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View Full Version : Nelemar Dais's

04-02-2021, 08:58 PM
Ok, brought this up in a different thread. Talked to Kaldonis about it on discord but i was so close to capping I gave up on it for a bit. I grinded out those last couple levels and caped so it's time to see if this can get fixed.


go2 is getting lost at either side of the entrances, or dais's, right when you climb out of the water. I've posted a successful entrance and then one where it "gets lost".


[Ruined Temple, Antechamber - 12675]
Porous coral has grown between the fallen pilasters that block the vaulted archway leading into the atrium to the immediate north. Buried under a pair of fallen statues is a large, tarnished gong and punctured metal brazier. The colonnade sweeps out to both sides, leading further into the temple. You also see some cracked marble steps and some muck.
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[go2]>swim northeast
You manage to paddle your way northeast.
[Ruined Temple - 12676]
Dented and rusted pots litter the crumbling remains of a grand staircase. A gaping hole in the western wall indicates the former location of the column that is now permanently imbedded in the upper section of steps. You also see some muck.
Obvious exits: southwest, up
Roundtime: 3 sec.
* Andarin joins the adventure.
[go2]>swim up
With powerful strokes and kicks, you glide smoothly up and break the surface of the water.

You quickly scramble to your feet.
[Ruined Temple, Dais]
Gentle waves ebb and flow across the short dais, crashing into the carved staircase that leads to the floor above. Several large metal pots, etched with intricate wavy designs, rest at the base of the staircase, rusted and worn where submerged. You also see a triton dissembler, a triton dissembler and a carved marble staircase.
Obvious exits: down
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[uberbar]>peer down
[go2]>go staircase
[Ruined Temple, Second Floor - 12678]
A pair of bronze fire bowls rests near the base of the wall, one toppled and both beyond repair. Streams of water form puddles that flow silently down to the depths below. You also see a fine-grained deep cerulean runestaff, a fine-grained deep cerulean runestaff and a carved marble staircase leading to the submerged dais.
Obvious exits: north, east


With powerful strokes and kicks, you glide smoothly up and break the surface of the water.

[uberbar]>peer down
You quickly scramble to your feet.
[Ruined Temple, Dais]
Gentle waves ebb and flow across the short dais, crashing into the carved staircase that leads to the floor above. Several large metal pots, etched with intricate wavy designs, rest at the base of the staircase, rusted and worn where submerged. You also see a carved marble staircase.
Obvious exits: down
Roundtime: 3 sec.
...wait 3 seconds.
...wait 3 seconds.
A water elemental just came up a carved marble staircase.
[uberbar]>peer down
You peer down and see ...

[Ruined Temple - 12676]
Dented and rusted pots litter the crumbling remains of a grand staircase. A gaping hole in the western wall indicates the former location of the column that is now permanently imbedded in the upper section of steps. You also see some muck.
Obvious exits: southwest, up
[go2: Oh crap.. I'm lost..]
* Obolere joins the adventure.
You can't swim in that direction.
[go2: Oh crap.. I'm lost..]
You can't swim in that direction.
[go2: Oh crap.. I'm lost..]
You can't swim in that direction.
[go2: Oh crap.. I'm lost..]

04-03-2021, 06:39 AM
Stopping and restarting ;go2 has fixed it for me when that's happened.

04-03-2021, 01:09 PM
I'm hoping for a more permanent fix.

04-03-2021, 01:37 PM
I'm hoping for a more permanent fix.

Joining Voln is the best permanent fix.

04-03-2021, 03:24 PM
Joining Voln is the best permanent fix.

What if we hate that idea and want an alternative?

04-03-2021, 07:59 PM
What if we hate that idea and want an alternative?

Stop hating that idea and realize that Voln is the best for everyone.

04-03-2021, 08:07 PM
Voln is pretty hard to beat as it stands.

04-03-2021, 10:45 PM
I'm hoping for a more permanent fix.

Easy. Just create a script that looks for the problem and kills ;go2.

while line = get
if line=~ /You can't swim in that direction/i
fput "swim stair"
kill_script "go2"

If you need to start ;go2 then just modify it but I don't have to since my other script will restart it.

04-05-2021, 07:12 AM
It has been awhile since I was in Nelemar and I had the same problem. All I did was have ;go2 go several rooms past the right side of the dais and I never had a problem.

04-05-2021, 11:22 AM
It has been awhile since I was in Nelemar and I had the same problem. All I did was have ;go2 go several rooms past the right side of the dais and I never had a problem.

I do not have it set to start in the dais room. This is just where it gets hung up.

04-06-2021, 12:40 PM
[QUOTE=Fortybox;2204791]Easy. Just create a script that looks for the problem and kills ;go2.

I don't have the knowledge to make a script :/

If you want to though and upload it, I will gladly use it! Just let me know the script name.

04-25-2021, 04:26 AM
This is a horribly complicated maze in an area I don't hunt. Whoever made it even had the foresight to add that gem "Oh crap.. I'm lost.." so as for myself, I am not planning to tinker with this. Sorry I've no idea what's going on here. When I solved the Miasmal Forest situation back in 2013, it was about 40 hours of work. Anyone who can figure this out and fix it really does not need my advice, but is certainly welcome on the #mapdb channel for brainstorming and exchanging ideas.

04-25-2021, 01:58 PM
[QUOTE=Fortybox;2204791]Easy. Just create a script that looks for the problem and kills ;go2.

I don't have the knowledge to make a script :/

If you want to though and upload it, I will gladly use it! Just let me know the script name.

I can't script worth fuck either. But even then, a simple .cmd script would do the job:

waitfor I'm lost..
put ;kill go2
pause 1
put ;go2 <room#>

This is a horribly complicated maze in an area I don't hunt. Whoever made it even had the foresight to add that gem "Oh crap.. I'm lost.." so as for myself, I am not planning to tinker with this. Sorry I've no idea what's going on here. When I solved the Miasmal Forest situation back in 2013, it was about 40 hours of work. Anyone who can figure this out and fix it really does not need my advice, but is certainly welcome on the #mapdb channel for brainstorming and exchanging ideas.

The map is accurate, if that helps in the meantime.

04-26-2021, 12:59 AM
When I swam in and out of Nelemar, I would run this script:

loop do
wait_until { Room.current.id.to_i == 0 || Room.current.id.to_i == 12677}
if !checkstanding
fput "stand"
sleep 5
if Room.current.id.to_i == 0 || Room.current.id.to_i == 12677
fput "go stair"