View Full Version : Deed script for EN

08-12-2005, 11:01 PM
I need one. Anybody have one that works and doesn't mind sharing?

08-13-2005, 12:40 AM
I don't have a script, but have a website.


08-13-2005, 04:16 AM
I know there is a script out there for it because I had one on my computer at my parents house. I wish I had it now..

08-13-2005, 02:07 PM
I have one, I'll post later when I get on the compuetr that has it. I might have posted it here or on 4d already, though. I don't remember.

08-13-2005, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
I have one, I'll post later when I get on the compuetr that has it. I might have posted it here or on 4d already, though. I don't remember.

I searched but didn't seem to find one. Thank you! I knew if no one else came up with one you would have one!

Dwarven Empath
08-13-2005, 04:24 PM
if_1 goto main
echo Usage: .ideed [gemname held in hand]

put close tome
wait 1
put open tome
wait 1
put read tome
wait 1
put turn tome to vaal

match dir1 gaunt man with heavy-lidded
match dir2 huge man upon a throne
match dir3 young man of epic build
match dir4 heavily muscled person

wait 1
move e
move go pan
put get tap
wait 1
put light my tap with candle
wait 1
move go pan
move w
move nw
save southeast
goto finish

wait 1
move e
move go pan
put get tap
wait 1
put light my tap with candle
wait 1
move go pan
move w
move n
save south
goto finish

wait 1
move e
move go pan
put get tap
wait 1
put light my tap with candle
wait 1
move go pan
move w
move sw
save northeast
goto finish

wait 1
move e
move go pan
put get tap
wait 1
put light my tap with candle
wait 1
move go pan
move w
move ne
save southwest
goto finish

put go door
match lock1 The door seems to be locked
match open You carefully

put go other door
match lock2 The door seems to be locked
match open You carefully

put go third door
goto open

put put %1 on cens
wait 1
put kneel
wait 1
put med
wait 1
put pray
match success You slowly rise
match failure You struggle to gain any further

echo Hey! Looks like you did something right!
goto headback

echo Oops! Looks like you're too cheap!
goto headback

move %s

08-13-2005, 06:05 PM
Is this Jonty's? I swear his said something like this: echo Oops! Looks like you're too cheap!

But then I think it may have been even more rude than that one....

08-13-2005, 07:03 PM
That's not mine.

08-13-2005, 08:43 PM
This is mine:


if_1 goto Start
AddToHighlightStrings string="Use as follows: .deed <gem> <second gem> <etc.>" foreColor=14 highlightEntireLine=True /quiet
echo Use as follows: .deed <gem> <second gem> <etc.>
DeleteFromHighlightStrings string="Use as follows: .deed <gem> <second gem> <etc.>"
AddToHighlightStrings string="Example: .deed sapphire diamond" foreColor=14 highlightEntireLine=True /quiet
echo Example: .deed sapphire diamond
DeleteFromHighlightStrings string="Example: .deed sapphire diamond"

put look tome
match Open You see the tome is open
match Closed The tome is bound

put close tome
waitfor You carefully close the cover of the tome.

put open tome
waitfor You carefully open the tome.
put turn tome page ASHRIM
match Charl In his hand, he is wielding a trident.
match Niima A blue-green gown clings to her slender form.

save modwir
goto goDoor

save haon

move e
move go panel
put get taper
waitfor You pick up a long thin taper.
put light my tap with candle
wait for You carefully light the taper with a slender white candle.
move go pan
move w
move se

match kneel A tall brass candleholder stands
match wait%s The room seems to be occupied momentarily.
put go %s door

waitFor just came through the door.
goto door

waitFor just came through a haon door.
goto door

put kneel
waitfor You kneel down.

put get my %1
put put my %1 on censer
waitfor on a brass censer.
if_1 goto Payment
put light cens with my taper
match meditate You light the censer with your taper.
match error Despite your best efforts, the taper fails to light the censer.

match Success You sense an accomplishment
match Failure You struggle to gain any further insights
put meditate

move northwest
waitfor [Hall of Patrons, Rotunda]
AddToHighlightStrings string="You just got another deed!!!" foreColor=11 highlightEntireLine=True /quiet
echo You just got another deed!!!
DeleteFromHighlightStrings string="You just got another deed!!!"

AddToHighlightStrings string="Your offering was not adequate. Collect your offering from the CENSER and type GO! to leave." foreColor=14 highlightEntireLine=True /quiet
echo Your offering was not adequate. Collect your offering from the CENSER and type GO! to leave.
DeleteFromHighlightStrings string="Your offering was not adequate. Collect your offering from the CENSER and type GO! to leave."
waitfor GO!
put stand
put go door

move northwest
waitfor [Hall of Patrons, Rotunda]
AddToHighlightStrings string="Hey cheapskate! You failed to get another deed...." foreColor=12 highlightEntireLine=True /quiet
echo Hey cheapskate! You failed to get another deed....
DeleteFromHighlightStrings string="Hey cheapskate! You failed to get another deed...."

08-14-2005, 12:26 AM
Ok, So for both those scripts, I could not get them to work. Anyways, So I tried Celember and couldn't get it to work. I just figured maybe they were for SF or something. Finally bouncing back and fourth between them, my boyfriend looked over my shoulder and saw everything looked right but he noticed a space after the matches...err...well guessed that there was one. So I fixed that and it worked. Yay! Thank you! (I don't know if I put the spaces in or what....wouldn't surprise me.)

Jonty's keeps going in the wrong door. Did they change it? Because I had Jonty's script before and it worked fine!

Thanks for your help though guys.

EDIT: errr once in a while Celember's script won't find the right door either. But I just try all the doors until I find the right one, and the script takes back over.

But still it's soooooooooo helpful!

Ha ha, EDIT AGAIN-Ok there were spaces after the matches for the doors too, so as soon as I fixed that, it worked.

Then I thought about Jonty's...If it wont go in any of the three doors....the script must be going in the wrong direction...I don't know how to fix that. And don't want to bug Chris while he is watching his movie thing if Celember's works. Thank you again!

[Edited on 8-14-2005 by GSLady17]

[Edited on 8-14-2005 by GSLady17]

08-14-2005, 01:12 AM
Awesome. Jonty's works for me wonderfully.

08-14-2005, 02:24 AM
These boards add spaces to every line for some reason. Don't select and copy scripts straight off the thread. Instead, click on the quote or edit button for the post the script is in, and copy it from the text box.

I have no idea if they changed anything with the deeds in EN, but I know that my script might mess up if someone just went into the door you're trying to get into.

08-14-2005, 05:40 AM
yeah, I didn't really mess with yours since I had already got the other working. I know yours works though cause I've used it a million times.

08-25-2005, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Jonty
These boards add spaces to every line for some reason. Don't select and copy scripts straight off the thread. Instead, click on the quote or edit button for the post the script is in, and copy it from the text box.

I have no idea if they changed anything with the deeds in EN, but I know that my script might mess up if someone just went into the door you're trying to get into.

OK, I did as you suggested Jonty, and copied from the quote box. I use Wizard, well, everyone will see the problem I think int he following line I get...

[Unable to open script file: Macintosh HD:Users:pam:Documents:Pam's Stuff:Wizard 2.03:Gemstone:Scripts:deed.Cmd

Yes, I use a Macintosh, yes it is old. It would seem a .Cmd cannot be opened? I am pretty clueless about this stuff, and would appreciate any hand holding. Buying a new computer would be nice, but is not in the plan.

The other scripts I use are .wiz scripts that I choose from a drop down menu; I just insert the text in the box when I create a new script using the .script choice and not .cmd .

Am I just SOL for Illistim deeds in a script format?

Thanks in advance!

*EDITED To take out the friggin smileys!

[Edited on 8-25-2005 by cajunlady]

08-25-2005, 06:18 PM
[Unable to open script file: Macintosh HD:Users:pam:Documents:Pam's Stuff:Wizard 2.03:Gemstone:Scripts:deed.Cmd

It did look kinda... wierd! :spaz:

08-25-2005, 09:34 PM
I don't know shit about MACs, but the script I posted only works as a command line script. not a .wiz.

It needs to be run from the command line because you need to tell it what gems to use.

[Edited on 8-26-2005 by Jonty]

08-25-2005, 11:25 PM
hmm, I did try to run it in command line mode *saved and a .cmd*, and the error Unable to open thing is what I got. I recall having at one time, a .ale script that ran... it was in my first month and I had someoen tell me exactly what to do... so i know it CAN be done, i just don't know how. And I no longer have that script either. Hmm.