View Full Version : lich just stopped working.

10-01-2011, 04:36 PM
Here's the log file of my last attempt to log in :

info: Sat Oct 01 16:34:43 -0400 2011
info: Lich 4.3.1
info: Ruby 1.8.7
info: i386-mingw32
info: $lich_dir: D:/lich/
info: $script_dir: D:/lich/scripts/
info: $data_dir: D:/lich/data/
info: $temp_dir: D:/lich/temp/
info: HAVE_GTK: true
info: no launch file given
info: no force-mode info given

I'm not sure what happened. On Friday afternoon, Lich just decided to stop working. (I've confirmed Lich/Ruby is the problem because I can log in normally thru the play.net website). Today, I uninstalled ruby/lich and reinstalled the latest ruby/lich, and tried again, and still no good.

Any ideas? Thanks...


10-02-2011, 03:56 PM
That log indicates that you brought up the Lich game entry and never clicked play. What did you actually do, and what happened and didn't happen?

10-03-2011, 09:06 AM
Thanks for responding, Tillmen. Here are my test steps :

1) Run Lich, as per normal, clicking "Play" for my previously saved entry.
2) An error message appears: "Unrecognized response from server. (F INTERNAL)".
3) Try again a couple times, same result. No idea what's happened, I didn't change anything about my Ruby or Lich configuration.
4) Uninstall/reinstall Lich. (So now my presets are gone, right). Have to create my login data again from scratch. So I do so, click "Connect", Lich says "working..." but then after a few seconds that disappears, and the only option is to now "Disconnect" (my character's name doesn't appear, nor does "Play" get enabled)
5) Uninstall/reinstall both Lich AND Ruby. Same result.


10-03-2011, 10:24 AM
Should be fixed in Lich 4.3.2 (http://www.lichproject.org/download/lich-4.3.2.zip).

10-03-2011, 01:25 PM
Thanks a bunch, Tillmen -- much appreciated.