View Full Version : sloot3 update to reflect new gem pouch?

11-03-2011, 04:02 PM
Anyone remember how to manually edit and update sloot scripts for new containers?

Haven't seen Tillek around lately else I'd ask him.

But, I'm trying to edit my sloot now so it works fully with the new gem pouches. Gems get put in by it, but because it has the custom messaging sloot isn't thinking it put the gem in the sack.

Anyone remember what line it is where I need to add in the messaging to?

11-05-2011, 11:02 AM
No one? Still can't seem to get the thing editted right :(

11-05-2011, 11:11 AM
when /^You put .* in .*\.$|^As you place an|^You sling .* over your shoulder\|^You slip your hand to the .* and stow your .* out of sight\.$|^You shift the focus of your voice and your .* moves from your .* hand to your shoulder\.$|^You sheathe the .* into one of the open slots on your .*\.$|^You hang the .* from one of the straps on your .*\.$|^You .* drop .* into .*\.$|^You slide .* protruding from .*, making certain that it can be easily readied when necessary\.$|^You carefully place .* inside your .*, making sure not to damage the .*\.$|^You wipe off .* and sheathe .* into one .* along the side of your .*\.$|You slip .* into one of the slots on your .*\.$/

there a like that looks like that... try addign the custom messaging to that.

I'd guess replace the gem part with .* and the pouch part with .*\

no idea if that will work though... I'm to stupid to know scripts

also you may need to take out the last / in that line and put |^ infront of the message and .$/ behind it

11-05-2011, 11:33 AM
ok that don't work lol... but I got the message now let me play with it

11-05-2011, 11:43 AM
ok find the # Puts an item somewhere part... look for the section under tht that looks like your putting shit places... it looks like the line I posted before but that one was from the overflow part... go to the end of that line... delete the / thingy and add

|^You untie your drawstring gem .*, slip the .* in, then retie it quickly\.$/

there two lines that look line your putting shit away... I updated both teh same way and its workin for me... the when / ^you and when/not set