View Full Version : Announcing ebounty for advguild bounties

11-26-2022, 12:22 PM
The EO team is happy to announce the release of ;ebounty, a script for handling all your advguild bounty needs.
Ebounty utilizes bigshot hunting profiles for combat task completion and a default bigshot profile for idle exp gain between tasks. It utilizes ;echild and ego2 for child and escort bounties respectfully.
You can check out the wiki https://gswiki.play.net/Script_Ebounty for specific information on how to setup ebounty as well as future plans and known issues.
We've done our best to test out in a variety of locations and bounty types, but GS is a game of exceptions, so we recommend to set ebounty as updatable to get any future fixes.

Please report any issues in the #scripting channel on GS discord.

;repo download ebounty
;repo set-updatable ebounty
I would also recommend doing the same for the other Elanthia-Online scripts
;repo set-updatable bigshot
;repo set-updatable go2 --author=elanthia-online
;repo set-updatable echild
;repo set-updatable eherb

12-03-2022, 12:51 AM
when given herb foraging tasks in WL, this script will, instead of going Akresh a few rooms away to pick up the quest, run way off to Vipershroud and get on the ferry attempting to go to... ZL? EN? God knows I've never let it actually try to take me the whole way.

Anyways, thought you'd like to know.

;go2 healer correctly takes me right to Akrash

12-03-2022, 10:04 AM
I would check your resting location.
If you'd like further support, discord is the preferred venue.

12-04-2022, 02:22 PM
[go2: travel time: 0:00:00.943]
You feel more refreshed.
[ebounty]>ask Rheteger about bounty
Rheteger says, "Hmm, I've got a task here from the town of Wehnimer's Landing. The local healer, Surtey Akrash, has asked for our aid. Head over there and see what you can do. Be sure to ASK about BOUNTIES."
[ Next Bounty: +0:15:00, 0:14:59 remaining. ]
An indignant mountain spirit floats in, following you.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
[go2: input: 640 --disable-confirm]
--- Lich: go2 active.

(and off it yeets me to the ferry @ 640 instead of to akresh at 3824)

I have no resting location, or any location for that matter, set.
I am using ebounty strictly with the "just the basics" option checked, because ;swapbounty is borked and throws errors, and the script i wrote years ago for myself to swap bounties no longer works with the new version of lich.

I also do not have discord perms, I'll see if I can work around that.


can't for the life of me figure out why it wants to go to zul/en. This seems to only happen for healer tasks, and only in WL.