View Full Version : Ok, trouble with making my own crafting script
10-05-2005, 08:04 AM
I'm just trying to make my own, very basic very simple crafting script, but I'm running into problems. Any help/suggestions would be appreciated, aside from the "omg you suxor go kill yourself" kind.
match START: You mutter a few choice words as you get to your feet.
match CONTINUE: Resignedly, you get to your feet.
match CHEER: You nod, satisfied with the piece you've created.
put put my toothpick in bin
put get bar from Gig disk
put swap
put stare head-glyph
put turn grinder
put stare head-glyph
put turn grinder
put raise my hammer-head
10-05-2005, 10:27 AM
First off, it's generally better if you say "it's not working and it does X" rather than "it doesn't work HPEL".
Secondly, having a string of matches without an action requires you to manually enter the action that will make the script continue. If that's what you want, fine, but I prefer full automation.
Third, it is inadvisable to have a series of put commands with no break in between, because the Wizard only has 1 or 2 typeahead lines. Pause isn't a good thing to rely on because it doesn't take into account lag, and your script will bunch up on itself and not work correctly.
Finally, you don't have yourself disposing of the created hammer-heads.
If you want, I've put together what I think will work at the end of this post. I'm not entirely sure I remember all the required messaging (especially in the continue section where it checks to see if the pattern fits on your slab) and unable to check it out in game at this time, but the script part of it is valid.
#Gigantolo, Male Craftolo
goto top
put put my slab in bin
waitfor clean
put get bar from Gig disk
put stare head-glyph
match crap edge
match loop You trace
put turn grinder
match START: You mutter a few choice words as you get to your feet.
match CONTINUE: Resignedly, you get to your feet.
match CHEER: You nod, satisfied with the piece you've created.
put put my toothpick in bin
waitfor clean
put get bar from Gig disk
waitfor You remove
put swap
put raise my hammer-head
waitfor You raise
put put my hammer-head in bin
waitfor clean
10-05-2005, 04:12 PM
hey, right on man, thanks.
Looking at yours, and looking at mine...I have such a long way to go before I even come close being able to write my own script from scratch. I'm script retarded.
Thanks for fixing it up though, I'll try it out something this afternoon/evening.
10-05-2005, 04:52 PM
Latrin is another scripting giant :)
I prefer full automation myself in my scripts, and I prefer not to use the bins in the workrooms, as I'm xxx paranoid. I'm not totally positive, but once it seemed like trashing things all day forging used up my XXX.
My script is WAY more explicit (ie names containers etc, though you could fix it not to be with %container1 %container2 at start). I just prefer not to type in extra variable names.
ps. anyone else see forging messing their xxx, or was I early looking for my reset?
10-05-2005, 05:05 PM
:blush: Thanks!
And yes, throwing stuff out will give you tiny bits of experience, which will both start and use up your XXX as you absorb them.
Welcome Gig! :)
10-05-2005, 05:10 PM
I pity any GM looking at the forging floor when I'm done. At highly skilled laborer, I get 5 ranks every seven hours.
edit to add: I wasn't sure on xxx because I thought I remembered reading that it only started after your mind got above fresh and clear. That's stinky, but I'm glad I modified my script to toss stuff on the floor now.
[Edited on Wed, October th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]
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