View Full Version : Uploaded new script ;stats

05-13-2022, 01:10 AM
Shows a bunch of cool stats about your character that either aren't shown anywhere, or are shown via many different commands.

Simply run the script and it will display stats such as your character's weight, your character's carrying capacity, health regeneration, natural crit padding, and more!

Requires Lich version 5.5.0 or greater.

Example outputs:

Body weight: 233 pounds
Carrying capacity: 94.36 pounds
Citizenship: Icemule Trace
Society: Council of Light rank 20
Experience absorption: 40/min on super node, 29/min off node. Both assume 1000 field exp. +1 if grouped
Health regen: 16/min
Stamina regen: 42/min
Mana regen: 166/pulse on node, 115/pulse off node
Spirit regen: 0.4/min on node, 0.2/min off node
Physical damage reduction: 0%
Magical damage reduction: 0%
MSTRIKE: 3 unfocused targets, 0 focused attacks.
FoF foes ignored beyond 1: 2
Melee aim base success: 22% hidden, 73% open. Assumes 0 bonus from weapon, area, and target status.
Hurling aim base success: 95% open. Assumes 0 bonus same as above.
Ranged aim base success: 75% hidden, 75% open. Same 0 bonus. +5 crossbow, +20 crossbow+kneeling. Max 75.
Natural crit padding: 4
Natural crit weighting: 8 (assumes weapon speed 6 and 1 hand open), 4 (assumes weapon speed 5 and no hand open)
Melee RT reduction: 4 seconds
Ranged RT reduction: 2 seconds (doesn't include spells or other temporary boosts)

Body weight: 135 pounds
Carrying capacity: 58.04 pounds
Citizenship: Icemule Trace
Society: Order of Voln rank 26
Experience absorption: 38/min on super node, 28/min off node. Both assume 1000 field exp. +1 if grouped
Health regen: 18/min
Stamina regen: 52/min
Mana regen: 78/pulse on node, 48/pulse off node
Spirit regen: 0.8/min on node, 0.4/min off node
Physical damage reduction: 40.81%
Magical damage reduction: 0%
MSTRIKE: 6 unfocused targets, 4 focused attacks.
FoF foes ignored beyond 1: 5
Melee aim base success: 27% hidden, 95% open. Assumes 0 bonus from weapon, area, and target status.
Hurling aim base success: 95% open. Assumes 0 bonus same as above.
Ranged aim base success: 75% hidden, 75% open. Same 0 bonus. +5 crossbow, +20 crossbow+kneeling. Max 75.
Natural crit padding: 7
Natural crit weighting: 8 (assumes weapon speed 6 and 1 hand open), 2 (assumes weapon speed 5 and no hand open)
Melee RT reduction: 5 seconds
Ranged RT reduction: 1 seconds (doesn't include spells or other temporary boosts)

05-13-2022, 01:10 AM
Give me your suggestions for other stats you want the script to track and calculate.

05-13-2022, 06:29 AM
Already added some more stats: Natural bolt crit weighting, base trading bonus, character creation date info.

Character created date: 8/6/2013, which was 8 years and 282 days ago.
Base trading boost: 25%
Natural bolt crit weighting: 10

Body weight: 135 pounds
Carrying capacity: 68.03 pounds
Character created date: 8/6/2013, which was 8 years and 282 days ago.
Citizenship: Icemule Trace
Base trading bonus: 25%
Society: Council of Light rank 20
Experience absorption: 38/min on super node, 28/min off node. Both assume 1000 field exp. +1 if grouped
Health regen: 8/min
Stamina regen: 34/min
Mana regen: 155/pulse on node, 105/pulse off node
Spirit regen: 0.8/min on node, 0.4/min off node
Physical damage reduction: 0%
Magical damage reduction: 0%
MSTRIKE: 3 unfocused targets, 0 focused attacks.
FoF foes ignored beyond 1: 2
Melee aim base success: 29% hidden, 79% open. Assumes 0 bonus from weapon, area, and target status. Max 95.
Hurling aim base success: 95% open. Assumes 0 bonus same as above. Max 95.
Ranged aim base success: 75% hidden, 75% open. Same 0 bonus. +5 crossbow, +20 crossbow+kneeling. Max 75.
Natural crit padding: 7
Natural melee crit weighting: 8 (assumes weapon speed 6 and 1 hand open), 2 (assumes weapon speed 5 and no hand open)
Natural bolt crit weighting: 10
Melee RT reduction: 5 seconds
Ranged RT reduction: 1 seconds (doesn't include spells or other temporary boosts)

Download this awesomeness today!

05-13-2022, 06:55 AM
you won't find a way to track time played!??!

05-13-2022, 06:57 AM
you won't find a way to track time played!??!

The game tells you when you created your character when you do "info start", I just used this information to calculate how many years/days ago that was :p

But if you mean how many hours you have actually spent on your character then no, script won't do that.

05-13-2022, 07:01 AM
Yes I meant time like hours muhahahahhaha

05-13-2022, 02:57 PM
Two things that would be helpful...

%xp through your current level
Somehow to show how much time you have left on spells (ie. do you need to attend a dreavening?)

05-13-2022, 07:46 PM
Uploaded a new version.

Version 3: Script now tracks House/MHO membership if this information is shown in your profile.
Version 3: Script now shows percantage towards next level and percentage towards cap if under level 100, and what percentage past cap if you are level 100.

Experience: 61.33% towards next level, 23.48% towards cap

Experience: 493.43% of cap

05-13-2022, 07:47 PM
Somehow to show how much time you have left on spells (ie. do you need to attend a dreavening?)

The answer to this is always "yes."

05-13-2022, 09:22 PM
oh spell burst calculator would be nice!

05-13-2022, 09:23 PM
oh spell burst calculator would be nice!

Your face would be nice! But yeah, spellburst calculator would be nice too.

05-14-2022, 06:56 PM
Minor bug with the house/mho membership info as it pertains to officers.

House/MHO membership: Membership could not be determined


Bartender of House of Paupers

Maybe doing an extra fuzzy search on xxx of <House>? That one will be a slight pita cause of individual officer titles.

05-14-2022, 07:04 PM
Minor bug with the house/mho membership info as it pertains to officers.

House/MHO membership: Membership could not be determined


Bartender of House of Paupers

Maybe doing an extra fuzzy search on xxx of <House>? That one will be a slight pita cause of individual officer titles.

Should be fixed now, along with these new stats: Voln favor, GoS prestige, fame, profession guild ranks.