01-02-2005, 12:39 PM
I'll try posting this here as well as the LLD board and see what I can fish out of your heads.
What I want to do is create a script that will cut and/or carve stones from one container and place them in a second container, while separating specific stones used for guild work into a third.
There are two classes of stones (gems) in LLD. Those for cutting (20 different cutting styles) and those for carving (too many carving shapes, but I only use two).
Cutting requires a chisel and uses the cut command.
Cut diamond bril (brilliant)
So, cut <gem><style> (while holding a chisel)
This process takes 1.5 minutes ... illustrated below.
You get an amethyst from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
You get a jeweler's chisel from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
>cut ame leaf
You carefully study the gem, planning your course of action.
>cut ame leaf
You begin work on the gem, shaping and faceting it.
>cut ame leaf
You meticulously chisel the gem into a multitude of facets.
You put a leaf-cut amethyst in an olive green leather sack embossed with an arrowhead.
Carving requires the stone be polished, and then carved using carving tools. The process takes 1 minute.
The command would look like:
Polish <gem> (while holding a polishing cloth)
Carve <gem><shape> (while holding carving tools
The complete process looks like this:
You get a polishing cloth from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
You get a piece of ivory from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
>polish iv
You carefully polish the piece of ivory.
>put cloth in pou
You put a polishing cloth in a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
>get too
You get a set of gemcarver's tools from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
>carve iv dragon
You begin to carve the ivory into the crude shape of a dragon.
>carve iv dragon
You carefully put the finishing touches on your ivory dragon.
You put a carved ivory dragon in an olive green leather sack embossed with an arrowhead.
So obviously I would need to compose a list of stones and the basic commands are simple
put get <needed tool>
put get <stone> from <1.container>
put cut <stone><style>
pause 31
put cut <stone><style>
pause 31
put cut <stone><style>
pause 31
put cut <stone><style>
Put put <stone><2.container>
put get cloth
put get <stone> from <1.container>
put polish <stone>
put put cloth <wherever>
pause 21
put get tools
put carve <stone><shape>
pause 21
put carve <stone><shape>
pause 21
put <shape> in <2.container>
I suppose it would be easier to only cut and carve one shape/style ... but to complicate things more; I like to cut certain color stones and specific stones a specific style. Rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds get cut a certain way each and every time, while other stones get cut in a style depending on color ... green get leaf-cut, gold get crescent or flame , so on and so forth.
And to complicate it even more; Certain stones are used for guild skills and need to be put into a third container.
Here's a peek inside my pouch:
You look in your gold worked forest green leather pouch:
You see: a waterstone, a pink
moonstone, a piece of white jade,
an opal, a piece of lapis lazuli, a sardonyx, a pink beryl, a blue zircon, a
an amethyst, a black moonstone, a chrysoberyl, a waterstone, a waterstone, a
waterstone, a jeweler's chisel and a polishing cloth.
The red indicates stones that can only be cut in one style (cabochon) and are used for guild training. The yellow indicate stones that can be carved into shapes. The white indicate stones that can be cut into styles.
So who wants the headache of putting an outline in the sand for me?
What I want to do is create a script that will cut and/or carve stones from one container and place them in a second container, while separating specific stones used for guild work into a third.
There are two classes of stones (gems) in LLD. Those for cutting (20 different cutting styles) and those for carving (too many carving shapes, but I only use two).
Cutting requires a chisel and uses the cut command.
Cut diamond bril (brilliant)
So, cut <gem><style> (while holding a chisel)
This process takes 1.5 minutes ... illustrated below.
You get an amethyst from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
You get a jeweler's chisel from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
>cut ame leaf
You carefully study the gem, planning your course of action.
>cut ame leaf
You begin work on the gem, shaping and faceting it.
>cut ame leaf
You meticulously chisel the gem into a multitude of facets.
You put a leaf-cut amethyst in an olive green leather sack embossed with an arrowhead.
Carving requires the stone be polished, and then carved using carving tools. The process takes 1 minute.
The command would look like:
Polish <gem> (while holding a polishing cloth)
Carve <gem><shape> (while holding carving tools
The complete process looks like this:
You get a polishing cloth from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
You get a piece of ivory from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
>polish iv
You carefully polish the piece of ivory.
>put cloth in pou
You put a polishing cloth in a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
>get too
You get a set of gemcarver's tools from a gold worked forest green leather pouch.
>carve iv dragon
You begin to carve the ivory into the crude shape of a dragon.
>carve iv dragon
You carefully put the finishing touches on your ivory dragon.
You put a carved ivory dragon in an olive green leather sack embossed with an arrowhead.
So obviously I would need to compose a list of stones and the basic commands are simple
put get <needed tool>
put get <stone> from <1.container>
put cut <stone><style>
pause 31
put cut <stone><style>
pause 31
put cut <stone><style>
pause 31
put cut <stone><style>
Put put <stone><2.container>
put get cloth
put get <stone> from <1.container>
put polish <stone>
put put cloth <wherever>
pause 21
put get tools
put carve <stone><shape>
pause 21
put carve <stone><shape>
pause 21
put <shape> in <2.container>
I suppose it would be easier to only cut and carve one shape/style ... but to complicate things more; I like to cut certain color stones and specific stones a specific style. Rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds get cut a certain way each and every time, while other stones get cut in a style depending on color ... green get leaf-cut, gold get crescent or flame , so on and so forth.
And to complicate it even more; Certain stones are used for guild skills and need to be put into a third container.
Here's a peek inside my pouch:
You look in your gold worked forest green leather pouch:
You see: a waterstone, a pink
moonstone, a piece of white jade,
an opal, a piece of lapis lazuli, a sardonyx, a pink beryl, a blue zircon, a
an amethyst, a black moonstone, a chrysoberyl, a waterstone, a waterstone, a
waterstone, a jeweler's chisel and a polishing cloth.
The red indicates stones that can only be cut in one style (cabochon) and are used for guild training. The yellow indicate stones that can be carved into shapes. The white indicate stones that can be cut into styles.
So who wants the headache of putting an outline in the sand for me?