View Full Version : Clena up

10-09-2011, 06:40 PM
Two questions. Is there a way to include drake weapons in the pawnshop sale of sloot3. If not, how can I include those in ;bigshot as SF .script that will look in bags and sell any it finds or as an addon to the resting scripts with waggle and sloot3. Anyone know of a lich script that will do such a thing?


10-09-2011, 07:22 PM
Didn't test it, but you could make a new script with the following code and add it to your resting scripts before sloot3 sell

startRoom = Room.current.id
start_script 'go2', [ "pawnshop" ]

GameObj.inv.each {|container|
container.contents.each { |item|
if item.name =~ /drake/
fput "get ##{item.id}"
fput "sell ##{item.id}"

start_script 'go2', [ startRoom ]

10-09-2011, 10:21 PM
Seems to go to the pawnshop and stop, not attempting to look in bags or sell.

10-10-2011, 12:47 AM
I just tested it. It ran to the pawnshop found nothing and went back to the starting room. If I had a drake item it should have sold it. Do you have a drake item?
Seems to go to the pawnshop and stop, not attempting to look in bags or sell.

10-10-2011, 01:21 PM
Yup, working now, not sure why it didn't the first time. Thanks!