View Full Version : Scripting Discussion
- Thanks
- Katana Quest Script
- Script to check for weapon actions
- Attention Nakiro, RE: Healing
- Night Golem in River's Rest Script
- Why doesn't this work:
- PC script.......
- scripts
- Someone Needs to write a script that does my laundry for me.
- Loot
- Heavy crossbow script.
- Lookin for a rift entry script
- DIRection script
- Annoying problem:
- stocks script
- New Player Sprite
- Post Urghs Script?
- rat hunter (Wehnimer's)
- hearthstone deed script
- symbol of dreams script
- Hunting script
- Modified skinning script.
- healdown script for sf
- stocks script
- skinning info
- universal hunting script (melee, customized for twohanders/twohanded polearms)
- Time Between Messages?
- Tackle Dummy script
- the coinner/sillvento connection
- box selling script
- to many critters
- EN Gems
- Can it be Faster?
- EN script?
- help me out
- Cast At What
- kiramon hunter for SF
- Anyone have. . .
- Swinging Fanged Rodent Script for Vaalor.
- Any undead scripts for a swinger around 15?
- Smart Spellup Subscript
- Silent Variable Declaration
- Script timeout removal
- scripting with Stormfront
- zMUD
- Skinning Script
- Deed Calculator (BETA)
- Actioned Items
- Tap that Empath
- Need a hunting script
- Quick-and-dirty (but very functional) gem purifying script for use with customers (not for SF, only
- SF version of my automated gem purifying script, v1.61
- Very fast, unrefined SF fix for my automated gem purifying script to be used with a customer
- Help with Pooka script
- Need help with a script
- who has it?
- Basic Scripting Question
- A bit of help....
- I guess I'm dumb...
- Teras Guild Sweep Script....
- Teacher abouts?
- Scripting 0-25
- AFK Wraith Hunter script, for archers
- door + shoulder
- need help with gem loot script
- Maaghara's Tower
- Forging FE and Stormfront
- Looking for a 4 Winds Citizenship script
- Landing forging script that needs a little help
- Stormfront Scripting question
- Crafting & Forging Scripts for StormFront
- Create scripts from map
- Maps Script
- Looking for Forging script(s)
- Wizard FE script help for LLD
- Scroll Infusing Script
- Looking for a good base script to alter
- Script For Landing Movement
- scripting 101
- Scripts for Wizards
- In Search of COL Script and a Huntin Script...
- Sahra's Bus Company
- SF vs. Wizard
- Needing a Four Winds Isle Citizenship Script
- Sahra's Bus Company - Beta 3.0
- Universal Movements Scripts
- Random Numbers in StormFront
- Rift Plane One
- Pickup Gems
- Low Level Graveyard Script
- StormFront Highlight Cuteness
- UMS Town Hopper
- UMS for Pinefar and Icemule
- Boghunter for TaVaalor Wizards Stormfront
- Spectral Miner hunter for Wizards Stormfront
- Pooka hunter for Wizards Stormfront
- Shadow Steeds and mares for Wizards Stormfront
- Glacier hunter in Illistim for wizards Stormfront
- Landing wraith hunter for wizards Stormfront
- AFK empath leaper hunter in Vaalor for a swinging empath
- Skulltemple hunter for wizards Stormfront
- Cyclopshunter for wizards Stormfront
- My hunting scripts and how to mod them to work with the Wizard FE
- Rogue Guild - Lockmastery - Pickcontest
- Rogue Guild - Lockmastery - Appraise
- Rogue Guild - Lockmaster - Calibrate
- Rogue Guild - Vaalor - Water Flowers
- Rogue Guild - Vaalor - Windows
- Rogue Guild - Vaalor - Broom Sweep
- Rogue Guild - Vaalor - Make Wedge
- QRS and QVS
- WL - GY Cobras - Level 8-12
- WL - Rats - Level 1 - 8
- SH - Rotting Woodsman & Wood Wights
- WL - Tree Spirits
- Utillity Script - SpellUp
- Travel Script: WL
- Travel Script: Solhaven
- Mule Arch Wight Hunter
- Plane1 hunter for stormfront
- Warrior Guild Scripts
- Variable and Save usage
- Graveyard Wraith Hunter
- Help with my Rat Hunter
- Sahra's Bus Company 3.2 for StormFront
- Tighter Rules on Match/Matchwait with MOVE?
- SBC 4.0 for StormFront - Improved
- Rift script!
- rift door
- Stormfront
- Ta'Vaalor Cemetary
- Urgh hunter for Sorcerers
- Ta'Illistim - Vor'taz
- Herb making script
- Converting .Maps to Stormfront Capable
- Sorcerer;s Guild Scripts
- Solhaven Travel & Deed script
- Sahra's Bus Company - Beta 5.0 (Global Travel +Solhaven)
- Solhaven - Pure Hunter - Dybbuk & Waern (Eidolan easily added)
- WL - Rats - Stormfront
- SH - Dybbuks & Waerns - SF
- TI - Vor'taz - SF
- TI - Bog - SF
- Spellup Script - Psinet Only
- wraith script for Teras
- Scriping an Empath to 20
- Simple question
- Movement script help.
- Scripting a wizard?
- Sahra's Bus Company - Global Travel for WIZARD
- fun PSINET scripts
- Sahra's Bus Company - Beta 6.0 (Global Travel + Cysaegir!)
- Healdown Script Needed
- Automated healing scripts?
- LM scripts
- Movement script
- The impossible script?
- Need Ideas For Cybersex Script
- For Ma'rs that want to keep the GY gate open.
- Stocks script again.
- Simple Stunman Script for the Stupid.
- Citizenship scripts?
- Shan Script
- Landing to Solhaven and back again...
- Running messages...
- Ugh, I'm so stuck.
- To get into the Labyrinth, aka The Tower
- Rules for the Scripting folder.
- Crazy Super Sexy Rat Hunter
- need scripting help please
- Script to get to Maagarha (whatever) Tower.
- And again... Need a script to OTF.
- fletching ranks?
- Join my journey/Tumble Speed Reps
- Why does it keep looping?
- Wraith Scripting 4 a paladin
- Problems with my spectre script
- Trying to learn scripting..
- QRS help
- Help for a scripting newb
- Pinefar
- GSIV Scripting Community (zMUD/Wizard)
- Ok, dumb script question about looting
- Fucking Morons That Don't know how to SCRIPT!
- iron smelting script
- General opinion on the public release of a new scripting engine?
- Scripting engines
- Jamus' Scripting Engine Hosted!
- Deed script for EN
- Thurfel's Cellar Travel Script?
- Unattended automated scripts; spellup of people that tap you, etc.
- Ever wanted to make a fortune while you slept?
- Avalon scripting
- lvl 40 paladin
- Adding to a wraith script
- An example of the sheer ridiculousness of healing with Jamus' engine - scripts included.
- scripts for my wizard
- attempt at scripting Jamus's engine! FAILED
- Checking for Haste
- Help on this huntint script please
- Illistim to landing.
- Lich v2.82
- Wizard for Mac
- Join me in the pwnage of Eliaku.
- Adding looting to my script please help.
- Need woodman scripts.
- Scripting pains.... ! A lil bit more to...
- Changed FE, now scripts wont work
- The Joys of scripting .. well kinda
- I need some help
- Darkstone Script for SF
- QRS script, SF, and a Question
- Continued SF Scripting Problems
- Instrument playing.
- Excessively aggrevating
- Great scripting snippet
- ta'vaalor scripts
- Support Script.......
- Pickup script wanted
- Wanted: River's Rest scripts
- afk pickers
- 2 questions:
- Lich!
- GM's afk check
- Fletching script?
- Citizenship scripts?
- Can anyone help figure out what broke my script?
- Sorcerer Illusions scripts
- newbie scripts? still exist?
- teras citizenship
- Help me Smite...
- Ok, trouble with making my own crafting script
- pinefar..
- Landing: Gems and Deed Script?
- Script to sol?
- Rat Hunter script request
- townhop
- Question about Lich user variables
- Does anyone have an updated Icemule citizenship script?
- Rogue Guild
- Item scripting script... Zest check?
- Dais to Glacier in EN.
- Updated Fletching Script - Stormfront?
- Any Help?
- WIP - Updated Fletching Script
- Problem with my script
- Something new to hunt..
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