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11-30-2018, 11:26 AM
Fun fact: Rudy was on Trump’s transition team and widely expected to be named AG or head of DHS. On December 9 2016 he abruptly left the transition team.

That was the same day the CIA assessed that the Russians had interfered to help elect Trump.


The same transition team headed by Pence... Who was recommended by Manafort...

11-30-2018, 11:29 AM
Fun fact: Rudy was on Trump’s transition team and widely expected to be named AG or head of DHS. On December 9 2016 he abruptly left the transition team.

That was the same day the CIA assessed that the Russians had interfered to help elect Trump.


Looking forward to Rudy being named in the DoJ IG report concerning the FBI leaks in October of 2016.

11-30-2018, 11:34 AM

11-30-2018, 11:36 AM
Meshes well with the entire investigation especially after Cohen's VERY PUBLIC guilty plea.


11-30-2018, 11:37 AM
And just to snipe the fascist sockpuppets, Buzzfeed news has 3 Pulitzer-winning journalists on staff.


11-30-2018, 11:43 AM
Uh, no. Your failure or unwillingness to keep up with current events (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46378863) reflects entirely on you. Manafort, Stone and Corsi, on behalf of Trump, conspired with Russia with Wikileaks as an intermediary, to coordinate the release of the e-mails they hacked.

It's literally only a matter of time before more of this is demonstrated (or pleaded guilty to) in court. The president's personal lawyer for years just pleaded guilty to lying to Congress on behalf of Trump, demonstrating that Trump himself was lying -- especially to you, the retarded conservative rube willing to buy literally anything Trump says -- about his dealings with Russia, which also fit in to the DOZEN other members of his campaign that have been exposed as dealing with Russia.

The "Russian collusion" is already matter of public record. You are an imbecile.

PB is just trolling. That or he only watches Hannity...

11-30-2018, 11:48 AM
Meshes well with the entire investigation especially after Cohen's VERY PUBLIC guilty plea.


Trump gets hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs and Russia gets sanctions lifted. Quid pro quo, QED.

11-30-2018, 11:57 AM
Trump gets hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs and Russia gets sanctions lifted. Quid pro quo, QED.

Also Trump Tower Moscow was in danger because of Russian Sanctions.

11-30-2018, 12:02 PM
Trump gets hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian oligarchs and Russia gets sanctions lifted. Quid pro quo, QED.

You're retarded.

11-30-2018, 12:07 PM
Oh sweetie. This is just....sad.

Confirmed time4fun has a penis irl.

11-30-2018, 12:08 PM
That and a lot of people in this country lack critical thinking skills and are gullible as fuck.

Look at all that irony.

11-30-2018, 12:12 PM
In fairness, they're also being fed lies and deception from media outlets they trust. Look at the people on these boards- how many times have they cited articles from what turned out to be fake news sites and then just kept going back to them anyway? How many times have we heard them say "Fox News is nothing but racist bigot Nazi bias lies!" while going back to MSNBC, Huffington Post, Washington Post, vox, dailykos, etc- publications that are extremely biased and play fast and loose with the truth?

People don't come that way. They're made to be that way. Just look at me and how stupid and gullible and self unaware and hypocritical and generally full of shit about everything I am, mindlessly parroting MSM talking points and/or basing everything I shart onto my posts off of some blog I found at the top of a google search.

Ah yes, that makes sense.

11-30-2018, 12:17 PM
At some point you have to admit there is something there to this story. I was all aboard the skepticism train when Hillary mentioned this after the election, thinking it was just sour grapes. But the mountain of damning evidence that's come to light since then.. I'm not sure how anyone can still think Trump and his inner circle didn't break multiple federal laws to get elected.

What bout all the damning evidence on here about all the shitty things you've done to other people here over the years?

At some point you have to admit there is something there to this story.

11-30-2018, 12:18 PM
What bout all the damning evidence on here about all the shitty things you've done to other people here over the years?

At some point you have to admit there is something there to this story.

This is correct.

11-30-2018, 12:22 PM
In the 90’s, Unger wrote, Russians began sending money to Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX), a longtime congressman who later became House Majority Leader. He also suggested that the mafia was sending money to other Republicans as well.

“I believe most of the GOP leadership has been compromised by” Russian money, the author added. “The Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee run by Mitch McConnell got millions from [Soviet-born businessman] Leonard Blavatnik.”


11-30-2018, 12:25 PM
“I believe most of the GOP leadership has been compromised by” Russian money, the author added.

You literally just posted a quote that ends before the end of a sentence and fills in its own ending. Is this how you decided that Russia was on the verge of nuking Sweden too?

11-30-2018, 12:31 PM
No one said Russia was on the verge of nuking Sweden. Seriously, stop trying so hard to come across as an ignorant troll. Or don't, I don't care.

11-30-2018, 12:47 PM
No one said Russia was on the verge of nuking Sweden. Seriously, stop trying so hard to come across as an ignorant troll. Or don't, I don't care.

You just posted this -
“I believe most of the GOP leadership has been compromised by” Russian money, the author added. - And I'm the ignorant one?

The quote ends before the sentence does. Here. I can do it too:

“I believe most of the GOP leadership has been compromised by” lizard people, the author added.

11-30-2018, 01:01 PM
I'm the ignorant one


11-30-2018, 01:01 PM
CNN fired Marc Lamont Hill for being an anti-semitic piece of shit.

I guess he forgot he can no longer express his hatred of Israel and Jews while CNN is trying to paint Trump and his supporters as anti-semitic. When will these silly liberals learn they have to wait until a Democrat is back in the White House before they can go back to their obvious racist, sexist, Jew hating ways?

Shouldn't have been selling coke.


Wrong thread

Shut up loser nobody here stays on topic here including you.


Reported for cultural appropriation. Racist.

You're butthurt about the negative Trump coverage so you're just going to spam your off topic BS wherever your feelings are hurt the most? Okay troll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You are the biggest fucking idiot in PC history. How's it feel?

Saints vs Cowboys soon. WHO DAT

I was playing Job Simulator last night on PSVR. It's just as fun as it is pointless. I might buy it.

This thread is about the Russia investigation.

Not cnn and Jews.

I love how you retards are suddenly so selective and pretending to give a fuck about when we should and shouldn't be staying on topic after 15+ years of nobody staying on topic in any thread about anything ever at any point in the history of the universe.

Also, no one cries, bitches, and moans more than trump and conservatives. Except for us. We're literally the most butthurt crybabies in history.


I honestly can't tell if Androidpk is so retarded that he thinks I'm saying he literally says "NOU", or if this is just more of his masterful NOUFU at work. Bravo, Androidpk, you have reached the point where you are such a parody of yourself that it's impossible to tell if you're trolling or just dumb.

He's really that retarded. And he sucks at everything. Except sucking. And being a piece of shit.

Troll and call me names all you want, your petty tantrums aren't going to stop Mueller from bringing Trump and his family to justice, sort of like how time4fun brings me and my colon justice in exchange for the use of her vagina couch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


33 people indicted, 100+ criminal charges.. stuff has already come of this. Trump is going to be a 1 term POTUS, get over it.

Quoted for posterity before you scrub this in 2020 like a twat.

Impeachment doesn't mean the election results would be overturned..

Much like everything else about you, your sarcasm detector sucks fat greasy AIDS balls.

Standard Republican mental gymnastics. Virtue signaling, whataboutism, projection. It's the three main tenants of 21st century Republicans.

Shut up cwolff go watch your wife get banged by dudes who aren't you some more.

Geopolitically inconsequential.. Tell that to Estonia, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Crimea, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, etc.

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.

Back when I used to teach reading comprehension.

Oh Jesus Christ lololololololol

I feel sorry for the students in that fictional class.


Standard strawman attack by snowflake#6747. I didn't *ever* say I wasn't a racist.

For posterity. Though you probably won't bitch out like pk later and scrub your posts and then be like "That never happened!" so I'll give you credit for being slightly less of a bitch than him.

I'd like to point out that zero of these fascist pigs have criticized Trump's extreme, public, documented, video-recorded racism that he's been spewing for the past twenty years. But *all* of them smell blood in the water when a Black person types nigger on the internet.


And you're encouraging the fascist take-over of my fucking country, you inbred hick. Open. Your. Fucking. Eyes.

lol soywolff

Aka Pygmys

ahahahahahahahaha first google result confirmed. See posts from last week for details.

11-30-2018, 01:49 PM
Then Trump had the impudence to cancel (via tweet, naturally) his scheduled sidebar meeting with Putin at the G20 summit in Argentina because of “the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia.”

Moscow’s response was furious, not least because they learned of the meeting’s cancellation from Trump’s tweet. Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov stated, “We regret the decision of the U.S. administration to cancel the scheduled meeting of the two presidents in Buenos Aires,” adding that Trump’s rude move “means that discussion of serious issues on the international and bilateral agenda is being postponed indefinitely.”

In other words: you don’t get to cancel meetings, we do—and if you think the Kremlin will help you out, Don, have we got news for you. Peskov’s statement leaves no doubt whom the Kremlin thinks runs the Trump-Putin relationship. Given how distracted President Trump is with the Mueller investigation as it closes in on the Oval Office, it would be tempting for the White House to ignore the Kremlin.

That would be a bad idea, as Moscow just made clear. As always, the threat of what Vladimir Putin knows about Donald Trump is unspoken but indelible. Kompromat is the coin of the realm in Putin’s Russia, and his Kremlin wants everybody—above all President Trump—to know it.


Dance puppet, dance!

11-30-2018, 01:55 PM
Then Trump had the impudence to cancel (via tweet, naturally) his scheduled sidebar meeting with Putin at the G20 summit in Argentina because of “the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia.”

Moscow’s response was furious, not least because they learned of the meeting’s cancellation from Trump’s tweet. Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov stated, “We regret the decision of the U.S. administration to cancel the scheduled meeting of the two presidents in Buenos Aires,” adding that Trump’s rude move “means that discussion of serious issues on the international and bilateral agenda is being postponed indefinitely.”

In other words: you don’t get to cancel meetings, we do—and if you think the Kremlin will help you out, Don, have we got news for you. Peskov’s statement leaves no doubt whom the Kremlin thinks runs the Trump-Putin relationship. Given how distracted President Trump is with the Mueller investigation as it closes in on the Oval Office, it would be tempting for the White House to ignore the Kremlin.

That would be a bad idea, as Moscow just made clear. As always, the threat of what Vladimir Putin knows about Donald Trump is unspoken but indelible. Kompromat is the coin of the realm in Putin’s Russia, and his Kremlin wants everybody—above all President Trump—to know it.


You're stupid.

Dance puppet, dance!

And your one liners keep getting worse.

If Putin is that furious, he'll be like "Here's all the stuff me and Trump colluded on!"

Should be any day now...

11-30-2018, 01:59 PM
Trump is a puppet because he pissed off the Kremlin?

11-30-2018, 02:01 PM
Then Trump had the impudence to cancel (via tweet, naturally) his scheduled sidebar meeting with Putin at the G20 summit in Argentina because of “the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to Ukraine from Russia.”

Moscow’s response was furious, not least because they learned of the meeting’s cancellation from Trump’s tweet. Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov stated, “We regret the decision of the U.S. administration to cancel the scheduled meeting of the two presidents in Buenos Aires,” adding that Trump’s rude move “means that discussion of serious issues on the international and bilateral agenda is being postponed indefinitely.”

In other words: you don’t get to cancel meetings, we do—and if you think the Kremlin will help you out, Don, have we got news for you. Peskov’s statement leaves no doubt whom the Kremlin thinks runs the Trump-Putin relationship. Given how distracted President Trump is with the Mueller investigation as it closes in on the Oval Office, it would be tempting for the White House to ignore the Kremlin.

That would be a bad idea, as Moscow just made clear. As always, the threat of what Vladimir Putin knows about Donald Trump is unspoken but indelible. Kompromat is the coin of the realm in Putin’s Russia, and his Kremlin wants everybody—above all President Trump—to know it.


Dance puppet, dance!

Don't worry about it, Moscow already rescheduled for president piss puppy. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/30/kremlin-says-putin-and-trump-will-have-impromptu-meeting-at-g-20-ria.html

11-30-2018, 02:07 PM
Trump is a puppet because he pissed off the Kremlin?

Consider the source and how incredibly stupid they are.

11-30-2018, 02:07 PM
Trump is a puppet because he pissed off the Kremlin?



At some point, Androidpk grasping at straws is revealed as the theme. Even when it comes to suggesting Russia might invade Sweden or posting half quotes and then filling them in with your own narrative.

11-30-2018, 02:18 PM
Donald Trump Claims Everyone Knew About Secret Russian Deal No One Knew About

ASKED TO COMMENT on his former lawyer’s confession in federal court on Thursday that the Trump Organization had secretly negotiated with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential campaign, Donald Trump attempted to sell the American people an outrageous lie.

Michael Cohen’s secret negotiations with Russian officials and their proxies to arrange financing and permits for a Trump Tower in Moscow — conducted as Trump was publicly heaping lavish praise on President Vladimir Putin — had never been secret at all, the president told reporters outside the White House.

“Everybody knew about it, it was written about in newspapers, it was a well-known project,” Trump claimed, falsely, about his company’s covert effort, “during the early part of ’16 and I guess even before that,” to develop a luxury skyscraper with help from Putin’s office and a former general in Russia’s military intelligence service.

In fact, the existence of such a project, which was being negotiated in secret during the entire span of the Republican primary campaign — from at least October 2015, when Trump signed a letter of intent with a Russian developer, through January 2016, when Cohen called an aide to Putin’s spokesperson, until some time after Trump secured the nomination in June — was not known about or reported at the time. There was no indication in the outline of Cohen’s confession sketched out by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Thursday as to why the proposed deal was dropped, but the timeline might offer a clue. Cohen suddenly backed out of a trip to Russia arranged by the Kremlin on the afternoon of June 14, 2016 — about three hours after the Washington Post revealed that Russian hackers had penetrated the servers of the Democratic National Committee and stolen documents related to the election.

The Moscow project only became public knowledge the following year, after Trump’s inauguration as president. It was briefly mentioned in a 2017 New York Times report about another covert scheme also involving Cohen and Felix Sater, a convicted former FBI informant and longtime fixer for the Trump Organization with deep ties in Russia.

More details about the Moscow tower project Trump’s company secretly pursued as he ran for president — including some of the same messages between Cohen and Sater used by Mueller to charge Cohen with lying to Congress about the deal in a 2017 statement — were revealed in subsequent reports from the New York Times and BuzzFeed News.

After Cohen’s confession during a surprise appearance in federal court in Manhattan on Thursday, Anthony Cormier and Jason Leopold of BuzzFeed News published Sater’s screenshots of a 2016 text exchange with Cohen, in which the two men agreed to accept an invitation from Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s spokesperson, to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum that June for a possible meeting with the Russian president. Sater also told BuzzFeed that Cohen had offered to give Putin the $50 million penthouse apartment at the top of Trump Tower Moscow as a gift during his telephone conversation with Peskov’s English-speaking assistant that January.

Trump’s effort to downplay the seriousness of these revelations could be helped by the fact that he did speak openly about a previous attempt to strike a deal for Trump Tower Moscow in 2013, when he visited the city for the Miss Universe pageant and talked about a partnership with the well-connected Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov, and his son Emin.

11-30-2018, 02:19 PM
Trump is a puppet because he pissed off the Kremlin?

Trump tried to cancel the meeting between himself and Putin and the Putin said no, we're meeting. So they're meeting. Because Trump is Putin's bitch.

11-30-2018, 02:20 PM
Even when it comes to suggesting Russia might invade Sweden or posting half quotes and then filling them in with your own narrative.

Yup, you're fully aboard the troll train. Congrats?

11-30-2018, 02:25 PM
OSC will be dropping it's report on Manafort next week :popcorn:

But the report didn’t make an appearance in court. Instead, Judge Jackson set a deadline for the new document to drop no later than Friday, Dec 7. Weissmann said the filing will cover both Manafort’s behavior before the plea deal, and afterward.

11-30-2018, 02:35 PM
Trump tried to cancel the meeting between himself and Putin and the Putin said no, we're meeting. So they're meeting. Because Trump is Putin's bitch.

Russia can say whatever they want. Unless it happens is just comes off as sky-screaming from the media.

11-30-2018, 02:35 PM
Yup, you're fully aboard the troll train. Congrats?

Again, people pointing out when you post wildly incorrect information does not equate to trolling.

11-30-2018, 02:58 PM


At some point, Androidpk grasping at straws is revealed as the theme. Even when it comes to suggesting Russia might invade Sweden or posting half quotes and then filling them in with your own narrative.

And your diatribe about GNP as it relates to warfare in 2018 is laughably ignorant, discrediting a number of opinions (already discredited by the fact that you're just a thinly veiled moath-foaming Trump worshipper like the rest of the Russia-bots here) that you hold.

11-30-2018, 02:59 PM
Wait, you serious? source? And this is the meeting Trump cancelled yesterday?

Don't worry about it, Moscow already rescheduled for president piss puppy. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/30/kremlin-says-putin-and-trump-will-have-impromptu-meeting-at-g-20-ria.html


11-30-2018, 03:13 PM
And your diatribe about GNP as it relates to warfare in 2018 is laughably ignorant, discrediting a number of opinions (already discredited by the fact that you're just a thinly veiled moath-foaming Trump worshipper like the rest of the Russia-bots here) that you hold.

On a professional level, Trump has cost my department a large sum of money so far this year. On a personal level, eh, probably a wash compared to if someone else was at the helm, but who can say. I have no desire to see him finish his term, but I am also not going to invent things out of thin air to try to discredit him. When I say negative things about things he's done, they're not works of fiction. Finishing a quote mid sentence and then adding your own narrative is a work of fiction.

11-30-2018, 03:41 PM
Trump Jr.'s 2017 Testimony Conflicts With Cohen's Account Of Russian Talks

Donald Trump Jr.'s testimony to Congress about his family's real estate negotiations with powerful Russians does not comport with the new version laid out by Donald Trump's ex-attorney Michael Cohen, official transcripts show.


11-30-2018, 03:46 PM

It's gonna be great when this shit is in the history books and the Republican movement of keyboard goose-steppers have to come to terms with their children reading this shit in class.

11-30-2018, 03:54 PM
Again, people pointing out when you post wildly incorrect information does not equate to trolling.

Except that isn't what you're doing. You tried to say I claimed Russia was going to nuke Sweden. You tried to say I claimed Russia was going to invade Sweden. I corrected you yet you still posted stupid shit claiming I said it. That's trolling. And nothing I posted was wildly inaccurate. Russia is a geopolitical force. That isn't an opinion, it's a fact.

11-30-2018, 03:56 PM
Finishing a quote mid sentence and then adding your own narrative is a work of fiction.

I posted the link to the article. I didn't add anything to the quote that isn't there. Try again?

11-30-2018, 03:58 PM
Except that isn't what you're doing. You tried to say I claimed Russia was going to nuke Sweden. You tried to say I claimed Russia was going to invade Sweden. I corrected you yet you still posted stupid shit claiming I said it. That's trolling. And nothing I posted was wildly inaccurate. Russia is a geopolitical force. That isn't an opinion, it's a fact.

No, that isnt trolling. For someone who throws out that word every two seconds you have no clue if it's definition.

11-30-2018, 04:02 PM
Doesn't mean shit. The man's a multi-billionaire Real Estate developer, he must look at dozens of countries for potential profit-making ideas. OK, so he had a relationship with some Russians in Russia, does that make him a traitor? No. Does that make him culpable to any crimes of "collusion"? No. Does it make a bunch of lefties screaming "Guility!" to high heaven? Apparently, yes. Strange.

Trump: I had no business dealings with Russia!
MAGA bots: See?? He had no business deals with Russia!
Trump: Okay I had business dealings with Russia.
MAGA bots: Who cares that he lied to us once again, he's a businessman.

11-30-2018, 04:03 PM
No, that isnt trolling. For someone who throws out that word every two seconds you have no clue if it's definition.

Yes it is, troll.

11-30-2018, 04:04 PM
Doesn't mean shit. The man's a multi-billionaire Real Estate developer, he must look at dozens of countries for potential profit-making ideas. OK, so he had a relationship with some Russians in Russia, does that make him a traitor? No. Does that make him culpable to any crimes of "collusion"? No. Does it make a bunch of lefties screaming "Guility!" to high heaven? Apparently, yes. Strange.

It's just so strange that Trump categorically denied -- dozens of times -- having any ongoing dealing with Russia, business interests in Russia or prospective/ongoing deals in Russia. It's super strange that, despite claiming that, it's now publicly known that his son and his son-in-law and his campaign manager met with known, self-identified agents of the Russian government in Trump Tower to discuss the lifting of sanctions in exchange for information damaging to Hillary. It's just so strange that Trump's cronies in the campaign were working with WikiLeaks to release Russian-hacked e-mails. It's just so strange that his Attorney General perjured himself, claiming similarly no contact with Russians... only to have the outcome of a meeting -- one he didn't disclose with the Russian ambassador, again about those sanctions -- intercepted by our own intelligence community.

So, yeah. "Strange" indeed, shit-for-brains.

11-30-2018, 04:08 PM

11-30-2018, 04:15 PM
I posted the link to the article. I didn't add anything to the quote that isn't there. Try again?

No, not try again. YOU try again to get your news from a source that doesn't end a quote mid sentence and then tack on its own ending. YOU are the idiot who read that and thought it was legitimate, and YOU are the idiot who parroted it.

YOU are incorrect. YOU lack the ability to critically analyze words and determine whether they are fact or fiction. YOU are being influenced by obviously fake information as shown by you quoting it directly. YOU are a problem and your opinions are suspect as a result.

It took a five second google search to determine that your source is dogshit and heavily biased, and far less than that to actually see that what you pasted was a quote that ended mid sentence with someone else's ending tacked on.

11-30-2018, 04:22 PM

11-30-2018, 04:30 PM
Even you can't be this dense.

It's because the charges have all been part of plea deals genius. Plea deals that are only there because Mueller knows bigger fish were guilty of things a lot worse than what these smaller fish did

But it's fine, right? It's not like Trump had a private email server or anything apocalyptic like that.

On today's show of "How dumb is she?!" time4fun uses a lack of evidence as evidence.

11-30-2018, 04:34 PM
Back when I used to teach reading comprehension

Of course you did!

11-30-2018, 04:36 PM
I'd like to point out that zero of these fascist pigs have criticized Trump's extreme, public, documented, video-recorded racism that he's been spewing for the past twenty years. But *all* of them smell blood in the water when a Black person types nigger on the internet.

sellstuff1 is black now. Between sellstuff1's more-retarded-than-usual posts and more of time4fun's classic "I have done everything!!!" posts, this is the best day on PC in weeks.

11-30-2018, 04:39 PM
Also Trump Tower Moscow was in danger because of Russian Sanctions.

Remind me again which sanctions against Russia have been lifted?

11-30-2018, 05:02 PM
Yes it is, troll.

No it isn't, but what you did there is trolling.

11-30-2018, 05:18 PM
No it isn't, but what you did there is trolling.

Now now kiddies, behave yourselves or I'll have to put you both on timeout :).

11-30-2018, 05:19 PM
Now now kiddies, behave yourselves or I'll have to put you both on timeout :).

Fuck off bitch, I'll kick you in your sand filled vagina.

11-30-2018, 05:26 PM
ahahahahahahahaha first google result confirmed. See posts from last week for details.

The assertion read like a Buzzfeed headline: "There's a culture in existence RIGHT NOW that has ALWAYS had MEN breastfeeding babies INSTEAD of WOMEN." Legit triggers me because I have academic knowledge of that subject and I hate seeing that kind of thing misrepresented.

11-30-2018, 05:38 PM
The assertion read like a Buzzfeed headline: "There's a culture in existence RIGHT NOW that has ALWAYS had MEN breastfeeding babies INSTEAD of WOMEN." Legit triggers me because I have academic knowledge of that subject and I hate seeing that kind of thing misrepresented.

That's what made me turn on Vishra in the first place. She claimed a fake degree that I have an actual degree in, then proceeded to talk directly out of her ass about a subject.

11-30-2018, 07:25 PM
Standard Republican mental gymnastics. Virtue signaling, whataboutism, projection. It's the three main tenants of 21st century Republicans.

You aren't a republican though (thankfully).. yet your whataboutism within TWO minutes of posting this certainly worthy of a title shot. time4fun.. suit up!

Oh, so you have a problem with racism, but you have no problems supporting someone with A WIKIPEDIA PAGE ON HOW RACIST THEY ARE? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump

11-30-2018, 07:27 PM
Back when I used to teach reading comprehension


11-30-2018, 07:31 PM
Aka Pygmys

So.. you believe that the male Pygmys breast feed their children.

Tell us this: Have you ever taken a 4th grade Health class?

11-30-2018, 07:32 PM
PB is just trolling. That or he only watches Hannity...


11-30-2018, 07:38 PM
No, that isnt trolling. For someone who throws out that word every two seconds you have no clue if it's definition.

Add it to the long list of words he has no idea what the definition is.

Hell, at this point it's probably easier to figure out which couple of words he actually knows.

11-30-2018, 07:38 PM
I honestly can't believe time4fun didn't just come out and say something like "Okay I was wrong about men breastfeeding" or even "I phrased my previous post poorly."

She is still going with the theory that an entire civilization of people just one day decided the men would produce breast milk and feed the babies.

11-30-2018, 07:56 PM
Is it strange how none of the virtue signalers have yet to condemn Sellstuff1 but are quick to buddy up when they post something they agree with?

Oh I'm so mad right now I might just kill a nigger.

How many sand niggers did you kill?

I think the closest anyone has come to condemnation is PK telling Sellstuff to 'stop'.

11-30-2018, 07:59 PM
Is it strange how none of the virtue signalers have yet to condemn Sellstuff1 but are quick to buddy up when they post something they agree with?

I think the closest anyone has come to condemnation is PK telling Sellstuff to 'stop'.

Yup, the extent of Androidpk was telling sellstuff1 "stop" after sellstuff1 said some shitty things about vets, but has turned a blind eye otherwise, and now Androidpk is slavering all over sellstuff1 agains because he's back to just bitching about Trump and Republicans. It's almost as if far left cretins we have on this forum don't really care about the things they spend so much time preaching about, they just use it as another hammer to win imaginary political points.

Let's all keep in mind that time4fun had one of the most epic meltdowns because Gelston used the word "faggot", but she hasn't said a single word about sellstuff1 using some of the most vilest language ever. Almost as if she has no morals whatsoever and just uses and defends whichever language she feels furthers her political opinions. Weird.

11-30-2018, 08:34 PM
Is it strange how none of the virtue signalers have yet to condemn Sellstuff1 but are quick to buddy up when they post something they agree with?

I think the closest anyone has come to condemnation is PK telling Sellstuff to 'stop'.

Is it strange how none of methais' troll buddies said anything to him when he told someone to warclaidhm themselves?

11-30-2018, 08:35 PM
Is it strange how none of methais' troll buddies said anything to him when he told someone to warclaidhm themselves?


11-30-2018, 08:42 PM

Nice deflection

11-30-2018, 08:44 PM
That's what made me turn on Vishra in the first place. She claimed a fake degree that I have an actual degree in, then proceeded to talk directly out of her ass about a subject.

What degree was that?

I honestly can't believe time4fun didn't just come out and say something like "Okay I was wrong about men breastfeeding" or even "I phrased my previous post poorly."

She is still going with the theory that an entire civilization of people just one day decided the men would produce breast milk and feed the babies.

When someone has constructed a fantasy reality where they are more successful, intelligent, and morally superior to everyone else, they will never admit they're wrong about something.

11-30-2018, 08:46 PM
Is it strange how none of methais' troll buddies said anything to him when he told someone to warclaidhm themselves?

Thank you for validating that you agree with a self proclaimed racist. As long as you can deflect to Methais.

11-30-2018, 08:50 PM
Thank you for validating that you agree with a self proclaimed racist. As long as you can deflect to Methais.

It isn't a deflection, it was an honest question. Or maybe I was just pointing out your hypocrisy. Either or.

11-30-2018, 08:53 PM
It isn't a deflection, it was an honest question. Or maybe I was just pointing out your hypocrisy. Either or.

Sure, here. I'll condemn Methais right here.

Don't tell people to kill themselves.

Now, go ahead and condemn the fucking racist sack of shit that thinks it's HILARIOUS and CLEVER to tell an ex-soldier to become a statistic. Oh and also the plethora of N bombs.

You're turn. Unless you're too busy agreeing with a sack of shit because politic folder brownie points are where it's all at.

11-30-2018, 08:57 PM
I've already spoken my piece about suicide and comments/jokes about it. There's no place on the PC for it, same for racism and bigotry.

11-30-2018, 08:58 PM
I've already spoken my piece about suicide and comments/jokes about it. There's no place on the PC for it, same for racism and bigotry.

You avoided a name. I wasn't sure what I was expecting but there you go. You are incapable of condemning people by name because you agree with them.

Thank you for proving the point.

11-30-2018, 09:02 PM
You avoided a name. I wasn't sure what I was expecting but there you go. You are incapable of condemning people by name because you agree with them.

Thank you for proving the point.

How many times do I need to mention that person by name? Do I need to write a handwritten note and get it notorized too? Sellstuff1 is a shitty poster and you can quote me on it. Now stop being stupid.

11-30-2018, 09:03 PM
I've already spoken my piece about suicide and comments/jokes about it. There's no place on the PC for it, same for racism and bigotry.

This is like your "I gave Obama a lot of shit!" story you trotted out the other day and it turns out you said you were "mildly concerned" about what Obama was doing.

What a joke.

11-30-2018, 09:04 PM
How many times do I need to mention that person by name? Do I need to write a handwritten note and get it notorized too? Sellstuff1 is a shitty poster and you can quote me on it. Now stop being stupid.

You acted like I raked you over coals to get that answer. It should've been simple.

11-30-2018, 09:08 PM
I pooped today.


11-30-2018, 09:09 PM
You acted like I raked you over coals to get that answer. It should've been simple.

No, you got bent out of shape because I didn't phrase my answer exactly how you wanted it, even though the subject was answered plainly.

11-30-2018, 09:10 PM
This is like your "I gave Obama a lot of shit!" story you trotted out the other day and it turns out you said you were "mildly concerned" about what Obama was doing.

What a joke.

Not my problem you can't pick up on sarcasm.

11-30-2018, 09:13 PM
No, you got bent out of shape because I didn't phrase my answer exactly how you wanted it, even though the subject was answered plainly.

You're pissy because I pressed you for a specific condemnation. Not a plain answer, not a blanket statement. A direct condemning and you acted like I was pulling your teeth with Johnson & Johnson baby pliers.

11-30-2018, 09:16 PM
Is it strange how none of methais' troll buddies said anything to him when he told someone to warclaidhm themselves?

That was me. I've done it more than once, and I've been called out for it each time both publicly and in rep.

11-30-2018, 09:18 PM
Back when I used to teach reading comprehension


11-30-2018, 09:23 PM
Well look at that. (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/donald-trump-jr-calls-out-lawmakers-for-spreading-sloppy-attempt-to-smear-him)

NPR reported earlier Friday that Trump Jr. testified last year to Congress that his family’s real estate business stopped negotiations on a possible Moscow deal in 2014, which contradicted what President Trump’s former longtime lawyer Michael Cohen admitted in his guilty plea on Thursday.

Hours later, NPR corrected the report to say Trump Jr.’s comments referred to “a different set of negotiations — not to a deal Cohen was reportedly pursuing.”

The story, headlined “Cohen’s account of Russia talks raises questions about Trump Jr. 2017 testimony,” was shared by Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif. before the correction was made. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., shared a Vox story titled, "Michael Cohen's plea agreement is bad news for Donald Trump Jr."

“A good lesson for all kids (and for anyone in the White House): the truth always comes out,” Swalwell tweeted.

Even NPR "accidentally" gets the story wrong when the fake story looks bad for Trump or Republicans, and right on cue Democrat politicians are all too eager to share the fake headlines instead of relying on actual facts. Weird how that works.

11-30-2018, 09:40 PM
That was me. I've done it more than once, and I've been called out for it each time both publicly and in rep.

I only saw methais say it

11-30-2018, 09:40 PM
Well look at that. (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/donald-trump-jr-calls-out-lawmakers-for-spreading-sloppy-attempt-to-smear-him)

Even NPR "accidentally" gets the story wrong when the fake story looks bad for Trump or Republicans, and right on cue Democrat politicians are all too eager to share the fake headlines instead of relying on actual facts. Weird how that works.

Wow, that will surely prevent Junior from being indicted now. Good job, tgo, you saved him!

11-30-2018, 09:42 PM
Wow, that will surely prevent Junior from being indicted now. Good job, tgo, you saved him!

So is this you making a formal declaration that you think Trump Jr will be indicted? Or you still hurting from all of your wrong predictions so you're hedging your bets now?

11-30-2018, 09:48 PM
So is this you making a formal declaration that you think Trump Jr will be indicted? Or you still hurting from all of your wrong predictions so you're hedging your bets now?

The only one that cares if I'm right or wrong is you trolls. Seriously, get a hobby, stop obsessing over people on the PC that disagree with you.

11-30-2018, 09:51 PM
The only one that cares if I'm right or wrong is you trolls. Seriously, get a hobby, stop obsessing over people on the PC that disagree with you.

That's what I figured ;)

11-30-2018, 09:51 PM
So is this you making a formal declaration that you think Trump Jr will be indicted? Or you still hurting from all of your wrong predictions so you're hedging your bets now?

Hey now...he did predict that the House would turn dem!

11-30-2018, 09:54 PM

11-30-2018, 09:55 PM
That's what I figured ;)

You're really bad at trolling.

But yes, Junior is going to get shit canned. I've already said as much multiple times in this thread.

11-30-2018, 09:58 PM
Hey now...he did predict that the House would turn dem!


12-01-2018, 09:50 AM
That's what made me turn on Vishra in the first place. She claimed a fake degree that I have an actual degree in, then proceeded to talk directly out of her ass about a subject.

What degree was that?


Seriously, you are going to have to be more specific...

When someone has constructed a fantasy reality where they are more successful, intelligent, and morally superior to everyone else, they will never admit they're wrong about something.

Um.. she taught a class on how to be right on the Internet.. so more than likely, you are wrong.

12-01-2018, 10:37 AM
Um.. she taught a class on how to be right on the Internet.. so more than likely, you are wrong.

Like most good lies, there might be a grain of truth in there. She probably didn't teach the class... maybe she was the TA, or maybe just a student daydreaming in the back about how she could win every internet argument by claiming to be a master logician.

12-01-2018, 10:41 AM
Like most good lies, there might be a grain of truth in there. She probably didn't teach the class... maybe she was the TA, or maybe just a student daydreaming in the back about how she could win every internet argument by claiming to be a master logician.

Next thing you know she'll be telling us all that she oversaw operations overseas and knows that Obama's drone strikes never killed anyone but their intended targets.

12-01-2018, 11:10 AM
Next thing you know she'll be telling us all that she oversaw operations overseas and knows that Obama's drone strikes never killed anyone but their intended targets.

Didn't she claim to have worked at the UN at one point? She was *this* close to achieving peace in the middle east, and then 9/11 happened.

12-01-2018, 11:44 AM
Didn't she claim to have worked at the UN at one point? She was *this* close to achieving peace in the middle east, and then 9/11 happened.

Spent a summer there. And yes, I was in DC during 9/11
What's your point?

And yes, I taught.

If the only way you can feel like you're "scoring a point" in a political conversation is by pretending like someone else is making things up about their life, then you have nothing.

12-01-2018, 11:50 AM
Spent a summer there. And yes, I was in DC during 9/11
What's your point?

And yes, I taught.

Of course you did honey...

If the only way you can feel like you're "scoring a point" in a political conversation is by making things up about your life, then you have nothing.

I couldn't have said it better.

12-01-2018, 12:33 PM
And also, post up the name and address of your illegal alien brother.

12-01-2018, 12:44 PM
Screw the degrees, I want the tax returns. The 'I pay more in taxes than all of you make combined' claim must be investigated.

12-01-2018, 01:59 PM
Senator Burr (R-NC) and the Intelligence Committee has referred multiple people suspected of lying to them to the OSC.

12-01-2018, 02:21 PM
That's what made me turn on Vishra in the first place. She claimed a fake degree that I have an actual degree in, then proceeded to talk directly out of her ass about a subject.

This is why she gets trolled endlessly. That, and she's just a shitty and arrogant as fuck person all around who in reality is incredibly stupid and full of shit about everything she says, and is likely suffering from some sort of mental illness.

Everyone here knows it too, some just set it aside for now because their shared Trump butthurt comes before everything else.


12-01-2018, 02:24 PM
This is why she gets trolled endlessly. That, and she's just a shitty and arrogant as fuck person all around who in reality is incredibly stupid and full of shit about everything she says, and is likely suffering from some sort of mental illness.

Everyone here knows it too, some just set it aside for now because their shared Trump butthurt comes before everything else.


I can read the PC while in Oculus world.

12-01-2018, 02:29 PM
Is it strange how none of methais' troll buddies said anything to him when he told someone to warclaidhm themselves?

1. Necro/macgyver isn't an actual human being. Biologically maybe, but other than that, not so much.

2. Stop obsessing over me, troll omg omg omg omg omg

3. Go Warclaidhm* yourself.

*Crash your scooter and lose your memory

12-01-2018, 02:34 PM
Sure, here. I'll condemn Methais right here.

Don't tell people to kill themselves.

Now, go ahead and condemn the fucking racist sack of shit that thinks it's HILARIOUS and CLEVER to tell an ex-soldier to become a statistic. Oh and also the plethora of N bombs.

You're turn. Unless you're too busy agreeing with a sack of shit because politic folder brownie points are where it's all at.

He has to earn his vagina couch rent at time4fun's somehow. And since working a job is out of the question, all that's left is sucking on her asshole on the PC, and her going to town on him with her massive dildo collection.


It doesn't even look comfortable.

12-01-2018, 02:45 PM
So is this you making a formal declaration that you think Trump Jr will be indicted? Or you still hurting from all of your wrong predictions so you're hedging your bets now?

Hey now, he CALLED IT that democrats were going to take back the House!

How dare you question his foresight.

12-01-2018, 02:50 PM
The only one that cares if I'm right or wrong is you trolls. Seriously, get a hobby, stop obsessing over people on the PC that disagree with you.

Stop obsessing with your obsession that people who disagree with you and call out your bullshit are obsessed with you while you post retarded shit nonstop all day every day.

Once people start trying to find out where you work irl, at least if you had a job anyway that didn't involve sucking on time4fun's sharts, try to get you fired, threaten subpoenas and doxxing to Antifa, then you can call them obsessed. Ring any bells, dumbass?

Fucking retard. Go give yourself a Donny Brasco beating from the Japanese restuarant scene, including the trash can.

12-01-2018, 02:57 PM
If the only way you can feel like you're "scoring a point" in a political conversation is by pretending like someone else is making things up about their life, then you have nothing.

I have nothing.

Everyone already knows this, but thanks for being honest for once in your miserable life.

12-01-2018, 02:59 PM
I'm in SteamVR right now, the PC forum is fucking movie theater sized. I can see so much retardation in this thread.

12-01-2018, 03:00 PM
I'm in SteamVR right now, the PC forum is fucking movie theater sized. I can see so much retardation in this thread.

I told you that shit rules.

Confirmed that more people need to listen to me.

12-01-2018, 03:05 PM
When someone has constructed a fantasy reality where they are more successful, intelligent, and morally superior to everyone else, they will never admit they're wrong about something.

It's a shame that this is true because I've found that admitting to an error makes any other statements you make more believable, not less so. A reasoning individual makes mistakes but, instead of doubling down on that error, they admit it and move on.

12-01-2018, 04:22 PM
It's a shame that this is true because I've found that admitting to an error makes any other statements you make more believable, not less so. A reasoning individual makes mistakes but, instead of doubling down on that error, they admit it and move on.

My favorite is when they double down... ala Tsa`ah with the whole Fort Camp LeJeune...

12-01-2018, 04:26 PM
You miss him don't you.

12-01-2018, 04:27 PM

That couch looks like it was built for a frat house.

12-01-2018, 07:59 PM
You miss him don't you.

Warriorbird was a close second.. but NOBODY doubled down like Tsa`ah.


The Fort Camp LeJeune is still one of my favorite threads on this forum. He didn't double down, he like quintupled down.

12-01-2018, 08:05 PM
I was literally stationed at camp lejuene.

12-01-2018, 08:10 PM
I was literally stationed at camp lejuene.

Fort Camp LeJeune. It literally said so on his birth certificate.

12-01-2018, 08:14 PM
What degree was that?

I was talking to someone on Lnet one night, and Vishra chimed in saying that two of the people I'd mentioned, Noam Chomsky and Theodor Mommsen, had nothing to do with Anthropology. It sounds like that's what your degree is in, or somewhere's around that, so I'll forego further explanation because you already know. Then she said that Archaeology was not a field of Anthropology. Then she claimed that she had a doctorate in Feminist Anthropology. Now, I don't have a degree in Feminist Anthropology, but you do not get a degree with "Anthropology" in the name without understanding the things you learn in the 100 level courses, such as the four major fields of Anthropology. She went on for about half an hour after that, and not once did she make any sort of sense. Since then I've been counting her fields of expertise. So far they include:

Information Technology
Juris Doctorate

And I've only been counting for like a month. There's something very wrong with her. I can understand maybe faking one degree, but she's faking many, and she literally cannot be bothered to even search wikipedia to check if the things she's saying about them are true or not. That's how she ends up with comments like a single WoW server costing 5 million dollars per month to run. Based on her expert IT knowledge. Or that the US sent soldiers to California to intimidate and harass immigrants into turning back. Based on her legal expertise.

12-01-2018, 08:20 PM
I was talking to someone on Lnet one night, and Vishra chimed in saying that two of the people I'd mentioned, Noam Chomsky and Theodor Mommsen, had nothing to do with Anthropology. It sounds like that's what your degree is in, or somewhere's around that, so I'll forego further explanation because you already know. Then she said that Archaeology was not a field of Anthropology. Then she claimed that she had a doctorate in Feminist Anthropology. Now, I don't have a degree in Feminist Anthropology, but you do not get a degree with "Anthropology" in the name without understanding the things you learn in the 100 level courses, such as the four major fields of Anthropology. She went on for about half an hour after that, and not once did she make any sort of sense. Since then I've been counting her fields of expertise. So far they include:

Information Technology
Juris Doctorate

And I've only been counting for like a month. There's something very wrong with her.

I'm like 99.99% positive she either claimed to be a lawyer one time or said she worked in a law office. This was on LNet and before she started making up all of these degrees and claiming she worked at the UN and evacuated a building on 9/11 and shit like that. And one time she said something about her job and I said something like "I thought you were a lawyer?" and she went on this bitch fest saying "I never claimed I was a lawyer! That's you making shit up again!"

Then like a week later she had to showcase how she's an expert in law but she couldn't go back to claiming she was a lawyer after the bitch fest she went through, so now suddenly her BOYFRIEND works at a law office and apparently his dick must shoot lawyer knowledge or something because by sleeping with someone who works at a law office this means she too is an expert on the law.

12-01-2018, 08:26 PM
I'm like 99.99% positive she either claimed to be a lawyer one time or said she worked in a law office. This was on LNet and before she started making up all of these degrees and claiming she worked at the UN and evacuated a building on 9/11 and shit like that. And one time she said something about her job and I said something like "I thought you were a lawyer?" and she went on this bitch fest saying "I never claimed I was a lawyer! That's you making shit up again!"

Then like a week later she had to showcase how she's an expert in law but she couldn't go back to claiming she was a lawyer after the bitch fest she went through, so now suddenly her BOYFRIEND works at a law office and apparently his dick must shoot lawyer knowledge or something because by sleeping with someone who works at a law office this means she too is an expert on the law.

That's what it seems like to me. Like she meets or reads about someone who does a thing and thinks "That sounds cool. I'll pretend to do that now!".

12-01-2018, 08:45 PM
My favorite is that no matter what the subject, she's the authority on it.

Illegal immigration? "Shut the fuck up, I have an illegal brother."

LGBTQRSTUV? You don't know what you're talking about. My illegal brother is also gay.

Poverty? "I was so poor, I ate cereal with a fork to save milk!"

Wealth? "I make more in a year than all of you"

Racism? "I have black friends"

Healthcare? "Did I mention my gay illegal brother also has diabetes?"

Transgender? "My gay illegal brother with diabetes used to be my sister.."

Heroism? "On 9-11, I evacuated a building"

Logic? "I used to teach logic"

Reading Comprehension? "It was logic class, focusing on reading comprehension"

12-01-2018, 09:03 PM
Heroism? "On 9-11, I evacuated a building"

No silly, that makes her an expert on terrorism. The discussion was about terrorism and someone asked her what she knew about terrorism, and wouldn't you know it? Not only was she in DC at the time the plane hit the pentagon, but she also had to evacuate a building and dodge car bombs.

12-01-2018, 09:05 PM
No silly, that makes her an expert on terrorism. The discussion was about terrorism and someone asked her what she knew about terrorism, and wouldn't you know it? Not only was she in DC at the time the plane hit the pentagon, but she also had to evacuate a building and dodge car bombs.

I found the quote in question:

I was literally in Washington DC working on the Hill when the plane crashed into the Pentagon Mr Mansplain.

So while you were presumably hanging out with your buddies watching HBO, I was evacuating a building and jumping into a colleague's car while we drove back to my Bethesda apartment listening to the radio reports of car bombs (turned out to be false) and trying to figure out how likely I was to die on the way back and when I had called my mother last.

So please, keep talking to me about how dangerous terrorism is and how important national security is. I'd love to learn more.

The discussion was Trump's travel ban (of course) and time4fun was saying it wasn't about keeping terrorists out and it was about keeping brown people out, someone asked her how old she was on 9/11, and she went into her "I'm an expert on terrorism because!" spiel.

12-01-2018, 09:10 PM
Let's not forget this gem in the same topic:

ROFL- "It's strange that someone would talk about something they actually know about". God that just sums you up so well.

It IS strange that someone who grew up in a biracial family where half of the family were first generation immigrants (two of whom were undocumented) would grow up to have an interest in civil rights, isn't it?

And it's shocking that someone who's active in the politics folder, who actively follows matters of public policy and- in particular- civil rights, and who has an above average interest in the law spent two summers in DC working for human rights groups and was doing Hill drops the day of 9/11. I also spent a summer at the UN working on gender inclusion in the ICC at the 10th and final preparatory commission. Does that blow your mind too?

I mean, I know it's not as good a reason to be interested in the topics as being an uneducated, angry, entitled white man from one of the middle states. But hey, it works for me.

Half of her family are first generation immigrants, she's bi-racial, she has TWO illegal alien family members, has an "above average" interest in the law, spent two summers in DC working for human rights groups, spent a summer working at the UN working on gender inclusion, and now she makes so much money she pays more in taxes than anyone else on the PC and she's begging the government to tax her more because she just makes too much gosh darn money!

12-01-2018, 09:15 PM
Then she said that Archaeology was not a field of Anthropology. Then she claimed that she had a doctorate in Feminist Anthropology.


Consider yourself on notice, time4fun. The anthro police are aware of your crimes.

Racism? "I have black friends"

A little more like her family is like Polynesian or SE Asian or something, but she is white [citation needed]. Someone made a statement about the Phillipines on lnet and she started going off about the racial makeup of her family without anyone asking.

12-01-2018, 09:23 PM
So while you were presumably hanging out with your buddies watching HBO

By the way Tgo, why were you hanging out with your buddies watching HBO at 9 AM EST?

12-01-2018, 09:37 PM
By the way Tgo, why were you hanging out with your buddies watching HBO at 9 AM EST?

It's the only time we uneducated, angry, entitled white men living in one of the middle states can get some bro bonding time in.

12-01-2018, 11:24 PM
It's the only time we uneducated, angry, entitled white men living in one of the middle states can get some bro bonding time in.
Well at least you were awake. I was sleeping and was awoken to witness the plane going into the other tower live. At the time I was working for a discount airline, so I suppose since I have knowledge of airline operations that would qualify me as a terroist expert too right? Right?

Incoming honey, cutie etc blah blah blah.

12-01-2018, 11:45 PM
so I suppose since I have knowledge of airline operations that would qualify me as a terroist expert too right? Right?

You need at least 3 gender studies degrees or have worked at the UN for at least one summer to be a terrorism expert.

12-02-2018, 01:15 AM
Man, imagine having to feel so self aggrandizing that you have to look at a tragedy like 9/11 and make up some bullshit about evacuating a building for Politics folder street cred.

12-02-2018, 02:40 AM
I don't know...I read her original post as she had to evacuate herself from a building, which really isn't all that far-fetched considering what was going on at the time.

12-02-2018, 02:42 AM
I mean, from what I'm reading people thought she was claiming she was ushering other people out of a building? Not what I took away from her original post but maybe there were other posts where she made bigger claims.

12-02-2018, 02:49 AM
I don't know...I read her original post as she had to evacuate herself from a building, which really isn't all that far-fetched considering what was going on at the time.

We had schools around here that were evacuated as the planes were hitting the Towers. She's legitimately nothing special.

12-02-2018, 03:10 AM
I don't know...I read her original post as she had to evacuate herself from a building, which really isn't all that far-fetched considering what was going on at the time.

A lot of buildings were evacuated on 9/11, that's not the far fetched part. The far fetched part is someone simply asked her how old she was on 9/11 (implying she was too young to remember or know what was happening on 9/11) and not only was she old enough to remember 9/11, but she was one of the .3% of the US population that is inside of DC during the workweek on 9/11 when a plane flew into the pentagon and she was in a building that had to be evacuated at the time.

Sure it's possible, a lot of people were in DC at the time. A lot of people are in the 1% of income earners, a lot of people teach logic, a lot of people have an illegal alien brother, a lot of people date a wealthy lawyer who hits the gym 3+ times a week. It just seems a little strange that whatever the topic she somehow has personal experience in the subject that makes her an expert in the field.

12-02-2018, 03:40 AM
No silly, that makes her an expert on terrorism. The discussion was about terrorism and someone asked her what she knew about terrorism, and wouldn't you know it? Not only was she in DC at the time the plane hit the pentagon, but she also had to evacuate a building and dodge car bombs.

I think it was me asking what she knew about it. I had about a 9 year stint where anti-terrorism was kinda my thing. I had a buddy that was in the Pentagon during 9/11 too. BTW, the Pentagon isn't in Washington, D.C.

I believe she said she was evacuating a building, like she was the one in charge of getting people out.

12-02-2018, 07:14 AM
On 9/11 I was working in the DC area. Unless you like hearing about a building evacuation, a massive traffic jam, and a lot of phone calls telling friends and family I was OK, I have no real stories to tell.

12-02-2018, 07:31 AM
A lot of buildings were evacuated on 9/11, that's not the far fetched part. The far fetched part is someone simply asked her how old she was on 9/11 (implying she was too young to remember or know what was happening on 9/11) and not only was she old enough to remember 9/11, but she was one of the .3% of the US population that is inside of DC during the workweek on 9/11 when a plane flew into the pentagon and she was in a building that had to be evacuated at the time.

Sure it's possible, a lot of people were in DC at the time. A lot of people are in the 1% of income earners, a lot of people teach logic, a lot of people have an illegal alien brother, a lot of people date a wealthy lawyer who hits the gym 3+ times a week. It just seems a little strange that whatever the topic she somehow has personal experience in the subject that makes her an expert in the field.

She is a narcissist and I wouldn't be surprised if she was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.

12-02-2018, 09:03 AM
On 9/11 I was working in the DC area. Unless you like hearing about a building evacuation, a massive traffic jam, and a lot of phone calls telling friends and family I was OK, I have no real stories to tell.

Where were you? I was on K Street and was living in Bethesda.

The thing I remember most vividly were all of the radio reports of car bombs as a co-worker VERY kindly drove me home. It turns out there were no car bombs. But the entire (long) drive back was unnerving to say the least.

12-02-2018, 09:07 AM
We had schools around here that were evacuated as the planes were hitting the Towers. She's legitimately nothing special.

A point I made myself several times. MILLIONS of people were living in DC and NYC during 9/11. It's not like it happened in Podunk, IA.

Also LOL at you idiots sitting around still talking about whether or not you believe me.

I guess it's easier than talking about politics. After all, no one is going to prove you wrong if you speculate on another poster's life.

12-02-2018, 09:11 AM
I was talking to someone on Lnet one night, and Vishra chimed in saying that two of the people I'd mentioned, Noam Chomsky and Theodor Mommsen, had nothing to do with Anthropology. It sounds like that's what your degree is in, or somewhere's around that, so I'll forego further explanation because you already know. Then she said that Archaeology was not a field of Anthropology. Then she claimed that she had a doctorate in Feminist Anthropology. Now, I don't have a degree in Feminist Anthropology, but you do not get a degree with "Anthropology" in the name without understanding the things you learn in the 100 level courses, such as the four major fields of Anthropology. She went on for about half an hour after that, and not once did she make any sort of sense. Since then I've been counting her fields of expertise. So far they include:

Information Technology
Juris Doctorate

And I've only been counting for like a month. There's something very wrong with her. I can understand maybe faking one degree, but she's faking many, and she literally cannot be bothered to even search wikipedia to check if the things she's saying about them are true or not. That's how she ends up with comments like a single WoW server costing 5 million dollars per month to run. Based on her expert IT knowledge. Or that the US sent soldiers to California to intimidate and harass immigrants into turning back. Based on her legal expertise.

Oh you're the idiot who was claiming Chompsky as an anthropologist? And you're actually admitting this?

As for the rest of your drivel- if you have to lie about what I said then you really shouldn't be talking.

12-02-2018, 09:17 AM
I guess it's easier than talking about politics. After all, no one is going to prove you wrong if you make up imaginary events to make your life sound less pathetic.

I agree.

12-02-2018, 09:19 AM
If you have to lie about what you've done or what you are then you really shouldn't be talking.

Girl, you are on a roll!

Step 1 is admitting your issue.

12-02-2018, 09:19 AM
Oh you're the idiot who was claiming Chompsky as an anthropologist? And you're actually admitting this?

As for the rest of your drivel- if you have to lie about what I said then you really shouldn't be talking.

Get this: "Chompsky" is more an anthropologist than you are. His stuff is actually used in classes.

12-02-2018, 09:22 AM
Just snap a photo of one of your graduate degrees -black bar your name- it’ll take less time than one of your posts. this won’t definitevly prove that you deserve the Medal of Honor for your valorous deeds on 9/11 but it’ll sure as hell put that small seed of self-doubt in a lot of our minds.


12-02-2018, 09:23 AM
Get this: "Chompsky" is more an anthropologist than you are. His stuff is actually used in classes.

Why are you telling someone with a graduate degree in Anthro what they teach in it?

Stump was asked to actually name an Anthropologist he had read, and he said Noam Chompsky. That was actually an embarrassing moment for him, not me.

They also teach Marx and Saussure. That doesn't make them Anthropologists.

As for Stump's ridiculous claim that I said Archaeology isn't part of Anthro- That would have been odd given I took an Archaeology course.

And him saying I claimed to have a JD is hilarious given how often I joke that one of she smartest things I've ever done was to avoid law school.

Really, this is all just really sad and pathetic. Don't you boys have better things to do than to lie and high five each other about it?

12-02-2018, 09:25 AM
Why are you telling someone with a graduate degree in Anthro what they teach in it?

Because I also have a graduate degree in Anthro, and I think you're full of shit.

12-02-2018, 09:28 AM
Because I also have a graduate degree in Anthro, and I think you're full of shit.

LOL based on what, exactly? All of our late night talks about ethnography and going native?

Grow up honey.

12-02-2018, 09:43 AM
LOL based on what, exactly? All of our late night talks about ethnography and going native?

Grow up honey.

Based on that, and this:

Why are you telling someone with a graduate degree in Anthro what they teach in it?

You are constantly trying to argue from a position of authority on just about every topic under the sun. Anti-terrorism, politics, gender studies, law. This time you chose anthropology, I guess because not many people know about it and you figured it would be another easy 'credential'.

I'll tell you what: I want to hear more about these breastfeeding Aka. Just give me an overview on how the men are able to provide milk instead of the women, or admit you were wrong, and we can drop it. You don't have to cite sources, just use your own words. Here is your assertion for reference:

And men can nurse babies- did you know that? There's a culture in existence right now that has- as far back as any of them can remember- always had men breastfeeding babies instead of women. So I ask you again- if a man is overweight and has breasts- which are capable of lactating and feeding a baby- are they a woman? If not- what makes a someone a woman?

12-02-2018, 09:46 AM
LOL based on what, exactly? All of our late night talks about ethnography and going native?

Grow up honey.


12-02-2018, 09:49 AM
Why are you telling someone with a graduate degree in Anthro what they teach in it?


12-02-2018, 09:50 AM
Why are you telling someone with a graduate degree in Anthro what they teach in it?

AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!11 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH yet another degree claim lololololololol sooooooooooooooo retarded.

12-02-2018, 09:50 AM
Based on that, and this:

You are constantly trying to argue from a position of authority on just about every topic under the sun. Anti-terrorism, politics, gender studies, law. This time you chose anthropology, I guess because not many people know about it and you figured it would be another easy 'credential'.

I'll tell you what: I want to hear more about these breastfeeding Aka. Just give me an overview on how the men are able to provide milk instead of the women, or admit you were wrong, and we can drop it. You don't have to cite sources, just use your own words. Here is your assertion for reference:


12-02-2018, 09:51 AM
And men can nurse babies- did you know that?


12-02-2018, 09:51 AM
Based on that, and this:

You are constantly trying to argue from a position of authority on just about every topic under the sun. Anti-terrorism, politics, gender studies, law. This time you chose anthropology, I guess because not many people know about it and you figured it would be another easy 'credential'.

I'll tell you what: I want to hear more about these breastfeeding Aka. Just give me an overview on how the men are able to provide milk instead of the women, or admit you were wrong, and we can drop it. You don't have to cite sources, just use your own words. Here is your assertion for reference:

Wait, you actually think that men can't lactate?

And THAT'S going to be your argument that I don't know what I'm talking about? Did you... Take the 30 seconds to Google this before embarrassing yourself?

Regardless, the breastfeeding is just an example of them treating parental roles as non-gendered. Babies get milk from the mothers but breastfeed from both.

12-02-2018, 09:54 AM
Wait, you actually think that men can't lactate?

And THAT'S going to be your argument that I don't know what I'm talking about? Did you... Take the 30 seconds to Google this before embarrassing yourself?


12-02-2018, 10:01 AM
Wait, you actually think that men can't lactate?

And THAT'S going to be your argument that I don't know what I'm talking about? Did you... Take the 30 seconds to Google this before embarrassing yourself?

You know exactly what you asserted and exactly what I'm arguing. You can answer... or not.

12-02-2018, 10:06 AM
You know exactly what you asserted and exactly what I'm arguing. You can answer... or not.


12-02-2018, 10:08 AM
You know exactly what you asserted and exactly what I'm arguing. You can answer... or not.

This is correct.

12-02-2018, 10:29 AM
You know exactly what you asserted and exactly what I'm arguing. You can answer... or not.

She can't argue it because the first answer on Google is the one she uses in all her arguments. If she had actual, factual information and not Google, she'd realize how impeccably incorrect on the situation she is.

She's got nothing though. Remember how she refuses to acknowledge how insanely incorrect she was about WoW server costs?

12-02-2018, 10:34 AM
She can't argue it because the first answer on Google is the one she uses in all her arguments. If she had actual, factual information and not Google, she'd realize how impeccably incorrect on the situation she is.

She's got nothing though. Remember how she refuses to acknowledge how insanely incorrect she was about WoW server costs?

I'll give her some more time to come up with a real answer. She might be furiously googling 'big tiddy Aka men lactation' and I don't want to interrupt that.

12-02-2018, 10:37 AM
I'll give her some more time to come up with a real answer. She might be furiously googling 'big tiddy Aka men lactation' and I don't want to interrupt that.

She's not going to argue her point, she's going to try to brow beat you and when she can't she'll write you off. Pretty textbook for her, all things considered.

12-02-2018, 12:56 PM
Pretty textbook for her, all things considered.

Whoa there. Suggesting that she's ever been in the same room as a textbook is going a little far, isn't it?

12-02-2018, 02:07 PM
If time4narcissim is actually who she portrays to be, she would never be posting on this forum to begin with.

Someone with that many degrees and experience wouldn't have the time or inclination to be posting here as much as she does.

She is either incredibly mentally unstable or the quintessential forum troll of all trolls who have ever lived or will ever live.

12-02-2018, 02:57 PM
Whoa there. Suggesting that she's ever been in the same room as a textbook is going a little far, isn't it?


12-02-2018, 03:29 PM
Well, it's been a few hours, let's see if she responded to- oh... oh no...

And men can nurse babies- did you know that? There's a culture in existence right now that has- as far back as any of them can remember- always had men breastfeeding babies instead of women. So I ask you again- if a man is overweight and has breasts- which are capable of lactating and feeding a baby- are they a woman? If not- what makes a someone a woman?

Regardless, the breastfeeding is just an example of them treating parental roles as non-gendered. Babies get milk from the mothers but breastfeed from both.

It looks like you're having trouble following the conversation let alone supporting your claim. I'll take your statement as you admitting to being wrong, though.

12-02-2018, 03:29 PM

Now I kinda want to watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force, but every time I think that I end up watching the two seasons that are good, which is fine. The problem is, after that, there were like 8 more seasons that had a total of zero laughs, and I try to watch those too.

12-02-2018, 03:32 PM
Regardless, the breastfeeding is just an example of them treating parental roles as non-gendered. Babies get milk from the mothers but breastfeed from both.

You said men can NURSE babies, which means they are providing sustenance for the babies. Then as an example you cited a culture where the men breastfeed the babies INSTEAD of the women. Now after you realize you didn't read your first Google result as well as you should have you are completely changing what you originally claimed.

12-02-2018, 03:45 PM

This can't be real, it just can't.

12-02-2018, 03:48 PM
So t4f is claiming 4 degrees now?

12-02-2018, 04:07 PM
So t4f is claiming 4 degrees now?

Clearly you are just questioning her claims because you're a boy with nothing better to do.

12-02-2018, 04:09 PM
Clearly you are just questioning her claims because you're a boy with nothing better to do.

Yes, that is it.

12-02-2018, 04:17 PM
So t4f is claiming 4 degrees now?

When she collects 5 degrees she will be able to personally challenge Trump to combat.

12-02-2018, 04:17 PM
When she collects 5 degrees she will be able to personally challenge Trump to combat.

I'm sure she already claims to make more than Trump. I'm going back to my VR world where all you lamers don't exist. Bye.

12-02-2018, 04:18 PM
I'm sure she already claims to make more than Trump. I'm going back to my VR world where all you lamers don't exist. Bye.

VR is a gimmick and a shitty one at that.

Fight me.

12-02-2018, 04:20 PM
VR is a gimmick and a shitty one at that.

Fight me.

It was a gimmick. It is pretty awesome now. Especially all the VR porn.

12-02-2018, 04:22 PM
It was a gimmick. It is pretty awesome now. Especially all the VR porn.

Do you have to lift the goggles from your face to let the tears hit your junk for lube or is there an attachment now?

Asking for a friend.

12-02-2018, 04:33 PM
Do you have to lift the goggles from your face to let the tears hit your junk for lube or is there an attachment now?

Asking for a friend.

It is called a fleshlight you fucking neanderthal, there are even electronic ones that pulse based on the video.

12-02-2018, 04:40 PM
It is called a fleshlight you fucking neanderthal, there are even electronic ones that pulse based on the video.

I'm the neanderthal but you're the guy sticking his dick in a fancy water bottle, bro!

12-02-2018, 04:41 PM
I'm the neanderthal but you're the guy sticking his dick in a fancy water bottle, bro!

I don't have one. :(

12-02-2018, 04:44 PM
I don't have one. :(

I had gotten one as a naughty Santa thing in a group of friends and I couldn't look at it without laughing. We blew it up at a gun range.

12-02-2018, 07:28 PM
Wait, you actually think that men can't lactate?

And THAT'S going to be your argument that I don't know what I'm talking about? Did you... Take the 30 seconds to Google this before embarrassing yourself?


Regardless, the breastfeeding is just an example of them treating parental roles as non-gendered. Babies get milk from the mothers but breastfeed from both.

When you realize you are wrong and then, within 4 minutes, try to change your entire answer...

I should sue you for whiplash...

http://forum.gsplayers.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxAREhUQEBMVFhUVFhcYFhYWGBgYFhUWFxUWGBUVGR gYHSoiGhslHRgVITEhJSkrLi4vGB8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GRAQGy0fHSUuLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tKy0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tLS0tKy0tLSstLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIANwA3AMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAbAAEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAUCAwYBB//EADUQAAEDAgUBBgUDBAMBAAAAAAEAAhEDIQQFEjFBUQYTImFxk TKBobHRFELwI1LB4RVigjP/xAAYAQEAAwEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBP/EACERAQEAAgMAAgIDAAAAAAAAAAABAhEDITESQSJhBBMy/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCkREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAR EQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQERbaNIuKi5Sepk21L0 NJ2XQYDKWGNQkn7K8wuVNEBrR6rC/yJ9LfBwZC8X0n/AIpp JjT8mrCv2fov3Y0elj9FE/kfpPwfOUXV5n2RcBqomd/CfoB9d1yz2kGCII3C1x5Jl4rcdMURFoqIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAi IgIiICIiAiIg9LTBI9J8zMfYqyyQAm/X8KsdHCtcmG3n QuPky VayadbhKNh9T6qcomHeLHiFJFQdVz1dLwzrR0W5QGVgLghSW4g cqZUNy53tNkArA1aYAqAEkf3/AO10DXA7L1wkQeVaWzuIfInCDB4Xin57he6rvZBAmWzyD/uVAXfjdzbKiIisgREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQFvwVDvHtZq0z N kAn/C0Lw1C3xDf82VcvKmevH1g4lxO5JufNb8JV0u3hU9Ks2BJ2Cm0 CuOxq67A4y26s24nqPZcxl9WY9j6j fVXrXTcLO9JSv1Xl9ViMWRcx9lEqVY4UXE1ufZR2L lmEHf3VtRxAcPPovnlHF MCZM/hdX paynqMkxYDdzo2H0U3oU3bOkHP1zdsAiRte456Ll1b5v37mirW Ea3WEQAALeuxVQu3h/yyy9ERFqqIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAvV4igerxEUgsagsVkiiwUKk0 sURv7rTmFN1MlxktO0RYmbKOzENN5HzsuSyxq6jL8RBtz910 EdLfmuDwFeLEq4xmallJ0Ei0mOOoVMsUuhxTx12VPmePa0Rayi uquq0muJ0GBJfGg2mxbJna0dVEoZG2qXurYum1gBgUy5z9UiAd TQAInlJjo2ldl4r1iJHhi0 s8 S h4TCBscwbeWy5HsrgsJRcXUwQQNJe4nxdDpkgfLqrrF5vBApuk zxsSq5e9JiV2ywzXUNRIGgyB1JtC4BXOeZrUqQwukDcecqnXVw T8WebxERbqCIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIg8c0EQRIO4K5vM Mkqtl1IhwudJ3jgAjcrpVjVol/hEydoWefU2ti5OjUfROisxzHEBwad4kwR12PsrXEYrvW6WfuBF zHBPvAXYZPQfUaabHBxhwdSeLODhBO9hHlwVozXsyzDRXDdLnm NI Fvhg6RxtPzWEstXUvZamRQZRrNBOpxuBIdrd4geLE 66vKOzGFZUfXqhtQvAgaAGifidpkguNpdvdc 0w4HouswFclsdRCpyblqZ44ztFhe7rPbQlocA6BsDeIHHoF0PY bJHOmrUJvHW0X52np5KfjMlqVD3gaHADafF6QtlLMquGa0Fopt JDW6xAJJgAdTJ qrvoQO1mWClUFQfusflyqFdV2hzBz6OmpEkiI9QfsFyq6eC7xU zeIiLdQREQEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBWmT16NNraxDn1Z8L LEcR4dyVVmeFbZVmeHoYZ1QR3m5c4EnUNoEWv0XPz3zS DS5 HfW1YiWtcB1B3NjCndo6OGaymaDi4nkmbRstmBzTCFxD9JE2kH YjfaImVr7QVcNAbQG9zM2vuPsscN/KL1z2IquYNTRMGYvt8vkpeT9oWEi4G036/ZaFEq4CmSXRBIiRx8tlvnx/LtSXT6tlmPY4fENh/CrB7mxJiN/ZfHcNiMVSd/TeC0R8XxEj0strO0 YSJoGJv4qe3P7lj/Vkt8ove1OZd9U0hsBtvMqjWTqxf4nCCbkdFiurDHWLO3sREV0C IiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIg04snTIMRcm 3yXQuxOEo0C8URVef pcBq3ltwqGqyRz8iR9l0uHxtd1EMwVNjHD43WaIiwJAnquXl9a YoGU1qFNzRVpkyCQYEQQbCDYTPC3docRRfoFJoEAzaOqzyzGuo GatEPkmT 7bi234WGZZhh6zwQyHf27beY/myyxv5bWqmRZ1WwTYjpPThYLul3GVAiBEiBERSCIiAiIgIiICI iAiIgIiICIiAiIg9RoJMD0QLZhyQ4EcGT6LPK2Ta07SMXlVLSJ c7vBB6tB6FnPncKfRoYmpSDKdUUx6SHRsQ2RA91UtpP1ms1xcC LGRpHqeePZT9NXxVKDRfcOMFoG4npfdclu2ifWrY3C0QalJtRk klzSfC0AG4iwsbypNLB0S0uqNaW1IgwABLRA1dZ2 Sr8yzbGmmab2saCIubER0kceayZijSYzvP/AJmxgEBhIMH/AKiYEHrPMKqULNctfRcxlywjwE3MTyefwomNwzqTix 4 vQqxp6mVdTfE2dTJMiTz9SvO0WLqVCwvaG2O23HHAst LK7kUynSoREXUzEREBERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERARerxQJWX4 I1n6AYsSSdhAJ sR81LyfCNc8tqtBBFvXrb1UfCMqNGsEAOtuJ32jziFb4ZkHW25 H1XJy523TXGNOFygsZVogbElpE7ONh5rZTwjJL2VGspD4QwFzj 0JmSfZXDcSA6m83Y6WuvADjGkzuI8f0Vaabm1XtYBoa4hoEWHA n3WSyPmGWPxAnunSBDfENMTMnmbnnpZaqXZ7Eta5rHOGqPC7SW Wjynjrut N7RVKL9OguEbNLRB/9ESFhmmb1i3w16lBzx4Jp03tmJJPhdFpCdiXTwbg0CqWhrbzsZ 8r7KozyqC5oAPhkfZbqeYVoFU06NU6dJdrfDoiT3ZcBq1DpZZY/TWp99ph27wJlpi4vwPqtMPxu6re4pEWVRpBgiOViuyXbIREUgi IgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIg9Xi9C8VUqzMa9QOGgwOR5SJK24XM ngBpc4X3BPUn5LGvRkk9fyoj6RG/vwuW9tHTUcdVqNNIEEOEGQJiOu6uMmyyux1qng5BvB5dq3jyVB 2cMSDUc10GG6bWIjxTPyhddk EFKnOJfUdMghxJgEDqfVZ3pKd/wARRqEufpcZsSZtA2ncbqnxmXOe4h9KRw6m4kwOjTAPzK9xGJp d6DRayG6WgQJA1SfQQZ91HrZ0 g80ardbJBBmXgEAj1ueosom0q/E9mqzPGxsCS4aTDhvv FYZEws1tru OAA43EWif8Aap62bvJcDUhpd4SRHmBPNp9lgXuE62a2zJI IehiXBW7qE/OcO1pIbuwgEnkO GPTSfdVS6bMqQr0RUHBGrrzA65ldPDetM8oIiLZUREQEREBERA REQEREBERAREQerwr1FTLyrRHqtAC0qVj7ODOdIJ9lqpYdzthz HQSbgT1XLPF0vIqDKlZrahhu59ARK7bHYt73aGMcRqudJgdbhc ZhaL6JZ3liZkbwLXkWI5X0bBPkCIWed7Wjmsw7HNqlznDQ43L2 CHW8z6BZUslbRbpp4p0xYP8AGOhtIm0/Nddi6jQ0hx425K4nF9y0/wBT4nTcaha8X4TdEurleHI8VZocBu1umTyXDVJO6g0MFhWkOa5 9R4kGLzf 0AnhRf0TKhBpPNhBkzfpIUDEYaoxw3DrwRO/MdVZDpsjx7HmpSAIaW8 U y5nEUdDnMv4TF1YZNRrSDWZAa0 MW1agJkGZNvLcqd2hAc4BttYJFty2TA/Kthfjki9xziIi7IyERFIIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgLOluPUfdYo CBc/T0sq5eVMevBdVnTyAQTvECJHCvqlFhcaLQ1jXhpbBJh4jWJvsS RdUbCAQR5H7KzDqkjw7vc5gAAcW31X5uQblcmWOtNZXmZYOpTr NZUggyWutMGLGOdl1dGvoZJ XqVzVLEfqK7fJvMm8jqrzMXkNtE3idp42WVSj0M/oPeBWnVxIcAW3AM7bhyk1q2CLgyozUSLaA oI6EskTvYmVS1qOEqHTVDmkW/cRtPxA7b2XmEyqkGFtHFkS/VGpzTNuR6BTqDozlGB0h0d2LEEuczzHxFY4qtgqQDnPa4izb6o O zP8rRQoYot01RTxNMc21iBAgECT6nqoOL7Msc0GlTdSgX1FsAm OdRt6JP2hhm2LfUDalMAsIkgQCJiFOxPd90x/IIM3tqIH FTswtOh8eIG0FrfETHFws/1jHgtpEn nDJBB1NkgkG3LVbQoahufU/dYrKq/UZ/k7FYrtx8ZUREVkCIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICxqNkEdRHuskUUeN bAieIlSKeKdDXtLtVO0SfhNyd7SQCtIVjSohrGvFiTB85DidvQ Ln5fppil5JV76sakR1PUzckxcndXePZTcAKhgX2JHvHG6r yzR3ZPMwonbhmlgeJ1B1j6zP2C5/td0GKdT7vu2sDY2sPF5j cLksBQYHvBY3UNRggHiymZDmtVzdDnS2TY/L8rp6OVUXN74th2ki223RPKOAFV7SdFR4uSIe6B6Cdkr4mtUbp qVajrR8Thb3W7MGBtRwHX73UZdmOONjK2tfctsYEjYm5B6g7rd kdKq2qHVKrntaCYiABaSp T4NlTVqm0RHnP4V9mWBp0cPUcxonu335 ErPkyxnWlpK5bFMgyBDXXbxIkiY9QVoUyr4qFN53Hh Vz9yVDW3HelchERXVEREBERAREQf/Z

12-03-2018, 09:16 AM
Ok, I would formally like to apologize to time4fun for my hurtful post.

I won't be suing you for whiplash for being So. Fucking. Stupid. that you had to change your entire answer within 4 minutes of one post.

Please don't leave us. We won't have a champion if you do.. and no one wants that.

I'm sorry.

12-03-2018, 09:37 AM
Well at least you were awake. I was sleeping and was awoken to witness the plane going into the other tower live. At the time I was working for a discount airline, so I suppose since I have knowledge of airline operations that would qualify me as a terroist expert too right? Right?

Incoming honey, cutie etc blah blah blah.

I've flown on planes before, therefore I too am an expert on terrorism.

I was also big into WWF wrestling when the Iron Sheik was around representing Iran, and also in the early 90s during the Gulf War when out of nowhere he returned as Colonel Mustafa, but now representing Iraq along Sgt. Slaughter, who had recently made a heel turn and was also pro Iraq.

As you can see, I have extensive knowledge of the Middle East and am something of an expert on its relations, to put it lightly.

12-03-2018, 09:39 AM
I don't know...I read her original post as she had to evacuate herself from a building, which really isn't all that far-fetched considering what was going on at the time.

Except she was probably sleeping in her bed in another state, being fat and smelly.

12-03-2018, 09:56 AM
Why are you telling someone with a graduate degree in Anthro what they teach in it?


Oh cunty...

How about you just tell us what you don't have a degree in? It would be a much shorter post.

Because you're a liar.

As for Stump's ridiculous claim that I said Archaeology isn't part of Anthro- That would have been odd given I took an Archaeology course.

Which was your favorite? I think overall Raiders was the best, but Last Crusade was pretty great too. Temple of Doom went off course a little bit, but it was still fantastic in my opinion.

I also thought Tomb Raider 2 was way better than 1, but 1 had that special something about it that 2 couldn't capture. Maybe it was the newness of the genre.

As you've probably realized by now, I too am a bit of an expert in archaeology.

Really, this is all just really sad and pathetic. Don't you boys have better things to do than to lie and high five each other about it?

Perhaps if you didn't lie constantly while sniffing your own farts, you'd get made fun of less. Even our resident democrats realize how full of shit you are.

12-03-2018, 10:10 AM
Wait, you actually think that men can't lactate?

And THAT'S going to be your argument that I don't know what I'm talking about? Did you... Take the 30 seconds to Google this before embarrassing yourself?

Regardless, the breastfeeding is just an example of them treating parental roles as non-gendered. Babies get milk from the mothers but breastfeed from both.

That's the problem. You spend 30 seconds on google, which is typically just long enough to grab and post the first result and claim it as truth and proof of your expertise in whatever subject you're pretending to know things about. Like Blizzard spending $5m a month per WoW server.

Perhaps you should take more than 30 seconds on Google to avoid embarrassing yourself.


12-03-2018, 10:18 AM
Clearly you are just questioning her claims because you're a boy with nothing better to do.


12-03-2018, 10:19 AM
I love how after she gets caught in such obvious lies she just continues to dig herself deeper. She's on the board at a very important IT firm which features one person of every gender and race, don'cha know, so she knows all about server costs. Incidentally, that board has 115 people on it. For equality. She also got her Juris Doctor, so you shouldn't be challenging her on laws, like the illegality of the troops intimidating immigrants in California. It's not legal to put troops on your own border, don'cha know. Never heard of some of the most important figures in Anthropology? She's got a graduate degree, don'cha know, so you better watch your step. Also she's a teacher somehow. Not sure where that degree came into play, but she's name dropped it recently. I wasn't around for the 9/11 claims but it doesn't surprise me at all that she's basically a terrorism expert too, don'cha know. She probably trained abroad in counter-terrorism with the Mossad before coming back to the states.

..wait...wait! I found out how it all ties together. After her Mossad training, she moved to New York and THAT's how she was leading the rescue efforts on 9/11! I found this image from the news that proves it.


12-03-2018, 10:20 AM
I'm the neanderthal but you're the guy sticking his dick in a fancy water bottle, bro!I don't have one. :(


12-03-2018, 10:26 AM
Just dropping by, i thought i'd ask if anyone had some fun fancy blunt truth to sell

12-03-2018, 10:37 AM
Did she claim to also have a JD now too? So she is claiming 5 degrees now?

12-03-2018, 10:42 AM
Did she claim to also have a JD now too? So she is claiming 5 degrees now?

*insert picture of Jenovadeath/Tabor flexing in his kickboxing gear*

12-03-2018, 11:13 AM
It appears that the Mueller investigation is reaching its endgame. After a two-month hiatus for the midterms, special counsel Robert Mueller's team is prepared to once again show its work. These developments are ominous for President Donald Trump. In short order, expect to see a case of conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election to be laid out in court.

Defenders of the president have, despite the obvious progress of the Mueller investigation — more than 30 indictments or guilty pleas, including Trump’s campaign chairman, personal lawyer, national security adviser, deputy campaign manager and foreign policy adviser — consistently argued that “no collusion” has been proved. While it is true that the charges made public have not alleged conspiracy (there is no crime of “collusion”) it should be clear to all but the most obtuse by now that the endgame is drawing near. Mueller is laying out the predicate for a wide-ranging conspiracy case that will likely ensnare the president’s family and, quite likely, Trump himself.


12-03-2018, 11:23 AM
It appears that the Mueller investigation is reaching its endgame. After a two-month hiatus for the midterms, special counsel Robert Mueller's team is prepared to once again show its work. These developments are ominous for President Donald Trump. In short order, expect to see a case of conspiracy to interfere with the 2016 election to be laid out in court.

Defenders of the president have, despite the obvious progress of the Mueller investigation — more than 30 indictments or guilty pleas, including Trump’s campaign chairman, personal lawyer, national security adviser, deputy campaign manager and foreign policy adviser — consistently argued that “no collusion” has been proved. While it is true that the charges made public have not alleged conspiracy (there is no crime of “collusion”) it should be clear to all but the most obtuse by now that the endgame is drawing near. Mueller is laying out the predicate for a wide-ranging conspiracy case that will likely ensnare the president’s family and, quite likely, Trump himself.


subpoena subpoena tr;dr OMGOMGOMG THIS IS REALLY IT THIS TIME GAIS!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

12-03-2018, 11:23 AM
Trump should stop acting guilty. If he would do that, then this wouldn't be nearly as big an issue. Today's tweets are a good example of what he should stop doing.


12-03-2018, 11:25 AM
Trump should stop acting guilty. If he would do that, then this wouldn't be nearly as big an issue. Today's tweets are a good example of what he should stop doing.


You should stop acting retarded.

12-03-2018, 11:25 AM
If it were Hillary, Mueller would have already killed himself with three bullets to the back of his head.

12-03-2018, 11:30 AM
You should stop acting retarded.

He's not acting.

12-03-2018, 11:32 AM
Trump should stop acting guilty. If he would do that, then this wouldn't be nearly as big an issue. Today's tweets are a good example of what he should stop doing.

This is why law firms in DC wouldn't touch Trump with a 100 foot pole.

12-03-2018, 12:39 PM
PK is having a serious conversation with ClydeR.


12-03-2018, 04:27 PM
Brookings believed there was enough evidence late last year to convict Trump of obstruction of justice and now their updated report shows there's even more evidence than they first suspected. Trump just keeps digging himself into a deeper hole.


12-03-2018, 05:07 PM
(there is no crime of “collusion”)]

I'm not gonna read an article from an obvious trumppet troll!!! LOL!!!

12-03-2018, 06:52 PM
Looks like pk is replacing soywolff as the post-opinion-pieces-all-day-every-day-and-treat-them-as-fact tard

12-03-2018, 07:02 PM
Looks like pk is replacing soywolff as the post-opinion-pieces-all-day-every-day-and-treat-them-as-fact tard

Tgo01: Collusion isn't a crime, now watch Androidpk cry because I said this.
Androidpk: Cries because Tgo01 said collusion isn't a crime, calls Tgo01 a MAGA troll.
A week later.
Androidpk: This opinion piece says collusion isn't a crime but Trump is going down anyways!

When he isn't NOUing up every single thread he's in he's just embarrassing himself in other ways.

12-03-2018, 07:21 PM
Found this story on Yahoo News feed.

Jerome Corsi files ethics complaint against Mueller (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/dec/3/jerome-corsi-files-ethics-compliant-against-muelle/)

12-03-2018, 07:25 PM
Found this story on Yahoo News feed.

Jerome Corsi files ethics complaint against Mueller (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/dec/3/jerome-corsi-files-ethics-compliant-against-muelle/)

Saw a Corsi interview, and if what he said was factual, Mueller is out of line. Basically said that he wanted Corsi to make false statements and agree to a plea deal or else he was going to be charged with lying about his knowledge of a 3 year old email he had forgotten about.

12-03-2018, 07:33 PM

12-03-2018, 07:35 PM
But perjury traps aren't a thing!!!111

12-03-2018, 07:42 PM
But perjury traps aren't a thing!!!111

I mean, they aren't really. Perjury requires you to knowingly and willingly lie. Corsi basically says he unknowingly told a falsehood and was told he could amend his written statement. When he did, the next day they said no, that he lied to them and the plea bargain was his only way out. The reason he is fighting it, unlike some others, is because he knows he didn't do anything wrong. People keep pleading, which is stupid. Let it go to court if you weren't purposely deceitful. Mueller and his team will keep doing this shit, because up until Corsi, no one refused to try and plea out.

12-03-2018, 07:47 PM
I mean, they aren't really. Perjury requires you to knowingly and willingly lie.

Well yeah, but that's why perjury traps are a thing. The government gets to decide what the truth is and whether or not you were lying.

Sure if we could ensure prosecutors and investigators are 100% ethical then perjury traps wouldn't exist. Unfortunately that's impossible.

12-03-2018, 07:52 PM
Well yeah, but that's why perjury traps are a thing. The government gets to decide what the truth is and whether or not you were lying.

Sure if we could ensure prosecutors and investigators are 100% ethical then perjury traps wouldn't exist. Unfortunately that's impossible.

No, a jury decides that. Problem is, none of these dudes were going to court, they were plea bargaining.

Proving perjury is pretty goddamn hard unless there is damn near a video of a guy saying "I lied and said this."

12-03-2018, 07:58 PM
Tgo01: Collusion isn't a crime, now watch Androidpk cry because I said this.
Androidpk: Cries because Tgo01 said collusion isn't a crime, calls Tgo01 a MAGA troll.
A week later.
Androidpk: This opinion piece says collusion isn't a crime but Trump is going down anyways!

When he isn't NOUing up every single thread he's in he's just embarrassing himself in other ways.

The only one embarrassing himself is you. It's been stated numerous times by myself and others that no one is going to be charged with "collusion". It's going to be the following:

conspiracy to defraud the US
obstruction of justice
tampering with witnesses
money laundering
bank fraud
wire fraud
tax fraud
failure to file a report of foreign bank accounts
campaign finance violations

12-03-2018, 08:01 PM
The only one embarrassing himself is you. It's been stated numerous times by myself and others that no one is going to be charged with "collusion". It's going to be the following:

conspiracy to defraud the US
obstruction of justice
tampering with witnesses
money laundering
bank fraud
wire fraud
tax fraud
failure to file a report of foreign bank accounts
campaign finance violations

quoted for when none of this happens

12-03-2018, 08:18 PM
The only one embarrassing himself is you. It's been stated numerous times by myself and others that no one is going to be charged with "collusion". It's going to be the following:

conspiracy to defraud the US
obstruction of justice
tampering with witnesses
money laundering
bank fraud
wire fraud
tax fraud
failure to file a report of foreign bank accounts
campaign finance violations

So, in your head.. this is what President Trump will be charged with?

I'd offer you a wager, but we both know you neither have the means nor the character to make good on it.

12-03-2018, 08:20 PM
No, a jury decides that.

The government gets to decide what the truth is and whether or not you were lying in regards to charging you with perjury.

Sure a jury ultimately decides guilt or innocence but just the threat of charging someone with a crime is enough to make a lot of people plea to a lesser charge and avoid the possibility of jail time altogether. So far that's what a lot of these indictments are the result of, just the mere threat of charging someone with perjury.

12-03-2018, 08:24 PM
It's been stated numerous times by myself and others that no one is going to be charged with "collusion"

That's weird. When I asked SHAFT to name which crimes he thought Trump was going to be charged with, and I said don't say collusion because collusion isn't a crime, Androidpk went on a hysteric rant about MAGA trolls and downplaying collusion because "collusion isn't a crime" is what MAGAbots say.

And now Androidpk and "others" have stated that collusion isn't a crime.

So weird. Almost as if Androidpk doesn't care about facts and is just pushing a political agenda.

12-03-2018, 08:37 PM
That's weird. When I asked SHAFT to name which crimes he thought Trump was going to be charged with, and I said don't say collusion because collusion isn't a crime, Androidpk went on a hysteric rant about MAGA trolls and downplaying collusion because "collusion isn't a crime" is what MAGAbots say.

And now Androidpk and "others" have stated that collusion isn't a crime.

So weird. Almost as if Androidpk doesn't care about facts and is just pushing a political agenda.

Weird, it's almost as if you spend all your time in the politics folder trolling and harassing people instead of engaging in genuine discourse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

12-03-2018, 08:38 PM
Weird, it's almost as if you spend all your time in the politics folder trolling and harassing people instead of engaging in genuine discourse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Weird, it's almost as if you're retarded.

12-03-2018, 08:44 PM
The government gets to decide what the truth is and whether or not you were lying in regards to charging you with perjury.

Sure a jury ultimately decides guilt or innocence but just the threat of charging someone with a crime is enough to make a lot of people plea to a lesser charge and avoid the possibility of jail time altogether. So far that's what a lot of these indictments are the result of, just the mere threat of charging someone with perjury.

Sure, they can charge you, but they have to prove your guilt. Perjury is a harder charge to prove.

Like I said, no one thusfar has decided to fight it. Corsi is. The facts come to light that Mueller is conducted this investigation as Corsi claims, it'll put a shadow on the entire thing.

12-03-2018, 10:04 PM
No, a jury decides that. Problem is, none of these dudes were going to court, they were plea bargaining.

Proving perjury is pretty goddamn hard unless there is damn near a video of a guy saying "I lied and said this."

Mueller's authority has been challenged 3 times now I believe and every single time the judge has said Mueller's authority is legit.

12-03-2018, 10:07 PM
Special counsel Robert Mueller's team is poised to make public a sentencing memo about former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort by Friday, special counsel spokesman Peter Carr told Yahoo News on Monday.

Mueller is also set to release memos about former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn and Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen this week, which are all likely to provide greater insight into the inner workings of the special counsel's probe into possible ties between Russia and the Trump presidential campaign.

Prosecutors on Mueller's team have been telling defense lawyers that they are "tying up loose ends" in the investigation, which has been going on for more than a year, Yahoo News reported.


12-03-2018, 10:12 PM
President Donald Trump got the news cycle buzzing bright and early Monday morning with a series of tweets railing against special counsel Robert Mueller. The president, however, also said something that was perceived as no mere wink and nod to Roger Stone. White House counselor Kellyanne Conway‘s attorney husband George quickly said that you could file Trump’s words under ’18 U.S.C. §§ 1503, 1512′” — or that the tweet amounted to witness tampering and obstruction of justice.

Well, at least one former federal prosecutor seems to agree. CNN legal analyst Elie Honig, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney with the Southern District of New York, said that if he had heard over a wiretap what Trump just tweeted he would have been giddy.

What about witness tampering? “He’s pretty close to the line,” Honig said. “He is right on the edge of witness tampering.”

“Federal law makes it a crime to do anything to dissuade, try to postpone or delay someone’s testimony,” he said. “When you look at the president’s tweets from this morning, if I was a prosecutor and we had a wiretap up on someone’s phone and they said those exact things that the president tweeted, I would say, ‘wow, we just got him on obstruction.


12-03-2018, 10:13 PM
Who are you talking to? No one cares.

12-03-2018, 10:16 PM
It's funny watching CNN trying to make a crime out of literally sending out tweets and then right on cue Androidpk is there to gobble up all of the fake news directly from the source.

12-03-2018, 10:41 PM
Mueller's authority has been challenged 3 times now I believe and every single time the judge has said Mueller's authority is legit.

Um, okay? That has nothing to do with someone bringing a charge to trial instead of plea bargaining, as everyone else has. It'll expose a lot more to the tactics he has used. Again, if Corsi is completely honest about what the investigators are doing and the way they interrogated him, it is going to make this entire investigation legit look shady af. Pressuring people into plea bargains and requiring them to give more false statements? If he is truly doing that, then yeah, Mueller is going to find himself being investigated.

12-03-2018, 10:44 PM
It's funny watching CNN trying to make a crime out of literally sending out tweets and then right on cue Androidpk is there to gobble up all of the fake news directly from the source.

You mean the multiple lawyers (conservative ones as well) and former federal prosecutors saying what Trump did is illegal? That fake news? Did CNN make these people up and give them fake quotes? Seriously, stop trying so damn hard to be a useless troll. :lol2:

12-03-2018, 10:45 PM
Um, okay? That has nothing to do with someone bringing a charge to trial instead of plea bargaining, as everyone else has. It'll expose a lot more to the tactics he has used. Again, if Corsi is completely honest about what the investigators are doing and the way they interrogated him, it is going to make this entire investigation legit look shady af. Pressuring people into plea bargains and requiring them to give more false statements? If he is truly doing that, then yeah, Mueller is going to find himself being investigated.

It's a good thing you're not a cop.

12-03-2018, 10:46 PM
It's a good thing you're not a cop.

Oh, you're fine with people being coerced into giving false statements? It is good to know you don't have any authority, whatsoever.

12-03-2018, 11:00 PM
Oh, you're fine with people being coerced into giving false statements? It is good to know you don't have any authority, whatsoever.

Show me evidence of Mueller coercing people to give false statements. 33 people charged and only Corsi has mentioned this? Sounds like he's full of shit.

12-03-2018, 11:01 PM
Show me evidence of Mueller coercing people to give false statements. 33 people charged and only Corsi has mentioned this? Sounds like he's full of shit.

Well, when it goes to court there'll be plenty of evidence if he did or didn't. Like I said, I put "ifs" in there. If he is telling the truth. We'll find out soon enough.

Or the charges will be dropped because it is kinda hard to prove that he was intentionally deceitful.

12-04-2018, 12:37 AM
Well, when it goes to court there'll be plenty of evidence if he did or didn't. Like I said, I put "ifs" in there. If he is telling the truth. We'll find out soon enough.

Or the charges will be dropped because it is kinda hard to prove that he was intentionally deceitful.

I am an expert in the law because I watch Law & Order reruns & A Few Good Men so what I have to say is really important.

Ultimately Mueller will want the truth and those being charged will tell him he can't handle it. It will all be solved within an hour with a twist roughly about 50 minutes in with some moral about the ills of today's society. So stay tuned.

12-04-2018, 08:31 AM
I am an expert in the law because I watch Law & Order reruns & A Few Good Men so what I have to say is really important.

Ultimately Mueller will want the truth and those being charged will tell him he can't handle it. It will all be solved within an hour with a twist roughly about 50 minutes in with some moral about the ills of today's society. So stay tuned.

Sorry.. unless you watched My Cousin Vinny, you only have an Associates Degree. Vinny would give you a PhD.

Also: Don't fake that you watched it.. we will know.

12-04-2018, 08:34 AM
It's a good thing you're not a cop.

WTF? It's like you don't bother even trying to make sense.


12-04-2018, 08:59 AM
Again, if Corsi is completely honest about what the investigators are doing

Anybody who takes Corsi -- featured author of kook conspiracy articles in WorldNetDaily, former manager at InfoWars and 9/11 truther -- at his word is an absolute moron.

Pressuring people into plea bargains and requiring them to give more false statements?

You're taking -- at face value -- the hysterical flailing of a kook who knows he's royally screwed and has no legal defense to his actions. His only recourse, like Trump's, is to (ineptly) try to delegitimize law enforcement and try to minimize the political fallout of his inevitable indictment and hope for a pardon.

Except, as Trump's head stooge said herself:


12-04-2018, 09:00 AM
Sorry.. unless you watched My Cousin Vinny, you only have an Associates Degree. Vinny would give you a PhD.

Also: Don't fake that you watched it.. we will know.

Oh honey...


I just watched a recap on YouTube and am now an expert in this. Coincidentally I also received my PhD in all things Joe Pesci and am a black belt in karate.

Come on PB, even a 3rd grader would know these things. Also this proves that Trump colluded with Russia and Hillary won the popular vote and should be our President.

12-04-2018, 09:00 AM
Anybody who takes Corsi -- featured author of kook conspiracy articles in WorldNetDaily, former manager at InfoWars and 9/11 truther -- at his word is an absolute moron.

You're taking -- at face value -- the hysterical flailing of a kook who knows he's royally screwed and has no legal defense to his actions. His only recourse, like Trump's, is to (ineptly) try to delegitimize law enforcement and try to minimize the political fallout of his inevitable indictment and hope for a pardon.

Except, as Trump's head stooge said herself:



12-04-2018, 09:03 AM

Does that stand for you being "too retarded, didn't read"? Well, no surprise there.

12-04-2018, 09:08 AM
Former national security advisor Michael Flynn's sentencing memo is apparently being filed today by Mueller's team. :popcorn:

12-04-2018, 09:15 AM
Does that stand for you being "too retarded, didn't read"? Well, no surprise there.

You're agreeing that your post was too retarded for him to read?

12-04-2018, 09:26 AM
You're agreeing that your post was too retarded for him to read?

You need to work on that reading comprehension. Good job, though, on being unable to scrounge up a reply from the dregs of that barely-functioning mind of yours.

12-04-2018, 09:36 AM
You need to work on that reading comprehension. Good job, though, on being unable to scrounge up a reply from the dregs of that barely-functioning mind of yours.

You need to work on your intelligence. So when someone says tl;dr you think they are calling themselves too long? You really are retarded as fuck.

12-04-2018, 09:37 AM
You need to work on your intelligence. So when someone says tl;dr you think they are calling themselves too long? You really are retarded as fuck.

He didn't say "tl;dr" -- he said "tr;dr," my reply was a joke. You're either shit-for-brains retarded, or -- as always -- participating in bad faith. Take your pick, imbecile.

12-04-2018, 09:38 AM
He didn't say "tl;dr" -- he said "tr;dr," my reply was a joke. You're either shit-for-brains retarded, or -- as always -- participating in bad faith. Take your pick, imbecile.

Gee, someone with any modicum of intelligence would realize that is a play on tl;dr. You don't have any though, so it is easy to see how you're confused. Rest assured though, he was calling your post retarded, and you took it to new levels of autism following that.

12-04-2018, 09:39 AM
Gee, someone with any modicum of intelligence would realize that is a play on tl;dr. Youm don't have any though, so it is easy to see how you're confused.

And my reply was a joke, based on that "play." "Youm" are retarded, though, so it's no surprise you're sitting here dumbfounded.

12-04-2018, 09:40 AM
And my reply was a joke, based on that "play." "Youm" are retarded, though, so it's no surprise you're sitting here dumbfounded.

OH NOEZ YOU CAUGHT A TYPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE THAT I CORRECTED! YOU'RE SO SMART!!!!!!!!!!!

12-04-2018, 09:40 AM
Huh. Ashlianna posts a lot like that racist Sellstuff1.

12-04-2018, 09:40 AM
Weird, it's almost as if you spend all your time in the politics folder trolling and harassing people instead of engaging in genuine discourse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Coming from the creepy loser who just posts opinion pieces all day from time4fun's couch as if they're fact, just like cwolff.

Good job cwolffpk you fucking dildo. :lol:

12-04-2018, 09:41 AM
OH NOEZ YOU CAUGHT A TYPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE THAT I CORRECTED! YOU'RE SO SMART!!!!!!!!!!!

Seek psychiatric care.

12-04-2018, 09:41 AM
Seek psychiatric care.

Are you mad that your sellstuff1 account is blackballed for being too racist now?

12-04-2018, 09:46 AM
Are you mad that your sellstuff1 account is blackballed for being too racist now?

Oh, joy. The seventh (or is it eighth?) person a hysterical conservative has incorrectly accused me of being now? Once again, Kranar has full permission to confirm this is my only account. :)

No surprise you went from defending a 9/11 truther to pivoting to yet more magical thinking, though. Try again.

12-04-2018, 09:47 AM
Oh, joy. The seventh (or is it eighth?) person a hysterical conservative has incorrectly accused me of being now? Once again, Kranar has full permission to confirm this is my only account. :)

Try again.

I'm so hysterical. Omg, let me tell you, so hysterical.