View Full Version : Some sbounty help please?

04-25-2020, 03:59 PM
I thought I had everything right. I don't know why bigshot would be missing commands... these are configured in both bigshot as well as sbounty.

Sank you!

>;sbounty bigshot
--- Lich: sbounty active.
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot active.
--- Lich: sbounty-bigshot has exited.
You are already an orase runestaff.
--- Lich: bigshot active.
| ERROR: Missing required setting: hunting_commands
| Current Settings:
| fried:
| oom:
| rest_till_mana:
| rest_till_exp:
| hunting_commands:
[bigshot: Cleaning up hunting scripts: bigshot-child.]
[bigshot: Cleaning up hunting scripts: manaleech.]

04-25-2020, 04:29 PM
;bigshot display
[bigshot: Version: 3.88]
[bigshot: resting_room_id: 1472]
[bigshot: resting_scripts: restroutine]
[bigshot: fog_return: 0]
[bigshot: hunting_room_id: 9033]
[bigshot: hunting_boundaries: 5063]
[bigshot: targets: wood wight,rotting woodsman]
[bigshot: hunting_stance: offensive]
[bigshot: hunting_prep_commands: unsh]
[bigshot: hunting_scripts: bigshot-child, manaleech]
[bigshot: signs: 9904, 9908, 9912]
[bigshot: loot_script: waitloot]
[bigshot: wracking_spirit: 7]
[bigshot: flee_count: 2]
[bigshot: hunting_commands_b: incant 502,wait 1,incant 903 evoke(xx),wait 1]
[bigshot: hunting_commands_d: 906(x1), incant 903(xx)]
[bigshot: tier3: kick]
[bigshot: rest_till_exp: 75]
[bigshot: rest_till_mana: 126]
[bigshot: rest_till_spirit: 7]
[bigshot: fried: 100]
[bigshot: oom: 0]
[bigshot: encumbered: 20]
[bigshot: wounded_eval: false]
[bigshot: dead_man_switch: false]
[bigshot: monitor_interaction: false]
[bigshot: depart_switch: false]
[bigshot: flee_clouds: true]
[bigshot: flee_vines: true]
[bigshot: flee_webs: true]
[bigshot: priority: true]
[bigshot: use_wracking: true]
[bigshot: delay_loot: false]
[bigshot: loot_stance: true]
[bigshot: pull: true]
[bigshot: spam: true]
[bigshot: lone_targets_only: false]
[bigshot: bless: false]
[bigshot: uac_smite: false]
[bigshot: mstrike_cooldown: false]
[bigshot: mstrike_quickstrike: false]
[bigshot: hide_for_ammo: false]
[bigshot: wand_if_oom: false]
[bigshot: overkill: 1]
[bigshot: Targetable Character Setting: ["bay centaur", "roan centaur", "tan centaur", "white centaur", "black centaur", "cougar", "shining cougar", "fenghai", "firephantom", "sea nymph", "pra'eda", "snow spectre", "wood wight", "arch wight", "rotting woodsman", "carrion worm", "wraith"]]
[bigshot: Untargetable Character Setting: []]

04-25-2020, 04:34 PM
Disregard, I deleted and re-configured everything, seems to work now.