View Full Version : Sahra's Bus Company - Beta 5.0 (Global Travel +Solhaven)

04-08-2005, 11:12 AM
The Beta 5.0 version of the SBC global travel script for StormFront is now online at www.sahracorp.com (and below, though more current code is made available daily at the site).

This new release incorporates 110 destinations in Solhaven proper, plus random improvements to routing, menus and features (and bug-fixes). All these new destinations are reachable from anywhere on the SBC global network with a single command (the trip from the bank at Wehnimer's Landing to Faeilyth's Fashions in south Solhaven was recently clocked at 18 seconds flat).

SBC now provides any-to-any travel among 507 bus-stops across Elanthia, including every named location (that is: every shop, bank, exchange, public building, inn, tavern, guildhall, gathering-place, warren and tourist-trap) in Ta'Illistim, Sylvarraend, Ta'Vaalor, Zul Logoth, Wehnimer's Landing and Solhaven's dense urban core.

Menu- and command-line modes make SBC easy to use. Frequent destinations (e.g., the bank, the pawnshop, the gemshop, etc.) and regional prefixes (e.g., SH = Solhaven, TI = Ta'Illistim, etc.) have been standardized: type .sbc bank<Enter> at any SBC bus-stop, and you'll be taken to the nearest bank. Type .sbc SHbank<Enter> and you'll be taken to the bank of Vornavis in Solhaven ... whether you start right next-door in Solhaven's North Market (.sbc SHnmarket) or across the world in Ta'Vaalor's Victory Court (.sbc TVvc). (If the latter, please remember to bring 2010 silvers, and spell up first!)

Web-integrated Tsoran maps (popped from within StormFront under a javascript map-reader/scaler front-end, so you can actually read them in a browser) and an online destination-index make it even easier to orient yourself when using SBC. Cute features like announcements, automated searches and pre-programmed actions add to the fun.

Full docs, user-group, blog and .txt executable are at www.sahracorp.com

[Edited on 4-8-2005 by sahra]

Bugfix update to downloadable: 10:33 PM EST April 9

[Edited on 4-10-2005 by sahra]

[Edited on 4-10-2005 by sahra]

Yet another bugfix update. Found that problem with the ferry and the rope.

[Edited on 4-10-2005 by sahra]

[Edited on 4-11-2005 by sahra]

April 22 bugfix: small problem with menus and fixed Solhaven Spiral.

[Edited on 4-22-2005 by sahra]

April 28 bugfix: Ta'Vaalor ferry

[Edited on 4-29-2005 by sahra]

04-09-2005, 12:36 AM
This doesn't work..

Using it to go back to the landing it keeps getting on the ferry...


04-09-2005, 10:35 PM
Which ferry? The Locksmehr River one, or the Ta'Vaalor Ferry?

04-10-2005, 12:22 AM
Any chance you will be adding Pinefar and the rift?

04-10-2005, 12:56 AM
You're absolutely right about that ferry problem, Mini-Spir. Darn. Sorry. Same problem cropped up, re. the rope ladder and the shuffle-rope, because I changed the routing method.

Fixed now, I think. I've updated the downloadable at the top and on the site. Sorry again.

04-10-2005, 01:34 AM
Pinefar is definitely on the roadmap, RoseLady. And I'd like to do Teras, Four Winds and the Rest. But I'm not sure about all the advanced hunting areas. They're scary. Plus -- don't you think hunting areas should really be coded in Merc's 'UMS' style, where every room is a valid starting point?

04-10-2005, 09:20 AM
What I want is the trip to get into the rift. It would unnecessary to do the whole area. I will be more than happy to send you a log of the trip from the Pinefar Greatroom all the way through to the cavern. One of the caveats is at the door squares can use a different method to get in, but I honestly don't know off hand exactly what they do. Perhaps I can get that.

04-10-2005, 01:18 PM
Also noticed that the script will not start in the Broken Tower in Solhaven, which is a main resting spot.

04-10-2005, 02:00 PM
Wow, some one puts out an amazing script with a metric fuckton of work and time put into it, and not ONE of you thanks them? You're all ungrateful little shits that don't deserve something like this to be handed to you.

Thank you for the script, Sahra.

04-10-2005, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by gsplayer
Wow, some one puts out an amazing script with a metric fuckton of work and time put into it, and not ONE of you thanks them? You're all ungrateful little shits that don't deserve something like this to be handed to you.

Thank you for the script, Sahra.

Everyone has to have a job in life, and that's your job. What took you so long?

04-10-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by gsplayer
Wow, some one puts out an amazing script with a metric fuckton of work and time put into it, and not ONE of you thanks them? You're all ungrateful little shits that don't deserve something like this to be handed to you.

Thank you for the script, Sahra.

If you come here for praise or an ass-rimming, you're in the wrong fucking place. Go back to the Officials.

04-10-2005, 03:40 PM
I'm excited about the script too, Sahra, and happy to help with Pinefar and the road to the rift.

04-10-2005, 10:22 PM
RoseLady: I'd be happy to look at the logs (sahra@sahracorp.com). Has Tsoran mapped this route?

Darn ... I _knew_ I should have added that Broken Tower in Solhaven. It's not like my sister doesn't practically live there, after all, right? All fixed (see downloadable above or at www.sahracorp.com) ... it's destination SHBROKEN (Wait a second ... "broken?" "fixed?" ... )

You're welcome, gsplayer. (grin) ... Can I add that quote to my homepage? It'll be a nice offset to Bobmuthol's "Yer script sux arse!" ( Well ... but it was one metric fuck'n TON of work! ). Cackle.

04-16-2005, 10:49 PM
awesome script, but why is wizard only 1.2! and SF is 5.0!!!!!! I think wizard needs a major update :) <3

04-20-2005, 03:12 PM
In fact, 5.0 for Wizard (same world-map as the SF version) is almost done. Look for it in a week or so.

Same basic functionality, colorful menus, etc. No direct web integration (but the global map interface page at http://www.sahracorp.com/sbcmap.htm takes care of that). Fewer weird features, because Wiz won't let you parameterize them with persistent variables (unless you use user variables - ugh). And pretty fast, I think.

04-20-2005, 05:46 PM
that's the best news I've had all week! thanks, Sahra, for allowing me to remain behind in the times.

04-21-2005, 10:53 PM
When I try to get locations for Solhaven in the landing I get locations for Sylvarraend instead

here is a copy and paste of what I saw
!2 Sahra's Bus Company
!2 Sylvarraend Region - Menu 1
!2 Frequent Destinations
!2 Gathering Places
!2 Inns
!2 Shopping
!2 Hunting
!2 Intercity Destinations
!2 Bleeding? Poisoned? Enter OUCH, HERBS

Anyone else have this issue?

04-21-2005, 11:11 PM
Here is another:

[Solhaven, Spiral Passageway]
Several steps down from street level, this passageway winds a twisting path that tunnels underneath city buildings. Here, the cobblestones of the roads above are repeated, however they're less weathered and more cumbersome to navigate with sound footing. Oil lamps glow permanently, day and night, due to the subterranean nature of the area. You also see an onyx-flecked grey marble salon, a white quoins-faced store with a bright yellow thatch roof, a gaily painted fishnet-covered shack with a bright yellow thatch roof, a greenish grey granite emporium with a burnished brass onion dome and a plain grey stone building with a brick red curved tile roof.
Obvious paths: southeast

Script error[unknown script command:climb] near line 10668
[script aborted]
Please rephrase that command.

04-22-2005, 10:10 AM
Thanks, Werd! Fixed that Solhaven/Sylvarraend confusion and the bad uplink from Solhaven Spiral.

Downloadable in the first item in this thread has been updated. Current version is also available on www.sahracorp.com

04-28-2005, 12:11 AM
500+ locations across Elanthia, instant travel, menus, online adjuncts, blah, blah, blah.


11-14-2005, 05:42 PM
I know I am bumping an old thread, but I recently had my computer crash. I had to re-install SF, and I copied over my version of the SBC. Now when I try to use it, the program just sets the Room Description ON and hangs. It never goes to the desired location.

Anyone know how to fix this?

11-14-2005, 11:24 PM
Chat with Sahra, she is really cool, even gave me credit for the landing to mule ice spots in her script. I am sure she can help you out.


11-14-2005, 11:45 PM
It seems no thread with a matchwait or whatever works for SF anymore. Whenever a script tries to grab the name of a room to run, it doesn't work.

Is there some setting you have to change for scripts to work properly with SF, besides importing them?

11-15-2005, 12:43 AM
Not that I am aware. I am having no problems with her script (just tested it), so not sure whats happening to you. Sorry.
