View Full Version : Official ;record changes and discussion

05-22-2021, 05:18 AM
Just uploaded a new script: ;record

No idea if something like this already exists or another script does it better or whatever, but I wrote it up for myself and figured I'd share it. Use it, don't use it, it all good.

Pretty simple script: it lets you track information about your items and you can access this information from any character.

Here is the repo information:

Save information about your items and access the information from any character. You can enter any information you want for your items!

Here is an example of how you can save this valuable information:

Bochser: a stout lor runestaff: weapon +35 fire flares
Dreaven: a jade-inlaid orase runestaff: weapon +35
Dreaven: a pitch black iron pick: locker +100 PICK OF DOOM! ...okay my skinning weapon
Ryjin: a sephwir hand crossbow: locker +35 tier 5
Vonaq: a vultite lantern shield: shield +20

Simply run the script for instructions on how to use the script.

Also here are the instructions:

;record add Record information about the item in your right hand. Enter anything you want! For example: ;record add locker +25 lightning flares, or ;record add +50 sword of doom
;record remove Remove all information about the item in your right hand.
;record list List all recorded information for the character running the script. Items are grouped together by first word you added for each item, for example if you entered 'locker' as the first word for multiple items then all items starting with 'locker' will be grouped together.
;record list <name> List all recorded information for the specified person.
;record list all List all items you have recorded information for.
;record reset name confirm Removes all items saved for the character running the script.
;record reset all confirm Removes ALL saved information for ALL characters.