- Lnet locate issue?? (0 replies)
- Lich crash error: forcibly? (0 replies)
- [lnet: connection lost] (2 replies)
- Using CMD.EXE to make logging in easier (2 replies)
- problem with downloading when 2 of the same files (3 replies)
- Uploaded ;back-in-black to the repo (2 replies)
- Ca_Cert/Certificate Conundrum in Lnet.lic and Repository.lic (7 replies)
- Bigshot Error (0 replies)
- Uploaded ;DeadMansSwitch to the repo: (4 replies)
- Uploaded ;room-buddy to the repo (4 replies)
- Uploaded ;thunder and ;struck (21 replies)
- Uploaded ;training-buddy to the repo (0 replies)
- Uploaded ;CrapsPlayer and ;CrapsDealer to the repo (1 replies)
- eLoot Sell Issue (2 replies)
- Updating the playershops (0 replies)
- Uploaded ;container-window (3 replies)
- Uploaded ;inventory-buddy (30 replies)
- Returning Mac player (...help!) (7 replies)
- Taking suggestions for next buddy script (5 replies)
- Uploaded ;party-buddy (12 replies)
- Uploaded ;box-buddy (1 replies)
- Need some help with room ID and lnet (1 replies)
- Map issue after update. (1 replies)
- ;knit script (3 replies)
- Lich 5.7.0 Release (0 replies)
- Bigshot question (0 replies)
- Uploaded ;grids to the repo (20 replies)
- Releasing new script soon, a graphical FE thingie...sort of... (1 replies)
- Uploaded ;timers (12 replies)
- Returning player (10 replies)
- Uploaded ;character-planner (10 replies)
- How did this happens? (3 replies)
- Uploaded ;stat-maximizer (20 replies)
- Uploaded ;combat-window (8 replies)
- Animate script (1 replies)
- Uploaded ;service-cost (7 replies)
- Connection Refused from repo.lichproject.org (3 replies)
- New script: ;dazed-and-confused (7 replies)
- Getting booted using Lich (1 replies)
- borg/drone/queen (0 replies)
- Bored! Give me some script ideas! (39 replies)
- Waggle and Mental Acuity (2 replies)
- Anyone interested in creating a MAIL script? (14 replies)
- mapdb is broken, not working with ;go2 (2 replies)
- Urchin guide not working with ;go2 (0 replies)
- Enhancive Recharge Script (0 replies)
- sea-charts: A narost derivative for OSA (16 replies)
- Announcing ebounty for advguild bounties (3 replies)
- PSA for bigshot users (1 replies)
- Lich install help (2 replies)
- Well I screwed up something somehow (6 replies)
- How do I remove the numbers after the room names in Lich5 (2 replies)
- lnet problems (2 replies)
- Uploaded new script ;blinding-lights (3 replies)
- Simple Scripting Question (3 replies)
- Is there a locksmith pool script for customers that doesnt pick up cursed gems (4 replies)
- Uploaded new script ;flag-simulator (10 replies)
- Uploaded new script ;squelch (3 replies)
- Uploaded new script ;guess-who (31 replies)
- ego2 help (0 replies)
- Bigshot Wizards: Do you use Rapid Fire? (3 replies)
- Couldn't save cmdlist (0 replies)
- Issue with Lich and In Game Character Manager (0 replies)
- eloot issue (1 replies)
- Uploaded new script ;cost (3 replies)
- Cant Install WizFE on Win11? (3 replies)
- need coding help (1 replies)
- WizardFE Help (4 replies)
- Reuploaded new script ;record (0 replies)
- Cleaning up ;vars ? (6 replies)
- Uploaded new script ;stats (12 replies)
- New scripting tutorials with Dreaven (12 replies)
- Uploaded ;ocean-go2 for all of your OSA traveling needs! (12 replies)
- move: no recognized response (11 replies)
- Lich on WIndows 11 (1 replies)
- ;eloot and ;eherbs released (8 replies)
- Map Images Were not Found (0 replies)
- Uploaded ;dirty-deeds for all of your deed getting needs! (11 replies)
- Bigshot help (0 replies)
- Bishot to use Overpower? (0 replies)
- Lich 5.4.0 available (0 replies)
- Bigshot 4.8 available (0 replies)
- Uploaded my official DR digging script (5 replies)
- Possible Sloot Sell Issue (0 replies)
- Wizard FE (12 replies)
- Finally finishing ;rogue (39 replies)
- Always run from not working at all (Glaes Vein, Fire Mages) (0 replies)
- Mail.lic - Checking in on Ryjex (10 replies)
- F'Eyrie in TI Not in DB? (8 replies)
- Extreme lag when using Lich (22 replies)
- Easy Script (0 replies)
- Change scripts folder? (1 replies)
- macOS 12.1 (Monterey) broke ruby (0 replies)
- Any way for a script to see bleeding? (Empath self-healing) (5 replies)
- downloaded launcher from wiki, lich wont run (1 replies)
- Lich 5.2.1 Update (0 replies)
- Bigshot 4.7.0 available (0 replies)
- Need help please- Ruby part of install for MAC (0 replies)
- Script Idea: ;what2hunt (6 replies)
- Lich version 5.0.19 available (1 replies)
- Next lich version available- 5.0.18 (1 replies)
- 610 issue (0 replies)
- Broke my xnarost (5 replies)
- SLoot problem (0 replies)
- Question with ";magic" (0 replies)
- Issued Installing Lich (2 replies)
- Lich5 wackiness (1 replies)
- Newb lich problem (2 replies)
- Lich5 on Mac (2 replies)
- PSA Lich Updates (6 replies)
- GTK Issues (6 replies)
- 615 Script? (2 replies)
- ;share - now you can host your own spell up parties (16 replies)
- Alchemy and attack script (0 replies)
- Bigshot arena (10 replies)
- Official ;record changes and discussion (0 replies)
- 604 support for ;magic, Spell[604].active?, check spell (2 replies)
- Lnet Connection/Lich Issues for Returning Player (6 replies)
- No More Ruby 2.0? Download Link Says "Forbidden" (5 replies)
- Error Message Running Bigshot (1 replies)
- Official ;complete-info changes and discussion (5 replies)
- Any knitting scripts? (10 replies)
- Can't get sloot to work (4 replies)
- Nelemar Dais's (13 replies)
- Official ;finish-it changes and discussion (2 replies)
- Updating the playershops (1 replies)
- Official ;warrior changes and discussion (19 replies)
- Official ;tpick changes and discussion (319 replies)
- I am having problems with lich (3 replies)
- Map DB (19 replies)
- need help with script (2 replies)
- lich not working after system update (linux) (0 replies)
- Win10 issues still? (3 replies)
- Lich Problems (4 replies)
- small statue / moonstone cube auto script (0 replies)
- sonic sword script need help (54 replies)
- Error with Repo (4 replies)
- poolparty "feature" request (5 replies)
- Can't get Repo to work (4 replies)
- Attack Sequence with Bando (2 replies)
- ;herbheal fix - herb bundlers (0 replies)
- Loresong Scrpt That Outputs To File (3 replies)
- Recent install, problems with script GUI giving screenscroll about gtk and not saving (2 replies)
- Lich won't connect with Stormfront. (1 replies)
- Go2 adjustment to deal with the commas. (0 replies)
- Infomon not storing data (3 replies)
- Re-installing (2 replies)
- GO2 Day Pass Settings - Can't get it to toggle (10 replies)
- flteching script help (7 replies)
- Stromfront/Lich (6 replies)
- Who is managing Lich these days? (6 replies)
- Windows 10 and Wizard FE (14 replies)
- SPELL ACTIVE {target} and SPELL PRIVACY (0 replies)
- Very basic question about scripting for Lich (6 replies)
- Lumnis tracker (0 replies)
- One Character Can't Connect (0 replies)
- Poolparty issue (3 replies)
- Can't get Simu Launcher to work OR website login for stormfront with ruby 2.5 (23 replies)
- Profanity FE and highlighting (1 replies)
- SSL error when connecting to repository (0 replies)
- MA'ing At Same Time (7 replies)
- SSL error for LNET? (9 replies)
- Sloot and TWC/Twin weapon Script (1 replies)
- Lich reinstall running sluggishly (2 replies)
- Scripts to use with the locksmith pool (5 replies)
- Map history (2 replies)
- ;tpick is ignoring silver boxes (11 replies)
- ;useherbs won't deposit my silvers anymore (5 replies)
- Script writing help (2 replies)
- Determine if indoors (2 replies)
- Bigshot not seeing targets (on one account)...very odd (15 replies)
- Lich Issue (7 replies)
- Prettiernum (7 replies)
- script loop help (0 replies)
- Lich+Avalon game connection (1 replies)
- Bigshot Setup help (1 replies)
- Script help (7 replies)
- Bigshot Lag (11 replies)
- Bigshot and 312 (2 replies)
- Some sbounty help please? (2 replies)
- More Weird Bigshot Questions (0 replies)
- Problem with Ruby/Lich Upgrade (2 replies)
- Problem with lnet (7 replies)
- What scripts do I need? (7 replies)
- Delirium + Alchemy (1 replies)
- The map database for Gemstone Prime is currently pending approval. (1 replies)
- Bigshot Question (5 replies)
- Couple questions about Ruby 2.0 vs Ruby4Lich (3 replies)
- sloot issue (2 replies)
- IMT frozen battlefield mapdb and wayto woes (1 replies)
- Suppress a line (0 replies)
- Issue with ;go2 (2 replies)
- Sqlite3 Install Will Not Install- Using Parallels (1 replies)
- info messed on one of my guys (0 replies)
- Tpick ground problem (8 replies)
- Bigshots help (0 replies)
- Trouble downloading files (2 replies)
- How to trust scripts? (9 replies)
- Shortcut somewhere for lich? (1 replies)
- tpick calibrate (2 replies)
- C:\Ruby4Lich\bin\gem.bat missing? (0 replies)
- Lich Falied to install Gtk2 file upon restart (5 replies)
- Trouble getting lich to install sqlite3 (7 replies)
- Lnet issues (0 replies)
- head/tails - fried hunting commands not working. (3 replies)
- go2 casting 309 at GY gate vs. 304 (1 replies)
- sexual favors look # (0 replies)
- Dragonrealms, hunting-buddy, shields (0 replies)
- lnet crashing on the reg. (4 replies)
- spell-list.xml updates (1 replies)
- Waggle and 1610 (3 replies)
- New Cloaks + LICH recognizing getting items... (1 replies)
- Trouble launching (0 replies)
- How safe is Lich? (7 replies)
- Infomon won't run on one character (0 replies)
- help understanding error messages from failed script commands (0 replies)
- Scripts activate then immediately exit without doing anything when they used to work (2 replies)
- Search for a string of text in multiple .txt files? (3 replies)
- Crashing across multiple characters (21 replies)
- Multi character loading (1 replies)
- Help with Infomon (0 replies)
- Lich types needed (1 replies)
- Re-Install help needed pleas (6 replies)
- Gemhoarder help (0 replies)
- Gem jar script (2 replies)
- Launcher: Yes. I messed it up (0 replies)
- install problem (5 replies)
- Bigshot setup working then all of a sudden stops working. (2 replies)
- SQLite 3 (12 replies)
- Numerical Appraisal Values Subs? (0 replies)
- A little help and reminder please? (2 replies)
- How do i cast a spell at each mob in the room... (13 replies)
- Error on installation (2 replies)
- Lich Issue with Mac (2 replies)
- Problems installing on Mac missing (0 replies)
- Crosscharcom? Whos skilled enough to fix this script? (0 replies)
- lich keeps locking up on loading characters (1 replies)
- Please help! (7 replies)
- Gib's Purify Script... (3 replies)
- Running Profanity from Crostini(Pixelbook) (0 replies)
- The bots have gone (7 replies)
- Lich installation help (18 replies)
- Problems with Sloot...Please Help (3 replies)
- Lich Launcher and SGE Link (0 replies)
- Playershop Update Script (0 replies)
- crosscharcom and other lich scripts (9 replies)
- Replacing text with symbols (4 replies)
- Help with MacBook playing (13 replies)
- Mist weapon fixes needed... (7 replies)
- Ryjex Scripts (1 replies)