View Full Version : Lookin for a rift entry script

09-10-2004, 06:45 PM
Topic says it all... If anyone got one and could copy/paste or upload that would be swell.

09-10-2004, 07:13 PM
I use the global maps script thats available from somewhere. There's a hangup in the room where the multiple stairs are in aneteguma right before the pool you dive into. I think it involves a room description change. Since I dont hunt there anymore I havnt had the impetus to fix it... so you're welcome to it. It has been adjusted to reflect the new spell numbers (140 for walls instead of 150, etc.) Its rough but a start to get you where you want.

**Edited to add, type .maps to get the menu, there's instructions as well as a menu of destinations. I used it to get back to the ledge from the greatroom in pinefar.

[Edited on 9-10-2004 by Ganalon]