again, we get that you're mentally unstable.


This is the scariest political moment in my lifetime

I'm so scared for my family that I'm literally sick to my stomach.

I feel so useless.

Seriously, you should be the last person to ever criticize anyone for being mentally unstable.

08-20-2018, 10:44 AM
What's your motivation to be obsessed with various posters on the PC and stalk them for years on end?

Dude... YOU are the creepy fuckstain deadbeat that literally looks people up on social media to stalk them, threaten them with calls to their boss and give their information to Antifa because you disagree with them.

You're way past obsessed.. and fully into sociopathic.

08-20-2018, 10:45 AM
A couple of people != everyone. Sorry.

Who doesn't believe you are a huge piece of shit?

Guaranteed the numbers who believe you are greatly outnumber those few who don't know you and are willing to give you the benefit of doubt.

08-20-2018, 10:47 AM
Let's be real, everyone here except soywolff and time4fun thinks you're a huge piece of shit of a person. soywolff and time4fun probably do too actually, but since you agree with their shitty politics, they tolerate you for now because politics > everything else to them, especially if it involves being butthurt over Trump.

Go read the Clinton email thread. Weird how time4fun and Androidpk reacted to each other.

Now that they are pegbuddies, they get along great! Time4fun is about to msconstrew herself...

Also, Soywolff wasn't around then.. his meltdown didn't really go full blown retard until 11/9/16

08-20-2018, 10:48 AM
Who doesn't believe you are a huge piece of shit?

Guaranteed the numbers who believe you are greatly outnumber those few who don't know you and are willing to give you the benefit of doubt.

Your creepy obsession is noted. Maybe I should do what that person did to Neveragain and file for a restraining order.

08-20-2018, 10:50 AM
Pretty sure you were chased out of the game for stalking and harassing people to the point where they had to get an IRL restraining order on you.

I'm pretty sure that's not the case at all. These twats doxed a good number of people, hence why the doxing rule was created. Take note that this all happened when Trump was elected. Of course it doesn't help the situation when the rainbow jihadists have a police dispatcher using the PD database to look up peoples info.

08-20-2018, 10:52 AM
Your creepy obsession is noted. Maybe I should do what that person did to Neveragain and file for a restraining order.

So you admit that you're doxing people as well.

08-20-2018, 10:52 AM
Who is Bruce Ohr and why does Trump keep tweeting about him?


I got this list from http://www.trumptwitterarchive.com/

Also, I think it would be more dignified for the President to tweet from a PC than an iPhone. Tweeting from a PC says that you sat down and thought about it. Tweeting from an iPhone says that you acted on impulse. Am I right?

08-20-2018, 10:54 AM
Who is Bruce Ohr and why does Trump keep tweeting about him?


I got this list from http://www.trumptwitterarchive.com/

Also, I think it would be more dignified for the President to tweet from a PC than an iPhone. Tweeting from a PC says that you sat down and thought about it. Tweeting from an iPhone says that you acted on impulse. Am I right?

Surely Trump is too much of a stable genius to do anything impulsive.

08-20-2018, 10:55 AM
I'm pretty sure that's not the case at all. These twats doxed a good number of people, hence why the doxing rule was created. Take note that this all happened when Trump was elected. Of course it doesn't help the situation when the rainbow jihadists have a police dispatcher using the PD database to look up peoples info.

People in Gemstone doxed you because of Trump?

08-20-2018, 11:00 AM
The real question is how many more times is Trump going to misspell counsel, you'd think his lawyers or someone would correct that embarrassing mistake that he keeps making.

08-20-2018, 11:06 AM
People in Gemstone doxed you because of Trump?

Because of my political/religious leanings. Fuck dude, I got turned in for harassment on the official forums for using a players forum handle, having no idea that their forum handle was their real name. The GS rainbow jihadists can't have people being open about their Christian faith.

08-20-2018, 11:10 AM
Your creepy obsession is noted. Maybe I should do what that person did to Neveragain and file for a restraining order.

Yes, you should. Remember that time I looked you up in real life and then threatened to call your boss?

Oh wait.. that wasn't me. Because I'm not a deadbeat sociopath.

Two things prevent anyone from giving you a taste of your own medicine:

1) Vagrants are very difficult to track
2) We can't call your place of employment

08-20-2018, 11:15 AM
Yes, you should. Remember that time I looked you up in real life and then threatened to call your boss?

Oh wait.. that wasn't me. Because I'm not a deadbeat sociopath.

Two things prevent anyone from giving you a taste of your own medicine:

1) Vagrants are very difficult to track
2) We can't call your place of employment

Now I'm a deadbeat? :lol2:

And the creepy obsession continues.. Keep getting butthurt over me posting on the PC :lol:

08-20-2018, 11:15 AM
Because of my political/religious leanings. Fuck dude, I got turned in for harassment on the official forums for using a players forum handle, having no idea that their forum handle was their real name. The GS rainbow jihadists can't have people being open about their Christian faith.

Why are you bringing Christianity into GS??? Maybe don't be going OOC?

08-20-2018, 11:18 AM
Now I'm a deadbeat? :lol2:

And the creepy obsession continues.. Keep getting butthurt over me posting on the PC :lol:

Dude, you keep using the term "creepy obsession" wrong.

It's literally what you did to Methais.

And yes, it's been noted on these forums that you fathered at least 1 child that you offer no meaningful financial support. That is the exact definition of deadbeat.

08-20-2018, 11:24 AM
Why are you bringing Christianity into GS??? Maybe don't be going OOC?

Tolkien once called Lord of the Rings “a fundamentally religious and Catholic work." Here are (about) 18 examples showing what he meant.


It's not like I was preaching scripture dumb ass.

08-20-2018, 11:32 AM
Dude, you keep using the term "creepy obsession" wrong.

It's literally what you did to Methais.

And yes, it's been noted on these forums that you fathered at least 1 child that you offer no meaningful financial support. That is the exact definition of deadbeat.

Who said I offer no financial support??? Go be a creepy loser elsewhere.

08-20-2018, 11:34 AM
Keep getting butthurt over me posting on the PC

Who said I offer no financial support??? Go be a creepy loser elsewhere.


08-20-2018, 11:40 AM


08-20-2018, 11:47 AM
Who said I offer no financial support??? Go be a creepy loser elsewhere.

"meaningful" is the key word.

And refer to this post please:


08-20-2018, 11:49 AM
"meaningful" is the key word.

And refer to this post please:


Put me on ignore and move on with your life. Seriously, your obsession is crossing lines. Get the fuck over yourself.

08-20-2018, 11:51 AM
Keep getting butthurt over me posting on the PC

Who said I offer no financial support??? Go be a creepy loser elsewhere.

Put me on ignore and move on with your life. Seriously, your obsession is crossing lines. Get the fuck over yourself.

Am I the only one seeing it? I can't be, right?

08-20-2018, 12:14 PM
Not sure if you've noticed or not, but the angry conservative posse of PC has a lot of creepy and unstable members.

In before one of them says "YOU'RE CREEPY AND UNSTABLE!"

What's your opinion on pk being a creepy fuck that looks up people's rl into to try and get them fired from their rl job because he got mad over being made fun of on a message for calling another member a wife beater with zero to back it up?

What's your opinion on that?

You won't respond, at least not without deflection, and we all know why.

Also lol @ pk using "Stealing from people in RR" as if pickpocketing other characters using an in-game mechanic that's been there for the entire life of GS is somehow proof of something, especially when he's stolen from people for real.

Zero. Self. Awareness. Or. Self. Respect.

08-20-2018, 12:16 PM
What's your opinion on pk being a creepy fuck that looks up people's rl into to try and get them fired from their rl job because he got mad over being made fun of on a message for calling another member a wife beater with zero to back it up?

What's your opinion on that?

You won't respond, at least not without deflection, and we all know why.

What's your opinion of parkbandit making shit up about me for the past 5 years with nothing to back it up?

You won't respond, at least not without deflection, and we all know why.

08-20-2018, 12:18 PM
What's your opinion of parkbandit making shit up about me for the past 5 years with nothing to back it up?

You won't respond, at least not without deflection, and we all know why.

If it was indeed made up and was a serious accusation and not just you being made fun of, then I'd say that's fucked up too.

Although you've already proven to be a completely dishonest sack, still in denial of the msconstrew thing even though you accidentally admitted it yourself in one of your posts trying to blame it on diethx, which nobody bought into your backpedaling after the fact either, so it shouldn't be hard to understand why nobody here believes anything you say.

See how simple it is to just answer a fucking question? Maybe you can do the same one day if you ever stop being such a cuntbasket.

You forgot to log into your time4fun account btw.

But while you're logged into this account...

What's your opinion on you being a creepy fuck that looks up people's rl into to try and get them fired from their rl job because you got mad over being made fun of on a message for calling another member a wife beater with zero to back it up?

08-20-2018, 12:21 PM
If it was indeed made up and was a serious accusation and not just you being made fun of, then I'd say that's fucked up too.

You forgot to log into your time4fun account btw.

But while you're logged into this account...

What's your opinion on you being a creepy fuck that looks up people's rl into to try and get them fired from their rl job because he got mad over being made fun of on a message for calling another member a wife beater with zero to back it up?

Ahh, so making shit up about someone is only bad if it's something really serious, so it's fine for parkbandit to continue to call me a thief, homeless person, couch surfer, deadbeat dad.

08-20-2018, 12:29 PM

Androidpk deleted the post ;)

I guess he's doing some damage control now, gotta go through all those old posts when you were "holding both sides accountable" and made some unflattering remarks about both time4fun AND cwolff, huh pk?

I'm just waiting for him to start saying "I never said that, you made that up!"

Hahahaha that's almost as good as the Obama degraded/lowered the presidency switcharoo he tried to pull last week or whenever it was.

08-20-2018, 12:29 PM
Ahh, so making shit up about someone is only bad if it's something really serious, so it's fine for parkbandit to continue to call me a thief, homeless person, couch surfer, deadbeat dad.

yes. Because you are those things. See how this works?

08-20-2018, 12:49 PM
This is the Russia investigation thread, stay on topic instead of deflecting.

lol @ this dumbass :lol:

"Stay on topic" is really the best deflection you dumbasses can come up with this week? I thought even you had more creativity than that. And that's saying something because you have just barely above zero.

Did you delete the post Tgo quoted calling time4fun a racist that mysteriously disappeared after he quoted it?

08-20-2018, 12:58 PM
What's your motivation to be obsessed with various posters on the PC and stalk them for years on end?

What's your motivation to deflect every question that you're asked that answering honestly would make you look like as much of the piece of shit that everyone here (except soy4fun of course) already knows you are?

08-20-2018, 01:03 PM
Because this needs to be shared again:


I've never seen her say anything racist

Except not all of us are straight white men who have the luxury of being "entertained" while people are forcibly deported, children who are born in this Country are suddenly told they aren't American citizens because we hate Mexicans, while certain religious groups are banned from entering the country, while white supremacists have representation in the White House, while women are punished for having abortions, while LGBTQ people lose their marriage rights, etc etc

People like you don't have to worry about who is in office- you're safe no matter what.

The rest of us aren't so lucky or aren't so selfish as to be nonplussed about others not being so lucky.

To which Androidpk replied with:

Wow, talk about being sexist and racist.

I would link to the actual post of pk's again but I can't because he deleted it after I made this post and after he and time4fun started asking me what time4fun said that was so racist. I guess their plan is to pretend pk never said that and instead deflect to me to defend his position.

Look at the shit they said afterward:

What did she say that was racist?

We may not agree on much, but you're better than this. Neveragain is, of course, going to deny that his literal self-identification as racist was actually racist. And Tgo is, of course, going to ignore the real racism and create an imaginary jackalope to follow instead.

But you're neither stupid, nor insincere, nor an actual racist. If you're going to wade in- don't be one of the people who ignores the real racist comments to go chasing empty rhetorical points.

Please explain to the class how what I said was racist.

These two really are made for one another. I wonder when they will start saying "pk never said that! You made that up!"

08-20-2018, 01:37 PM
Your creepy obsession is noted. Maybe I should do what that person did to Neveragain and file for a restraining order.


"Judge, Parkbandit is being mean to me on a forum please issue a restraining order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


08-20-2018, 01:38 PM

My earlier advice stands. The main thing Trump should do is stop acting guilty.

He's nuts. Trump is losing his god damn mind and putting it on display for the entire planet to watch his meltdown.

08-20-2018, 01:40 PM
We've been over the same ground a million times. We need to put this to bed.

Did the trump team collude or not? Outside of any criminal wrongdoing. That's not even part of this question right now. First of all we need to figure out if we can agree that trumps team colluded with the Russians during the election

Are we getting anywhere on this? Have I missed the answers to the question amidst all the other traffic?

08-20-2018, 01:45 PM
He's nuts. Trump is losing his god damn mind and putting it on display for the entire planet to watch his meltdown.


08-20-2018, 01:47 PM
Ahh, so making shit up about someone is only bad if it's something really serious, so it's fine for parkbandit to continue to call me a thief, homeless person, couch surfer, deadbeat dad.

Remember when you tried to blame diethx over stealing from msconstrew?



^ oh look, pk is deleting even more of his old shitty posts because he thinks that will mean it never happened

lolololololololololol are you trying to scrub your own words so you can show a judge how squeaky clean you are and that you'e the real victim in this?

You truly have no shame. Good thing it's entertaining.


08-20-2018, 01:49 PM
Remember when you tried to blame diethx over stealing from msconstrew



^ oh look, pk is deleting even more of his old shitty posts because he thinks that will mean it never happened

lolololololololololol are you trying to scrub your own words so you can show a judge how squeaky clean you are and that you'e the real victim in this?

You truly have no shame. Good thing it's entertaining.


Yeah you guys totally aren't acting like obsessed weirdos.

08-20-2018, 01:50 PM
Are we getting anywhere on this? Have I missed the answers to the question amidst all the other traffic?

Nope, anything but discussing Trump for them.

08-20-2018, 01:52 PM
Nope, anything but discussing Trump for them.

I agree, a consolidated topic would be much better. Shame I don't have a dog in this fight.

08-20-2018, 02:01 PM
Yeah you guys totally aren't acting like obsessed weirdos.

It's actually more like this:

1. You lie about things
2. People respond with evidence to support that you're lying
3. You get butthurt and make up random accusations with zero evidence to support it
4. Back to step 2, then back to step 1

Ah yes, that's clearly much worse than you looking up rl info on me to try and get me fired from my job. And it's definitely 832904242397x worse than threatening to give said info to Antifa.

gg trying to scrub your shitty post history though. Who do you think is going to fall for that?


I'm not sure if you're really this incredibly stupid, or if you've become a parody of yourself. I doubt the latter, because that would require creativity on your part, of which your brain contains none.

08-20-2018, 02:04 PM
Put me on ignore and move on with your life. Seriously, your obsession is crossing lines. Get the fuck over yourself.

No thanks. I'm not cwolff.

And why would I put you on ignore? I enjoy warning unsuspecting, married women of your past exploits and hopefully giving them an opportunity to not fall for the Msconstrew Maneuver you employ so often.

08-20-2018, 02:15 PM
Ahh, so making shit up about someone is only bad if it's something really serious, so it's fine for parkbandit to continue to call me a thief, homeless person, couch surfer, deadbeat dad.

The difference is: Mine are based upon facts that YOU and foolish people who allow you to get close enough to them have admitted to on these very forums.

I've never, ever stated any issue with my wife. Ever.

I've never, ever stated anything about a job with a bathtub. Ever.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that female masturbation noises bother you.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that you "cleaned" out another member's GS account.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that you will contact Methais' school where he works to let them know of something that hurt your feelings.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that you should dox Methais again and give that information to Antifa, believing you will somehow endanger him.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that you will "hire" a lawyer to subpoeana Kranar for the IP addresses for people who have hurt your feeling by their posts.

Your roommate, on the other hand, HAS stated that you slept with a married woman, who later broke up with you and made you cry.

Your roommate, on the other hand, HAS stated that you mooched off her after she took you in when you had no other place to go.

Your roommate, on the other hand, HAS stated that you stay in her home, for weeks on end, without ever leaving.

Your roommate, on the other hand, HAS stated that you finally got a job at Goodwill after weeks of no effort towards gaining employment.

So, when I call you a thief, a homeless person, a couch surfer and a deadbeat dad, there is already established backstory to it.

Sorry it bothers you.. but maybe next time, don't put your life on this message board and people won't realize what a pathetic piece of shit you are.

08-20-2018, 02:18 PM
Remember when you tried to blame diethx over stealing from msconstrew?



^ oh look, pk is deleting even more of his old shitty posts because he thinks that will mean it never happened

lolololololololololol are you trying to scrub your own words so you can show a judge how squeaky clean you are and that you'e the real victim in this?

You truly have no shame. Good thing it's entertaining.


LOL. He honestly believes that no one quoted his stupidity?

What a little bitch.

08-20-2018, 02:23 PM
Remember when you tried to blame diethx over stealing from msconstrew?



^ oh look, pk is deleting even more of his old shitty posts because he thinks that will mean it never happened

lolololololololololol are you trying to scrub your own words so you can show a judge how squeaky clean you are and that you'e the real victim in this?

You truly have no shame. Good thing it's entertaining.



08-20-2018, 02:25 PM
Parkbandit you have some serious issues.

08-20-2018, 02:30 PM
The difference is: Mine are based upon facts that YOU and foolish people who allow you to get close enough to them have admitted to on these very forums.

I've never, ever stated any issue with my wife. Ever.

I've never, ever stated anything about a job with a bathtub. Ever.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that female masturbation noises bother you.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that you "cleaned" out another member's GS account.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that you will contact Methais' school where he works to let them know of something that hurt your feelings.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that you should dox Methais again and give that information to Antifa, believing you will somehow endanger him.

You, on the other hand, HAVE stated that you will "hire" a lawyer to subpoeana Kranar for the IP addresses for people who have hurt your feeling by their posts.

Your roommate, on the other hand, HAS stated that you slept with a married woman, who later broke up with you and made you cry.

Your roommate, on the other hand, HAS stated that you mooched off her after she took you in when you had no other place to go.

Your roommate, on the other hand, HAS stated that you stay in her home, for weeks on end, without ever leaving.

Your roommate, on the other hand, HAS stated that you finally got a job at Goodwill after weeks of no effort towards gaining employment.

So, when I call you a thief, a homeless person, a couch surfer and a deadbeat dad, there is already established backstory to it.

Sorry it bothers you.. but maybe next time, don't put your life on this message board and people won't realize what a pathetic piece of shit you are.

This should be quoted in any thread that pk posts in.

Save it for posterity!

08-20-2018, 02:31 PM
Parkbandit you have some serious issues.

Dude, really?

My issues are nothing compared to yours.

You should concentrate on getting your life on track and less about this forum or hurting people dumb enough to allow you to be around them.

Or, just continue as you have in the past.. post some very disturbing things on this forum, years later go back and delete them, dox members and threaten their jobs because they hurt your feelings.... it's worked so well for you in the past.


08-20-2018, 02:32 PM
Remember when you tried to blame diethx over stealing from msconstrew?



^ oh look, pk is deleting even more of his old shitty posts because he thinks that will mean it never happened

lolololololololololol are you trying to scrub your own words so you can show a judge how squeaky clean you are and that you'e the real victim in this?

You truly have no shame. Good thing it's entertaining.


He has gone full blown sociopath at this point.

08-20-2018, 02:33 PM
This should be quoted in any thread that pk posts in.

Save it for posterity!

Yeah, that's the ticket, character assassination and targeted harassment. Grow the fuck up.

08-20-2018, 02:34 PM
Because this needs to be shared again:


To which Androidpk replied with:

I would link to the actual post of pk's again but I can't because he deleted it after I made this post and after he and time4fun started asking me what time4fun said that was so racist. I guess their plan is to pretend pk never said that and instead deflect to me to defend his position.

Look at the shit they said afterward:

These two really are made for one another. I wonder when they will start saying "pk never said that! You made that up!"

Holy shit, that's awesome.

08-20-2018, 02:37 PM
Yeah, that's the ticket, character assassination and targeted harassment. Grow the fuck up.

You expect honesty and common decency out of the people pointing out hard facts about your dishonesty, harassment and the like. I'm trying to understand that but I feel like this is what having a stroke is like. You know something is horribly wrong with yourself but you can't access that side of the brain to figure out what the fuck it is.

Christ, man. I got some warnings about you when I joined up and first friended you but I shrugged it off. This is some rough shit, dude.

08-20-2018, 02:40 PM
I agree, a consolidated topic would be much better. Shame I don't have a dog in this fight.

I would love to discuss politics with people who are at least halfway normal.

But Androidpk was already the number 1 piece of shit on the boards, but now he's going through his posting history scrubbing all of the fucked up shit he has done in the past as if that will make it go away. And actually having the nerve to sit there and say "I don't recall time4fun saying anything racist", then when I quote him calling her racist he deletes that post and pretends he never said it and both he and time4fun ask ME to explain why her post was racist. He isn't even worth taking seriously.

time4fun wouldn't be so bad if she didn't drop the racist/sexist card at the drop of a hat.

I tried having normal conversations with cwolff but he quickly reverted back to his "If you were a TRUE patriot you would see everything my way!" schtick.

Those 3 are truly some of the worst people I have ever interacted with when it comes to discussing politics, and 80% of my family are raging leftists.

I know some people can get passionate when it comes to discussing politics so I don't mind the insults or the attitude of "MY party does no wrong!", as long as a point is being made and a discussion is being had. But those three are always being so dishonest with themselves about literally everything. They have gotten so used to jerking one another off that they will literally look at a post from one of them where they are attacking each other, pretend it never happened, and attack the person for daring to question them about their own words.

08-20-2018, 02:41 PM
You expect honesty and common decency out of the people pointing out hard facts about your dishonesty, harassment and the like. I'm trying to understand that but I feel like this is what having a stroke is like. You know something is horribly wrong with yourself but you can't access that side of the brain to figure out what the fuck it is.

Christ, man. I got some warnings about you when I joined up and first friended you but I shrugged it off. This is some rough shit, dude.

Yeah, he's a pretty big tard.

08-20-2018, 02:43 PM
Yeah, that's the ticket, character assassination and targeted harassment. Grow the fuck up.

Dude... let me help you out with bolding, underlining and enlarging the issues with your personal assessment.

Character Assassination - the malicious and unjustified harming of a person's good reputation.


08-20-2018, 02:44 PM
Yeah, he's a pretty big tard.


08-20-2018, 02:46 PM

I still can't believe you made Flimbo sell out and then get banned from the GS Official Discord.

08-20-2018, 02:46 PM
I still can't believe you made Flimbo sell out and then get banned from the GS Official Discord.


08-20-2018, 02:47 PM
I would love to discuss politics with people who are at least halfway normal.

But Androidpk was already the number 1 piece of shit on the boards, but now he's going through his posting history scrubbing all of the fucked up shit he has done in the past as if that will make it go away. And actually having the nerve to sit there and say "I don't recall time4fun saying anything racist", then when I quote him calling her racist he deletes that post and pretends he never said it and both he and time4fun ask ME to explain what her post was racist. He isn't even worth taking seriously.

time4fun wouldn't be so bad if she didn't drop the racist/sexist card at the drop of a hat.

I tried having normal conversations with cwolff but he quickly reverted back to his "If you were a TRUE patriot you would see everything my way!" schtick.

Those 3 are truly some of the worst people I have ever interacted with when it comes to discussing politics, and 80% of my family are raging leftists.

I know some people can get passionate when it comes to discussing politics so I don't mind the insults or the attitude of "MY party does no wrong!", as long as a point is being made and a discussion is being had. But those three are always being so dishonest with themselves about literally everything. They have gotten so used to jerking one another off that they will literally look at a post from one of them where they are attacking each other, pretend it never happened, and attack the person for daring to question them about their own words.

No boy, you don't wish to discuss politics. TF4 hit the nail on the head when she described how you will always avoid the main gist of one's idea in favor of nitpicking some minor detail of their post.

You are anything but honest and view this is a win or lose discussion. To that end you will say anything to win and when you lose you change the subject. You also have zero self control and must at all costs get in the last words even if that leaves you flailing and grasping at any manner of dishonest argument.

When you first came back from your exile you avoided the politics folder, then you dipped your toe in the water and you were a reasonable person, now I fear that you have completely reverted back to your old TG ways.

08-20-2018, 02:48 PM
I still can't believe you made Flimbo sell out and then get banned from the GS Official Discord.


Story time story time!

08-20-2018, 02:52 PM
No boy, you don't wish to discuss politics. TF4 hit the nail on the head when she described how you will always avoid the main gist of one's idea in favor of nitpicking some minor detail of their post.

You are anything but honest and view this is a win or lose discussion. To that end you will say anything to win and when you lose you change the subject. You also have zero self control and must at all costs get in the last words even if that leaves you flailing and grasping at any manner of dishonest argument.

When you first came back from your exile you avoided the politics folder, then you dipped your toe in the water and you were a reasonable person, now I fear that you have completely reverted back to your old TG ways.

Hey wait, time4fun said that calling someone "boy" is racist a couple weeks ago. She refused to elaborate when called out, so that makes you racist.


Resist white supremacy.

PS: Her name isn't timefun4

08-20-2018, 03:00 PM
I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize to Backlash. As crazy as his views are, he's a pretty reasonable and down to earth guy compared to the tard trinity of soy4pk.

@Back (www.goatse.cx) my bad :(

08-20-2018, 03:00 PM

Story time story time!

This is correct. Story please.

08-20-2018, 03:01 PM
He has gone full blown sociopath at this point.

Stop maligning sociopaths. Even they wouldn't claim him.

08-20-2018, 03:04 PM

Story time story time!

Flimbo impersonated Naamit on the Discord and was calling her a cunt among other things. He got banned.

I don't know the other part.

08-20-2018, 03:06 PM
Flimbo impersonated Naamit on the Discord and was calling her a cunt among other things. He got banned.

Also, I don't know the other part either, despite being involved??? I'm wondering if my heckling of the monk class and his apparent anger about it is genuine. I want to know now.

08-20-2018, 03:48 PM
Flimbo sold out. He never said why. I'll just assume it was Astray's fault.

The banned from Discord is, as someone else posted, when he imitated Naamit and called her a cunt and was generally being a dickwad. I don't know what he expected to happen, maybe he wanted to get banned.

08-20-2018, 03:50 PM
Flimbo impersonated Naamit on the Discord and was calling her a cunt among other things. He got banned.

I don't know the other part.

Now that doesn't sound like Flimbo/Wesley/etc..... at all. I know for a FACT he has posted on these very boards, condemning all ill words and creating a SafeSpace forum to replace the PC where people aren't mean to each other.

This does not sound plausible at all.

08-20-2018, 03:58 PM
What was his problem with Naamit? Other than Naamit incorrectly pronouncing her own name to rhyme with "vomit," instead of what's clearly the correct pronunciation of "name-it," I've never known anyone to have any issues with her.

08-20-2018, 04:03 PM
Flimbo sold out. He never said why. I'll just assume it was Astray's fault.

The banned from Discord is, as someone else posted, when he imitated Naamit and called her a cunt and was generally being a dickwad. I don't know what he expected to happen, maybe he wanted to get banned.

You gay.

08-20-2018, 04:04 PM
What was his problem with Naamit? Other than Naamit incorrectly pronouncing her own name to rhyme with "vomit," instead of what's clearly the correct pronunciation of "name-it," I've never known anyone to have any issues with her.

She said "You should change your name to reflect that you are no longer Flimbo" and then he just went on a temper tantrum.

08-20-2018, 04:04 PM
What was his problem with Naamit? Other than Naamit incorrectly pronouncing her own name to rhyme with "vomit," instead of what's clearly the correct pronunciation of "name-it," I've never known anyone to have any issues with her.

I always thought it rhymed with "damn it".

How do you do yours? Meh-thigh-iss? Mee-ties? Meth-ace?

08-20-2018, 04:10 PM
NaamitLast Wednesday at 7:58 AM
Do you still play Flimbo?

NaamitLast Wednesday at 9:17 AM - Fake
So you can stop PKing him now

NaamitLast Wednesday at 9:22 AM
Have you considered changing your handle here to "Player formerly known as Flimbo" so people don't think you and he are the same anymore?
Impersonation of other players and all...

NaamitLast Wednesday at 9:25 AM - Fake
Jesus you're a downer. How 'bout you worry about you, and I'll worry about me
NaamitLast Wednesday at 9:25 AM

idlewanderlustLast Wednesday at 9:25 AM
Naamit's right.

MirandablissLast Wednesday at 9:27 AM
i agree, so it must be right
and, good morning folks!

TysongLast Wednesday at 9:29 AM
granted the only thing the announcements channel forbids is
impersonating a GameMaster, Simutronics staff member, or representative of GemStone IV staff.
so he's technically in the clear, just becomes confusing if he did truly lose control of ingame Flimbo and someone else comes in here as the now controller of ingame Flimbo.

MirandablissLast Wednesday at 9:29 AM

JahadeemLast Wednesday at 10:28 AM
Did Flimbo delete all his posts?
Saw a few of you talking to him but did not see what he said

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:29 AM
No, he appears to have changed his handle to Naamit. So now he's impersonating me.
And chose to steal my avatar icon as well.
Note: NAAMIT#7350 is not me

TysongLast Wednesday at 10:29 AM
yep, not just a /nick change but a full on discord username change

JahadeemLast Wednesday at 10:30 AM
Well this is confusing as all hell

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:30 AM
The least he could have done was asked first.... And not stolen my avatar pic.

Maylan the MaybugLast Wednesday at 10:30 AM
that's really stupid and lame. I'm sorry he's bugging you, real Naamit
he clearly did it intentionally

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:30 AM
Hey, any GMs in the house this morning? We seem to have a problem here...

JahadeemLast Wednesday at 10:31 AM
Yeah this is definitely a problem
Need some type of verification system

Maylan the MaybugLast Wednesday at 10:31 AM
nah, the GMs are pretty good about taking care of trolls

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:33 AM
It's also kinda obv which is the correct one because Flimbo's icon is blurry; he wasn't able to make a clean copy. Nice try though.

JahadeemLast Wednesday at 10:34 AM
I have an old DM with him... I added a note on it "Old Flimbo" so I can check it if I need to

Maylan the MaybugLast Wednesday at 10:34 AM
good idea

Nehor: The LeBron James of RPLast Wednesday at 10:37 AM
Why are people jerks?
Like...I dont understand

JahadeemLast Wednesday at 10:38 AM
My brain hurts

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:38 AM - Fake
She whined for me to change my name

Maylan the MaybugLast Wednesday at 10:38 AM
I don't know. If you have personal issue with someone, you really dont' need to cause shenanigans on the main server

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:38 AM - Fake
So I changed it

Maylan the MaybugLast Wednesday at 10:38 AM
dude just change it. dont' be that guy

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:38 AM - Fake
I did.

Maylan the MaybugLast Wednesday at 10:38 AM

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:38 AM
You didn't just change it, you copied my avatar too.

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:39 AM - Fake
Cry more.
And fuck off.
You wanna be a cunt, I'll treat you like one.

Maylan the MaybugLast Wednesday at 10:39 AM
that's flimbo ^

allereliLast Wednesday at 10:39 AM
on my screen it shows up as blocked messages for the fake one, so I know that's Flimbo

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:39 AM
Hey, we don't allow swearing here, Flimbo.

Nehor: The LeBron James of RPLast Wednesday at 10:40 AM
Whats with this mentality of 'If I think you slight me at all, I WILL GUT YOU?!'?

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:41 AM - Fake
She's been bitching at me for a month. I'm done with her.

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:41 AM
Flimbo, stop trying to impersonate me.

Nehor: The LeBron James of RPLast Wednesday at 10:41 AM
So block her and move on, don't be dickish.

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:41 AM
Or whatever your name is now....

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:41 AM - Fake
You really shouldn't call me Flimbo.

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:41 AM
Well you sure as heck aren't Naamit. I am.

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:41 AM - Fake
Actually you were Tysong when I changed it.

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:42 AM
And you will note, I asked him, gained permission, we played with it for a few minutes and reverted. And I didn't change my avatar to match his.

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:43 AM - Fake
This name was not taken. It's mine now.
You wanted it changed. This is the price.

Maylan the MaybugLast Wednesday at 10:43 AM

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:44 AM
Troll much?

NaamitLast Wednesday at 10:44 AM - Fake
I'm done taking shit from her.

Nehor: The LeBron James of RPLast Wednesday at 10:44 AM
We're all paying it :cry:

Peteypie99Last Wednesday at 10:44 AM
seriously? this is how you spend your time, dude? just ignore her or something. didn't you leave the game?

Nehor: The LeBron James of RPLast Wednesday at 10:44 AM
Its not even noon, I need a goddamned drink

Maylan the MaybugLast Wednesday at 10:44 AM
we've got palyer impersonation and someone calling another player the "c" word
totally over the line

JahadeemLast Wednesday at 10:45 AM
Dude... over the top really.
Take a step back

SlekenLast Wednesday at 10:45 AM
It's over.

08-20-2018, 04:10 PM
That is the jist of it. i edited out stupid shit that didn't matter

08-20-2018, 04:16 PM
That is the jist of it. i edited out stupid shit that didn't matter

Hard to believe this is the same guy who wanted to create a safe space. The GS Discord channel is about as safe space as you are gonna get and he's still not satisfied.

08-20-2018, 04:41 PM
Now I don't feel bad. What an ass.

08-20-2018, 04:43 PM
Hard to believe this is the same guy who wanted to create a safe space. The GS Discord channel is about as safe space as you are gonna get and he's still not satisfied.

Remember, it is different when they do it.

08-20-2018, 05:11 PM
I always thought it rhymed with "damn it".

How do you do yours? Meh-thigh-iss? Mee-ties? Meth-ace?

Exactly how it’s pronounced here in the very first word at 0:18, as this is literally where I got the name from:


08-20-2018, 05:25 PM
Wouldn't that be Matthias though?

08-20-2018, 05:32 PM
Exactly how it’s pronounced here in the very first word at 0:18, as this is literally where I got the name from:


I thought it was Meth-ace all these years. Reported for Life of Brian reference.

08-20-2018, 06:46 PM
Wouldn't that be Matthias though?

Matthias was taken.

08-20-2018, 06:47 PM
Matthias was taken.

Ashlander = Methais confirmed.

08-20-2018, 08:04 PM
Ashlander = Methais confirmed.

Damn, better not agree with any of his posts anymore.

08-20-2018, 08:09 PM
Flimbo impersonated Naamit on the Discord and was calling her a cunt among other things. He got banned.

I don't know the other part.

ROFL - ok moar details plz. This guy...

08-20-2018, 08:12 PM
Hard to believe this is the same guy who wanted to create a safe space. The GS Discord channel is about as safe space as you are gonna get and he's still not satisfied.

He's mentally ill.

08-20-2018, 08:18 PM
Ashlander = Methais confirmed.

I thought it was a play on meth face...


08-20-2018, 09:10 PM
Yeah so I just want to do a quick sanity check. We've got several people who are utterly convinced that we should never have started any investigations into Russia or the Trump campaign. So I just want to be sure:

Say in 2020 we are notified by our Japanese allies that the Democratic nominee for US President's campaign (let's say it's Kamala Harris) has had several suspicious meetings with Chinese government officials and cutouts in Asia. Then we find out that China has offered the Harris campaign illegally hacked emails from Donald Trump's campaign and his personal email.

Around the same time, the Harris campaign takes on a new campaign manager whose last major political stint was helping China to install a puppet President in a European country. And that campaign manager agrees to work for the Harris campaign for free despite usually charging millions of dollars for his services. The Harris campaign also appoints a no-name foreign policy adviser who happens to be a known Chinese intelligence asset who has recently been giving speeches in China decrying American foreign policy.

When asked about all of the suspicious contacts with China, the Harris campaign strongly denies that they have had ANY contact with the Chinese government whatsoever- which is an obvious lie. The campaign also swears that they have no financial or business interests in China- even though just a few years prior Harris's own son had been claiming that China was a major source of revenue for them. It's later discovered that during the campaign, Harris was actually working on a major financial project in Beijing that required the Chinese government's approval. It's also later revealed that Harris has several long-standing business relationships with China and that Harris had several injections of much-needed cash from China at critical points in her business career.

Meanwhile, after the new campaign manager starts, the Harris campaign curiously adopts the foreign policy priorities of the Chinese Communist Government- even though they are actually not in America's best interests. And it turns out that China has actually tried to get puppet leaders elected in other European countries- all of whom have adopted the same curious foreign policy positions. Harris also repeatedly praises the Chinese government and talks about how important it is for America to get along with China- despite the fact that China is actively threatening the United States at that time.

Then, we find out that China has been selectively leaking Trump's emails in the most damaging way at exactly the times when Harris needs it most. It's also discovered that China is waging a sophisticated information warfare campaign to discredit Trump through lies told across social media- and repeated in major liberal publications and outlets like MSNBC and Occupy Democrats. Harris repeatedly denies that China has anything to do with the emails or any information warfare campaign- though it's later discovered that Harris's campaign manager, two children, and several other top campaign members were told by the Chinese government via an intermediary that China WAS indeed trying to get Harris elected. We also find out that these people met with a representative of the Chinese government who was promising the Harris campaign dirt on the Trump campaign while also discussing Chinese foreign policy priorities.

Later we find out that shortly after the message was sent from the Chinese government intermediary to Harris's oldest son (stating that they were going to bring Harris's campaign dirt on Trump), Harris announces to the country that she's going to have a major press conference shortly after the proposed meeting date to discuss serious dirt about Trump that no one else knows about. Once it's discovered that this meeting took place, the Harris campaign comes up with several conflicting stories about what's going on- and ultimately maintains that Harris knew nothing about either the meeting nor the fact that the Chinese government has been trying to get her elected.

Now it turns out that she wins!

The first thing she does as President is to try to quietly undo sanctions that Trump has put in place against China to punish them for their election meddling- which Harris still denies ever happened. Fortunately, Congress intervenes.

Harris continues to show an unheard of fondness for the Chinese government- constantly praising them and inviting members of the government into the White House for closed door meetings that no American is allowed into. Pretty soon, it's discovered that her National Security Director (who was a major campaign figure) lied to the FBI about his contacts with the Chinese government during the campaign. The acting AG tells Harris that he is considered to be vulnerable to blackmail from the Chinese government and is a serious national security threat, but Harris refuses to remove him until the media catches win of the situation and begins publishing stories about the whole thing. It also turns out that he had a very tight relationship with the head of the Chinese Communist Party.
Reluctantly, Harris fires him.

Harris then learns that the FBI has been actively investigating the National Security Director's contacts with the Chinese government and repeatedly pressures the head of the FBI to stop the investigation. The head of the FBI refuses, and Harris fires him shortly after Congressional testimony in which the head of the FBI confirms the investigation into Harris's campaign and refuses to say that Harris herself is not under investigation. In a few short hours after the firing, several different reasons are given by the Harris administration: including that the head of the FBI was too mean to Trump (based on decisions that Harris had previously, effusively praised).

Eventually Harris admits on national TV that she was thinking about the investigation into Chinese contacts with her campaign when she fired the head of the FBI. At the same time, it turns out that the Democratic Attorney General that Harris has recently appointed also lied under oath about his contacts with the Chinese government during the campaign, and he is forced to recuse himself from all investigations related to China or the campaign. The Democratic Deputy Attorney General then appoints a Special Prosecutor to take over all of the investigations into Harris's campaign, Harris herself, and Chinese electoral meddling. Meanwhile, the Democratic Senate and Democratic House start their own investigations into Harris and her campaign.

And so:

The official stance of the conservatives of PC is that we should DEFINITELY NOT investigate the Harris campaign NOR the Chinese election interference.

And that the only reason why Harris is being investigated is because the Democrats are really upset that Trump lost.

Asking for a friend

08-20-2018, 09:20 PM
This definitely puts a fine point on it. It'd do us all a lot of good if the trumplican devotees take this on board but I bet you'll just get some cracks about being racist against Chinese.

This is a good chance to ask again if we are all in agreement that there was some collusion. Even if you don't think it was criminal.

08-20-2018, 09:20 PM
Holy wall of text Batman

08-20-2018, 09:21 PM
Holy wall of text Batman

The really scary part?

I left out A LOT of the story.

Like, A LOT.

08-20-2018, 09:23 PM
The really scary part?

I left out A LOT of the story.

Like, A LOT.

Hahaha I bet

08-20-2018, 09:24 PM
This definitely puts a fine point on it. It'd do us all a lot of good if the trumplican devotees take this on board but I bet you'll just get some cracks about being racist against Chinese.

This is a good chance to ask again if we are all in agreement that there was some collusion. Even if you don't think it was criminal.

It was actually an interesting exercise- trying to remember everything that's happened. There's so much I had just forgotten about. And I left so much out.

It's actually pretty scary stuff. The conservative trolls won't read it, of course. They won't put themselves in a position of having to answer the questions.

08-20-2018, 09:28 PM
The really scary part?

I left out A LOT of the story.

Like, A LOT.

So now we are doing what if scenarios 2 years into the future?

Jesus fuck.


08-20-2018, 09:29 PM
It was actually an interesting exercise- trying to remember everything that's happened. There's so much I had just forgotten about. And I left so much out.

It's actually pretty scary stuff. The conservative trolls won't read it, of course. They won't put themselves in a position of having to answer the questions.

No, they won't read it. It'd be great if they did.

What stands out to me right now is how demeaning and aggressive trump is towards Mueller. If you stop and think about it Mueller hasn't said anything about anything. Hes not leaking, not giving press conferences which advance him politically, hes just doing the job (investigating Russian interference) he was given by trump employees.

It is mind boggling how so called patriots parrot these attacks on a stand up guy like Mueller.

08-20-2018, 09:31 PM
In going to steal that post BTW and put it on FB after work

08-20-2018, 09:48 PM
In going to steal that post BTW and put it on FB after work

You should include Neveragain's response.

That'll be good for a few fits of laughter from your Facebook friends.

08-20-2018, 09:50 PM
You should include Neveragain's response.

That'll be good for a few fits of laughter from your Facebook friends.

Right. Lmao