View Full Version : droughtman scripts

05-20-2011, 09:26 AM
I've got no runs left, anyone want to buy my scripts?

They won't guarantee victory (or I'd have runs left) but every time I used them I had the most coins (best round was 6m), indicating the most rope pulls, which is the only thing you can really do to get a better chance at winning, except for one round, where I had second most coins (really bad rope luck).

Why not post them on the repo for everyone? Then everyone would have them, and there would be no point to use them, no advantage.

Why sell software? It should be free man! Well... works for microsoft. If you hate me so, and think it is so easy to code up something, make up a script, release it for free, and sabotage this sale. Of course, your script won't have been tested, and testing it is important, lots of little quirks and bugs. And if you try to rely on walk or wander it'll run slower than my custom specific run routine.

mb 5m coins.

05-20-2011, 09:31 AM
I have no characters in prime so I don't really care, but haven't you made enough already with your wins?

No Gnomes Is Good News
05-20-2011, 09:33 AM
Gib actually posted an easy stun script the one night on LNET, for free, ironically.

What's sad is people will actually likely pay for scripts, but odds are not many since most who have been winning the maze, already have them.

05-20-2011, 09:41 AM
pretty sure I beat you in coins last night.

05-20-2011, 09:54 AM
that was my one round not winning coins, last night. I'm sure I still had the most rope pulls (see the death count) but just had bad luck with ropes. more death pulls than coin pulls.

05-20-2011, 09:56 AM
The stun script is the easiest and most unnecessary part to code.

the hard part is the movement script. Running through a maze that can change as fast as possible while not getting stuck in loops or back and forth type stuff.

05-20-2011, 09:56 AM
Id wager it was a lot closer in rope pulls than you are making it out to be but that doesnt help you sell your script...

05-20-2011, 10:03 AM
Oh I'm sure you had a lot of rope pulls, you had a lot of coins, and did very well.

But, on average, when I used my scripts, I had double the coins, at least, of the next closest person. You may have had more last night, I may have had more (I think I did, but it doesn't matter). There will always be outliers. But every other time I used them I was #1, often by far. Thats like 10 rounds of #1, 1 round of #2, not a bad record.

Tregy Zecka
05-20-2011, 06:23 PM
I happen to be keeping track of who wins how many coins and suffers how many deaths through all the runs (in fact I'm making up a database of it all) so I can tell you exactly what the list looked like mere seconds before the door got opened in the 1st semi run:

Name Silver Won Times Killed
Lyrad 1381283 12 Holds a Golden Key!
Virilneus 3430316 29
Prisym 2671198 17 Holds a Golden Key!
Laynce 1311988 9 Holds a Golden Key!
Karly 527177 11
Relvar 3026299 13 Holds a Golden Key!
Noriyaki 657108 11
Queleri 2252433 11 Holds a Golden Key!
Nightphoenix 763886 8
Varucca 1848974 9

If that isn't the run you both were talking about, this is last nights run, the 2nd semi:

Name Silver Won Times Killed
Menos 1958421 8
Roelon 2242593 15
Bressler 2951200 18
Baliar 3192319 15
Farseeker 2238170 14
Dynad 1012377 11 Holds a Golden Key!
Lizz 388115 15
Dreknar 2161322 34
Crystals 2111744 17
Drayethar 1851346 14

Viril was the high coin winner in 1st run, and if he's Baliar, then Lizz beat him last night.

As I said, those lists are from mere secs before the white door was opened. There might have been a few more coins won between my capture of the list that the announcer didn't mention since not everything is seen by the viewers, but I'd bet my lists are close.

Hope that settles the argument. ::grin::

05-20-2011, 06:27 PM
how does 388k beat 3.1 million?

05-20-2011, 06:28 PM
You were wrong on both parties in the second run as well as who the silver winner was. Lizz had 388k not 3.8m. I was/am Baliar who had a run high of 3.19m and Viril is Dreknar who finished solidly in 4th with 2.16m. Bressler and I were battling it out for the silver lead the entire run, that was about the only enjoyment I got from that run though.

05-20-2011, 06:32 PM
You were wrong on both parties in the second run as well as who the silver winner was. Lizz had 388k not 3.8m. I was/am Baliar who had a run high of 3.19m and Viril is Dreknar who finished solidly in 4th with 2.16m. Bressler and I were battling it out for the silver lead the entire run, that was about the only enjoyment I got from that run though.

And here we can see where my script won out, since both Bressler and Baliar were running it. But I'll be the first to admit that you had awful, awful luck Virilneus.

05-20-2011, 08:57 PM
Ya, really bad luck that round, though, I thought I still got second in coins, everyone had entered the treasure room before I could get the final grab though so I was just going by memory, I guess I really got shit pulls towards the end since I had been up there and lead the round once or twice. I was only killed by blockers I think thrice that round, the other 31 deaths were from unlucky rope pulls. It was also, consequently, the lowest coin total I had ever had running the script.

Regardless, paying 5 million silvers for a script that can net you 6 million (at best) isn't worth the trouble.

It isn't 100%, but pulling more ropes also increases the chance you win overall. Which is worth more than 6m silvers.

I had one guy offer me 10m earlier, while normal rounds were still going on.