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12-14-2018, 03:41 PM
What I think is a waste of time is you playing Mad Libs with news and then trying to pass it off as fact.

Keep crying about it, I don't intend to stop posting how I want to post because you throw a bitch fit.

12-14-2018, 03:45 PM
Keep crying about it, I don't intend to stop posting how I want to post because you throw a bitch fit.

Asking you to cite your sources is not a bitch fit. It's a pretty acceptable request, especially from someone with as poor a track record as yours. I'm still waiting for your source from my previous question, by the way. The source that doesn't actually exist.

Be on whichever side of the political spectrum you like; just stop making others on that side look bad by not paying attention to whether or not what you're posting is true. You're not fooling anyone here or anywhere by claiming your own narrative on stories that don't support it.

12-14-2018, 03:48 PM
Asking you to cite your sources is not a bitch fit.

Anyone that wants clear concise answers from PK, is typically 'throwing a bitch fit' to PK.

12-14-2018, 04:53 PM
Asking you to cite your sources is not a bitch fit. It's a pretty acceptable request, especially from someone with as poor a track record as yours. I'm still waiting for your source from my previous question, by the way. The source that doesn't actually exist.

Be on whichever side of the political spectrum you like; just stop making others on that side look bad by not paying attention to whether or not what you're posting is true. You're not fooling anyone here or anywhere by claiming your own narrative on stories that don't support it.

I really don't care if you don't like that I didn't directly link to an article, especially given your prior statements on the special counsel's investigation. Go cry to someone that gives a fuck.

12-14-2018, 04:56 PM
I just put 926 yards on the Bengals

12-14-2018, 05:08 PM
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told The New Yorker that he plans to subpoena information on President Trump's personal business transactions from Deutsche Bank regarding allegations that the president's financial interests in Russia are affecting his foreign policy positions.

Schiff, who will chair the House Intelligence Committee come January, said he believes answers to whether Trump was involved in money laundering with Russia lie in records held by the German-owned bank, which Trump banked with extensively during the 1990s.

“Is that why Trump is so pro-Russian? Is his financial interest guiding his foreign policy?” Schiff asked in an interview with the magazine.

“We are going to be looking at the issue of possible money laundering by the Trump Organization, and Deutsche Bank is one obvious place to start,” he continued.

His efforts have the support of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who told The New Yorker that Schiff's takeover of the Intelligence panel would restore credibility to the body.

12-14-2018, 05:33 PM
Mexico's new government is cracking down on illegal immigration, closing illegal points of entry on their border with Guatemala. No word yet from CNN as to whether Mexico's new president is a racist or not.

12-14-2018, 05:56 PM
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told The New Yorker that he plans to subpoena information on President Trump's personal business transactions from Deutsche Bank regarding allegations that the president's financial interests in Russia are affecting his foreign policy positions.

Schiff, who will chair the House Intelligence Committee come January, said he believes answers to whether Trump was involved in money laundering with Russia lie in records held by the German-owned bank, which Trump banked with extensively during the 1990s.

“Is that why Trump is so pro-Russian? Is his financial interest guiding his foreign policy?” Schiff asked in an interview with the magazine.

“We are going to be looking at the issue of possible money laundering by the Trump Organization, and Deutsche Bank is one obvious place to start,” he continued.

His efforts have the support of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who told The New Yorker that Schiff's takeover of the Intelligence panel would restore credibility to the body.

It's like you can't possibly get any more retarded, and then you do. Over and over and over unendingly. You're speeding headlong into infinite retardation and appear to have no knowledge of the fact. Fascinating.

12-14-2018, 06:00 PM
Keep crying about it, I don't intend to stop posting lies how I want to post them because you call me out on it.

Fixed for accuracy.

12-14-2018, 07:11 PM
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told The New Yorker that he plans to subpoena information on President Trump's personal business transactions from Deutsche Bank regarding allegations that the president's financial interests in Russia are affecting his foreign policy positions.

Schiff, who will chair the House Intelligence Committee come January, said he believes answers to whether Trump was involved in money laundering with Russia lie in records held by the German-owned bank, which Trump banked with extensively during the 1990s.

“Is that why Trump is so pro-Russian? Is his financial interest guiding his foreign policy?” Schiff asked in an interview with the magazine.

“We are going to be looking at the issue of possible money laundering by the Trump Organization, and Deutsche Bank is one obvious place to start,” he continued.

His efforts have the support of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who told The New Yorker that Schiff's takeover of the Intelligence panel would restore credibility to the body.

Wow. A house Democrat is going to subpoena some of Trump's business transactions to try and find some nugget of information that could hopefully be stretched (really, really stretched) into "See? Trump colluded!"

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. Just never saw that coming.

12-14-2018, 07:20 PM
Wow. A house Democrat is going to subpoena some of Trump's business transactions to try and find some nugget of information that could hopefully be stretched (really, really stretched) into "See? Trump colluded!"

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you. Just never saw that coming.

This is the same bank that gave Trump hundreds of millions of dollars in loans when US banks refused to give Trump anything. This is the same bank that was found to be laundering hundreds of millions for Russians. The very same bank that was recently raided.

But yeah, I'm sure you're right and this is a giant nothingburger :)

12-14-2018, 07:27 PM
Fuck, Brees just got injured.

12-14-2018, 07:41 PM
Fuck, Brees just got injured.


12-14-2018, 07:52 PM
Out for 3 weeks. I got Teddy Bridgewater Jr in now. He us foing good.

12-14-2018, 07:53 PM
Out for 3 weeks. I got Teddy Bridgewater Jr in now. He us foing good.


12-14-2018, 08:02 PM

Show some respect when the heir to Breesus is being discussed.

12-14-2018, 08:19 PM
My bad.

12-14-2018, 08:34 PM
Show some respect when the heir to Breesus is being discussed.

Yeah, He just threw for 600 yards on the Steelers. Kamara also got 235 yards.

12-14-2018, 09:06 PM
Stupid af. I'm 16-0 to the Superbowl, my opponent is the Jacksonville Jaguars at 8-8.

12-14-2018, 10:22 PM
A judge ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional now because the penalty for not having insurance has been removed.

This will be interesting if the supreme court agrees. It will be like Obama's presidency never even happened.

12-15-2018, 12:23 AM
A judge ruled that Obamacare is unconstitutional now because the penalty for not having insurance has been removed.

This will be interesting if the supreme court agrees. It will be like Obama's presidency never even happened.

Almost but we still have all the racial discrimination, other taxes, bailouts and lastly, dead cops. :(

12-15-2018, 12:42 AM
Elizabeth Warren FINALLY admitted she's not a person of color.

12-15-2018, 01:06 PM
Elizabeth Warren FINALLY admitted she's not a person of color.

She's hoping we will forget by 202 how she used fake diversity to get ahead.

12-15-2018, 01:07 PM
Fuck, Brees just got injured.

You asshole. I had to check to make sure since he's my starting QB tomorrow since I left Rivers on the bench.

12-15-2018, 01:08 PM
Asking you to cite your sources is not a bitch fit. It's a pretty acceptable request, especially from someone with as poor a track record as yours. I'm still waiting for your source from my previous question, by the way. The source that doesn't actually exist.

Be on whichever side of the political spectrum you like; just stop making others on that side look bad by not paying attention to whether or not what you're posting is true. You're not fooling anyone here or anywhere by claiming your own narrative on stories that don't support it.

Soywolf didn’t cite either. Wouldn’t surprise me that PK is soywolf. He probably got bored and decided to just be retarded with his main account.

12-15-2018, 01:08 PM
You asshole. I had to check to make sure since he's my starting QB tomorrow since I left Rivers on the bench.

OH, this whole thread is about fake things, so I started posted Madden stuff in here.

12-15-2018, 01:11 PM
OH, this whole thread is about fake things.

Androidpk is a very intelligent person with a high moral compass who wouldn't steal a thing and will always stand on his own 2 feet because he's all about personal responsibility.

12-16-2018, 02:30 AM
I did read it, when it was originally released. :)

The report's fundamental conclusions are very short, and reflect what I said.. considering I directly quoted it.

I already did (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?110469-Russia-Investigation-Heating-Up&p=2070542#post2070542). You've demonstrated, repeatedly, that you couldn't read (or comprehend) two short sentences.

Your refusal to read anything about the incident you apparently found so outrageous.... doesn't constitute an argument on your part. You're doubling down on something you know next to nothing about, then going "SEE? I don't know anything about it! I'm fairly certain I should be outraged, because some Republican told me to be! No, not the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee who wasted millions of dollars to produce a report that CLEARED the administration! The ones that know as little as I do!"

Spectacularly convincing, Methais.

So still no mention of a YouTube video just like I said? Yet you’re doing your retarded victory dance anyway.

This is why we laugh at you.

but it says protest!

Where does it say a protest over a YouTube video?

You’re stupid.

Stop being a dipshit.

12-16-2018, 02:43 AM
Again, not insulting you, just pointing out your obvious man crush. Not my fault you'd lick your own shit off Trump's dick and ask for seconds.

Is that what you do with time4fun’s dildos when you’re paying your “rent”?

pk still never denied crashing on time4fun’s couch.

12-16-2018, 02:52 AM
Learn2citeyoursources rather than just posting quotes about mundane, common occurences spiced up with words like "mystery" and "secrets" like you're Giorgio Tsoukalos. He's even more credible than you at this point without citations.

He would but time4fun doesn’t include them in her PMs to pk where she tells him what he’s going to say and think for that day.

12-16-2018, 02:59 AM

You’re a stupid dumb stupiddumbhead.

12-16-2018, 03:06 AM
Soywolf didn’t cite either. Wouldn’t surprise me that PK is soywolf. He probably got bored and decided to just be retarded with his main account.

They also share time4fun’s dildos.

Confirmed pk is soywolff.

12-17-2018, 12:55 PM

12-17-2018, 01:33 PM

Grats on becoming cwolffpk.

12-17-2018, 01:52 PM
Feels like it's been weeks since everyone was screaming about how "Individual 1" was going to jail. What's taking SDNY so long to charge Trump with a crime since they have oh so much evidence that he committed one?

Almost as if they don't really have any evidence of a crime and instead used an indictment against Cohen to push a narrative they wanted the mindless lemmings to repeat. And hey look at that, our most well known lemming Androidpk was right there to do their bidding.

What a brave resister!

12-17-2018, 02:36 PM
Feels like it's been weeks since everyone was screaming about how "Individual 1" was going to jail. What's taking SDNY so long to charge Trump with a crime since they have oh so much evidence that he committed one?

Almost as if they don't really have any evidence of a crime and instead used an indictment against Cohen to push a narrative they wanted the mindless lemmings to repeat. And hey look at that, our most well known lemming Androidpk was right there to do their bidding.

What a brave resister!


12-17-2018, 03:15 PM

So no actual answer to my inquiry and just a random tweet from some random nobody?

Never change, Ashliana.

12-17-2018, 03:19 PM
So no actual answer to my inquiry and just a random tweet from some random nobody?

Never change, Ashliana.


12-17-2018, 03:21 PM

MAGA trolls believe that shit too.

12-17-2018, 03:45 PM

Not to mention the tweet doesn't even make sense.

Manafort and Gates were charged with crimes that had nothing to do with Trump, most of which took place before Trump even ran for president.

Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, which is not a crime he "did for" Trump.

I could go through the rest of the nonsense but why even bother. It's obvious the tweet was thrown out as chum for the likes of morons such as Ashliana and Androidpk who don't care about silly things such as facts, they just want to read as much Trump bashing as they can get their hands on.

12-17-2018, 04:09 PM
So no actual answer to my inquiry and just a random tweet from some random nobody?

Never change, Ashliana.

Because you, Tgo, bastion of good faith, are actually asking someone to respond to your "inquiry"? Right. Here you go, then.

What's taking SDNY so long to charge Trump with a crime since they have oh so much evidence that he committed one?

You not understanding the speed of the justice system isn't a reflection on the justice system -- it's a reflection on you, of your ignorance. The investigations into (and prosecutions of) the Trump clan have been fast and resulted in numerous convictions. If you think all this momentum -- and Trump's ongoing meltdown on Twitter -- isn't indicative of what's to come, and this is the point it's all going to stop, I've got a bridge to sell you in Alaska.

Almost as if they don't really have any evidence of a crime and instead used an indictment against Cohen to push a narrative they wanted the mindless lemmings to repeat. And hey look at that, our most well known lemming Androidpk was right there to do their bidding.

What a brave resister!

Yeah, they had no evidence ... from that search warrant they executed on the counsel of the president of the United States .. that he was hysterically raving about the death of attorney/client privilege about on Twitter. And despite that, it's just totally weird that they -- according to brilliant legal scholar Tgo01 -- have "no evidence," despite securing his guilty plea to a dozen charges.

Breitbart or Fox should hire you for your expert opinion. You're at least as skilled as Tomi Lahren.

Manafort and Gates were charged with crimes that had nothing to do with Trump, most of which took place before Trump even ran for president.

Your failure to read the news reflects only on you. Manafort was subject to two ongoing investigations and prosecutions, one about his past tax evasion and failure to report foreign holdings -- those are the charges he was mostly found guilty on, and the one open Trump supporter caused a hung jury on the others. Manafort decided to plead guilty and cooperate regarding the second prosecution, specifically that related to the campaign and conspiracy to defraud the US, and making false Foreign Agent Registration Act filings. Then, in the past two weeks, the special counsel certified in federal court that they had evidence Manafort violated his plea agreement ... by colluding with known Russian spies ... and the Trump administration ... up until now. In 2018.

Gates' guilty plea lays out his involvement in conspiring with Manafort -- which, we know according to the special counsel's filing in court, that involved conspiring with known Russian intelligence agents.

Even Fox's top legal analyst is saying he expects Trump to get indicted. But, uhh, stay tuned and keep hoping that your willful ignorance somehow plays out for Trump. Never change, Tgo.

12-17-2018, 04:46 PM
Manafort decided to plead guilty and cooperate regarding the second prosecution, specifically that related to the campaign and conspiracy to defraud the US, and making false Foreign Agent Registration Act filings.

And you have the audacity to claim I don't know what I'm talking about. The conspiracy to defraud the US charge has NOTHING to do with Trump's campaign. That specifically refers to his supposed money laundering, not reporting his foreign financial deals, and for failing to register as a foreign agent. Again all of which took place before Trump even ran for president.

Now do what you do best, ignore me correcting you and deflect to some other such nonsense. Perhaps you can pull up another tweet or two for you and Androidpk can jack each other off to.

12-17-2018, 06:09 PM
You still think this is a vast left wing conspiracy, so no, you don't know what you're talking about.

12-17-2018, 06:18 PM
You still think this is a vast left wing conspiracy, so no, you don't know what you're talking about.

It is, so no, you don't know what you're talking about.

12-17-2018, 08:52 PM
Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, which is not a crime he "did for" Trump.

Flynn's FBI 302 showed he lied to try and cover up Trumps involvement with the Russians. Maybe if you spent less time trolling you'd stop looking so fucking ignorant all the time.

12-17-2018, 08:55 PM
Flynn's FBI 302 showed he lied to try and cover up Trumps involvement with the Russians. Maybe if you spent less time trolling you'd stop looking so fucking ignorant all the time.

I'll go ahead and just take your word for it because I don't really care enough to see if you're telling the truth. So by crimes these people "did for" Trump, we are talking about shit they did AFTER Trump already won and was president, and not like during the campaign during supposed Russian collusion?

See this is why you morons shouldn't get your talking points about politics from a "comedian's" twitter feed, because you come off looking like a bunch of ill-informed lemmings.

12-17-2018, 09:14 PM
All Flynn had to do was be a good little boy scout and just wait for his sentencing hearing but now his antics might see him locked up after all :lol:

12-17-2018, 09:18 PM
All Flynn had to do was be a good little boy scout and just wait for his sentencing hearing but now his antics might see him locked up after all :lol:

Oh shit Trump going down for sure this time! :lol:

12-17-2018, 09:41 PM
Oh shit Trump going down for sure this time! :lol:

This time? The writing has been all over the wall for some time now.

12-17-2018, 09:44 PM
This time? The writing has been all over the wall for some time now.

Any day now! :lol:

12-17-2018, 10:01 PM
Any day now! :lol:

You're retarded. What's going to be your excuse when the hammer does drop though? Fake news? Liberal conspiracy? Deep state coup?

12-17-2018, 10:12 PM
You're retarded. What's going to be your excuse when the hammer does drop though? Fake news? Liberal conspiracy? Deep state coup?

So much evidence :lol:

12-17-2018, 10:19 PM
So much evidence :lol:

100+ criminal charges, 34 indictments, multiple guilty pleas.. yeah, there's lots of evidence. So what's going to be your response if Trump is indicted? Or can't you answer that one?

12-17-2018, 10:24 PM
100+ criminal charges, 34 indictments, multiple guilty pleas.. yeah, there's lots of evidence. So what's going to be your response if Trump is indicted? Or can't you answer that one?

Rudy Colludi :lol:

12-17-2018, 10:31 PM
I know Trump is fucked so the only thing I have left is trolling and deflecting.

At least you finally admit it, good for you.

12-18-2018, 05:18 AM
100+ criminal charges, 34 indictments, multiple guilty pleas.. yeah, there's lots of evidence. So what's going to be your response if Trump is indicted? Or can't you answer that one?

Wait...IF? I thought you and your ilk said it was certain? Lololol you're so retarded.

12-18-2018, 07:19 AM
Wait...IF? I thought you and your ilk said it was certain? Lololol you're so retarded.


12-18-2018, 09:39 AM
There was a slight change made in Flynn's sentencing memo from saying no jail time to saying give the lower end of the guideline.

12-18-2018, 09:46 AM

If they haven't found a tape of Russian prostitutes urinating on Trump, then they should call off the whole investigation.

12-18-2018, 09:59 AM

If they haven't found a tape of Russian prostitutes urinating on Trump, then they should call off the whole investigation.

You're stupid. Also, Trump is your president. #4moreyears

12-18-2018, 10:11 AM

If they haven't found a tape of Russian prostitutes urinating on Trump, then they should call off the whole investigation.

Shut up Fallen go bukkake yourself some more.

12-18-2018, 01:31 PM
Fox News legal analyst Napolitano speculates Trump may have already been indicted in secret to get around the statutes of limitations issue.

12-18-2018, 01:34 PM
Fox News legal analyst Napolitano speculates Trump may have already been indicted in secret to get around the statutes of limitations issue.


12-18-2018, 02:05 PM
It was sounding like the cantankerous old judge at Flynn's sentencing hearing today was just about to send him to jail. Flynn's lawyers and the special counsel lawyers quickly suggested that the judge postpone the sentencing until 2019 when the judge would be better able to see how useful Flynn had been.

12-18-2018, 02:16 PM
It was sounding like the cantankerous old judge at Flynn's sentencing hearing today was just about to send him to jail. Flynn's lawyers and the special counsel lawyers quickly suggested that the judge postpone the sentencing until 2019 when the judge would be better able to see how useful Flynn had been.

So still no collusion, huh? Weird.

12-18-2018, 04:53 PM
Trump attacking our free press again with these two tweets!

One disappointment about DC is the gossip that masquerades as “reporting.” This story has: - Not a SINGLE named or verifiable source - Only ONE on-the-record comment, which is a denial. My dad had a name for junk articles like this: “Birdcage lining.”

For the record, this is the second @politico article about me in a short period of time with *0* named sources to back claims containing false information. Their articles are printed + distributed to **Congressional offices** - w/ no named sources. It’s really unfortunate.

Naww just kidding, that's actually the left's latest and greatest star saying those things, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Strangely enough no one has called her out for attacking our free press or said she's trying to destroy our democracy, even though she's saying THE EXACT SAME THING Trump has often attacked the press for. So weird.

12-18-2018, 05:09 PM
Been hauling gold all day. Almost done, then I can upgrade to an Adder and haul more stuff in less time.

12-18-2018, 05:10 PM
Been hauling gold all day. Almost done, then I can upgrade to an Adder and haul more stuff in less time.

What the hell you talking about?

12-18-2018, 05:16 PM
Everyone was wondering who it was that's fighting Mueller's grand jury subpoena. Turns out it isn't a person, it's a corporation, owned by a currently unnamed country.


My money is on it being Rosneft.

12-18-2018, 05:50 PM

What a nerd.

12-18-2018, 06:44 PM


12-18-2018, 06:45 PM
What the hell you talking about?

My starship.

12-18-2018, 10:08 PM
Been hauling gold all day. Almost done, then I can upgrade to an Adder and haul more stuff in less time.

Probably make more money running the rares loop. Wait until you can haul passengers in an Anaconda, then the big money rolls in.

12-18-2018, 11:25 PM
Probably make more money running the rares loop. Wait until you can haul passengers in an Anaconda, then the big money rolls in.

I'm working on that. I just upgraded to a Cobra Mk3. I guess I can't get the Mk4. :/

I'm planning to actually bulk haul soon, I have about 1.9m saved, at around 2 I'm going to grab a Type 6.

12-18-2018, 11:32 PM
I'm working on that. I just upgraded to a Cobra Mk3. I guess I can't get the Mk4. :/

I'm planning to actually bulk haul soon, I have about 1.9m saved, at around 2 I'm going to grab a Type 6.
Find a system with famine, find adjacent system with food. Profit. If you aren’t using EDMC get it, and voice attack.

12-19-2018, 12:12 AM
I'm working on that. I just upgraded to a Cobra Mk3. I guess I can't get the Mk4. :/

I'm planning to actually bulk haul soon, I have about 1.9m saved, at around 2 I'm going to grab a Type 6.

Run the cargo Cobra a while. Never fly what you can't replace with insurance.

12-19-2018, 01:03 AM
Run the cargo Cobra a while. Never fly what you can't replace with insurance.

Of course. That is why I waited until I had 2m to buy a T6, which I have now. I flew all the way across the galaxy to get a Cobra Mk4, and collected so much cartography crap, I sold it all for like 400k.

12-19-2018, 01:05 AM
And holy crap, I can carry so much cargo now.

Now to save up 31m for a Type 7.

12-19-2018, 01:14 AM
And holy crap, I can carry so much cargo now.

Now to save up 31m for a Type 7.

Type 7 is good, type 9 is horrible, it's slow and cumbersome and just ugg. Look to get a Python or Anaconda and even with a light loadout of weapons is better than a type 9 with the speed and maneuver.

12-19-2018, 01:26 AM
Kinda wanna grind out for an Imperial Cutter. That rep though.

12-19-2018, 09:39 AM
In the span of just a few days Rudy Colludi has gone from saying Trump never signed a letter of intent for Trump Tower Moscow to saying ok he signed a letter of intent but it's not a big deal. :lol:

12-19-2018, 09:50 AM
In the span of just a few days Rudy Colludi has gone from saying Trump never signed a letter of intent for Trump Tower Moscow to saying ok he signed a letter of intent but it's not a big deal. :lol:

No one except butthurt hillary supporters care.

12-19-2018, 10:02 AM
I bet Androidpgay stayed up for a week coming up with "Rudy Colludi" and thinks it's the most clever most creative thing in the history of all clever and creative things.

What a stupid loser. :lol:

12-19-2018, 10:07 AM
I bet Androidpgay stayed up for a week coming up with "Rudy Colludi" and thinks it's the most clever most creative thing in the history of all clever and creative things.

No. I'm sorry. I already have a monopoly on clever names involving New York's mayors. I won that contest years ago when I named my Guild Wars 2 character Fiorello La Guardian.

Your, and by extension Apk's dreams of wit are now crushed.

12-19-2018, 10:10 AM
What a stupid loser. :lol:

This is correct.

12-19-2018, 10:12 AM
No. I'm sorry. I already have a monopoly on clever names involving New York's mayors. I won that contest years ago when I named my Guild Wars 2 character Fiorello La Guardian.

Your, and by extension Apk's dreams of wit are now crushed.

I was never trying to be clever with NY mayor names though.

Reported for inaccuracy.

Also reporting Androidpgay to Simu for name calling on behalf of Rudy Guillani just in case Rudy plays GS.

12-19-2018, 10:17 AM
I was never trying to be clever with NY mayor names though.

Reported for inaccuracy.

Also reporting Androidpgay to Simu for name calling on behalf of Rudy Guillani just in case Rudy plays GS.

Rudy was playing Gemstone before Pharma bro made 30 year old text games cool. You don't know. It's probably Puptilian. In fact, I am issuing a guarantee that Puptilian is Rudy Giuliani. You heard it here first.

12-19-2018, 10:20 AM
Taking bets on how long it takes for Trump to flip on colludy and tries to take credit for coming up with that zinger

12-19-2018, 10:33 AM
Taking bets on how long it takes for Trump to flip on colludy and tries to take credit for coming up with that zinger

Of course Trump is eventually going to turn on Rudy and try to pin the blame on him. It's why the former WH counselor McGahn went to Mueller and testified for over 30 hours, because he feared Trump was going to try and shift the blame to him. Rudy, unfortunately, is too fucking stupid to realize this.

12-19-2018, 10:38 AM
Of course Trump is eventually going to turn on Rudy and try to pin the blame on him. It's why the former WH counselor McGahn went to Mueller and testified for over 30 hours, because he feared Trump was going to try and shift the blame to him. Rudy, unfortunately, is too fucking stupid to realize this.

You're the only one too fucking stupid to realize things. You prove it every day, multiple times.

12-19-2018, 10:39 AM
You're the only one too fucking stupid to realize things. You prove it every day, multiple times.

This is incorrect.

time4fun is also too stupid to realize things.

12-19-2018, 10:45 AM
This is incorrect.

time4fun is also too stupid to realize things.

After being corrected like that, I'm going to need to take a few days off from the pc for self care before I can begin my work here next year in what is sure to be an energetic year of calling out retards.

12-19-2018, 10:53 AM
After being corrected like that, I'm going to need to take a few days off from the pc for self care before I can begin my work here next year in what is sure to be an energetic year of calling out retards.

A small part of me hopes Trump gets removed from office just so we can see the ultratards lose their shit when they realize Hillary still won't be president. Because those people really do exist that think if Trump gets removed then Hillary will be president.

Also, I've reported myself to Simu for my recent microaggression against you in the form of time4correction.

12-19-2018, 10:57 AM
A small part of me hopes Trump gets removed from office just so we can see the ultratards lose their shit when they realize Hillary still won't be president. Because those people really do exist that think if Trump gets removed then Hillary will be president.

Also, I've reported myself to Simu for my recent microaggression against you in the form of time4correction.

:lol: Enjoy your ban.

12-19-2018, 11:23 AM
A small part of me hopes Trump gets removed from office just so we can see the ultratards lose their shit when they realize Hillary still won't be president. Because those people really do exist that think if Trump gets removed then Hillary will be president.

I'm on the edge of my seat wondering if Mike Pence turns out to also be a Russian Spy! Or maybe it'll get changed up and they'll start asking for his Kenyan birth certificate. This stupid teeter totter our politics function on now is getting old.

I hate Trump. I think he's done damage to the economy that affects both businesses and the everyday person, but those policies will be reversed at latest when he's out of office, and likely before that. Yes, Trump is narcissitic, impulsive, and his actions reflect poorly on the country on the world stage, but these are things that the entire world knew decades before he was elected.

The sky has not fallen. Civilization has not degenerated into roving bands of grunting neo nazis tearing down statues of Abraham Lincoln. Mexicans are not being riddled with .50 caliber rounds when approaching the border.

None of these things happened any more than Obama sent stormtroopers into everyone's homes to take all their guns.

Too much of politics has devolved into people frothing at the mouth and screaming "The end is nigh!"

12-19-2018, 11:39 AM
I'm on the edge of my seat wondering if Mike Pence turns out to also be a Russian Spy! Or maybe it'll get changed up and they'll start asking for his Kenyan birth certificate. This stupid teeter totter our politics function on now is getting old.

I hate Trump. I think he's done damage to the economy that affects both businesses and the everyday person, but those policies will be reversed at latest when he's out of office, and likely before that. Yes, Trump is narcissitic, impulsive, and his actions reflect poorly on the country on the world stage, but these are things that the entire world knew decades before he was elected.

The sky has not fallen. Civilization has not degenerated into roving bands of grunting neo nazis tearing down statues of Abraham Lincoln. Mexicans are not being riddled with .50 caliber rounds when approaching the border.

None of these things happened any more than Obama sent stormtroopers into everyone's homes to take all their guns.

Too much of politics has devolved into people frothing at the mouth and screaming "The end is nigh!"

Politics is religion for some people. Tards like time4pksdildosession.

12-19-2018, 12:10 PM
I bet Androidpgay stayed up for a week coming up with "Rudy Colludi" and thinks it's the most clever most creative thing in the history of all clever and creative things.

What a stupid loser. :lol:

I cringe every time he says it. What an embarrassing life he must lead to think that's clever.

12-19-2018, 12:29 PM
This is incorrect.

time4fun is also too stupid to realize things.

What. The. Fuck. Methais.

Out of sight out of mind I guess.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-19-2018, 12:36 PM
What. The. Fuck. Methais.

Out of sight out of mind I guess.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh goodie, Keller is back to remind us all how he's not racist while shouting racist things, just like the rest of the Looney Tunes far left on the board.

12-19-2018, 12:42 PM
Oh goodie, Keller is back to remind us all how he's not racist while shouting racist things, just like the rest of the Looney Tunes far left on the board.

Since when are white supremacists concerned about racism? You manage to be able to define what a far leftist yet or has Laura Ingraham not given it to you yet? So much fail from you.

12-19-2018, 12:48 PM
Since when are white supremacists concerned about racism? You manage to be able to define what a far leftist yet or has Laura Ingraham not given it to you yet? So much fail from you.

I refer to far leftists because there are some good leftists on the board who aren't raging racist, sexist idiots like yourself there. Taernath is a good example. I would just say "leftists" but I don't want to lump the good ones in with the bad ones so I refer to them as "far leftists."

Understand now, far leftist?

12-19-2018, 12:49 PM
Oh goodie, Keller is back to remind us all how he's not racist while shouting racist things, just like the rest of the Looney Tunes far left on the board.

Uneducated white people, yourself included, are the absolute worst.

Unironic privilege and entitlement are just the fucking worst.

Repeal Obamacare, cut Medicaid and Medicare, and let political Darwinism save America.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-19-2018, 12:49 PM
Uneducated white people, yourself included, are the absolute worst.

Unironic privilege and entitlement are just the fucking worst.

Repeal Obamacare, cut Medicaid and Medicare, and let political Darwinism save America.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I say it and Keller does it. Dance puppet. Dance dance!

12-19-2018, 12:51 PM
I say it and Keller does it. Dance puppet. Dance dance!

I don’t want to disappoint my fans!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-19-2018, 12:55 PM
I refer to far leftists because there are some good leftists on the board who aren't raging racist, sexist idiots like yourself there. Taernath is a good example. I would just say "leftists" but I don't want to lump the good ones in with the bad ones so I refer to them as "far leftists."

Understand now, far leftist?

In order to make that distinction, I use the technical term "retards". I suggest you do the same.

12-19-2018, 01:00 PM
In order to make that distinction, I use the technical term "retards". I suggest you do the same.

That might imply they are intellectual equals to people with actual mental retardation though.

12-19-2018, 01:34 PM
I'm not a racist or sexist, despite my lengthy history of making racist/sexist statements, the people who call me out are the ones that are racist and sexist!

stay classy

12-19-2018, 01:35 PM
stay classy


12-19-2018, 01:37 PM
What. The. Fuck. Methais.

Out of sight out of mind I guess.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


12-19-2018, 01:37 PM
stay classy

lol @ you talking about "classy" with anyone at all in the entire universe

What a cunt.

12-19-2018, 01:39 PM
I cringe every time he says it. What an embarrassing life he must lead to think that's clever.

I heard that when he's trying to get chicks to buy him drinks at the bar, he calls himself Androidp-Special-K.

It took him years to come up with it. He's supposedly been getting closer to getting that drink though.

12-19-2018, 01:45 PM
I heard that when he's trying to get chicks to buy him drinks at the bar, he calls himself Androidp-Special-K.

It took him years to come up with it. He's supposedly been getting closer to getting that drink though.


12-19-2018, 01:58 PM
Trump is so tough on Russia that sanctions, which have been delayed for almost an entire year, have been lifted on certain Russian assets. GG!

12-19-2018, 02:02 PM
Trump is so tough on Russia that sanctions, which have been delayed for almost an entire year, have been lifted on certain Russian assets. GG!

And Trump is pulling US troops out of Syria. Christmas has come early for Putin!

12-19-2018, 02:04 PM
Repeal Obamacare, cut Medicaid and Medicare, and let political Darwinism save America.

I like the way you think.

12-19-2018, 02:05 PM

He's upset that you left him out.

12-19-2018, 02:08 PM
And Trump is pulling US troops out of Syria. Christmas has come early for Putin!

2016 Androidpk: Hillary can't be president! She's gonna get us into a war with Russia!
2018 Androidpk: Why hasn't Trump gotten us into a war with Russia yet?!

12-19-2018, 02:09 PM
And Trump is pulling US troops out of Syria. Christmas has come early for Putin!

Ohhh nooo...you mean we're not going to have troops in the middle of a giant clusterfuck in the Middle East anymore? The sky is falling!

If there's one thing I know, it's that sending troops to mess with the Middle East has always been a good idea, every single time it's been done throughout history. It has never once exacerbated the issue.

12-19-2018, 02:10 PM
I'm pretty sure we're good with Russia because of a big red button.

12-19-2018, 02:27 PM
2016 Androidpk: Hillary can't be president! She's gonna get us into a war with Russia!
2018 Androidpk: Why hasn't Trump gotten us into a war with Russia yet?!

2014 Android - Calling for sanctions against Russia
2016 Android - Calling for sanctions against Russia
2018 Android - Calling for sanctions against Russia

Tgo - look how android flip flopped on Russia!

12-19-2018, 02:37 PM
I'm pretty sure we're good with Russia because of a big red button.

I'm surprised Trump hasn't used this as an example of Hillary colluding with Russia.

12-19-2018, 02:38 PM
2014 Android - Calling for sanctions against Russia
2016 Android - Calling for sanctions against Russia
2018 Android - Calling for sanctions against Russia

Tgo - look how android flip flopped on Russia!

Oh my mistake, I forgot us pulling out of Syria had to do with sanctions.

12-19-2018, 02:45 PM
I'm surprised Trump hasn't used this as an example of Hillary colluding with Russia.

I'm pretty surprised you haven't revealed that all of your knowledge of the President of the United States being a Russian sleeper agent was revealed to you by aliens while you were in your bunker hiding from government mind control chemtrails. Excuse me. Sorry. Russian government mind control chemtrails.

12-19-2018, 02:50 PM
If there was still any doubt that the judge in the Flynn case is nothing but a left leaning partisan hack this should go ahead and make it crystal clear: He has now ordered the federal government to return asylum seekers to the US who have already been deported. I have never heard of such a ruling before. Seriously has anyone ever heard of a judge ordering the federal government to bring back people to the US it has already deported? This is some amazing work by this so called impartial judge.

12-19-2018, 02:58 PM
If there was still any doubt that the judge in the Flynn case is nothing but a left leaning partisan hack this should go ahead and make it crystal clear: He has now ordered the federal government to return asylum seekers to the US who have already been deported. I have never heard of such a ruling before. Seriously has anyone ever heard of a judge ordering the federal government to bring back people to the US it has already deported? This is some amazing work by this so called impartial judge.

If the decision to deport them was ruled as incorrect, then why wouldn't they be brought back? Some of Trump's changes were specifically targeted to make the deportation process quicker. Were you thinking that it was like football, where if you get the next play off, you can't challenge? The courts don't work that way, whether or not you agree with the ruling.

12-19-2018, 03:01 PM
Oh my mistake, I forgot us pulling out of Syria had to do with sanctions.

You also made the mistake of thinking enacting sanctions is the same thing as calling for war.

12-19-2018, 03:03 PM
If there was still any doubt that the judge in the Flynn case is nothing but a left leaning partisan hack this should go ahead and make it crystal clear: He has now ordered the federal government to return asylum seekers to the US who have already been deported. I have never heard of such a ruling before. Seriously has anyone ever heard of a judge ordering the federal government to bring back people to the US it has already deported? This is some amazing work by this so called impartial judge.

Yes, the judge appointed by Reagan, who has been hailed by many prominent Republicans, is suddenly a liberal partisan hack because he's.. *checks notes* ..upholding the law? You're really, really fucking retarded as of late.

12-19-2018, 03:06 PM
If the decision to deport them was ruled as incorrect, then why wouldn't they be brought back? Some of Trump's changes were specifically targeted to make the deportation process quicker. Were you thinking that it was like football, where if you get the next play off, you can't challenge? The courts don't work that way, whether or not you agree with the ruling.

Why would the federal government be forced to bring them back? Grant them new asylum applications, sure. Give them new hearings, fantastic. Actually telling the federal government to arrange to have the people brought back to the US until their new asylum applications work through the court system? That's just the most absurd thing I've ever heard of. No, wait, I take that last part back, I'm about to read two posts from Androidpk.

12-19-2018, 03:08 PM
You also made the mistake of thinking enacting sanctions is the same thing as calling for war.

What? I specifically was referring to your post about us pulling troops out of Syria, I even quoted it. The only person who mentions sanctions with you. Honestly are you suffering from a stroke at the moment? It's the only thing that would explain your more-retarded-than-usual posts.

Yes, the judge appointed by Reagan, who has been hailed by many prominent Republicans, is suddenly a liberal partisan hack because he's.. *checks notes* ..upholding the law? You're really, really fucking retarded as of late.

You mean the judge who was appointed to his current position by Clinton? Let me guess, you had no clue he was a Clinton appointee and were relying on some bullshit CNN article you read that left that part out right?

12-19-2018, 03:09 PM
Why would the federal government be forced to bring them back? Grant them new asylum applications, sure. Give them new hearings, fantastic. Actually telling the federal government to arrange to have the people brought back to the US until their new asylum applications work through the court system? That's just the most absurd thing I've ever heard of. No, wait, I take that last part back, I'm about to read two posts from Androidpk.

The Federal government was the one that moved them out. They now have the financial responsibility to move them back in. If a towing company illegally tows your car, it's not your financial responsibility to have it returned if the courts rule in your favor. It's the towing company's.

12-19-2018, 03:15 PM
The Federal government was the one that moved them out. They now have the financial responsibility to move them back in. If a towing company illegally tows your car, it's not your financial responsibility to have it returned if the courts rule in your favor. It's the towing company's.

We're not talking about my fucking car, we are talking about people coming to this country illegally then saying "Oh...uhh asylum!" Then our government saying "Nope, doesn't look like a legit asylum case, back you go." Then a federal judge saying "Naww dawg, you grant them new asylum cases and bring them back to the US until their cases work through the system, should only take a few years."

12-19-2018, 03:17 PM
The Federal government was the one that moved them out. They now have the financial responsibility to move them back in. If a towing company illegally tows your car, it's not your financial responsibility to have it returned if the courts rule in your favor. It's the towing company's.

You don't have much experience with towing companies do you? If you car is towed illegally, they just don't charge you to let it out, they aren't going to bring it back to you. If you want extra money you have to go ahead and sue them. Just like each and every single person effected by this would need to sue the US Government to come back, because they aren't going to go looking for them.

12-19-2018, 03:18 PM
We're not talking about my fucking car, we are talking about people coming to this country illegally then saying "Oh...uhh asylum!" Then our government saying "Nope, doesn't look like a legit asylum case, back you go." Then a federal judge saying "Naww dawg, you grant them new asylum cases and bring them back to the US until their cases work through the system, should only take a few years."

No. We're not talking about people coming to this country illegally. We're talking about a ruling stating that their reason for being here was not illegal, and wrongly called illegal.

To my understanding, when a deportation removal happens, the deported is sent back to their country of origin. When a deportation is ruled as having been illegal, the response should be what? "lol jk. walk here from Guyana again and try a second time."? If that were the case you could just fast track all deportations and send them as far away as possible. Problem solved? No more immigration?

12-19-2018, 03:21 PM
What? I specifically was referring to your post about us pulling troops out of Syria, I even quoted it. The only person who mentions sanctions with you. Honestly are you suffering from a stroke at the moment? It's the only thing that would explain your more-retarded-than-usual posts.

Yes, I mentioned sanctions then you stupidly brought up war with Russia for no reason. Are YOU having a stroke?

You mean the judge who was appointed to his current position by Clinton? Let me guess, you had no clue he was a Clinton appointee and were relying on some bullshit CNN article you read that left that part out right?

His initial federal judge position was because of Reagan you twit. Being appointed to the current position he has by Bill Clinton isn't exactly a super big secret. Keep being a mouth breathing Alex Jones wannabe, thinking everyone is a deep state agent of the Clintons. :lol:

12-19-2018, 03:24 PM
Yes, I mentioned sanctions then you stupidly brought up war with Russia for no reason. Are YOU having a stroke?

And Trump is pulling US troops out of Syria. Christmas has come early for Putin!

Stroke it is then. Oh yeah and yet another "NOU!"

12-19-2018, 03:29 PM
Stroke it is then. Oh yeah and yet another "NOU!"

Yes, good job of showing me not talking about waging war with Russia. GG, loser.

12-19-2018, 03:34 PM
Yes, good job of showing me not talking about waging war with Russia. GG, loser.

w/e Mr WW Syria.

Anyways, back to my trading route. These Military Fabrics and Consumer Technologies aren't going to move themselves and pay me.

12-19-2018, 04:26 PM
Stroke it is then. Oh yeah and yet another "NOU!"

Clearly you were the inspiration for Ball Fondlers

12-19-2018, 04:28 PM
Clearly you were the inspiration for Ball Fondlers

He inspired you to fondle balls?

12-19-2018, 04:32 PM
He inspired you to fondle balls?

You're out of your depth here, swamp man.

Oh, the Saints and LSU suck.

12-19-2018, 04:33 PM
You're out of your depth here, swamp man.

Oh, the Saints and LSU suck.

Wow, you just love throwing out false information.

Ball fondling must have rattled your brain.

12-19-2018, 04:35 PM
Wow, you just love throwing out false information.

Ball fondling must have rattled your brain.

Like I said; you're out of your depth.

Oh, Drew Brees is a fraud.

12-19-2018, 04:36 PM
Like I said; you're out of your depth.

Oh, Drew Brees is a fraud.

Okay Time4fun.

12-19-2018, 04:37 PM
I bet Androidpgay stayed up for a week coming up with "Rudy Colludi" and thinks it's the most clever most creative thing in the history of all clever and creative things.

What a stupid loser. :lol:

There's no way Androidpk came up with that. He lifted it from someone on MSNBC or CNN or MotherJones..

He's far too lazy to come up with something himself.. when it's just so easy to steal it.

12-19-2018, 04:38 PM
you're out of your depth..


12-19-2018, 04:38 PM
Looks like Mark Zuckerburg perjured himself. Let's heat this Russian Investigation up and get Mueller on him.

12-19-2018, 04:39 PM
Okay Time4fun.

? ok

Do you work? Probably not.

I bet PK puts in more work hours in a week than you do.

12-19-2018, 04:39 PM
Looks like Mark Zuckerburg perjured himself. Let's heat this Russian Investigation up and get Mueller on him.

That PROVES it! The myysssteeeerious secret hearing for the grand jury case was about Facebook's collusion to implant a Russian spy as President! Zuckercolludigate! ZUCKERCOLLUDIGATE!

12-19-2018, 04:40 PM
? ok

Do you work? Probably not.

I bet PK puts in more work hours in a week than you do.

You're too dim to realize she uses the exact same insults to people when she is being retarded. So basically 24/7.

12-19-2018, 04:45 PM
? ok

Do you work? Probably not.

I bet PK puts in more work hours in a week than you do.


You aren't even making sense at this point.

PS - I hope you get your WIC check before Christmas!

12-19-2018, 04:45 PM
A mysterious sealed document in Michael Cohen’s criminal case was referenced in the online court docket in federal court Wednesday.

The docket entry notes only that the sealed document was “placed in vault” with the Southern District of New York in Manhattan. There is no information on what type of document it is, or even the word count. It’s not even clear if it’s just a clerical note referencing an action involving a previously sealed document, or a new document being filed in the case.


Individual 1's indictment :lol:

12-19-2018, 04:46 PM
That PROVES it! The myysssteeeerious secret hearing for the grand jury case was about Facebook's collusion to implant a Russian spy as President! Zuckercolludigate! ZUCKERCOLLUDIGATE!

Sure, except Facebook isn't owned by a foreign government.

12-19-2018, 04:47 PM
Sure, except Facebook isn't owned by a foreign government.

That is what they want you to think.

12-19-2018, 04:55 PM
You're too dim to realize she uses the exact same insults to people when she is being retarded. So basically 24/7.

Suck a cock

12-19-2018, 04:57 PM
Suck a cock

Can you stop trying to push your life choices on to other people?

12-19-2018, 04:59 PM
Suck a cock

You’re trying even less than you normally do.

You should work on that.

I wonder if pk knows yet that the “treason” judge apologized for his dumb comments.

12-19-2018, 05:30 PM
You’re trying even less than you normally do.

You should work on that.

I wonder if pk knows yet that the “treason” judge apologized for his dumb comments.

At least you two idiots have each other. This is the best it'll ever get for you and Gelston.

Tgo will be getting jealous soon...

12-19-2018, 06:30 PM
I bet PK puts in more work hours in a week than you do.

Come on, there's no need to be that vicious.

12-19-2018, 06:32 PM
A mysterious sealed document in Michael Cohen’s criminal case was referenced in the online court docket in federal court Wednesday.

The docket entry notes only that the sealed document was “placed in vault” with the Southern District of New York in Manhattan. There is no information on what type of document it is, or even the word count. It’s not even clear if it’s just a clerical note referencing an action involving a previously sealed document, or a new document being filed in the case.


Individual 1's indictment :lol:

Wow. Androidpk literally reads: "This could be ANYTHING, even just a one sentence clerical note" and concludes "LOL! Trump's indictment!!!"

But then again this is the same person who takes thousands of "anonymous sources" from the "news" seriously.

12-19-2018, 06:39 PM
Wow. Androidpk literally reads: "This could be ANYTHING, even just a one sentence clerical note" and concludes "LOL! Trump's indictment!!!"

But then again this is the same person who takes thousands of "anonymous sources" from the "news" seriously.

Leave it to the retard with zero reading comprehension skills to not be able to tell when someone is joking.

12-19-2018, 07:33 PM
Leave it to the retard with zero reading comprehension skills to not be able to tell when someone is joking.

So, from now on.. anytime you put a laughing face after you post something stupid.. you're just joking and you don't really mean it?

12-19-2018, 07:34 PM
So, from now on.. anytime you put a laughing face after you post something stupid.. you're just joking and you don't really mean it?

The article is satire.

Far as I can tell.

12-19-2018, 07:38 PM
The article is satire.

Far as I can tell.

It is? Doesn't read like it.. and it's been reported on other news sources.



12-19-2018, 07:42 PM
It is? Doesn't read like it.. and it's been reported on other news sources.




Man, if that's what passes for news today, holy shit.

12-19-2018, 07:52 PM
He posted one a few days ago with even less to go on in this thread. He was speculating that a hearing about a grand jury indictment was absolutely definitely about Trump and that it was all going down right just now. Despite the fact that all grand jury evidence, proceedings, and things that pertain to them are and always have been sealed. Despite having zero knowledge of anything beyond "a grand jury case hearing was held", he determined that Trump was definitely the subject. And he still hasn't given any sources for that determination, because they only exist in his head.

12-19-2018, 09:27 PM
Leave it to the retard with zero reading comprehension skills to not be able to tell when someone is joking.

So you're just pretending to be dumb now? Well it's a step up from NOU! at least.

12-19-2018, 10:20 PM
Didn't Androidpk earlier today say that Trump was lifting sanctions on Russia? That's weird.

U.S. imposes fresh Russia sanctions for election meddling (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-russia-sanctions-treasury-idUSKCN1OI27F?utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Co ntent&utm_content=5c1b070404d3017d1b39dace&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States imposed fresh Russia-related sanctions on Wednesday, expanding a blacklist of individuals allegedly involved in a Kremlin-backed campaign to meddle with the 2016 U.S. presidential election, among other misdeeds.

12-19-2018, 10:47 PM
In the span of just a few days Rudy Colludi has gone from saying Trump never signed a letter of intent for Trump Tower Moscow to saying ok he signed a letter of intent but it's not a big deal. :lol:

PK is surprised that a lawyer and politician would say contradictory things on TV.

So, we know that the basis of this whole mess is that fake dossier complied by a leftist company and paid for by Hillary and the DNC that was given to the FBI by none other than John The Keating Five failed to win President over a weak ass Obama McCain who's staffer also leaked the entire contents to Buzz Feed which was then used by Crooked Comey to illegally obtain a FISA warrant against Trump and the campaign by lying to the judge when presenting the media info as corroboration to the dossier by saying that it had little or no connection to the dossier and with the coordination of the media, the DNC and the fired scumbag McCabe and the treasonous I'm fucking a DOJ lawyer on the side while texting how I am going to "protect" the US from Trump as president Peter Strozk to start a criminally off the rails investigation headed by none other than Crooked Comey's buddy and associate from early corporate lawyer days Mueller and a pack of Leftist lawyers so far left that other Leftests are kind of afraid of them that has so far been unable to produce anything other than some petty, possibly illegal and contrived convictions/ about lying to the FBI, financial book keeping crimes and a case of possible campaign finance indiscretion of far less value than the previous administration and still no collusion, when can we expect this farce to end?

Just a clue, the only people that give anything near a shit about this whole mess is Crappy News Network and all you Leftist crybabies sore losers that still haven't gotten over the fact your shitty candidate lost by ignoring her husband's advice. I wonder how much better the US and the world would be if we didn't have all this crap getting in the way of US Russia relations and negotiations.

I can't wait for 4 more years of your crying.

12-19-2018, 11:03 PM
He posted one a few days ago with even less to go on in this thread. He was speculating that a hearing about a grand jury indictment was absolutely definitely about Trump and that it was all going down right just now. Despite the fact that all grand jury evidence, proceedings, and things that pertain to them are and always have been sealed. Despite having zero knowledge of anything beyond "a grand jury case hearing was held", he determined that Trump was definitely the subject. And he still hasn't given any sources for that determination, because they only exist in his head.

Uhh except it wasn't a grand jury indictment, I even said as much more than once. It was an appeal hearing on a grand jury subpoena, that has been going on since at least October and I never said Trump was the subject (again, I've said as much). Is it related to Trump and the Russia investigation? Yes, that much is known. And now it's known that the subpoena target is a corporation owned by a foreign government. If you're going to talk shit at least get your facts straight instead of just making stuff up like Tgo does.

12-19-2018, 11:06 PM
PK is surprised that a lawyer and politician would say contradictory things on TV.

I'm not surprised that Trump and Rudy are constantly lying, getting caught, and then having to change their story multiple times. I'm just surprised that MAGAts keep giving them a break, because apparently it's okay when an a Republican administration blatantly lie to Americans day after day.

12-19-2018, 11:09 PM
So, we know that the basis of this whole mess is that fake dossier complied by a leftist company and paid for by Hillary and the DNC that was given to the FBI by none other than John The Keating Five failed to win President over a weak ass Obama McCain who's staffer also leaked the entire contents to Buzz Feed which was then used by Crooked Comey to illegally obtain a FISA warrant against Trump and the campaign by lying to the judge when presenting the media info as corroboration to the dossier by saying that it had little or no connection to the dossier and with the coordination of the media, the DNC and the fired scumbag McCabe and the treasonous I'm fucking a DOJ lawyer on the side while texting how I am going to "protect" the US from Trump as president Peter Strozk to start a criminally off the rails investigation headed by none other than Crooked Comey's buddy and associate from early corporate lawyer days Mueller and a pack of Leftist lawyers so far left that other Leftests are kind of afraid of them that has so far been unable to produce anything other than some petty, possibly illegal and contrived convictions/ about lying to the FBI, financial book keeping crimes and a case of possible campaign finance indiscretion of far less value than the previous administration and still no collusion, when can we expect this farce to end?

Just a clue, the only people that give anything near a shit about this whole mess is Crappy News Network and all you Leftist crybabies sore losers that still haven't gotten over the fact your shitty candidate lost by ignoring her husband's advice. I wonder how much better the US and the world would be if we didn't have all this crap getting in the way of US Russia relations and negotiations.

I can't wait for 4 more years of your crying.

Jesus Christ, man, did you just get done snorting a few lines of meth or are you always this off your rocker retarded? Mouth breathers like you just need to collectively die off instead of trying to drag this country down and turn it into American Taliban country.

12-19-2018, 11:14 PM
I'm not surprised that Trump and Rudy are constantly lying, getting caught, and then having to change their story multiple times. I'm just surprised that MAGAts keep giving them a break, because apparently it's okay when an a Republican administration blatantly lie to Americans day after day.

It was ok when Obama did it so why not now? Seriously, do you even know how this game is played, you have been doing it for years now.

12-20-2018, 04:54 AM
Oh, the Saints and LSU suck.

Oh, Drew Brees is a fraud.

Hey. Fuck you, pal.

12-20-2018, 06:19 AM
Jesus Christ, man, did you just get done snorting a few lines of meth or are you always this off your rocker retarded? Mouth breathers like you just need to collectively die off instead of trying to drag this country down and turn it into American Taliban country.

I'd rather retards like you died off, as long as we're wishing death upon people we disagree with, like the Taliban does... god you're stupid.

12-20-2018, 06:23 AM
I'm not surprised that Trump and Rudy are constantly lying, getting caught, and then having to change their story multiple times. I'm just surprised that MAGAts keep giving them a break, because apparently it's okay when an a Republican administration blatantly lie to Americans day after day.

Subpoena subpoena

12-20-2018, 06:24 AM
It was ok when Obama did it so why not now? Seriously, do you even know how this game is played, you have been doing it for years now.

He's one of the stupider people here, so the answer is no.

12-20-2018, 09:39 AM
It was ok when Obama did it so why not now? Seriously, do you even know how this game is played, you have been doing it for years now.

How many in the Obama administration were indicted for federal crimes? How many were found out to be unregistered foreign agents selling access to the WH? There is no comparing the two. Obama had his problems for sure but at least he didn't debase the office and use it for his own personal gain.

12-20-2018, 09:56 AM
How many in the Obama administration were indicted for federal crimes? How many were found out to be unregistered foreign agents selling access to the WH? There is no comparing the two. Obama had his problems for sure but at least he didn't debase the office and use it for his own personal gain.


12-20-2018, 10:20 AM

This is correct.

12-20-2018, 10:34 AM
Uhh except it wasn't a grand jury indictment, I even said as much more than once. It was an appeal hearing on a grand jury subpoena, that has been going on since at least October and I never said Trump was the subject (again, I've said as much). Is it related to Trump and the Russia investigation? Yes, that much is known. And now it's known that the subpoena target is a corporation owned by a foreign government. If you're going to talk shit at least get your facts straight instead of just making stuff up like Tgo does.

Cite your source. Because you have none. Because grand jury proceedings and things that pertain to them are sealed.

12-20-2018, 10:37 AM
Cite your source. Because you have none. Because grand jury proceedings and things that pertain to them are sealed.

He doesn't cite sources anymore ever since he became cwolff.

12-20-2018, 10:40 AM
Cite your source. Because you have none. Because grand jury proceedings and things that pertain to them are sealed.

You make up shit about me but want ME to cite sources? Ok.


12-20-2018, 10:59 AM
You make up shit about me but want ME to cite sources? Ok.


As stated previously, you have a history of posting fake and doctored "news" and using it to try to support your arguments in the hope that nobody will actually read them. That is why you are asked to cite your sources. You're untrustworthy. Other people would also be asked to cite their sources if they failed to provide them, but you're the only one who does it with regularity.

Unfortunately for you, I actually read the link you just posted. Which part of that says anything about Trump, Mueller or Russia? In point of fact, since it's related to a grand jury proceeding, it names no one and nothing, just like the initial story which you used to try to claim Trump was about to be indicted. The only information that this docket DOES give is that it's a corporate entity from another country that's being subpoena'd.

You took a story that said "Courtroom sealed off" and nothing more and started screaming "TRUMP! TRUMP! HE'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!". Then you did that AGAIN yesterday, having learned nothing.

Like I said before, you are fooling no one here, and only making your side of the argument look bad by doing this. I don't care what side of the political fence you're on, so long as you're not trying to pull this kind of stupid shit and thinking you're clever for it.

12-20-2018, 11:03 AM
As stated previously, you have a history of posting fake and doctored "news" and using it to try to support your arguments in the hope that nobody will actually read them. That is why you are asked to cite your sources. You're untrustworthy. Other people would also be asked to cite their sources if they failed to provide them, but you're the only one who does it with regularity.

Unfortunately for you, I actually read the link you just posted. Which part of that says anything about Trump, Mueller or Russia? In point of fact, since it's related to a grand jury proceeding, it names no one and nothing, just like the initial story which you used to try to claim Trump was about to be indicted. The only information that this docket DOES give is that it's a corporate entity from another country that's being subpoena'd.

You took a story that said "Courtroom sealed off" and nothing more and started screaming "TRUMP! TRUMP! HE'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!". Then you did that AGAIN yesterday, having learned nothing.

Like I said before, you are fooling no one here, and only making your side of the argument look bad by doing this. I don't care what side of the political fence you're on, so long as you're not trying to pull this kind of stupid shit and thinking you're clever for it.

You have to keep in mind that on top of being a piece of shit person, pk is really, really, REALLY stupid, and thinks everyone else is just as stupid and gullible as he is.

12-20-2018, 11:41 AM
As stated previously, you have a history of posting fake and doctored "news" and using it to try to support your arguments in the hope that nobody will actually read them. That is why you are asked to cite your sources. You're untrustworthy. Other people would also be asked to cite their sources if they failed to provide them, but you're the only one who does it with regularity.

Unfortunately for you, I actually read the link you just posted. Which part of that says anything about Trump, Mueller or Russia? In point of fact, since it's related to a grand jury proceeding, it names no one and nothing, just like the initial story which you used to try to claim Trump was about to be indicted. The only information that this docket DOES give is that it's a corporate entity from another country that's being subpoena'd.

You took a story that said "Courtroom sealed off" and nothing more and started screaming "TRUMP! TRUMP! HE'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!". Then you did that AGAIN yesterday, having learned nothing.

Like I said before, you are fooling no one here, and only making your side of the argument look bad by doing this. I don't care what side of the political fence you're on, so long as you're not trying to pull this kind of stupid shit and thinking you're clever for it.

Look at you getting all butt hurt about me posting about politics. Don't like how or what I post? Put me on ignore. Stop being such a fucking wanker and get over yourself. Or better yet why don't you go and create a safe space forum where you don't have to listen to people criticize and talk about Trump.


12-20-2018, 11:48 AM
Look at you getting all butt hurt about me posting about politics. Don't like how or what I post? Put me on ignore. Stop being such a fucking wanker and get over yourself. Or better yet why don't you go and create a safe space forum where you don't have to listen to people criticize and talk about Trump.


He is butthurt because he called our your dumbassedry? Whatever helps you sleep at night, although I guess it doesn't, because you're on the PC 24/7.

12-20-2018, 11:49 AM
Look at you getting all butt hurt about me posting about politics. Don't like how or what I post? Put me on ignore. Stop being such a fucking wanker and get over yourself. Or better yet why don't you go and create a safe space forum where you don't have to listen to people criticize and talk about Trump.


okay, I didn't believe it at first but apparently pk is making a serious run at the belt and is challenging the current #1 contender. He legit deserves a title shot with the whole altering news he posts then saying that's just how he posts politics and to get over it thing he's doing now.

12-20-2018, 11:49 AM
Look at you getting all butt hurt about me posting about politics. Don't like how or what I post? Put me on ignore. Stop being such a fucking wanker and get over yourself. Or better yet why don't you go and create a safe space forum where you don't have to listen to people criticize and talk about Trump.

If you're content to look like an idiot and be called so by everyone I've encountered here, I really don't think there's anything more to say. I'm going to continue to point out with evidence that what you say is fantasy as you say it. I'm sure everyone else will continue to do so also.

12-20-2018, 11:53 AM
He is butthurt because he called our your dumbassedry? Whatever helps you sleep at night, although I guess it doesn't, because you're on the PC 24/7.

I'm on as much as you. So, okay?

12-20-2018, 11:55 AM
If you're content to look like an idiot and be called so by everyone I've encountered here, I really don't think there's anything more to say. I'm going to continue to point out with evidence that what you say is fantasy as you say it. I'm sure everyone else will continue to do so also.

Good to know you think a small group of conservative trolls = everyone. Continue to cry over my posts though because I sure as hell ain't stopping because some random shit head doesn't like it. :lol:

12-20-2018, 11:59 AM
I'm on as much as you. So, okay?

hah, not nearly. I'll go to sleep and come back and you've been posting the entire time. And then also the entire time I'm there. And then when I leave to do stuff. And when I get back.

12-20-2018, 12:00 PM
Good to know you think a small group of conservative trolls = everyone. Continue to cry over my posts though because I sure as hell ain't stopping because some random shit head doesn't like it. :lol:

Definitely the #1 Contender at this point.

12-20-2018, 12:01 PM
Good to know you think a small group of conservative trolls = everyone. Continue to cry over my posts though because I sure as hell ain't stopping because some random shit head doesn't like it. :lol:

There are trolls here, yes, but if you lump everyone into that category, you lack basic observational skills or have an incorrect understanding of trolling. Disagreeing with you is not the same thing as trolling. Pointing out flaws in your assumptions or inaccuracies in your logic is not the same thing as trolling. For example, I fundamentally disagree with 99% of what Dreaven says here, but he's not a troll. I think he's an asshole, and he almost certainly thinks the same about me, but what he posts is not trolling.

12-20-2018, 12:08 PM
hah, not nearly. I'll go to sleep and come back and you've been posting the entire time. And then also the entire time I'm there. And then when I leave to do stuff. And when I get back.

This is correct. Sometimes you can even tell which posts he's making while time4fun is actively ravaging his colon.

12-20-2018, 12:20 PM
Evidence exhibit A in Trump's campaign finance court trial - https://twitter.com/renato_mariotti/status/1075593707825627136

12-20-2018, 01:22 PM

12-20-2018, 02:09 PM


12-20-2018, 02:43 PM

I love that it's a tweet.

12-20-2018, 08:26 PM
He doesn't cite sources anymore ever since he became cwolff.

That’s my theory. He made up a pseudo account to agree with himself.

12-20-2018, 10:15 PM
So I'm in a Type 7 now. Hate it. Probably going to get a Krait soon. Holds a little less, but it is a medium so I can hit more places.

12-21-2018, 02:56 AM
Gelston touched mi pp.


12-21-2018, 08:53 AM
So I'm in a Type 7 now. Hate it. Probably going to get a Krait soon. Holds a little less, but it is a medium so I can hit more places.
Don’t like it because of large platforms only? Or because it steers like a fat ass away the from the salad bar?
Don’t sell it. You’ll regret it when you get bored of stellar cartography, engineering chores, or killing bounties.

Are you using the Elite Dangerous Market Connector to maximize profit?

12-21-2018, 02:35 PM
Don’t like it because of large platforms only? Or because it steers like a fat ass away the from the salad bar?
Don’t sell it. You’ll regret it when you get bored of stellar cartography, engineering chores, or killing bounties.

Are you using the Elite Dangerous Market Connector to maximize profit?

Large platforms only. I was making really good money hitting the medium and small, but it has slowed a little and my jump range is like 7 LYs lower when laden.

Either way, I've found a good loop now and I should be in Krait soon. I could just go straight to a python, but I like seeing the insides of new ships, especially in oculus.

12-21-2018, 07:30 PM

Androidpk = Max Boot

12-24-2018, 03:30 AM

The Trump administration is claiming early success in its efforts to get Europe to divest itself from Russian energy, saying recent export agreements with Poland are just the beginning.

“We are starting to see the European Parliament, in particular, take action,” Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette said in an interview with the Washington Examiner.

Trump has got to be the worst puppet Putin has ever paid for.

I know what retards like Androidpk are gonna say: "LOL! They haven't done shit!!!" But just the fact that Trump has made this a goal and has pushed Europe towards not relying on Russian energy anymore kind of makes you look like a retard to suggest Trump is Russia's puppet. But keep on making homophobic remarks while bitching that other people are homophobes.

12-24-2018, 04:11 AM

Trump has got to be the worst puppet Putin has ever paid for.

I know what retards like Androidpk are gonna say: "LOL! They haven't done shit!!!" But just the fact that Trump has made this a goal and has pushed Europe towards not relying on Russian energy anymore kind of makes you look like a retard to suggest Trump is Russia's puppet. But keep on making homophobic remarks while bitching that other people are homophobes.

Yeah, he basically has Poland completely off Russian NG and they are buying our stuff.

Amazing we are also a net exporter of oil for the first time in 75 years, that is Crude + finish product.

12-24-2018, 11:11 AM

Androidpk = Max Boot

Max Boot has a job though.

12-24-2018, 04:11 PM
Max Boot has a job though.


12-27-2018, 07:09 PM

Man, if that's what passes for news today, holy shit.

Kill yourself, retard.

12-27-2018, 08:49 PM
Kill yourself, retard.

Someone is triggered as fuck today.

12-28-2018, 12:48 PM
Giuliani is saying it's not a crime to knowingly receive stolen materials, likely trying to get ahead of a Roger Stone indictment linking Guccifer 2 materials given to Wikileaks then given to Trump via Stone.

12-28-2018, 02:25 PM
Giuliani is saying it's not a crime to knowingly receive stolen materials, likely trying to get ahead of a Roger Stone indictment linking Guccifer 2 materials given to Wikileaks then given to Trump via Stone.

You're retarded.

12-28-2018, 07:45 PM
Giuliani is saying it's not a crime to knowingly receive stolen materials, likely trying to get ahead of a Roger Stone indictment linking Guccifer 2 materials given to Wikileaks then given to Trump via Stone.

Are you talking about words? Yeah I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to be in possession of "stolen" words but I would like to see you cite a law stating otherwise.

12-29-2018, 11:04 AM
Are you talking about words? Yeah I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to be in possession of "stolen" words but I would like to see you cite a law stating otherwise.

That's what you're going with? A defense so stupid not even Rudy would use it.

12-29-2018, 11:21 AM
That's what you're going with? A defense so stupid not even Rudy would use it.

After two years, he STILL doesn't understand what conspiracy charges are.


12-29-2018, 12:06 PM
After two years, he STILL doesn't understand what conspiracy charges are.


Other than the dildos you wreck pk with as couch rent, know what else there is after 2 years?

Still no collusion.

12-29-2018, 12:23 PM
Other than the dildos you wreck pk with as couch rent, know what else there is after 2 years?

Still no collusion.

This is absolutely correct.

12-29-2018, 12:43 PM
After two years, he STILL doesn't understand what conspiracy charges are.


Do you STILL think that conversation about breastfeeding pygmy men never happened?

Because if so, #notshocked.

12-29-2018, 12:53 PM
Do you STILL think that conversation about breastfeeding pygmy men never happened?

Because if so, #notshocked.

The lack of reply you'll get is simply confirmation that she's fully aware of how stupid she is, and maybe a 1% chance of her also having enough self awareness to realize how chicken shit she is when it comes to having to admit to being wrong about anything at all, even moreso when it's someone who doesn't hold the exact same beliefs she does.

She couldn't even admit to being wrong about $5m per month WoW servers, and instead insisted that her completely non-sarcastic post where she said they pay $5m a month was her being sarcastic.

People like that are typically referred to as stupid cunts.

12-29-2018, 12:59 PM
The lack of reply you'll get is simply confirmation that she's fully aware of how stupid she is, and maybe a 1% chance of her also having enough self awareness to realize how chicken shit she is when it comes to having to admit to being wrong about anything at all, even moreso when it's someone who doesn't hold the exact same beliefs she does.

She couldn't even admit to being wrong about $5m per month WoW servers, and instead insisted that her completely non-sarcastic post where she said they pay $5m a month was her being sarcastic.

People like that are typically referred to as stupid cunts.

We've all learned her super secret technique for when she's wrong.


12-29-2018, 12:59 PM
Methais does goat yoga confirmed

12-29-2018, 01:43 PM
I've never understood why you feel the need to pretend I've said things I haven't said. I said I wasn't around, so you all were talking to yourselves. I fully believe that you all had a one sided conversations and patted yourselves on the back for it.

But this really isn't the thread to talk about me being wrong and you fools being right.

12-29-2018, 01:46 PM
I've never understood why you feel the need to pretend I've said things I haven't said. I said I wasn't around, so you all were talking to yourselves. I fully believe that you all had a one sided conversations and patted yourselves on the back for it.

But this really isn't the thread to talk about me being wrong and you fools being right.

Secret Technique at work.

The conversation between you and Taernath happened. So did the one about WoW server costs. So there is that.


12-29-2018, 01:48 PM
I've never understood why you feel the need to pretend I've said things I haven't said. I said I wasn't around, so you all were talking to yourselves. I fully believe that you all had a one sided conversations and patted yourselves on the back for it.

But this really isn't the thread to talk about me being wrong and you fools being right.

Rofl, but you did say it all. And "this isn't the thread". Are you new to PC?

12-29-2018, 01:50 PM
Rofl, but you did say it all. And "this isn't the thread". Are you new to PC?

She might just be. Disregard all other posts before though. That's not how forums work.

I'm also expecting a "I was hacked" excuse.

12-29-2018, 02:24 PM
The breastfeeding bit is on page 765 of this very topic and rolls only a few pages.

Bonus points, it's also on page 451 of the 'Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)' topic and rolls a few pages before T4F is proven inept.

I guess none of that happened. Though it did.

12-29-2018, 02:43 PM
Based on that, and this:

You are constantly trying to argue from a position of authority on just about every topic under the sun. Anti-terrorism, politics, gender studies, law. This time you chose anthropology, I guess because not many people know about it and you figured it would be another easy 'credential'.

I'll tell you what: I want to hear more about these breastfeeding Aka. Just give me an overview on how the men are able to provide milk instead of the women, or admit you were wrong, and we can drop it. You don't have to cite sources, just use your own words. Here is your assertion for reference:

And men can nurse babies- did you know that? There's a culture in existence right now that has- as far back as any of them can remember- always had men breastfeeding babies instead of women. So I ask you again- if a man is overweight and has breasts- which are capable of lactating and feeding a baby- are they a woman? If not- what makes a someone a woman?

Wait, you actually think that men can't lactate?

And THAT'S going to be your argument that I don't know what I'm talking about? Did you... Take the 30 seconds to Google this before embarrassing yourself?

Regardless, the breastfeeding is just an example of them treating parental roles as non-gendered. Babies get milk from the mothers but breastfeed from both.

Any postings by time4fun you think you see in this thread are a hallucination. #NeverHappened

12-29-2018, 02:45 PM
Any postings by time4fun you think you see in this thread are a hallucination. #NeverHappened


12-29-2018, 03:09 PM
Guys, come on. This thread isn't the place to post about how she is wrong and literally anyone else that may be talking to her is right.

That thread is all threads, collectively. There's no need to limit ourselves.

12-29-2018, 03:31 PM
circle jerking trolls gonna circle jerk

12-29-2018, 03:33 PM
circle jerking trolls gonna circle jerk

I love it.

Just 2 years ago you were writing her off as an an entitled white woman over 35. Now she's a person you agree with. Amazing.

Spoken like an entitled straight white woman over 35.

See? From the mouth of the beast himself. Don't worry, I got this saved so you can scrub it.

12-29-2018, 03:36 PM
I bet pk lactates.

12-29-2018, 03:40 PM
I bet pk lactates.

It's all soy milk though.

12-29-2018, 03:55 PM
Secret Technique at work.

The conversation between you and Taernath happened. So did the one about WoW server costs. So there is that.


But she was being sarcastic!!!

12-29-2018, 04:08 PM
It's all soy milk though.

See, like almond milk, I always wondered where you found a teet on a soybean? I have never seen an almond with teets either. **

** for those humor impaired, yes I know how both are made, no they aren't milk and both tend to take more resources per gallon to make than milk from cows, stop destroying the environment for your ego

12-29-2018, 04:18 PM
I've never understood why you feel the need to pretend I've said things I haven't said. I said I wasn't around, so you all were talking to yourselves. I fully believe that you all had a one sided conversations and patted yourselves on the back for it.

But this really isn't the thread to talk about me being wrong and you fools being right.

Every thread you post in is the thread to talk about you being wrong, because every time you post you're wrong about something.

Case in point: The post quoted above.

The breastfeeding bit is on page 765 of this very topic and rolls only a few pages.

Bonus points, it's also on page 451 of the 'Things that made you laugh today (Political Version)' topic and rolls a few pages before T4F is proven inept.

I guess none of that happened. Though it did.

Better screenshot it, just in case she decides to pk the post later and say the quote is fake.


circle jerking trolls gonna circle jerk

lol @ pk white knighting for time4ineverhadthatconversation

That couch must be comfortable as fuck.

12-29-2018, 04:24 PM
lol @ pk white knighting for time4ineverhadthatconversation

That couch must be comfortable as fuck.

PK and T4F will be disagreeing again and ready to hurl insults at one another in no time. It's a tenuous relationship at best.

12-29-2018, 04:27 PM
Relationships based on subleted furniture rarely last.

12-29-2018, 04:29 PM
Relationships based on subleted furniture, soy milk and pegging rarely last.


12-29-2018, 04:31 PM
I love it.

Just 2 years ago you were writing her off as an an entitled white woman over 35. Now she's a person you agree with. Amazing.

See? From the mouth of the beast himself. Don't worry, I got this saved so you can scrub it.

Yeah, I highly disagreed about someone over a particular issue. Now that means I can never agree with them on anything about anything...

Serious question, are you always this fucking stupid? I'm leaning towards always.

12-29-2018, 04:32 PM

Good to know you've gone full troll. Enjoy the circle jerk with your retarded MAGA butt buddies.

12-29-2018, 04:33 PM
Yeah, I highly disagreed about someone over a particular issue. Now that means I can never agree with them on anything about anything...

Serious question, are you always this fucking stupid? I'm leaning towards always.

You disagreed with them and disparaged them for years until they conveniently held the same opinion. Now you're sucking some hardcore she-dick in nearly every topic.

I don't have to wonder if you're fucking stupid or not. You are. Now go back to threatening people over mean posts, trying to humiliate women because they masturbate and generally just being everyones bitch.


12-29-2018, 04:35 PM
Good to know you've gone full troll. Enjoy the circle jerk with your retarded MAGA butt buddies.

Seeing you for the piece of shit you are and calling you out on it is not trolling. It's me, enforcing what many people think and see of you. Seeing that the opinions people held weren't wrong, really.

I'll gladly go down a troll instead of the little prick that threatens people over the internet with lawsuits because you got butthurt so hard it made you cry in real life.

12-29-2018, 04:38 PM
Good to know you've gone full troll. Enjoy the circle jerk with your retarded MAGA butt buddies.

Seriously, the only troll here is you. Nothing said in the last few pages was fake. It was all truth. With screen shots and quotes. Just because something isn't going your way doesn't mean you are being trolled. Hell, no one was even talking to you.

12-29-2018, 04:40 PM
Seriously, the only troll here is you. Nothing said in the last few pages was fake. It was all truth. With screen shots and quotes. Just because something isn't going your way doesn't mean you are being trolled. Hell, no one was even talking to you.

Mentioned a few times but that's really all it comes down to.

I'll even rise to the challenge.

If someone has a problem with me and feel I've wronged them in any way, shape or form, legitimately. By all means, contact me in any form you see fit. I will gladly resolve whatever issues we have.

There. It's out there, for people to see. I'm not an unreasonable, selfish person.

12-29-2018, 05:21 PM
After two years, he STILL doesn't understand what conspiracy charges are.


Ladies and gentlemen.. this is the moment you've been waiting for. This is the main event of the evening!

Introducing first... fighting in the blue corner, with an IQ of less than a 3 toed sloth, weighing in at featherweight arguments.. the number one contender.. the former title holder: Back "Resist White Supremacy" Lash!

And in the red corner.. the reigning, defending, undisputed champion of the retard world: time "I can make up PhDs faster than you can form an argument" 4fun!

12-29-2018, 05:32 PM
I've never understood why you feel the need to pretend I've said things I haven't said. I said I wasn't around, so you all were talking to yourselves. I fully believe that you all had a one sided conversations and patted yourselves on the back for it.

Wait.. what?

But this really isn't the thread to talk about me being wrong and you fools being right.

Literally, this is exactly that thread.

12-29-2018, 05:34 PM
That couch must be comfortable as fuck.

It's free.. that's all that matters.

12-29-2018, 05:54 PM
You disagreed with them and disparaged them for years until they conveniently held the same opinion. Now you're sucking some hardcore she-dick in nearly every topic.

I don't have to wonder if you're fucking stupid or not. You are. Now go back to threatening people over mean posts, trying to humiliate women because they masturbate and generally just being everyones bitch.


Threatening people over mean posts? Like how you threatened to shoot me in the neck and kill me because I said something about one of your MAGA butt boys? Yeah, stay triggered, Astray.

12-29-2018, 05:59 PM
Threatening people over mean posts? Like how you threatened to shoot me in the neck and kill me because I said something about one of your MAGA butt boys? Yeah, stay triggered, Astray.

That's a pretty serious accusation. I assume you have evidence of that? Because as far as I remember I've never threatened anyone on here with death and I doubt anyone would simply let that go.

Aside from 'threatening' to show up to Simucon to call Wyrom a faggot.