View Full Version : Uploaded ;combat-window

05-07-2023, 04:42 AM
Uploaded my latest and greatest script to the repo!

This script creates a window that lists up 9 critters that are in your current room. The window will list each critter's name, their current status, and will have a button you can click so you will target that particular critter. Script will also list which critter you have targeted. Script will also state if someone in your current room is "obviously hiding" and will state which people are "possibly hiding" in your room based on their disk being in the room but they aren't currently visible in your room.

I have some ideas for this script so it is a work in progress and I am open to suggestions for what to add to the window.




Oh yeah, since it's not obvious from the description I have up there, the script runs in the background and the window updates as you move between rooms.

05-07-2023, 10:42 AM
Does it filter out animates?

Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

05-07-2023, 02:46 PM
Does it filter out animates?

Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

Good question. Probably. If not I can fix it so it does.

05-08-2023, 12:28 AM
Uploaded a new version!

Version 2: Added an "Action" indicator under every critter in the room. This will show if the critter has a spell prepared, if the critter is in RT, or will show "Unknown" if the script doesn't know what the critter is doing.
Version 2: There is now an auto-targeting feature. You can have the script automatically target a critter based on if they are stunned, prone (plus a bunch of other status conditions), preparing a spell, or if they have no status conditions at all.

The spell prep tracker and auto targeting feature was requested by another player. Get your ideas in on in this window!

Note about spell preps and critter RT: To my knowledge there is no actual way to track when a critter prepares a spell nor to track when they are in RT. So what I have done is gathered a few samples of critter spell prep messages and the script checks for those messages to determine if a critter is preparing a spell. If you notice any spell prep messages while you're hunting, and spell cast messages for that matter, go ahead and send them to me and I can add them to the script.

For RT the script simply looks for ANY action the critter takes and gives them a 6 second RT, which may be more or less than what their actual RT is. Once their RT timer is up the script will simply list "Unknown" for their action.


05-09-2023, 05:20 AM
Another update for ;combat-window? WHAT?
Version 3: Added a setup menu where you can customize the color of the Combat Window and all of the text.

05-09-2023, 06:15 AM
Also as far as critter status effects are concerned, the script just goes by what the game tells us. So like the game tells us when a critter is frozen, prone, stunned, kneeling, etc etc, so the script can track all of those.

But the game doesn't tell us if critters are under certain effects, such as blind. If you see an effect isn't being tracked by the script and you want it to be tracked by the script, simply send me the game line of a critter coming under the effects of said effect and the game line of said effect wearing off of the critter and I'll add it to the script. I'm much too lazy to go around and manually gather all of those game lines myself.

05-09-2023, 09:05 AM
Also as far as critter status effects are concerned, the script just goes by what the game tells us. So like the game tells us when a critter is frozen, prone, stunned, kneeling, etc etc, so the script can track all of those.

But the game doesn't tell us if critters are under certain effects, such as blind. If you see an effect isn't being tracked by the script and you want it to be tracked by the script, simply send me the game line of a critter coming under the effects of said effect and the game line of said effect wearing off of the critter and I'll add it to the script. I'm much too lazy to go around and manually gather all of those game lines myself.

Why not just write a script to capture these lines as you play along?

Then again, I suppose you need to know what to look for, but what do I know....my scripting knowledge ended about 20 years ago with C++

05-09-2023, 02:57 PM
Why not just write a script to capture these lines as you play along?

Then again, I suppose you need to know what to look for, but what do I know....my scripting knowledge ended about 20 years ago with C++

Yeah it’s impossible to know what to look for. Sometimes the status effects are obvious (like I’m pretty sure blind actually states they are blinded) but sometimes it’s not so obvious.

05-11-2023, 02:18 AM
Another update?! He's a mad man!

Version 4: Added an option to add up to 30 customizable buttons to the main window that can automatically enter commands when clicked. These buttons are totally optional so just set the number of buttons to 0 if you don't want to use these buttons.

Why type when playing GS when you can just click buttons!


