View Full Version : Crashing across multiple characters

08-25-2019, 07:36 AM
error: server_thread: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. @ io_fillbuf - fd:4

Searching across very old threads this appears to be an issue with lich and something do with my IP? I think my Lich is up to date as i just installed everything from via in game about a month ago

Any help would be appreciated

01-06-2020, 01:23 PM
Has anyone else had this issue and resolved it? I moved onto a new laptop on Friday and this has been happening to me randomly ever since. Fresh Lich/Ruby install, and everything else is working fine. Same error message as Doomsday had, and it boots all my logged in characters at once. Stormfront if relevant.

01-06-2020, 01:30 PM
Has anyone else had this issue and resolved it? I moved onto a new laptop on Friday and this has been happening to me randomly ever since. Fresh Lich/Ruby install, and everything else is working fine. Same error message as Doomsday had, and it boots all my logged in characters at once. Stormfront if relevant.

Yes, I had this problem for the last 3 months I was playing. Did it on my old PC, did it on my new PC, talked to my ISP and everything looked normal to them. Talked to SIMU and they said it was my IP.

I have had zero problems with anything else, just Gemstone.

It's ok though, SIMU will never see my money again. As far as I'm concerned it's operated by thieves now anyhow.

01-06-2020, 04:34 PM
Ooh, I struck somebodies nerve.

01-06-2020, 05:48 PM
Has anyone else had this issue and resolved it? I moved onto a new laptop on Friday and this has been happening to me randomly ever since. Fresh Lich/Ruby install, and everything else is working fine. Same error message as Doomsday had, and it boots all my logged in characters at once. Stormfront if relevant.

I've had the same problem a few times also using SF and like Neveragain mentioned it's a been a Gemstone issue. It's a rare occurrence so maybe once or twice a month?

01-06-2020, 06:13 PM
Some days I crash like this on a near constant basis, only on one account of three. Other times I can stay in game for literally weeks. never been able to find a cause, there is little to no logic as to why it happens.

01-06-2020, 07:24 PM
I've had the same problem a few times also using SF and like Neveragain mentioned it's a been a Gemstone issue. It's a rare occurrence so maybe once or twice a month?

It was getting so bad that I had to run a script that put look every 20 seconds or so. It didn't matter if it was Stormfront or Wizard. To me it acted as if it got progressively worse over time and like Ardwen mentioned it tended to be one account over another.

01-08-2020, 07:58 AM
I rebooted my modem and router on Monday night, and was logged in yesterday all day with zero issues. Today, all three accounts booted after about an hour. Shit is frustrating.

01-05-2021, 12:54 AM
So this randomly started up and gotten worse the past week to the point it drops almost ever 2 hours now, ive died almost every time (4 times today) from it, ive been hunting, the error pops up, i come back dead, so its like iots not actually logging me out

This is crazy. I asked on discord and was repeatedly told its my IP which i absolutely do not believe

Anyone every get a fix for this?

01-05-2021, 08:15 AM
No solution I've found but I've also been experiencing this issue lately. Game gets real choppy, lags in and out, 5-10 second pauses, and then boom the lagged time comes immediately and half the time I get disconnected but only on my end. Characters still ghosting on the server. I ping my ISP, no issues. It is super frustrating.

01-05-2021, 08:32 AM
No solution I've found but I've also been experiencing this issue lately. Game gets real choppy, lags in and out, 5-10 second pauses, and then boom the lagged time comes immediately and half the time I get disconnected but only on my end. Characters still ghosting on the server. I ping my ISP, no issues. It is super frustrating.

Yup this has been happening to me in the last 2-3 days too.

01-05-2021, 08:37 AM
Just curious, are you running multiple characters using the same instance of lich?

I found that I had to create multiple lich folders for each character to avoid crashes.

01-05-2021, 08:38 AM
Wow, so it's a year since I bumped this thread with my issue. Replacing my modem+router solved it completely and also significantly improved my home WiFi performance. I didn't know how old and shitty my gear was (~5 years at that time) I guess.

01-05-2021, 09:18 AM
Just curious, are you running multiple characters using the same instance of lich?

I found that I had to create multiple lich folders for each character to avoid crashes.

Yes, I've give that try.

Wow, so it's a year since I bumped this thread with my issue. Replacing my modem+router solved it completely and also significantly improved my home WiFi performance. I didn't know how old and shitty my gear was (~5 years at that time) I guess.

It might be time for some router upgrades. I can't even remember when I bought mine. What model(s) did you end up with? I want to say my modem is decently newish (Arris TM1602).

01-05-2021, 09:54 AM
Wow, so it's a year since I bumped this thread with my issue. Replacing my modem+router solved it completely and also significantly improved my home WiFi performance. I didn't know how old and shitty my gear was (~5 years at that time) I guess.

That's what my ISP recommended I do until I went into the router itself and installed some updates and reevaluated the devices connected to the network. Fuck you, Cox, I'm not renting your cringy buzzword PANORAMIC GIGABLAST router.

01-05-2021, 10:21 AM
No solution I've found but I've also been experiencing this issue lately. Game gets real choppy, lags in and out, 5-10 second pauses, and then boom the lagged time comes immediately and half the time I get disconnected but only on my end. Characters still ghosting on the server. I ping my ISP, no issues. It is super frustrating.

Just because your ping to your ISP is good, doesn't mean the hops for getting to the Simu server from your location are good. Sadly, it could just be something simply out of your control.

I used to have a script I wrote up about 10 years ago when I had my computer help desk job. The script would run a few command prompts when customers complained about bad internet (even though we weren't their ISP some of us more experienced techs tried to help the customer best we could). Each command prompt would apply a date/time stamp and write to it's own text file. One command prompt would ping from your computer to your router, another would ping from your computer to your modem and the others would ping out to a couple of different public DNS. This way I'd just copy the script over to the remote computer and let it run for about 4 hours and then I'd go back in to check the logs and see where the disconnect problems were.

I'd say that about 90% of the time the issue was the ISP or external hops to the desired location (which was connectivity to credit card companies to process sales). The other 10% of the time it was an issue with internal network cabling (cat5/6 cables going bad - generally it's not a concern for most people with wired connections, but these places of business the employees were always fucking around with cabling...moving the router/switch box, unplugging something they shouldn't and so on so the cables got a lot of wear and tear on them from constantly being moved). Replacing the cat5/6 cables generally fixed the issue, sometimes a replacement switch or router was necessary, but it wasn't as common as cables needing replacement.

All you can do on your end is make sure you have a stable network connection which may include as going as far as replacing your wired connections, router and/or modem (which may belong to your ISP and they would have to determine if that was needed). If the issue isn't on your end internally, then the problem is outside of your location and most likely out of your hands.

01-05-2021, 10:45 AM
Yes, I've give that try.

It might be time for some router upgrades. I can't even remember when I bought mine. What model(s) did you end up with? I want to say my modem is decently newish (Arris TM1602).

I got the ISP provided modem and router initially, but that router was a pile that caused me a whole different set of problems (I'd randomly lose DNS and be unable to access the web for a minute or two). After trying and failing to troubleshoot that for a week or two, and my ISP swearing the router was fine, I bought a Netgear Nighthawk R7000 and it kicks ass. Easy to set up and has been problem free operation for almost a year.

01-05-2021, 11:11 AM
I got the ISP provided modem and router initially, but that router was a pile that caused me a whole different set of problems (I'd randomly lose DNS and be unable to access the web for a minute or two). After trying and failing to troubleshoot that for a week or two, and my ISP swearing the router was fine, I bought a Netgear Nighthawk R7000 and it kicks ass. Easy to set up and has been problem free operation for almost a year.

Ironically I just updated my router to a nighthawk AC2300 but still having the issue before and after the router change, i dont have a modem im on fiber

01-05-2021, 12:56 PM
Run a ping to When you crash, see if you have packet loss (will see packet timed out in the ping). If it is a consistent issue, it is likely your ISP, they could have problems in their node or something else that is intermittent enough that they haven't found it yet. Something like that is usually on the local level though, either a problem with your network or your ISP.

To run a ping:
In Windows, hit Windows+R. In the Run window, type “cmd” into the search box, and then hit Enter. At the prompt, type “ping -t" without quotes and then hit Enter. Leave it running while you play so you can check it when your connection drops.

The only time I've had that issue it was an uncapped coax connection in my house causing interference on the coax feed. Capping the unused connection fixed the issue. Networks are imperfect things that no one has time or money to properly maintain, so sometimes you have to do 90% of the work or more yourself to get a resolution to something like this. Or get lucky and get a tech sent out that actually knows what they are doing, but they are far and few between in my experience.

Also, if you use a VPN that can commonly cause other issues like MTU black holes if there are CGNAT providers and such in the path to you and Simu's servers. Much harder to diagnose... still done with pings, but have to manipulate the size of them to find breakpoints.

01-05-2021, 07:51 PM
Run a ping to When you crash, see if you have packet loss (will see packet timed out in the ping). If it is a consistent issue, it is likely your ISP, they could have problems in their node or something else that is intermittent enough that they haven't found it yet. Something like that is usually on the local level though, either a problem with your network or your ISP.

To run a ping:
In Windows, hit Windows+R. In the Run window, type “cmd” into the search box, and then hit Enter. At the prompt, type “ping -t" without quotes and then hit Enter. Leave it running while you play so you can check it when your connection drops.

The only time I've had that issue it was an uncapped coax connection in my house causing interference on the coax feed. Capping the unused connection fixed the issue. Networks are imperfect things that no one has time or money to properly maintain, so sometimes you have to do 90% of the work or more yourself to get a resolution to something like this. Or get lucky and get a tech sent out that actually knows what they are doing, but they are far and few between in my experience.

Also, if you use a VPN that can commonly cause other issues like MTU black holes if there are CGNAT providers and such in the path to you and Simu's servers. Much harder to diagnose... still done with pings, but have to manipulate the size of them to find breakpoints.

Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=18ms TTL=119

that 27ms was the crash, oddly enough with that crash only 2 of the characters crashed out, but the third stayed in a bit after until this

Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=19ms TTL=119
Reply from bytes=32 time=36ms TTL=119

BUT the 2 that crashed out were still at the table in game

The thing is this seems to happen almost exactly every two hours

01-05-2021, 07:55 PM
So its one thing to crash its another to crash out of the interface but then still be in the game, i died 4 times yesterday from it in swarms. Its really annoying.

The router is literally brand new out of the box so that cant be the problem unless there is some setting im missing

01-05-2021, 11:01 PM
If it's timed to 2 hours, it could be your IP changing if it's on a really short lease time but that would be weird. You can check by going to whatismyip.com every couple hours and see if your IP stays the same. If it's changing, it could be something funky with your provider. Like I said though, that would be very weird and non-standard for a fiber provider.

9 extra ms isn't enough to DC you, generally you have to lose some actual packets and the default timeout is 1s on those pings. TCP tends to be fairly forgiving. In my experience, you're more likely to get disconnected if you send a command during the event. If I have 4 characters logged in, and it starts happening to my whole connection, the ones that are idle and not sending anything stay connected for 20 seconds or so.

And so it's a full disconnect, as in you have to log back in to the whole game?

This is the kind of issue where you start having to look at pcaps and really digging in, and sorry bud, that's not something to be done over a forum or for free! :whistle:

Also anytime you lose connection and it's not a clean exit, you stay connected in game for a bit.

Also, do you have a private IP on the WAN interface of your router (starts with 192., 168, or 10.), a CGNAT (starts with 100.) or a public IP (pretty much anything else)? You don't need to post your actual IP, just the first octet or two is enough to determine what kind of IP you're getting from your provider on your router.