View Full Version : Rift script!

03-18-2005, 11:43 AM
Please could someone make me a script / find me a script to get me from Icemule to the rift?
I had to wipe my computer not long ago and It took me a while to make it.
I'm very lazy today.

03-18-2005, 12:14 PM
IM me at Mistomeer

03-18-2005, 12:20 PM
there's an elanthian travel script floating around out there somewhere. I use it all the time. works great.

The Cat In The Hat
03-18-2005, 02:03 PM

03-18-2005, 02:28 PM
Thanks much Gothie. :yes:

03-18-2005, 02:30 PM
Oh and nice avatar. :yes: :yes:

The Cat In The Hat
03-18-2005, 02:31 PM
Thank ya :)

03-18-2005, 05:47 PM
The changes they made today made it so on the way from Pinefar to the Rift you have to search until you find the ledge...unless that's been fixed.

05-27-2005, 07:52 AM
Looking for a rift script for a friend.. does the one Gothique posted work ok now, with the search stuff mentioned? Do you just stop.. and search.. and it picks up?

I'd try it myself, but I'm at work. Oh, and I'd die on the way probably.

06-17-2005, 10:17 AM
Sorry, for the late response. I just read this and saw a link to my travel script. I need to warn those thinking of using it of a few problems.

The script that is currently posted on my website works fairly decent but there is one problem with the pinefar to rift script. That is the ledge search. When I wrote the script that was broken and I did not include any checks when the search was done there. At the present time I have no one capable of making it to the rift that fails the search so I am not sure what the failure message is to put the check in. This weekend I had planned to get someone up there that is blind so I could be the check in.

Also, the script on the website is several versions old. I have been changing the base way the script operates. The two major changes is that there will be only one place in each town to start the script (currently in most towns there are 3) and second I got rid of the annoying muttering while traveling. (I changed that to profile).

Strangely the muttering change caused one problem in the pinefar to rift section. It hangs up in one room. I plan on fixing that this weekend also.

If anyone is interested I will post the new version on the website when I correct those two issues. There is problem doing that though. Part of the script will be using the new method of starting and part will be using the old method so it is confusing. (Teras, Solhaven, and the Landing uses the new method .travel <town> while the rest of the towns use the old method .travel town shop. It is still a work in progress.

Anyways, if anyone wants it, just let me know.


[Edited on 6-17-2005 by Criell]

06-17-2005, 10:21 AM
Anyways, if anyone wants it, just let me know.


I would like it please.

06-17-2005, 10:42 AM
If you think of it and care to drop another line here when you update it that would be super great!

06-17-2005, 12:07 PM
I will do that. Look for a posting sometime Sunday. That will motivate me to at least get those two parts in it fixed.


06-19-2005, 09:31 AM
Alright, I think I got those bug fixed up as well as a bug with the Icemule gate guards (I hope). Still a lot to do on it but I think all the town to town scripts work although I have not been to EN in quite a while so I am not sure if there has been any changes up there.

A reminder to the folks that wanted a rift script. Use must go to Pinefar first and then the rift.

I need to add that this is a group friendly script so you have to watch it when it is running. It will pause at places to allow groups to regather after they are broken by travel.

use .travel alone to get help.

Script is available at:



[Edited on 6-19-2005 by Criell]

06-19-2005, 11:25 AM
Criell, this is what happens when you are on the way to the rift with no group. The script hangs.

[Script]>whisper group CLIMB SLOPE
But you are not part of a group.
[Script]>stance o
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.

06-19-2005, 11:53 AM
Okay this is where it hangs, I even changed it so it didn't rely on having You are in offensive, since I use a different style, and it still hung.


[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]

************************************************** ************************************************
Version 0.7.4
Usage .travel <town> for Solhaven, Teras, Landing, and Pinefar.
Usage .travel <town> shop for the all other towns (eventually I will get these changed.)
Start script in the town main gathering place.
Town being Icemule, Teras, Pinefar, Landing, Solhaven, Vaalor, Illistim, Sylvarrend, Logoth, Rest
[i.e .travel Solhaven]
Use Hunt after the town if you are outside of a town in a hunting area [i.e .travel Solhaven Hunt].
You must restart the hunting scripts in the same room that the travel strip dropped you off.

Solhaven - North Market (completed with version 0.7.1)
Teras - Statue (completed with version 0.7.2)
Landing - Inside North Gate (complete with version 0.7.3)
Pinefar - Inside the door of the trading post (complete with version 0.7.4)

For this script to work you will need to turn on Echo Commands Locally in the Wizard Option Menu.

Script by Criell
Send all comments to Criell@aol.com

Please note this script is being redone so that the starting areas are all in the same room.
Solhaven, Landing, Teras, and Pinefar are finished. All other towns will need to use the old format when starting the
script. This being .travel <shop or hunt>. In these towns hunting area slections starts at the
main gather area, town to town generally start at the main gate, and shops start at the bank.
Yeah, confusing, that is why I am changing it.

Landing is partially complete (no hunting areas yet).
No scripts for River's Rest yet.
Icemule may be buggy with the changes made to the town. I am working on it.
I think all the Town to Town scrips work. Let me know if there are problems especially with EN.
I haven't been to the EN in a long time so I am not sure what changes have been made there.

Email me with questions.
************************************************** ************************************************

[Script finished!]
.travel pinefar

[Press the ESCape key to abort script.]
[Pinefar Trading Post, Greatroom]
Shining wood floors and a beamed ceiling distinguish the spacious room. An impressive rock fireplace dominates the back wall, flanked by a wide staircase leading to an upper floor. Before the hearth sits a tawny leather sofa with a variety of armchairs sitting in attendance around it. Rugs scattered across the plank floor add tones of coral, blue and red to the warm ambience. All along the walls, paintings compete with windows offering views of the snow-bound countryside. You also see the halfling Belle, a large pine cupboard, a pair of wide double doors, a pine barrel, a staircase and a basket of sticks.
Obvious exits: northeast, east, west, northwest
************************************************** ************************************************** *******
You are currently at the Pinefar Trading Post - Gateway to all pinefar areas.
Where would you like to travel to?
Type in the the name of the place you want to travel to. You only have to enter the capatalized letters.
Be sure to enter the ! before the name. This helps prevent false starts.

1. !ICEMULE - Gateway to all towns 10. !RIFT
2. !LANDING 11. !AENATumgana
3. !TERAS isle 12. !FROZEN tundra
5. !RIVER's rest 14. nightmare !GORGE
6. !ZUL logoth 15. quiet !FOREST
8. !SYLVARrend

************************************************** ************************************************** *********

[Script]>!AENATgo door

[Pinefar Trading Post, Porch]
The porch is floored with wide, wooden planks, swept clean of snow and painted a wishful shade of green. All down the length of it, rocking chairs sit in a row, silent in the winter hush. This far north, the snow is a constant presence, transforming the row of pristine, green and white rockers into a wonderful winter folly. Generous, albeit short, double doors lead into the building. You also see a flight of stone steps and a wooden barrel.
Obvious paths: none
[Script]>go step
Please rephrase that command.
[Pinefar Trading Post, Lawn]
The snow-covered lawn stretches up to a rambling log manor that blends into the surrounding forests with an uncanny grace. The building looks inviting and cozy despite its sprawling size. A front porch wraps around the entire facade of the building, and a number of stone chimneys stand guard on the roof, each spouting an aromatic plume of smoke. Stone steps lead up to the porch, flanked by a pair of fanciful carved drakes. You also see a knobby-kneed primly-dressed assistant.
Obvious paths: north, southeast
[Pinefar Forest, Trail]
The trail winds through the pines, the banks of snow covering it marked here and there by animal tracks. Among the black branches of the conifers to either side is the occasional dark bulk of a squirrel nest. To the northwest, lights twinkle through the pine needles, and the scent of a fire is discernible, carried on the crisp, wintry air. You also see a narrow trail winding through the pines and drifts.
Obvious paths: south, northwest
[Northern Mountains, Pine Forest]
The expanse of towering pines cloaked in clumps of snow is broken by the stark silhouette of a large, wrought-iron gate straddling the trail. It is unattached to a fence of any kind. Across the arched top are the words 'Pinefar Trading Post', crowned by a 'P' enclosed within a circle. Although no buildings can be seen through the gusting snow, a smudge of smoke can be glimpsed curling above the trees. You also see a narrow snow-covered path leading west into the pines and a brightly painted wooden gate decorated with garlands of spring flowers.
Obvious paths: north, east
[Northern Mountains, Pine Forest]
A ring of tall modwirs surrounds an outcrop of granite that peeks from a mantle of snowdrifts like a recluse. At the stone's feet, the trail splits into tentative fingers in all directions, the remnants divided by tree trunks and obscured by snow.
Obvious paths: southeast, west
[Northern Slopes, Bluff]
Lichen mottles the surface of boulders forming the bluff, their surface sheared of snow by gusting winds blowing up from the gorge below. The flurries are buffered to the northwest by a dense forest of pines that stand dark and seemingly impenetrable. A trail forms and winds away to the northeast, as though fleeing the maw of the shadowy ravine. It soon disappears, lost in a vast expanse of blizzard-swept tundra. You also see some icy rocks.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest
[Script]>profile aenatumgana
Player "aenatumgana" not found. Type PROFILE HELP for usage.
[Script]>[Northern Mountains, Timberline]
The trail snakes along the edge of the precipice, the way rendered treacherous by snow and ice. Below, the bottom of the gorge is lost in shadows where jagged boulders lift their heads out of the gloom here and there like massive, motionless swimmers in a dark pool.
Obvious paths: east, southwest
[Northern Slopes, Arctic Track]
A jumble of snowy rock cascades across the trail, blocking further progress to the east. The stones descend to an expanse of flat tundra that stretches away to the northeast in an almost featureless plain. Clouds of snow cross the vast wilderness of ice in the distance, moving like great behemoths over the land in a silent dance.
Obvious paths: west
[Script]>cli rock
You climb down some icy rocks.
[Northern Slopes, Arctic Plateau]
A flat plateau of snow stretches into the distance, bounded in the northern reaches by a snowy peak that shimmers in the light, looking as much cloud as mountain. A cascade of boulders offers egress to a forested range of mountains, guarding the southern borders of the tundra. Snow falls over the still landscape in intermittent flurries which sparkle when a persistent beam of light breaks through the assault of bitter storms. You also see some icy rocks.
Obvious paths: northeast
[Northern Slopes, Arctic Track]
The snow is crusted into a brittle carapace with ice, marred here and there with stone outcrops that shine with a frozen veneer. To the wind's sighs and murmurs is added the occasional cry of an eagle flying high above, adding an eerie chord to the winter lullaby and echoing like a siren's call across the ocean waves.
Obvious paths: east, southwest
[Northern Slopes, Arctic Plateau]
To the north, a band of broken stones borders the snowy plateau like a final break-water against the savage grip of the tundra stretching away to the northern horizon. Snow and wind blast the rocks, leaving drifts in the lee of their southern faces. Pine-covered mountains provide a backdrop to the south, misted with fog and snowy clouds that drift across the peaks like ghostly barges on a dark green sea.
Obvious paths: west
[Script]>cli stone
You climb up some icy stones.
[Arctic Embankment]
The wind is a cruel master, reigning at the apex of the boulders with dangerous gusts spiked with needle-sharp ice and sleet. A sheath of ice covers the stones, making a perilous catwalk of the embankment's top. Wind screams its way over the jumble of rock and barrels against the mountains to the south in an endless onslaught.
Obvious paths: north
[Arctic Embankment]
The treacherous path crosses the wall of stone, snaking through lurking pitfalls and dangerous cracks camouflaged with sheets of ice and snow. To the north, the boulders descend and flatten into a tundra marked with little more than shifting snowbanks. A great peak cuts through the mist of the far northern horizon like a forbidding mirage floating in the clouds of snow. You also see some icy boulders.
Obvious paths: south
[Script]>cli bould
You climb down some icy boulders.
[Arctic Tundra]
The arctic terrain languishes in the grip of the cruel storms ranging across the bleak landscape like distant galleons on a frozen sea. Ridges of ice fringe the caps of undulating waves of snowdrifts. In the northern distance, an immense mountain fills the horizon, its feet obscured by storms. You also see some icy boulders.
Obvious paths: north, southwest, northwest
[Arctic Tundra]
The mountain range extends from a pass to the southeast, curling up to the northwest before fading out of sight. Across the vast tundra stretching north and east, wind whips up flurries of snow that shimmer in the half-light like strange portals leading into a white maw.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, northwest
[Arctic Tundra]
Snow continues to fall heavily, hiding what little there is to be seen. A line of mountaintops are faintly visible to the west and south. Weaving between snowdrifts, the trail leads northeast and southeast.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast
[Arctic Tundra]
Whirling snowstorms continue to blast mercilessly, making it difficult to see clearly. A faint path heading east is barely discernable in the waist deep snow. The snow fields appear to thin out to the southwest.
Obvious paths: east, southwest
[Arctic Tundra]
Large snowdrifts towering on both sides of the trail block what little light makes it through the heavy snowfall. Shadows follow the trail to the north and east, disappearing into the flurries.
Obvious paths: north, west
[Arctic Tundra]
Unbroken snow fields stretch as far as the eye can see, drifting to 20 meters in some places and blocking travel in most directions. The faint trail appears to offer safe travel to the south and east.
Obvious paths: east, south
[Arctic Tundra]
Through the falling snow a tall structure is visible to the east, but deep snow drift prevents travel in that direction. Trails lead west and southeast.
Obvious paths: southeast, west
[Arctic Tundra]
Freezing winds have scoured away much of the snow, allowing passage in several directions. Through the flurries to the north, a ghostly outline can barely be discerned, a towering spire standing imperviously within the onslaught of the storms.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, south, northwest
[Arctic Tundra]
To the west, a large spire of ice towers far above your head and is quickly lost in the swirling snowstorm. A wooden hatch to the north leads, strangely enough, down into the snow. Paths lead from the hatch to the south and southwest.
Obvious paths: south, southwest
[Script]>go hatch
[Ice Cave]
A small refuge has been carved into the snow and domed with ice blocks, giving shelter from the merciless winds. Light filtering through the crystalline walls bathes the enclosure in a soft glow. A wooden hatch leads out to the freezing hinterland to the south and an opening offers passage north. You also see a pile of firewood and a fire pit.
Obvious exits: none
[Script]>profile aenatumgana
go open
Player "aenatumgana" not found. Type PROFILE HELP for usage.
[Script]>[Top of the World, Frozen Tundra]
A desolate blanket of snow stretches out endlessly, interrupted only by an enormous mountain far to the northeast. Swirling winds quickly cover any irregularities on the lifeless plains. The snowdrifts lapse to allow passage to the north and west, and an opening in the ice to the south offers some protection from the elements.
Obvious paths: north, west
[Top of the World, Frozen Tundra]
The snowy wasteland stretches out of sight. In the absence of other life, the elements seem to have taken on one of their own, screeching in hatred of anything that penetrates their home. A large snowbank has accumulated just off the trail to the east.
Obvious paths: south, southwest, west, northwest
[Top of the World, Frozen Tundra]
Swirling white eddies form as the squalls blast across the snowdrift, almost giving life to this dead wasteland. In the distance the looming mountain quietly watches your progress.
Obvious paths: southeast, south, west, northwest
[Top of the World, Frozen Tundra]
The elements continue the assault on anything living that dares to trespass across their frozen home. Blasting sheets of sleet and snow keep the mountain a blurred shadow.
Obvious paths: north, southeast, west
[Top of the World, Frozen Tundra]
The mountain appears to descend and meet the tundra to the northeast, but the whirling storms make it impossible to see clearly. The slopes appear not as steep there, on the southern face.
Obvious paths: north, south, southwest, west
[Top of the World, Frozen Tundra]
Stretching higher than can be seen, the great frozen peak rises into the sky. The southern face appears treacherous at best, jagged ice and rock rise in a steep slope until fading out of sight. The swirling snow and wind keep the vision a blur, but it appears to meet the tundra to the east.
Obvious paths: east, south, west
[Top of the World, Frozen Tundra]
The frozen tundra comes to an end here, at an arch of ice standing defiantly against the savage elements. The arch leads into the largest mountain in the world, beyond it steps lead up the mountain before disappearing from sight. To the west, the wasteland stretches on endlessly.
Obvious paths: west
[Script]>go arch
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
An immense arch of ice battles to remain standing against the ravages of the wind. Through the makeshift gateway, the open expanses of the frozen tundra provide little protection from the chilling temperatures. The treacherous slopes of Mount Aenatumgana tower above the flats, the peak of the gigantic mountain invisible through the blowing sleet and snow. Two sets of frozen steps, carved out of the mountainside, lead up to the precarious east and west approaches to the summit.
Obvious paths: none
[Script]>cli west step
You climb up the frozen west steps.
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Small steps hacked out of the side of the mountain lead down, providing meager protection from the howling gales on the slopes. High above, cornices hang dangerously low, shuddering with each renewed gust of wind. Packed ice and snow make assaults on the peak slow at best, fatal at worst. Blocks of ice the size of buildings lie in heaps at the bottom of the western slope, a testament to the power of the titanic avalanches that ravage the mountain.
Obvious paths: west
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
On the southern face of the mountain, a break in the jagged cliffs reveals a steep sluice that in more reasonable climbs would be a challenging ski slope. Heavy blankets of snow line either side of the slope, jammed in between two imposing ridges caked with black ice. Only the most foolhardy would attempt to scale the high bluffs. You also see a sabre-tooth tiger and a sabre-tooth tiger.
Obvious paths: east, northwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Clutching to either side of a deep split in the snowfield, a narrow ice bridge remains as the sole survivor of an avalanche crashing into a cliff face. Black boulders stick out of the blindingly white freeze, trying desperately to add some color to the bleak landscape. Long scratches start at the middle of the bridge stretching down its side towards the gorge, ending at a climber's pick half buried in the ice.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Jet black stones, blasted smooth by the constant force of the ice and snow, rise out of the frozen landscape. Charred, frozen hunks of coal sit in the lee of one of the great stones. They once served to cook a traveler's tiny meal, now held captive by a sheet of clear ice. The rocks bear chip marks at their base, telling a tale of a desperate attempt to gain freedom from the arctic cold.
Obvious paths: north, southeast
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The makeshift trail that leads back to the tundra comes to a halt at the bottom slope of a gigantic glacier, dwarfed only in size by the mountain itself. Further up the glacier, the going gets even rougher, with piles of rock frozen in place to mark the way across the ice. Deep rumbles shake the ground as the ice grinds its way down the steep grade.
Obvious paths: south
[Script]>stance o
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.
* Zylianara just bit the dust!
[Script]>go door
Where are you trying to go?
[Script]>stance def
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
[Script]>stance off
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.
A sabre-tooth tiger prowls in!
[Script]>go door
Where are you trying to go?
[Script]>stance def
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
A sabre-tooth tiger tries to bite you!
You easily block the attack with your mithril alloy shield!
A sabre-tooth tiger charges at you!
AS: +315 vs DS: +411 with AvD: +49 + d100 roll: +92 = +45
A clean miss.
A sabre-tooth tiger charges at you!
With blinding speed, you block the attack with your shield!
A sabre-tooth tiger prowls south.
A sabre-tooth tiger prowls in!
A sabre-tooth tiger's tail darts back and forth sharply as he purrs.
A sabre-tooth tiger tries to bite you!
You evade the attack with incredible finesse!
A sabre-tooth tiger charges at you!
You gracefully avoid the attack!
A sabre-tooth tiger tries to bite you!
At the last moment, you block the attack with your shield!
A sabre-tooth tiger prowls in!
A sabre-tooth tiger's tail darts back and forth sharply as he purrs.
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The makeshift trail that leads back to the tundra comes to a halt at the bottom slope of a gigantic glacier, dwarfed only in size by the mountain itself. Further up the glacier, the going gets even rougher, with piles of rock frozen in place to mark the way across the ice. Deep rumbles shake the ground as the ice grinds its way down the steep grade. You also see a sabre-tooth tiger and a sabre-tooth tiger.
Obvious paths: south
A sabre-tooth tiger charges at you!
You skillfully dodge the attack!
[Script]>climb slope
A sabre-tooth tiger charges at you!
AS: +315 vs DS: +411 with AvD: +49 + d100 roll: +91 = +44
A clean miss.

Confidently, you begin to climb up the slope. Within a short time, you have reached the top.

[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The great glacier grinds its way down the canyon, pulverizing rock and mountain alike. An icy slope serves as the leading edge to the mighty frozen river inching its way towards the flats of the polar cap. Deep tracks in the permafrost hint at creatures eking out an existence in this bitter climate.
Obvious paths: northeast

Roundtime: 2 sec.

[Script aborted.]
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
A wide split in the glacier is spanned by a bridge of rock and ice that shakes and shudders wildly whenever the frozen river shifts. In the chasm far below the expanse, a slick floor strangely resembles an alpine toboggan run. Towering cliffs to the south encourage travelers to find another way up the mountain.
Obvious paths: east, southwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
High winds battered the north face of Mount Aenatumgana, breaking off chunks of rock constantly, forming a cliff that towers over a thousand feet into the sky. Sleet and snow cling doggedly to the crag, making an assault to reach the summit impossible from this vantage. Stinging ice hammers into the lower corners of the cliff, breaking loose anything without solid roots and blowing away snow trying to cling to the little protection offered by the rock. You also see a seeker.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Piles of black stones act as trailmarkers strung out to the southeast and southwest, marking the least treacherous path up the mountainside. Deep rumbles can be heard with alarming regularity as massive snowslides flatten anything in their path, knocked loose by loud noises and the relentless arctic wind.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest
A swirling wind blows through the area!
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
A deep crevasse slices its way across the face of the titanic mountain, tearing further into the glacier with every shift of the moving ice. Great walls of ice break off and tumble down into the frozen canyon. Several seconds pass before the crash of the blocks hitting bottom can be heard over the winds.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Loud cracking and groaning knifes through the arctic air, spilling out of the dangerous crevasse with alarming regularity. The canyon makes a sharp turn as it skirts the edges of Aenatumgana intent at finding a way to split the mighty peak in two. Black rock spears up out of the solid ice in a failing attempt at creating a windbreak against the fury of the shrieking winds.
Obvious paths: south, northwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The great chasm turns into the mountainside, wedging itself in between two tall bluffs, creating a small ledge along the southern wall. A small footpath follows the overhang created by the massive cliffside, edging right up against the deep canyon. Icy spots glisten brightly as light bounces off the far side of the wide crevasse, the only cheery sight in this otherwise bleak wasteland. You also see a sabre-tooth tiger and a seeker.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Large snaps and cracks accompany the wind howling out of the jagged break trailing its way up the canyon floor towards the heart of the peak. The cacophonic symphony foretells destruction for those unlucky enough to fall or be blown off the narrow trail following the edge of the crevasse.
Obvious paths: northeast, south, southwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The trail is little more than a narrow ledge, hugging the cliff walls as it winds its way around the mountain. Further down to the southeast a small plateau emerges from the haze.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Rocks and chunks of ice litter the narrow trail, left behind from a previous avalanche or signs of one to come. Overhead, more threaten to dislodge as the elements continually erode the cliff face. A barren, icy slope stretches down to the south, dissappearing out of sight.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Footing is treacherous as winds blast the mountainside relentlessly. On the north side of the trail lifeless frozen cliffs tower ominously. The southern edge drops straight into nothingness until lost into the snowstorms below.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest
Without warning, the winds intensify, howling as they rush through the area. Snow and sleet ride violently upon them, raking across your face!
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Wind driven flurries of snow keep vision poor. Further down the southern face an immense arch is barely visible through the snow. A narrow trail follows the base of the cliff wall, starting at an icy slope then running towards the northeast. The slope climbs upwards among the cliffs until it is lost in the clouds.
Obvious paths: northeast
>climb slope

Confidently, you begin to climb up the slope. Within a short time, you have reached the top.

[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Bitter gusts of wind drive clouds of loose snow up from an icy slope to the south. The slope descends amidst jagged cliffs, at the bottom of which the faint image of a trail can be seen. Overhead, large snowdrifts threaten to dislodge at the slightest opportunity.
Obvious paths: northwest

Roundtime: 5 sec.
...wait 2 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
A massive glacier decends the western mountain face, carving enormous canyons as it flows. The path works its way around the head of the glacier, weaving through the avalanche scarred terrain.
Obvious paths: north, southeast
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The scarred face of the glacier is dotted with rock and an occasional collection of bones, shriven by the wind to a white as pure as the snow. The path curves northeast, skirting a large rock and ice outcrop. To the south, it meanders through a field of snow-covered boulders strewn across the head of the glacier like pebbles, making the track more haphazard and dangerous.
Obvious paths: northeast, south
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The cold wracks the cliff with ice-laced wind. A strange rainbow flickers through the cloud cover, tinting the haze in a diffused glow. The trail rises to the north and seems to disappear into a cloud bank as the way crooks to follow the mountain. To the south, a large outcrop of rock forces the ledge into a southwest curve around the snowy rock. You also see a lesser ice elemental.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The full fury of the winter wind hurls needle-sharp spicules of ice against the mountain, shearing the rock of any gentle drifts of snow here on an exposed ledge. As if retreating from the onslaught, the trail doglegs, descending to the south and climbing up the slopes in a southeast direction.
Obvious paths: southeast, south
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The winds roar around the peak like banshees frenzied by the ruthless winter. To the northwest, the slope descends, bearing the path upon its back as if it would shake off the interloper at the first opportunity. In an eastern direction, the trail levels off a bit before it begins to climb around the steep slope in a precarious cant.
Obvious paths: east, northwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The trail winds steadily downward toward the west, riven by ice and boulders, and endlessly flailed by the wind. To the southeast, a narrower track climbs up, skirting large outcrops of ice, and finally accesses a small ledge above.
Obvious paths: southeast, west
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
A small ledge marks the end of a poor excuse for a trail, which winds down the mountainside to the northwest. Snow flurries keep the way pristine with a slick coating. Overhead, low clouds conceal everything beyond a close pocket of vision, however, another small ledge is visible within climbing distance. You also see an icy slope.
Obvious paths: northwest
>climb slope

Gracefully, your feet skip across the short protrusions of the slope. Before long, you find yourself standing at the top.

[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The horizon is painted with shifting color, strange flickers playing in the clouds like distant lightning tinted with a monumental paintbrush. Underfoot, a small cliff is formed by a rock outcropping. It narrows into a trail which leads up to the southeast. Another narrow trail leads northwest from a ledge below, and beyond that, the mountainside extends down in a dizzying fall. You also see an icy slope.
Obvious paths: southeast

Roundtime: 2 sec.
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Ice and snow whirl around in a shifting dance, caressing the mountainside then racing away in a cloud which leaves a majestic view of the arctic plains in its wake. In the far distance, the tiny forms of a couple of polar bears cavort in a patch of sunlight. The bears roll and tumble in play, until they are swallowed up along with the horizon in the persistent blizzard. A trail winds to the northwest and southwest in a dangerous bend that traverses gaps and stone outcroppings.
Obvious paths: southwest, northwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The trail ends in a redoubt created by immense formations of ice. Snow rains down in sheets, like a frozen waterfall cascading down from above in slow motion. What remains of the trail meanders down to the northeast, fraught with dangerous patches of ice and irregular outcrops of stone, which wait for an unwary footfall to offer up disaster.
Obvious paths: northeast
You make a careful search of the area and discover a narrow icy ledge!
>go ledge
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Clouds merge with blowing snow and an uncertain horizon. Courageous patches of light randomly filter through the wind, sparkling off the frozen path and then fraying back into the haze as if devoured. The way curves to the northwest around a wall of stone, encrusted with ice that almost obscures its carved surface. To the northeast, a trail, little more than packed ice, snakes across a narrow ledge which is almost obscured by a dense shower of blowing snow. You also see an ice golem.
Obvious paths: southwest
[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
Whirling snow is tinted an incongruous rose color by the low arctic light. Then, a lull in the wind offers a breathtaking vision! Mantled by the storm's flurry, a monument perches on the mountain's top, immense in size and of extraordinary beauty. Columns march across the facade, their tops almost lost in the clouds, framing a colossal door. Beside the door, a shining gold crown is mounted in bas-relief, erratically throwing out brilliant reflections as light fights through the fog to caress it.
Obvious paths: northeast
>look door
You see nothing unusual.
>look crown
Fashioned of solid gold, the bas-relief crown is a magnificent piece of craftsmanship. Its ring is decorated with the images of winged drakes that have been rendered in exquisite detail. Precise etching breathe life into them, adding the texture of scales and subtle lines of tensed muscles. Between each of the the dragons, words have been engraved into the diadem's glittering surface. Starting at the top and continuing clockwise, they read: Honor, Truth, Piety, Humility, Faith, and Courage. Aligned with each of these words, a row of golden spikes extends from the edge of the crown.

06-19-2005, 01:10 PM
Sheesh, that will teach to test one last time.

In the PinefarRiftNode3R: section there is a blank match that I left in. That needs to go away. I have posted an update. Sorry about that.

There was a couple things in your log that confused me. When you got to the first slope you were trying to enter a door. That is not in the script.

Second, you entered to go to Aenatumgana so a bit before the third slope you should have tried to enter a crevice. That is where the error in the script was. You went all the way to the crown. I assume that is where you probably thought it took you.

Anyways, I did not see the hang up at the crevice that I was getting in your log so I would recommend looking at the the climbing changes you made to make sure they are working okay.

Those stance offenses were put in because if people failed the climb they sometimes slide half way down the mountain and the script will get lost. I suppose I should encumber myslef up and fall a few times to put some checks in.

Anyways, the new 0.7.5 with the fix is posted.



06-19-2005, 02:44 PM
[Script]>go door
Where are you trying to go?

This is because on most of my characters I have Alt-D as stance defensive, on this particular character it's go door. So that was me.

[Top of the World, Aenatumgana]
The makeshift trail that leads back to the tundra comes to a halt at the bottom slope of a gigantic glacier, dwarfed only in size by the mountain itself. Further up the glacier, the going gets even rougher, with piles of rock frozen in place to mark the way across the ice. Deep rumbles shake the ground as the ice grinds its way down the steep grade.
Obvious paths: south
[Script]>stance o
You move into an offensive stance, ready for battle.

This is where the script hung. As for the part about the crevice and all, I just got there on my own without looking at a map. So whatever method I used is just blind. If you noticed, I aborted the script and the rest was manual.

I'll try the new version next time I go to Pinefar, but I do have a script that gets me there without a hitch with my caster, it's the rogue that I have trouble with since he's a square.

06-19-2005, 02:47 PM
One comment, I know why you put in stance off and defense but the way the script is written it will only work for those who have the standard stance off etc. I will alter it if I can get it to work, but it would be nice if it wasn't so concrete, if you know what I mean.

06-19-2005, 04:07 PM
I understand now, never even thought about that. See what I can do.

I reviewed the script and decided that the waitfor stances was unneeded. It should now just do the stance o, stance d thing without regards what messages you get when you change stance.

Again, I apreaciate the feedback.


09-10-2005, 11:12 AM
.travel pinefar

is not working for me from TC in IMT.


09-10-2005, 11:17 AM
Try moving a room over and trying it Gan. In the ETSS some of the rooms are missing as identified. There are a few in Illistim too (specifically moonglae).

Also, if you have room abbreviations on or any other brief setting they won't work correctly.

They're the best scripts in the world though. I keep trying to make a wehnimers one.


09-14-2005, 05:51 PM
If you are using my script then in Icemule you need to use .travel icemule shop.

I have not had a chance to convert icemule over to the new format. Working on it.


09-14-2005, 06:00 PM
Will this script work if you up-convert it to SF?

09-14-2005, 06:03 PM
I have a rift script for SF, Fallen.

09-16-2005, 08:00 PM
I do not know much about stormfront but I did not do anything fancy with it. You have to do all the % converstions and there are quite few of those.


09-16-2005, 10:31 PM
Managed to use a combination of new and old scripts to get back to the ledge... only to be reminded of how bad the rift sucks...

The only bright side is that I found a 120 lb box on plane 5 and while I was figuring out how to climb that encumbrance factored thread out (impossible while holding a box weighing that much) a vaespilion walked in and solved it for me... with a focused implosion that sent me back to IMT town center. :lol:

Back to Illistim I ran, and am enjoying the ease of navigating OTF and Mahaagras Tower. :foshizzle:

[Edited on 9-17-2005 by Ganalon]