View Full Version : Uploaded ;ocean-go2 for all of your OSA traveling needs!

05-03-2022, 01:03 AM
This script uses the map found at the following link for all room numbers and such: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ia_IDE0MAaf_uqgO7FRKJslaUZ4PIGJI7_KQfu-qF2Q

While the script is running just do: ;ocean to get a list of available commands.

The perfect companion for all of your ocean traveling/OSA needs!

This script can move you FROM any ocean room TO any ocean room!

Simply start the script up and leave it running in the background. Whenever you LOOK MAP while in the Captain's Quarters on a ship the script will tell you which ocean room number you are in. Once the script has your current ocean room number, it will automatically tell you which ocean room number you are in whenever the ship moves to a new room.

You can travel to these ports:
landing: Wehnimer's Landing
sol: Solhaven
teras: Teras Isle
kraken: Kraken's Fall
rest: River's Rest
;ocean go2 <option> to travel to a port. For example:
;ocean go2 landing
Would sail your ship to Wehnimer's Landing.

To go to the nearest port do: ;ocean go2 port

To move around randomly do: ;ocean go2 random
This will move to a random room every time you enter a new room.
Script will try not to enter a room you've already been to whenever possible.

;ocean go2 <ocean room number> to travel to a particular ocean room. For example:
;ocean go2 156
Would sail your ship to ocean room number 156.

;ocean set <room number> - for example: ;ocean set 500
Tells the script this is your current room number, in case you can't get the room number from the map

;ocean room - to see your current ocean room number.
;ocean stop - to stop your current course.

Q&A for ;ocean-go2:
Q: Why did you create this script?
A: Why not?

Q: Almost 1MB?! Are you insane?!
A: Probably.

Q: Would running a script this large slow down my computer?
A: Nope. 97% of that is room data such as each room's map, which room each direction in each room takes you to, etc. The data is only accessed when you enter a new room and that won't affect your CPU at all.

Q: Can this script really get my current ocean room number, no matter which ocean room I'm in?
A: It sure can! While the script is running simply go to the Captain's Quarters and LOOK MAP to get your current ocean room number. Script will automatically update your current room whenever you move to a new room, no more looking at the map required!

05-03-2022, 04:19 PM
Have you all downloaded ;ocean-go2 yet?!?!?!

05-03-2022, 04:37 PM
I forgot I had a boat. I think I left it wrecked on Teras. :lol:

05-03-2022, 04:39 PM
I forgot I had a boat. I think I left it wrecked on Teras. :lol:

Poor boat :(

05-04-2022, 02:07 AM
Uploaded new version of ;ocean-go2. There is now an option to have the script take you to the closest room in a particular sea. While script is running do ";ocean" or ";ocean go2 sea" for more information.

For example: If you were currently in the "North Blue" sea and wanted to go to the "Lucky Seaway" sea, you can do ;ocean go2 sea 13, and the script will take you to the closest room in the Lucky Seaway sea.

05-16-2022, 02:31 PM
Loving the script, but when leaving from KF and trying to sail to landing, apparently both ports have a room number of 500. You have to sail one room out of KF then turn on ocean-go2, otherwise when you tell it to sail to landing, it just docks you back in KF.

05-16-2022, 04:25 PM
Loving the script, but when leaving from KF and trying to sail to landing, apparently both ports have a room number of 500. You have to sail one room out of KF then turn on ocean-go2, otherwise when you tell it to sail to landing, it just docks you back in KF.

Well that’s odd. You have a log of this happening?

05-16-2022, 10:11 PM
It was because I didn't look map first, it sets starting room to 500 until you look at map. Works fine if I look map first then ;ocean go2 landing.

05-16-2022, 11:09 PM
It was because I didn't look map first, it sets starting room to 500 until you look at map. Works fine if I look map first then ;ocean go2 landing.

Ah, that might be the cause of another bug someone else reported.

I uploaded a new version, would you mind downloading the new version and next time you're at sea start up ;ocean-go2 when you're not at in the Captain's Quarters, and don't look at the map, and move to a new room to see what the script says?

It should now say something about the script doesn't know which room you are in and that you should look at the map. Before it was just setting your room to a random room (apparently room 500 for some reason because that's what happened with the other person) and that is probably what was causing the issue.

05-16-2022, 11:17 PM
Updated, working good.

>;ocean go2
--- Lich: ocean-go2 active.
################################################## ################################################## ########
# Be sure to go to the Captain's Quarters and LOOK AT MAP to get your bearings when you're at sea. #
# Enter ;ocean while script is running for list of options. #
################################################## ################################################## ########
A dark merchant carrack carves through the ocean toward your carrack like a cutlass on flesh!

>go door
You open the wooden door and step into the Captain's Quarters. The door closes noisily behind you.
Your group follows closely behind you.
[Carrack, Captain's Quarters]
Sunlight filters through a large, glass-paned window, illuminating a tattered map spread out on a wooden table in the center of the cabin. A logbook lies open on a straw bed near a wooden chair piled with freshly laundered garments. Nautical charts are tacked to the wood-paneled walls, all scribbled with illegible handwriting, one drawn with a giant sea monster. You also see a wooden waste bucket.
Obvious exits: out
>l map
Scribbled at the top of the map is the name, "South Blue."
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| \ | \ |
| - O - - O - X - O |
| \ | \ / | |
| \ | / \ | / \ | |
| O - - O - - O |
| | \ |
| | \ |
| O - - O - |
| \ | \ |
X Your Ship
O Nearby Ocean
P Nearby Port

There is a line drawn North to the name, "North Blue."
There is a line drawn Northwest to the name, "West Blue."
There is a line drawn Northeast to the name, "East Blue."
There is a line drawn South to the name, "Emerald Waters."
################################################## ###########
# You are in ocean room number 96 in the South Blue #
# The Kraken's Fall port is in this room. #
################################################## ###########

05-16-2022, 11:34 PM

10-15-2022, 03:45 AM
Uploaded new version.

Version 4: Should now work with the new ocean expansion, allowing you to travel to the Ta'Vaalor port. NOTE: Since rooms in both the original "OSA Map" and "The Eastern Seaboard" use the exact same numbers, this script starts rooms in "The Eastern Seaboard" at 1000. For example room 191 in "The Eastern Seaboard" is room 1191 in this script. Just remember to add a 1 to the beginning of any room number.

11-23-2022, 04:41 AM
Uploaded new versions:

Version 5: Fixed the map information for room 1297.
Version 6: Apparently there is a floating flotilla that acts as a moving port and the map in the Captain's Quarters will change to show the flotilla if it is within range. This was interferring with the script being able to tell which room you are in. This has been fixed and the script should be able to tell your current room number whether the flotilla is within range or not.
Version 6: Added the Icemule Trace port to the script, so now if you want to sail to this port you can do: ;ocean go2 ice