View Full Version : Web

04-02-2011, 11:48 PM
im trying to figure out a script for taking care of area webs.. any ideas?

It's about the only thing that gets me killed in OTF..I figure theres gotta be a way to burn em away before running into em

04-02-2011, 11:56 PM
Does sneaking into a room reduce or negate your chances of being webbed?

04-03-2011, 12:06 AM
hmmm..i dunno..being a wizard..im not sure my sneaking would negate anything..lol

04-03-2011, 12:43 AM
im trying to figure out a script for taking care of area webs.. any ideas?

It's about the only thing that gets me killed in OTF..I figure theres gotta be a way to burn em away before running into em

Consider the web as a game.obj. If game.obj('web'), fput "prep 119"; "cast web"

04-03-2011, 01:27 AM
If gameobj.('web')
fput "prep 519"; "cast web"

SyntaxError: compile error
webkill:1: syntax error, unexpected '('
If gameobj.('web')
webkill:1: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting $end
webkill:1:in `create_block' ................................... new to this so thanks for the help and patience..also im assuming immo will take out the web..

04-03-2011, 01:57 AM
I dunno if lich has changed but:

GameObj.loot.each { |obj|
if obj.noun =~ /web/
put "prep 119"
cast "cast at ##{obj.id}
end if

04-03-2011, 03:15 AM
Finally, a use for meteor swarm! Ithzir don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn! Burn motherfucker, burn!

04-03-2011, 10:35 AM
I dunno if lich has changed but:

GameObj.loot.each { |obj|
if obj.noun =~ /web/
put "prep 119"
cast "cast at ##{obj.id}
end if

SyntaxError: compile error
webkill:4: unterminated string meets end of file
webkill:4: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting kEND
webkill:4:in `create_block'

ie tried playin around wth it and cant get it to start..i dunno..thanks for the help tho guys

04-03-2011, 04:37 PM
GameObj.loot.each { |obj|
if obj.noun =~ /web/
put "prep 119"
put "cast at ##{obj.id}"

the above should work.

04-03-2011, 08:21 PM
yah nice no errors on start..but it just goes active then exits immediately..

04-04-2011, 01:56 PM
bump..cause webs are pissin me off :P

04-04-2011, 01:57 PM

loop {

if web = GameObj.loot.find { |l| l.name =~ /web/i }
Spell[119].cast('web') if Spell[119].affordable?
sleep 0.1

04-04-2011, 02:03 PM
thank you! thank you! ...now to see if it kills teh webs!

04-04-2011, 04:46 PM
yah nice no errors on start..but it just goes active then exits immediately..

What I gave you isn't going to run passively. It's an iterative for/each statement on all the objects in loot array of the GameObj Class. I would create a function, pass the loot array into it and 'do stuff' as per how you plan on dealing with webs, 119, immo vials, etc. Run the function as needed. If you want it passive, you'll have to loop it and make sure you put a sleep/pause in there, as Briar did.

I would suggest going through the Lich Source so you understand what and how things work.

04-04-2011, 04:56 PM
yah..thank ya ive been lookin at everything

04-04-2011, 05:09 PM
def dispel_conditions
spell_906(rloot('web').id) if rloot("web") && rloot("web").name !~ /burn|flame|fire/ && Spell[906].affordable? && Spell[906].known?
spell_111(rloot('web').id) if rloot("web") && rloot("web").name !~ /burn|flame|fire/ && Spell[111].affordable? && Spell[111].known?
spell_417(rloot('web').id) if rloot("web") && rloot("web").name !~ /burn|flame|fire/ && Spell[417].affordable? && Spell[417].known?
spell_119(rloot('web').id) if rloot('web') && rloot('web').name !~ /burn|flame|fire/ && Spell[119].affordable? && Spell[119].known?
spell_505(rloot('cloud').id) if rloot('cloud') && Spell[505].affordable? && Spell[505].known?
spell_417(rloot('cloud').id) if rloot('cloud') && Spell[417].affordable? && Spell[417].known?
spell_119(rloot('cloud').id) if rloot('cloud') && Spell[119].affordable? && Spell[417].known?
spell_912 if rloot('swarm') && !$tremmors && Spell[912].affordable? && $shroudlevel <= 50 && Spell[912].known?
spell_912 if rloot('vortex') && !$tremmors && Spell[912].affordable? && $shroudlevel <= 50 && Spell[912].known?
spell_417(rloot('vortex').id) if rloot('vortex') && Spell[417].affordable? && Spell[417].known?
spell_417(rloot('vine').id) if rloot('vine') && Spell[417].affordable? && Spell[417].known?
spell_119(rloot('vortex').id) if rloot('vortex') && Spell[119].affordable? && Spell[119].known?
spell_119(rloot('vine').id) if rloot('vine') && Spell[119].affordable? && Spell[119].known?

That's what I use... Not that it'll work for any of you... kinda requires my own personal library scripts. I call that method before my attack in warcamps. It's easily modded, however. rloot is basically GameObj.loot.find. You can change spell_### to Spell[###].cast. With those mods, it should be adaptable for anyone.

09-23-2011, 01:49 AM
Web sucks!


loop {

if web = GameObj.loot.find { |l| l.name =~ /web/i }
Spell[119].cast('web') if Spell[119].affordable?
sleep 0.1