View Full Version : Uploaded my official DR digging script

03-02-2022, 11:03 PM
I uploaded my digging script I've been working on while slogging through these shovels and scripting while streaming.

The script is called ;digdug

It squelches most common game lines you'll see while digging, it tracks how long you've been digging, how many items you have found while digging, and will display a short summary in an easy to read fashion every time after you dig which lists these stats in addition to which items you have found during this dig. You can also do ;digdug stats to see your overall stats.

Example of what the stats looks like:

################################################## ################
# Number of uses remaining on this pickaxe: 97 #
# Number of digs remaining: 1 #
# You have been digging for 1929 seconds. #
# You have dug 222 times and found 49 boxes. #
# You are averaging 1 box every 4 digs/every 39 seconds. #
# Items found this dig: #
# ------------------------------ #
# jagged white sunstone shard x 8 #
# broken white opal sphere x 7 #
# white dreamstone sliver x 6 #
# coarse grey moonstone shard x 2 #
# blue feather-shaped charm x 7 #
# black opal fragment x 8 #
# cracked ur-barath stone x 2 #
# thin platinum strip x 1 #
# blood red garnet chunk x 8 #
# twisted branch of wyrwood x 1 #
################################################## ################

03-03-2022, 03:08 PM
i dig this script! love all the squelching, summaries, and selling abilities

03-03-2022, 03:13 PM
i dig this script! love all the squelching, summaries, and selling abilities

You bet your sweet ass you love it!

03-03-2022, 03:20 PM
There is one slight bug where it doesn't record the item name and instead it shows up as a blank line in the item list. I'm not sure exactly what causes that to happen and it happens to infrequently that I couldn't be bothered to track down what was doing it.

I recorded over 1000 items using the script and only noticed it a handful of times so it's not too common. Maybe next dig I'll find what caused it and fix it :p

The other minor bug is sometimes there are TWO items inside of coffins and I didn't set the script up to account for this so when this happens the script will record something like this:

white dreamstone sliver and a rigid chunk of balenite x 1

Which is of course two separate items. But those are very minor bugs. Other than those two small bugs the script is perfect. PERFECT I SAY!

03-03-2022, 03:56 PM
Even with a script this dig game is fucking cancer. :lol:

03-05-2022, 06:25 PM
Uploaded new version of ;digdug

Version 3: Added option to not automatically throw trash items away as you find them. To use start script as: ;digdug dig no