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  1. Lnet locate issue?? (0 replies)
  2. Lich crash error: forcibly? (0 replies)
  3. [lnet: connection lost] (2 replies)
  4. Using CMD.EXE to make logging in easier (2 replies)
  5. problem with downloading when 2 of the same files (3 replies)
  6. Uploaded ;back-in-black to the repo (2 replies)
  7. Ca_Cert/Certificate Conundrum in Lnet.lic and Repository.lic (7 replies)
  8. Bigshot Error (0 replies)
  9. Uploaded ;DeadMansSwitch to the repo: (4 replies)
  10. Uploaded ;room-buddy to the repo (4 replies)
  11. Uploaded ;thunder and ;struck (21 replies)
  12. Uploaded ;training-buddy to the repo (0 replies)
  13. Uploaded ;CrapsPlayer and ;CrapsDealer to the repo (1 replies)
  14. eLoot Sell Issue (2 replies)
  15. Updating the playershops (0 replies)
  16. Uploaded ;container-window (3 replies)
  17. Uploaded ;inventory-buddy (30 replies)
  18. Returning Mac player (...help!) (7 replies)
  19. Taking suggestions for next buddy script (5 replies)
  20. Uploaded ;party-buddy (12 replies)
  21. Uploaded ;box-buddy (1 replies)
  22. Need some help with room ID and lnet (1 replies)
  23. Map issue after update. (1 replies)
  24. ;knit script (3 replies)
  25. Lich 5.7.0 Release (0 replies)
  26. Bigshot question (0 replies)
  27. Uploaded ;grids to the repo (20 replies)
  28. Releasing new script soon, a graphical FE thingie...sort of... (1 replies)
  29. Uploaded ;timers (12 replies)
  30. Returning player (10 replies)
  31. Uploaded ;character-planner (10 replies)
  32. How did this happens? (3 replies)
  33. Uploaded ;stat-maximizer (20 replies)
  34. Uploaded ;combat-window (8 replies)
  35. Animate script (1 replies)
  36. Uploaded ;service-cost (7 replies)
  37. Connection Refused from repo.lichproject.org (3 replies)
  38. New script: ;dazed-and-confused (7 replies)
  39. Getting booted using Lich (1 replies)
  40. borg/drone/queen (0 replies)
  41. Bored! Give me some script ideas! (39 replies)
  42. Waggle and Mental Acuity (2 replies)
  43. Anyone interested in creating a MAIL script? (14 replies)
  44. mapdb is broken, not working with ;go2 (2 replies)
  45. Urchin guide not working with ;go2 (0 replies)
  46. Enhancive Recharge Script (0 replies)
  47. sea-charts: A narost derivative for OSA (16 replies)
  48. Announcing ebounty for advguild bounties (3 replies)
  49. PSA for bigshot users (1 replies)
  50. Lich install help (2 replies)
  51. Well I screwed up something somehow (6 replies)
  52. How do I remove the numbers after the room names in Lich5 (2 replies)
  53. lnet problems (2 replies)
  54. Uploaded new script ;blinding-lights (3 replies)
  55. Simple Scripting Question (3 replies)
  56. Is there a locksmith pool script for customers that doesnt pick up cursed gems (4 replies)
  57. Uploaded new script ;flag-simulator (10 replies)
  58. Uploaded new script ;squelch (3 replies)
  59. Uploaded new script ;guess-who (31 replies)
  60. ego2 help (0 replies)
  61. Bigshot Wizards: Do you use Rapid Fire? (3 replies)
  62. Couldn't save cmdlist (0 replies)
  63. Issue with Lich and In Game Character Manager (0 replies)
  64. eloot issue (1 replies)
  65. Uploaded new script ;cost (3 replies)
  66. Cant Install WizFE on Win11? (3 replies)
  67. need coding help (1 replies)
  68. WizardFE Help (4 replies)
  69. Reuploaded new script ;record (0 replies)
  70. Cleaning up ;vars ? (6 replies)
  71. Uploaded new script ;stats (12 replies)
  72. New scripting tutorials with Dreaven (12 replies)
  73. Uploaded ;ocean-go2 for all of your OSA traveling needs! (12 replies)
  74. move: no recognized response (11 replies)
  75. Lich on WIndows 11 (1 replies)
  76. ;eloot and ;eherbs released (8 replies)
  77. Map Images Were not Found (0 replies)
  78. Uploaded ;dirty-deeds for all of your deed getting needs! (11 replies)
  79. Bigshot help (0 replies)
  80. Bishot to use Overpower? (0 replies)
  81. Lich 5.4.0 available (0 replies)
  82. Bigshot 4.8 available (0 replies)
  83. Uploaded my official DR digging script (5 replies)
  84. Possible Sloot Sell Issue (0 replies)
  85. Wizard FE (12 replies)
  86. Finally finishing ;rogue (39 replies)
  87. Always run from not working at all (Glaes Vein, Fire Mages) (0 replies)
  88. Mail.lic - Checking in on Ryjex (10 replies)
  89. F'Eyrie in TI Not in DB? (8 replies)
  90. Extreme lag when using Lich (22 replies)
  91. Easy Script (0 replies)
  92. Change scripts folder? (1 replies)
  93. macOS 12.1 (Monterey) broke ruby (0 replies)
  94. Any way for a script to see bleeding? (Empath self-healing) (5 replies)
  95. downloaded launcher from wiki, lich wont run (1 replies)
  96. Lich 5.2.1 Update (0 replies)
  97. Bigshot 4.7.0 available (0 replies)
  98. Need help please- Ruby part of install for MAC (0 replies)
  99. Script Idea: ;what2hunt (6 replies)
  100. Lich version 5.0.19 available (1 replies)
  101. Next lich version available- 5.0.18 (1 replies)
  102. 610 issue (0 replies)
  103. Broke my xnarost (5 replies)
  104. SLoot problem (0 replies)
  105. Question with ";magic" (0 replies)
  106. Issued Installing Lich (2 replies)
  107. Lich5 wackiness (1 replies)
  108. Newb lich problem (2 replies)
  109. Lich5 on Mac (2 replies)
  110. PSA Lich Updates (6 replies)
  111. GTK Issues (6 replies)
  112. 615 Script? (2 replies)
  113. ;share - now you can host your own spell up parties (16 replies)
  114. Alchemy and attack script (0 replies)
  115. Bigshot arena (10 replies)
  116. Official ;record changes and discussion (0 replies)
  117. 604 support for ;magic, Spell[604].active?, check spell (2 replies)
  118. Lnet Connection/Lich Issues for Returning Player (6 replies)
  119. No More Ruby 2.0? Download Link Says "Forbidden" (5 replies)
  120. Error Message Running Bigshot (1 replies)
  121. Official ;complete-info changes and discussion (5 replies)
  122. Any knitting scripts? (10 replies)
  123. Can't get sloot to work (4 replies)
  124. Nelemar Dais's (13 replies)
  125. Official ;finish-it changes and discussion (2 replies)
  126. Updating the playershops (1 replies)
  127. Official ;warrior changes and discussion (19 replies)
  128. Official ;tpick changes and discussion (319 replies)
  129. I am having problems with lich (3 replies)
  130. Map DB (19 replies)
  131. need help with script (2 replies)
  132. lich not working after system update (linux) (0 replies)
  133. Win10 issues still? (3 replies)
  134. Lich Problems (4 replies)
  135. small statue / moonstone cube auto script (0 replies)
  136. sonic sword script need help (54 replies)
  137. Error with Repo (4 replies)
  138. poolparty "feature" request (5 replies)
  139. Can't get Repo to work (4 replies)
  140. Attack Sequence with Bando (2 replies)
  141. ;herbheal fix - herb bundlers (0 replies)
  142. Loresong Scrpt That Outputs To File (3 replies)
  143. Recent install, problems with script GUI giving screenscroll about gtk and not saving (2 replies)
  144. Lich won't connect with Stormfront. (1 replies)
  145. Go2 adjustment to deal with the commas. (0 replies)
  146. Infomon not storing data (3 replies)
  147. Re-installing (2 replies)
  148. GO2 Day Pass Settings - Can't get it to toggle (10 replies)
  149. flteching script help (7 replies)
  150. Stromfront/Lich (6 replies)
  151. Who is managing Lich these days? (6 replies)
  152. Windows 10 and Wizard FE (14 replies)
  153. SPELL ACTIVE {target} and SPELL PRIVACY (0 replies)
  154. Very basic question about scripting for Lich (6 replies)
  155. Lumnis tracker (0 replies)
  156. One Character Can't Connect (0 replies)
  157. Poolparty issue (3 replies)
  158. Can't get Simu Launcher to work OR website login for stormfront with ruby 2.5 (23 replies)
  159. Profanity FE and highlighting (1 replies)
  160. SSL error when connecting to repository (0 replies)
  161. MA'ing At Same Time (7 replies)
  162. SSL error for LNET? (9 replies)
  163. Sloot and TWC/Twin weapon Script (1 replies)
  164. Lich reinstall running sluggishly (2 replies)
  165. Scripts to use with the locksmith pool (5 replies)
  166. Map history (2 replies)
  167. ;tpick is ignoring silver boxes (11 replies)
  168. ;useherbs won't deposit my silvers anymore (5 replies)
  169. Script writing help (2 replies)
  170. Determine if indoors (2 replies)
  171. Bigshot not seeing targets (on one account)...very odd (15 replies)
  172. Lich Issue (7 replies)
  173. Prettiernum (7 replies)
  174. script loop help (0 replies)
  175. Lich+Avalon game connection (1 replies)
  176. Bigshot Setup help (1 replies)
  177. Script help (7 replies)
  178. Bigshot Lag (11 replies)
  179. Bigshot and 312 (2 replies)
  180. Some sbounty help please? (2 replies)
  181. More Weird Bigshot Questions (0 replies)
  182. Problem with Ruby/Lich Upgrade (2 replies)
  183. Problem with lnet (7 replies)
  184. What scripts do I need? (7 replies)
  185. Delirium + Alchemy (1 replies)
  186. The map database for Gemstone Prime is currently pending approval. (1 replies)
  187. Bigshot Question (5 replies)
  188. Couple questions about Ruby 2.0 vs Ruby4Lich (3 replies)
  189. sloot issue (2 replies)
  190. IMT frozen battlefield mapdb and wayto woes (1 replies)
  191. Suppress a line (0 replies)
  192. Issue with ;go2 (2 replies)
  193. Sqlite3 Install Will Not Install- Using Parallels (1 replies)
  194. info messed on one of my guys (0 replies)
  195. Tpick ground problem (8 replies)
  196. Bigshots help (0 replies)
  197. Trouble downloading files (2 replies)
  198. How to trust scripts? (9 replies)
  199. Shortcut somewhere for lich? (1 replies)
  200. tpick calibrate (2 replies)
  201. C:\Ruby4Lich\bin\gem.bat missing? (0 replies)
  202. Lich Falied to install Gtk2 file upon restart (5 replies)
  203. Trouble getting lich to install sqlite3 (7 replies)
  204. Lnet issues (0 replies)
  205. head/tails - fried hunting commands not working. (3 replies)
  206. go2 casting 309 at GY gate vs. 304 (1 replies)
  207. sexual favors look # (0 replies)
  208. Dragonrealms, hunting-buddy, shields (0 replies)
  209. lnet crashing on the reg. (4 replies)
  210. spell-list.xml updates (1 replies)
  211. Waggle and 1610 (3 replies)
  212. New Cloaks + LICH recognizing getting items... (1 replies)
  213. Trouble launching (0 replies)
  214. How safe is Lich? (7 replies)
  215. Infomon won't run on one character (0 replies)
  216. help understanding error messages from failed script commands (0 replies)
  217. Scripts activate then immediately exit without doing anything when they used to work (2 replies)
  218. Search for a string of text in multiple .txt files? (3 replies)
  219. Crashing across multiple characters (21 replies)
  220. Multi character loading (1 replies)
  221. Help with Infomon (0 replies)
  222. Lich types needed (1 replies)
  223. Re-Install help needed pleas (6 replies)
  224. Gemhoarder help (0 replies)
  225. Gem jar script (2 replies)
  226. Launcher: Yes. I messed it up (0 replies)
  227. install problem (5 replies)
  228. Bigshot setup working then all of a sudden stops working. (2 replies)
  229. SQLite 3 (12 replies)
  230. Numerical Appraisal Values Subs? (0 replies)
  231. A little help and reminder please? (2 replies)
  232. How do i cast a spell at each mob in the room... (13 replies)
  233. Error on installation (2 replies)
  234. Lich Issue with Mac (2 replies)
  235. Problems installing on Mac missing (0 replies)
  236. Crosscharcom? Whos skilled enough to fix this script? (0 replies)
  237. lich keeps locking up on loading characters (1 replies)
  238. Please help! (7 replies)
  239. Gib's Purify Script... (3 replies)
  240. Running Profanity from Crostini(Pixelbook) (0 replies)
  241. The bots have gone (7 replies)
  242. Lich installation help (18 replies)
  243. Problems with Sloot...Please Help (3 replies)
  244. Lich Launcher and SGE Link (0 replies)
  245. Playershop Update Script (0 replies)
  246. crosscharcom and other lich scripts (9 replies)
  247. Replacing text with symbols (4 replies)
  248. Help with MacBook playing (13 replies)
  249. Mist weapon fixes needed... (7 replies)
  250. Ryjex Scripts (1 replies)