View Full Version : Unattended automated scripts; spellup of people that tap you, etc.

08-14-2005, 12:56 AM
I wrote these a year and a half ago+, and I've never even used them except one - maybe somebody can get use out of 'em.

First one sits and waits for someone to tap you (includes a keepalive), reads their name (any name), and spells them up in the way they ask for it. It does not work in StormFront. It does not spell *you* up, just others. It works for any profession (except pals, since they didn't exist then, but it may very well recognize MnS and cast that on someone, I dunno). It includes a mana check and everything else I could think of that might be an issue.

Second one is basically the same thing, except it purifies gems for people who hand them to you. Ditto, works for any name, includes every check I could think of, does not work in StormFront, and obviously if you aren't a bard, it isn't going to work.

Third one is the gem purifying script I've always used myself; why any bard would bother to purify their gems without a similar script, I'll never know, but whatever -- maybe you like monotony more than I do. It recognizes damn near any gem you can or would want to purify manually (50-60, see script for exact list). This one *will* work in StormFront, but it uses Wizard highlight string settings that cause some garbage printout, edit that business out if you're going to be using it in StormFront.

Open them in notepad.txt and you'll find notes that should answer any questions you may have.

Enjoy, and don't blame me if these are against policy -- read the disclaimers. You're grownups (most of you, anyway), and you can decide for yourselves.

08-14-2005, 12:57 AM
Apparently previewing a post causes attachments to be unattached. Whatever, here.

08-14-2005, 01:01 AM
I have no clue what's up with that second attachment, and I have no clue how to fix it... well here.

08-14-2005, 06:31 AM
So for your script that is called pure...I downloaded one almost exactly like it. (less matches but I added more, like from the looks of it, you did as well.)

However, I noticed that if you don't have a certain gem in your container (Like a ruby), the script will go to hell. I havn't bothered to look at it and have it skip over gems yet so I was wondering if you had this one do that.

Would save me time.

08-14-2005, 06:37 AM
... say what? When you say that you downloaded one almost exactly like it... are you saying one that does the same thing, or one that I actually wrote? Because I've been a Bard in GS for... I dunno, like 5-7 years now, and I wrote the first version a loooong time ago.

I have no clue what you're talking about. For as long as I can remember, my scripts/programs have been clever enough to not "go to Hell," (whatever you mean by that) if there's no gem in the container it's checking.

Download it. Try it. I haven't purified my own gems for years (literally, years). This is what I use.

Got a better one? ... then you're lying, mine's the best!!! Heh, j/k ;) I can't answer you because I don't know what you're asking, so yeah: try it.

08-14-2005, 06:47 AM
Hmm... Maybe somebody copied you. Didn't mean to make it seem like you copied them. I tried not to! But it's the exact same script...

Just tested it out hehe.

It comes up with this message-

echo ************************************************** *******
echo ** The expected gem was not found in your container. **
echo ** This is almost exclusively due to random items with **
echo ** recognized gem types in their names. You may need **
echo ** to eliminate any "an opal-studded circlet," or **
echo ** similar items by manually removing them from your **
echo ** container, and then restarting the script. **
echo ** Pausing for 5 secs, then checking again just incase **

Checks a million times till I turn it off, 5 gems in the sack...that's it! Nothing else! No similiar items!

EDIT: When I had a sack full of about ehh... 70 gems, it went through the diamond and pearl's fine but when it got to checking for a ruby, it freaked out.

[Edited on 8-14-2005 by GSLady17]

08-14-2005, 06:53 AM
... you're telling me that someone changed my script and started giving it to people with my name taken out?!??! Oh that is SO not cool.

Everytime I've said this, somebody's come along and proven me wrong, but: it's impossible to fix that.

You had something in your container that it was matching as a "ruby," and when it was putting "take my ruby," the game was telling it that it didn't know what it was talking about.

Yeah, the obvious answer is match for "a ruby" and not "ruby"... well... doesn't work, if you want to be purifying every type of ruby. And I use the Wizard, not SF, so the limit of 32 matches is a carved-in-stone law.

If somebody took my name out of my script, I'm hunting them down and blowing their goddamn head off. Er... no, wait... I wear black... I have long black hair... no, I swear, I didn't mean it! Really, I love mankind -- please don't arrest me, Mr. Officer!!! ;)

Mine has never, ever done that. Unless your container has the word "ruby" in it, or you just weren't able to find the non-ruby "ruby" item in your container (it's happened to me, it can be really hard to track down what's screwing it up), then it's not the script's. It's not my fault if some schmuck took my name out, tried to improve it and was a moron that broke the thing.

Mine pauses a few seconds, checks again, pauses, checks again, etc. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say except: somewhere in your game scroll, *there is the word ruby*. Somewhere. If it's an unmodified copy of my script and it's happening, this is fact - I bet my life on it.

[Edited on 8-14-2005 by Shaelun]

08-14-2005, 07:01 AM
But all that was in the sack was sapphires, opals, and moonstones.

I use wizard too.

I am just learning about scripts though. So let's say I had a star ruby... it wouldn't pick that up?

So wouldn't it be easier to make sure ONLY gems are in your container, and no jewelry of any kind, and then have it look for just “ruby”?

Then it would pick up star ruby, dragon ruby etc.

But if it can’t find a ruby…not because there is jewelry with ruby in it, can’t you make it skip over ruby and go on to the next gem?

I just don’t understand why it might think an opal, moonstone, or sapphire is a ruby.

You obviously know tons about scripts since you wrote all these. (I’m not being sarcastic)

I don’t know if I am not understanding what you are saying, or if…yeah… I don’t know. Do you understand what I mean though about not finding the word “ruby” at all? I don’t even know if I am explaining myself well---that’s how much I know about scripts!

08-14-2005, 07:03 AM
Mine pauses a few seconds, checks again, pauses, checks again, etc. I'm sorry, I don't know what to say except: somewhere in your game scroll, *there is the word ruby*. Somewhere. If it's an unmodified copy of my script and it's happening, this is fact - I bet my life on it.

No, because YOUR script that I just downloaded does it too, and this time I only put sapphires, opal, and moonstones in it so I made sure... Maybe my wizard is messed up or something.

08-14-2005, 07:10 AM
It's Saturday at 7am... I'm not trying to be maliciously sarcastic, just relaxed and comically sarcastic. Ya know? Heh...

Highlight *every single solitary word*, *every*, !!EVERY!! word between "look in my (container)", and when it echoes "the expected gem blah-blah-blah".

Right click.

I'm telling you -- I've seriously had to do that myself. The word is *in there*, I swear it.

I wrote the thing so long ago, at first your suggestion seemed perfectly reasonable. I started thinking "...er... wait a minute - yeah, why didn't I do that?!" But here's the reason:

I didn't want to spend three weeks writing it, so it works by "put my %user9" or whatever user variable it works off of, I can't remember (or what you type as your container when you start it), then it's got a big list of 29 or 30 gems or whatever I could squeeze in and still be able to fit the one or two necessary ones to go to the next match loop. So it matches "match diamond diamond," next line, "match emerald emerald," so on and so on and so on -- see what I'm getting at?

Because of the way the game and scripts are, if it "look in my (container)" everytime it was checking for a gem, it would take forever to check for the 56 gem-types it recognizes. That's not efficient, that's shamefully inefficient -- the fun in making these stupid program-esque things for me is the fun little "hmm... okay, now this-this-this and that-and-this are true... given these facts, how can one do....... hmmmm... ah! YES!!!" It's no fun to come up with messy, slow, stupid answers; it just isn't gratifying. It's only enjoyable for me if I feel satisfied that I've come up with a clever, effective, efficient, possibly even "the best," way of doing something.

... I know, sounds kinda dumb, but it's really what I end up sitting here doing as I write scripts (and now programs) when every sane person is asleep ;)

So does that answer your question?

[Edited on 8-14-2005 by Shaelun]

08-14-2005, 07:14 AM
Yes, hehe..

My boyfriend explained it to me right before I read your post too hehe. Thank you!

08-14-2005, 07:31 AM
Hey, I was trying to find that script on here to see if anyone else posted it, couldn't find it. Theirs was named, "puregem" But I saw that you already posted your script! hehe


08-14-2005, 07:35 AM
... You're really serious, somebody actually edited my name out of my script and put it up for download? Wow. Just... wow.

08-14-2005, 07:36 AM
AFK scripts that involve interaction with other players is just asking for trouble. Good luck though.

08-14-2005, 07:38 AM
I actually got it from someone, who got it from someone else or something. I will ask the person next time I see them online. Maybe whoever they got it from, claimed they wrote it and we can bust um!

But yeah, there were different gems in it and no, your name wasn't in it.

08-14-2005, 09:18 AM
... That's just... that's just f*ing f*d.

It's not like the cure for cancer or something; did they at the very least put *their* name in it and try to take the credit, or did they just decide "Shaelun deserves no credit!! <delete>"

That's bloody it...!!!


Failure to comply with the legal obligations detailed therein will result in LEGAL ACTION!

... this means you must give me credit. They are scripts, therefore they can legally be termed programs, and legally, I can sue you now for not giving me credit.

Ha-ha-ha, ur pwnd!!111!


08-14-2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by GSLady17
But all that was in the sack was sapphires, opals, and moonstones.Are you on that character where like everything she wears is ruby red?

08-14-2005, 02:44 PM
Nope, that line was gone. No names added though, just verbal.

Hmm... I guess I will have to take rubies out if I want to use it.

08-14-2005, 07:16 PM
No, I refuse to sit idly by while you make such a modification; that's just ridiculously flawed.

Highlight, copy and paste *every* single word between it going nuts about the ruby and "look in my." Just, humor me, and paste it into a post. Or a U2U. Or an attachment. Or bloody something, and I'll even fix it for you -- how's that?

... well, to be honest, has nothing to do with you; I just can't stand you describing this bug in my script and not even knowing what you're talking about let alone whether it's my mistake or not. So don't bother thanking me. Just post the damn thing already ;)

08-15-2005, 02:56 PM
The purification script works great but I thought I should let you know that I did have to fix a few things in it to make it seamless.

For some reason, when it found a gem that could not be purified anymore, it would attempt to sing to it to determine if it was an orb or a rechargable. For some reason when singing, the %s variable would not populate. I found out the problem was due to the fact that almost every loresong that you wrote had a ',' after the variable. I removed the commas after the %s and it works great now.

As a side note, I am using Stormfront to run it.

08-15-2005, 03:17 PM
Ok, my bard is now in the landing. I'll have to bring him up to do it. Unless, you have somebody in the landing with a sack of gems.

If teeo is the problem, (because she wears all rubies) then I'm taking it out hehe.

El Burro
08-15-2005, 03:33 PM
maybe just paste a copy of the log with is messing up?

Also I'm pretty sure if Teeo is running the script with her rubies on it won't work regardless.

08-15-2005, 03:43 PM
Nope she isn't the bard. She was at the table though.

I don't keep logs unless I am stealing from people with my rogue.

08-17-2005, 02:41 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot about the way StormFront handles variables. For future reference, they'd work just fine if you replaced "%s" with "%s%" -- sorry, I didn't remember that in the least... Well, like I said in the script, the 10 loresongs it cycles through suck and you should write your own and add 'em in. Well, I wasn't that blunt in the script, but hey, they're garbage; why sugarcoat it.

As for checking a gem by loresinging after it can't be purified any more, I assume you're talking about a gem becoming imbeddable with the "... essence becomes a very part of it," or whatever message? Hum. That's weird. I'll spare everyone my usual longwinded explanation, so to sum up: it loresings if a gem can't be purified further with 1004 because a plain old orb gem and a mage rechargable gem both give the same exact message when you try 1004.

It shouldn't be checking the ones that it turns into orbs with 1004... I thought I fixed that. Infact, I'm positive I fixed that. It doesn't do it when I use it... Hrmph. Hope I didn't post the wrong one, heh...