View Full Version : Uploaded ;grids to the repo

08-05-2023, 02:10 PM
Uploaded ;grids to the repo.

Here is the ;repo info grids info:

This is currently a work in progress. Many more features are planned for real soon now!

A highly customizable window for tracking all sorts of things.

You can track things like your current stance, your current mind state, whether you have a current offer (someone GIVEs you something), your current group size and names of your group members, who your group leader is, and more (soon!)

You can customize each of these tracking options to look exactly how you want.

Want it to simply say "STANCE OFFENSIVE" in black letters on a white background? You can do that!
Want it to show an emoji of a red shield on a blue background? You can do that too!
Want it to show a picture of a kitten you downloaded from the internet? Believe it or not, you can do that too!

The possibilities are endless and the choices are yours!





08-05-2023, 02:11 PM


08-05-2023, 02:11 PM
As noted this is still a work in progress and I plan to add more features and more tracking options. Taking suggestions for new features, new tracking stuff, and maybe a cooler name than ;grids. I chose ;grids because when I first started work on the script I created a window with 400 buttons on it and they were all arranged like a grid. So yeah. Let me know if I broke anything.

08-07-2023, 02:51 PM
Uploaded a new version of ;grids.

Script can now track bounty information and you can use this to create your own bounty window. You can choose to either show the full BOUNTY text or use a simplified version that just shows the important information. Or you can choose to show both! I don't judge.



08-13-2023, 03:03 PM

This version of ;grids isn't ready for release yet, but it's coming along nicely. Why should Wrayth be the only front end with clickable hyperlinks?! The screenshot shows what is possible to put into a single window of ;grids. While ;grids can basically be a replacement for your FE, it's not a standalone program at this time so you would still need to logon via a FE and then run ;grids, but maybe someday it will be a standalone program.

I'll also be adding more tracking widgets into ;grids so you can track more stuff and stuff.

08-22-2023, 04:27 PM
Next version of ;grids is coming along nicely.

Real soon now!


08-22-2023, 09:07 PM
Can't wait to play with this. Looks fantastic.

08-23-2023, 12:48 AM
Can't wait to play with this. Looks fantastic.

Darn right!

09-03-2023, 05:41 PM
Uploaded new version of ;grids

Version 3: New widget types: Text View which is basically a Game Window in other Front Ends. Entry which is where you type commands to send to the game.
Version 3: In a Text View widget: You can choose which tags (such as speech, whispers, thoughts, etc) you want to see and customize how they look.
Version 3: New tracking options: silvers, experience, left hand, right hand, prepared spell, health, mana, stamina, spirit, round time, cast round time, and maybe some others I forgot.
Version 3: You are no longer limited to certain colors for color options (although those options still work), now you can enter any RGB value or hexadecimal value to use any color you want.
Version 3: You can now copy settings from one widget and paste them to another widget.
Version 3: Other new features I'm sure I am forgetting.

Still very much a work in project and missing some features, but a week ago I started to test the script for memory usage and whatnot and wanted to release this version now so people can play around with it and provide any feedback in regards to memory usage or anything else.

I put the script through some heavy testing with 86 characters all hunting together so there was a lot of screen scroll. I tested for 12 hours (not continuously but most of it) and by the end the memory usage for ;grids + Lich + WizardFE was close to what I saw with my characters who were testing with no ;grids and Wrayth, so Lich memory usage + Wrayth memory usage.

I also tested it 10 characters all running ;grids and it seemed to work just fine.

I'm still working on memory and whatnot for improvements to see if I can cut the memory usage down even more but as I said some feedback would be great.


09-04-2023, 09:37 PM
You try it right now!

Remember the script is highly customizable. What I have shown in the last pic is just what the script defaults to when you first start the script. But do ;grids setup and you can set it up exactly how you want.

You also don't need to use it as a complete FE replacement, you can just have it track a few things without the need to replace the game window or input window thingie.

04-01-2024, 06:30 PM
Enjoying playing around with this for a UI that gives me the information I want at a glance. Any updates since the 09/2023 version on the repo? Didn't see an option for tracking encumbrance which I was going to add a widget type for. Unless I'm misunderstanding, there's not a widget type for entirely custom without modifying the script itself.

04-01-2024, 06:56 PM
Enjoying playing around with this for a UI that gives me the information I want at a glance. Any updates since the 09/2023 version on the repo? Didn't see an option for tracking encumbrance which I was going to add a widget type for. Unless I'm misunderstanding, there's not a widget type for entirely custom without modifying the script itself.

The version on the repo is the latest version. I sort of put this script on the back burner but I can look into getting more widgets going.

How does it run? Any issues with memory or anything?

04-01-2024, 08:21 PM
I'll give you some feedback in 3-5 days. Got it setup close enough to what I want that now I want to see how it does running a few days on end in Shattered. Not sure if I'll have the chat/game window there long term or if I'll run it more as a dashboard. The chat/game window scroll bar refuses to not jump back to current. If I need to go back and check on something that flew by, I currently have to flip over to the wizard.

04-01-2024, 08:56 PM
The chat/game window scroll bar refuses to not jump back to current.

Hmm. That's weird, I thought I had that fixed. I can take a look at that.

04-01-2024, 09:44 PM
Also I uploaded a new version that can now track Encumbrance.

You can set the Progress Bar Fraction to 0 for Encumbrance and it would work similarly to Health and Spirit, that is if your encumbrance is at 0% the bar would be at 0% and if your encumbrance is at 75% the bar would be 75% full.

I'll probably move to this system for most bars in the future for widgets that have a percentage system like this.

Let me know what other widgets you would like to see tracked.

04-01-2024, 10:42 PM
Thanks for adding that. I changed it out and am going to try to resist the urge to stop the script for a 48-72 hours. If you're curious here is what I've got running. If I use it as an entire replacement to the FE, I intend to have six of these tiled on a 2560x1440 screen. Not trying to go crazy with concurrent accounts.

Other random observations: Text generated by lich does not appear in the chat window. The mind state and now encumbrance widgets have an odd behavior for widget width. Both are set at 35 in this screenshot, but in reality they are 150.


04-01-2024, 10:49 PM
Looks awesome.

Other random observations: Text generated by lich does not appear in the chat window.

Yeah I think that was one of the things I was working on before I moved this script to the back burner.

The mind state and now encumbrance widgets have an odd behavior for widget width. Both are set at 35 in this screenshot, but in reality they are 150.

Do you mean you want them to be 35 pixels in width but the script is setting them to 150?

If so it might have something to do with the progress bar if you are using bars for those widgets. I think there is a minimum size progress bars can be set to in GTK3.

04-01-2024, 11:04 PM
Do you mean you want them to be 35 pixels in width but the script is setting them to 150?

If so it might have something to do with the progress bar if you are using bars for those widgets. I think there is a minimum size progress bars can be set to in GTK3.

No, I mean the configs says 35 for the value of widget width, yet the widget is in reality 150. I want it at 150, so it's not an issue for what I am doing here. I'll take a closer look at progress bar settings, but I don't remember a widget width there at all. That said, I'm just going to let it run to see if Wizard+Grids can do what SF/Wrayth cannot and run for days on end.

04-01-2024, 11:17 PM
No, I mean the configs says 35 for the value of widget width, yet the widget is in reality 150. I want it at 150, so it's not an issue for what I am doing here.

Oh yeah, I think progress bars in GTK3 have a minimum size, could be what's going on here.

That said, I'm just going to let it run to see if Wizard+Grids can do what SF/Wrayth cannot and run for days on end.

That would be awesome to know. Let me know what happens. From the testing I did the Ruby garbage collection did a pretty good job in the script of keeping memory usage down. I didn't notice any memory leaks, but I only tested it for about 12 hours. Would be great to know what happens after a few days.

One of these days I'm going to look into seeing if I can convert ;grids into a standalone program that can directly connect to GS without needing to use a different FE first, but that's for a future date.

04-11-2024, 11:30 AM
So after about a week, I've seen no issues running grids from a performance or memory usage standpoint. The ruby processes associated with the clients using grids are about 50-100mb higher in RAM usage at any given time than those not running grids. (250 vs 300-350). I cannot recall seeing it peak above ~350mb on memory usage over the past week. Starting to convert more of my accounts to this setup.

04-11-2024, 01:12 PM
So after about a week, I've seen no issues running grids from a performance or memory usage standpoint. The ruby processes associated with the clients using grids are about 50-100mb higher in RAM usage at any given time than those not running grids. (250 vs 300-350). I cannot recall seeing it peak above ~350mb on memory usage over the past week. Starting to convert more of my accounts to this setup.

That's awesome to hear.