View Full Version : Error with Scrolls.lic

10-18-2011, 05:11 PM
Anyone know why i'm getting this error?
>;scrolls sack
--- Lich: scrolls active.
[scrolls]>open sack
That is already open.
[scrolls]>look in sack
--- Lich: DownstreamHook: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
scrolls:44:in `gsub!'

In the large sack you see a sheet of faded vellum, a piece of dark paper, a sheaf of light paper, a piece of dark paper, a tattered scroll, an aged scroll, a smeared scroll, a charred scroll, a charred scroll, an aged scroll, a burnt scroll, a neatly inked scroll, an obscure scroll, a scorched scroll, a golden scroll, a glowing scroll, a tattered palimpsest, a silvery palimpsest, a wrinkled scroll, an old scroll, a crumpled scroll, a glowing scroll, a scorched scroll, a torn parchment, a pure white parchment, a glowing scroll and a large leather tome.

Read all of the scrolls in the specified container and provide a summary of all
the spells on those scrolls. WARNING: Generates a lot of screen scroll.

Current revision: 2009.12.23.01
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jymamon (gs4-jymamon@hotmail.com)
# History:
# 2009.12.23.01 Initial version.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
script.want_downstream_xml = true # Raw input wanted as we parse it for IDs

# Remove the hook on shutdown.
before_dying {

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the name of the container from the command line
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
lookin = script.vars.shift

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup some variabples
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$scrolls = Array.new
$spells = Hash.new
$container = String.new
$spell_count = 0
$scroll_count = 0

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hook to get IDs of all items inside the named container and to capture the
# container's ID for later use.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
done = false
action = proc { |line|
if line =~ /In the <a exist="(\d+)" noun=.* you see/i
$container = $1.to_s
cp_line = line
cp_line.gsub!(/In the .* you see/i)

cp_line.split(/<a/).each { |entry|
entry =~ /exist="([0-9]+)"/i
$scroll_count += 1
done = true

fput "open " + lookin

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use the hook and wait for it to finish
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DownstreamHook.add('AnalyzeScrollsHook', action)
fput "look in " + lookin
wait_until { done }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hook to capture the spells on each scroll.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
done = false
action = proc { |line|
matchstring = "You close .* exist=\"" + $container.to_s + "\""
if line =~ /\((\d+)\) .* exist=\"(\d+)\"/i

if $spells[$1.to_s].nil?
$spells[$1.to_s] = Array.new

$spell_count += 1
elsif line =~ /#{matchstring}/i
done = true
elsif line =~ /You pull your .* closed at the neck/i
done = true

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use the hook and wait for it to finish
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DownstreamHook.add('AnalyzeScrollsHook', action)
$scrolls.each { |id|
fput "read #" + id.to_s if (id.nil!)
fput "close #" + $container.to_s
wait_until { done }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now, process the results.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$spells.keys.sort{|x,y| x.to_i <=> y.to_i}.index { |spell|
respond sprintf("%4d is on %d scrolls.", spell.to_i, $spells[spell].length.to_i)

respond $spell_count.to_s + " total spells on " + $scroll_count.to_s + " total scrolls."

10-18-2011, 08:57 PM
The problem is with gsub on line 44, just like it says. You've given it a regex to match, but haven't told it what to replace it with. However, I don't think you want to do what you're trying to do. cp_line is not so much a copy of line as it is a pointer to the same string line points at. gsub! will modify the string in place, causing both to change. You probably want:

cp_line = line.gsub(/In the .* you see/i, '')

10-18-2011, 10:21 PM
changed to what you said and now I get this:

--- Lich: scrolls active.
--- SyntaxError: compile error
scrolls:46: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting ')'
entry =~ /exist="([0-9]+)"/i
scrolls:46: syntax error, unexpected ')'
entry =~ /exist="([0-9]+)"/i
scrolls:56: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting kEND
fput "open " + lookin
scrolls:62: syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting kEND
fput "look in " + lookin
scrolls:70: syntax error, unexpected tCONSTANT, expecting kEND
matchstring = "You close .* exist=\"" + $container.to_s + "\""
scrolls:70: syntax error, unexpected $undefined
matchstring = "You close .* exist=\"" + $container.to_s + "\""
scrolls:91: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting kEND
scrolls:110: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting kEND
scrolls:110:in `start_script'
--- Lich: cannot execute scrolls, aborting.
--- Lich: scrolls has exited.

10-18-2011, 10:29 PM
In my code that was two single quotes, not one double quote.

10-19-2011, 12:29 AM
Thanks Tillmen, but got another error.

>;scrolls sack
--- Lich: scrolls active.
[scrolls]>open sack
That is already open.
[scrolls]>look in sack
In the veniom-threaded sack you see a crumbling scroll, an obscure scroll, a torn scroll, a light scroll, a golden scroll, a luminous scroll, an ancient scroll, a shimmering scroll, a golden feather charm, a dark scroll, a smeared scroll, a faded parchment, a dark scroll, a sheet of illuminated vellum and a silvery palimpsest.
--- Exception: undefined method `nil!' for "135963740":String
scrolls:98:in `start_script'
--- Lich: scrolls has exited.

10-19-2011, 02:08 AM
Well, that's from using nil! which isn't a defined method. nil? will tell you if the variable is nil or not. You'll probably want to change the line to:

fput "read #" + id.to_s unless id.nil?

10-19-2011, 02:53 PM
Its almost working, but still getting errors. Thanks for the help. Paste below is what changes got me to put in.

Read all of the scrolls in the specified container and provide a summary of all
the spells on those scrolls. WARNING: Generates a lot of screen scroll.

Current revision: 2009.12.23.01
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Author: Jymamon (gs4-jymamon@hotmail.com)
# History:
# 2009.12.23.01 Initial version.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
script.want_downstream_xml = true # Raw input wanted as we parse it for IDs

# Remove the hook on shutdown.
before_dying {

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Get the name of the container from the command line
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
lookin = script.vars.shift

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup some variabples
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$scrolls = Array.new
$spells = Hash.new
$container = String.new
$spell_count = 0
$scroll_count = 0

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hook to get IDs of all items inside the named container and to capture the
# container's ID for later use.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
done = false
action = proc { |line|
if line =~ /In the <a exist="(\d+)" noun=.* you see/i
$container = $1.to_s
cp_line = line
cp_line=line.gsub(/In the .* you see/i,'')
cp_line.split(/<a/).each { |entry|
entry =~ /exist="([0-9]+)"/i
$scroll_count += 1
done = true

fput "open " + lookin

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use the hook and wait for it to finish
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DownstreamHook.add('AnalyzeScrollsHook', action)
fput "look in " + lookin
wait_until { done }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Hook to capture the spells on each scroll.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
done = false
action = proc { |line|
matchstring = "You close .* exist=\"" + $container.to_s + "\""
if line =~ /\((\d+)\) .* exist=\"(\d+)\"/i

if $spells[$1.to_s].nil?
$spells[$1.to_s] = Array.new

$spell_count += 1
elsif line =~ /#{matchstring}/i
done = true
elsif line =~ /You pull your .* closed at the neck/i
done = true

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use the hook and wait for it to finish
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DownstreamHook.add('AnalyzeScrollsHook', action)
$scrolls.each { |id|
fput "read #" + id.to_s unless id.nil?
fput "close #" + $container.to_s
wait_until { done }

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now, process the results.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$spells.keys.sort{|x,y| x.to_i <=> y.to_i}.index { |spell|
respond sprintf("%4d is on %d scrolls.", spell.to_i, $spells[spell].length.to_i)

respond $spell_count.to_s + " total spells on " + $scroll_count.to_s + " total scrolls."

10-19-2011, 11:37 PM
sI>;repos upload scrolls
--- Lich: repository active.
[repository: connecting to the server...]
[repository: updating scrolls.lic in 3 seconds... (;k repository to abort)]
[repository: done]
--- Lich: repository has exited.

sI>;scrolls harness
--- Lich: scrolls active.
[scrolls]>open harness
You open a distressed leather harness.
[scrolls]>look in harness
a white flask, a shimmering scroll, a luminous scroll, a blood-stained scroll, a tincture of torban, some wolifrew lichen, a bolmara potion, a dark scroll, an old scroll, a tattered scroll, an arcane scroll, a golden scroll, a small statue, a tincture of sovyn, a tincture of calamia, a tincture of ephlox, a tincture of brostheras, a tincture of bur-clover, a tincture of woth, some milky blue oil, some aloeas stem, an arcane parchment, a scintillating lilac potion, a tincture of aloeas, a tincture of wingstem, a tincture of talneo, a tincture of rose-marrow, a tincture of haphip, an obscure scroll, a tincture of cactacae, some ambrominas leaf, a smeared scroll and a sigil-etched orase runestaff.
[scrolls]>read #139475665
It takes you a moment to focus on the shimmering scroll.
On the shimmering scroll you see

[scrolls]>read #139475664
It takes you a moment to focus on the luminous scroll.
On the luminous scroll you see

[scrolls]>read #139475663
It takes you a moment to focus on the blood-stained scroll.
On the blood-stained scroll you see

[scrolls]>read #139475659
It takes you a moment to focus on the dark scroll.
On the dark scroll you see

[scrolls]>read #139475658
It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see

[scrolls]>read #139475657
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see

[scrolls]>read #139475656
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see

[scrolls]>read #139475655
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see

[scrolls]>read #139475645
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane parchment.
On the arcane parchment you see

[scrolls]>read #139475638
It takes you a moment to focus on the obscure scroll.
On the obscure scroll you see

[scrolls]>read #139475635
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared scroll.
On the smeared scroll you see

[scrolls]>close #139475633
You close a distressed leather harness.
101 is on 2 scrolls.
103 is on 2 scrolls.
104 is on 1 scrolls.
106 is on 1 scrolls.
109 is on 1 scrolls.
110 is on 1 scrolls.
113 is on 2 scrolls.
114 is on 1 scrolls.
115 is on 2 scrolls.
117 is on 2 scrolls.
203 is on 2 scrolls.
204 is on 1 scrolls.
205 is on 1 scrolls.
208 is on 1 scrolls.
213 is on 2 scrolls.
214 is on 1 scrolls.
215 is on 3 scrolls.
303 is on 1 scrolls.
307 is on 1 scrolls.
308 is on 2 scrolls.
403 is on 1 scrolls.
411 is on 1 scrolls.
603 is on 1 scrolls.
606 is on 1 scrolls.
612 is on 1 scrolls.
613 is on 1 scrolls.
702 is on 1 scrolls.
1101 is on 1 scrolls.
1605 is on 1 scrolls.
1701 is on 2 scrolls.
41 total spells on 34 total scrolls.
--- Lich: scrolls has exited.

10-19-2011, 11:40 PM
Now that you're done, I should probably tell you about readscrolls.lic, which has been on the repository for quite some time...

10-19-2011, 11:50 PM
I'm not sure if was there when I wrote the first version or not. In any case, that (along with a handful of othes) were thrown together as part of learning Ruby for the first time. Two things I do prefer about my version, though, are that it doesn't rely on Lich.scrollsack and it sorts by spell number. Trivial enough to change in readscrolls, but then why not just have a seperate version? ;) [In fact, I maintain seperate version of ;go2 and lich that apply *.sort in all the places I think it belongs and its enough of a hassle, I never upgrade either anymore.]

10-20-2011, 12:13 AM
Thanks guys