View Full Version : Uploaded ;dirty-deeds for all of your deed getting needs!
03-26-2022, 03:05 AM
tl;dr version: script will appraise all gems in the container you specify, calculate how much gem value you need to get a deed, and drop the needed gems in order to get you a deed. It will keep getting deeds in this manner until you either: run out of gems, don't have enough gem value to get a deed, or you get the number of deeds you specify.
Before using the script and read all of the instructions to ensure you don't use up gems you wanna save or anything like that. Keep in mind it will use ALL gems in the container you specify. So best thing is to put the gems you want to use for deeds in a separate container and point the script to that container.
What does this script do you ask? What doesn't this script do I answer!
For instructions on how to use the script start script as:
You like deeds right? Of course you do! Everyone does! But who likes to do all of the guess work of how many gems and which gems you need to drop in order to get a deed? No one!
This script takes all of the guess work out of getting you those deeds!
Simply start up the script with the name of the container filled with gems you want to use to get deeds with and the script will appraise all of the gems to get their values (and even take your trading bonus into account to get their base value) and use those values to figure out which gems you need to drop in order to receive a deed. The script then drops said deeds to get you a deed. AMAZING!
The script starts out using the accepted formula on the wiki for gaining deeds, which is: 101 + (level * 100) + (deeds * 100), with gems being worth about 3x their base value.
However this formula isn't perfect and at high experience levels is faily inaccurate. When the script determines it can no longer rely on the formula for getting you deeds it will instead add 500 silvers to the total gem value you used when you last failed, and remember this figure until you fail to get a deed again.
For example if you used 3,000 silvers in gems to attempt to get a deed and didn't get a deed then the script will use 3,500 silvers in gem value from then on until you once again fail to get a deed, at which point if you failed to get a deed with 3,800 silvers in gem value it will start doing 4,300 silvers in value, etc etc.
The script also tracks various stats every time you attempt to get a deed; stats such as total gem value used in deed attempt, your total experience at the time, how many deeds you had, and whether or not you gained a deed with the attempt.
;dirty-deeds stats: see all of your stats when attempting to get deeds.
;dirty-deeds reset: reset all of your stats.
03-26-2022, 03:05 AM
Some stats I have already collected, because I'm cool like that:
Attempt number: 1, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 4,868, Deeds: 37, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 2, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 4,748, Deeds: 38, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 3, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 3,990, Deeds: 39, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 4, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 3,990, Deeds: 40, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 5, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 3,894, Deeds: 41, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 6, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 3,856, Deeds: 42, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 7, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 3,665, Deeds: 43, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 8, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 2,374, Deeds: 44, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 9, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 2,479, Deeds: 45, Deed gained: No
Attempt number: 10, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 3,170, Deeds: 45, Deed gained: No
Attempt number: 11, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 3,741, Deeds: 45, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 12, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 3,743, Deeds: 46, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 13, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 4,476, Deeds: 47, Deed gained: Yes
Attempt number: 14, Total experience: 832,930, Gem value: 3,940, Deeds: 48, Deed gained: Yes
03-26-2022, 03:29 AM
tl;dr version: script will appraise all gems in the container you specify, calculate how much gem value you need to get a deed, and drop the needed gems in order to get you a deed. It will keep getting deeds in this manner until you either: run out of gems, don't have enough gem value to get a deed, or you get the number of deeds you specify.
03-26-2022, 05:10 AM
ZOMG! A new verion of ;dirty-deeds already that allows you add gems to a list of gems not to use for deeds? AMAZING!
03-26-2022, 09:47 AM
03-26-2022, 02:06 PM
03-26-2022, 04:53 PM
Another update already?! How does he do it?!
There are two new features.
save/load. You can now save your settings and load them so you don't have to enter the settings every time you start script.
Example: ;dirty-deeds cloak max10 3000 save
Would save your gem container as "cloak", the maximum number of deeds you want to get as "10", and the max gem value over minimum as "3000".
Now all you have to do is ;dirty-deeds load to use these settings. No other commands required!
New command: confirm
This makes it so you have to confirm before any gems are dropped. Example ;dirty-deeds cloak confirm
The confirm command is saved when you use it so you never have to use it again. Do ;dirty-deeds cloak stop-confirm to stop requiring confirmation.
With confirm enabled, the script will list which gems it will drop to get a deed and ask you to confirm if this is acceptable to you.
Doing ;send confirm will have the script drop the gems for a deed.
Doing ;send cancel will have the script save all of the gems listed and continue on.
03-26-2022, 05:25 PM
Based on my limited data, it appears there are breakpoints in number of deeds that increases deed cost, or perhaps a combination of experience and number of deeds.
Here are the stats from one character:
################################################## ################################################## #######
# Attempt number: 1, Total experience: 28,369,597, Gem value: 5,468, Deeds: 48, Deed gained: No #
# Attempt number: 2, Total experience: 28,377,916, Gem value: 6,400, Deeds: 48, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 3, Total experience: 28,377,972, Gem value: 10,349, Deeds: 49, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 4, Total experience: 28,377,972, Gem value: 10,300, Deeds: 50, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 5, Total experience: 28,377,972, Gem value: 8,329, Deeds: 51, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 6, Total experience: 28,377,972, Gem value: 10,200, Deeds: 52, Deed gained: No #
# Attempt number: 7, Total experience: 28,378,141, Gem value: 12,909, Deeds: 52, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 8, Total experience: 28,378,305, Gem value: 12,583, Deeds: 53, Deed gained: Yes #
################################################## ################################################## #######
So 6400 was enough to get a deed at 48 deeds, 8329 was enough to get a deed at 51 deeds, but then 10200 wasn't enough to get a deed at 52 deeds.
I had another character that showed something similar (a sudden big increase in required silvers after just 1 deed) but I deleted those stats because I suck :(
03-27-2022, 05:39 AM
ZOMG! ;dirty-deeds now works in Icemule too?!? Use those wands and lockpicks for some deeds done dirty cheap!
Stats are tracked on a per city basis.
Also the script tracks which town the formula no longer seems to work for you in. So if the script notices the formula doesn't work in Icemule it will note that but it will still use the formula for Landing until it notices that it no longer works in Landing as well.
################################################## ################################################## ####
# #
# Landing stats: #
# Attempt number: 1, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 9,879, Deeds: 56, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 2, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 9,783, Deeds: 57, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 3, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 8,113, Deeds: 58, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 4, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 7,159, Deeds: 59, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 5, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 7,063, Deeds: 60, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 6, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 5,040, Deeds: 61, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 7, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 4,986, Deeds: 62, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 8, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 4,963, Deeds: 63, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 9, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 4,915, Deeds: 64, Deed gained: No #
# Attempt number: 10, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 5,546, Deeds: 64, Deed gained: No #
# Attempt number: 11, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 6,596, Deeds: 64, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 12, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 6,498, Deeds: 65, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 13, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 6,070, Deeds: 66, Deed gained: No #
# Attempt number: 14, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 7,738, Deeds: 66, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 15, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 7,142, Deeds: 67, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 16, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 6,784, Deeds: 68, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 17, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 7,704, Deeds: 69, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 18, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 8,009, Deeds: 70, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 19, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 8,228, Deeds: 71, Deed gained: Yes #
# #
# Icemule stats: #
# Attempt number: 1, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 3,325, Deeds: 50, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 2, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 3,270, Deeds: 51, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 3, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 3,322, Deeds: 52, Deed gained: No #
# Attempt number: 4, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 3,979, Deeds: 52, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 5, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 3,830, Deeds: 53, Deed gained: No #
# Attempt number: 6, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 4,773, Deeds: 53, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 7, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 4,414, Deeds: 54, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 8, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 4,665, Deeds: 55, Deed gained: No #
# Attempt number: 9, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 5,587, Deeds: 55, Deed gained: Yes #
# Attempt number: 10, Total experience: 855,738, Gem value: 6,008, Deeds: 56, Deed gained: No #
################################################## ################################################## ####
03-27-2022, 02:53 PM
Uploaded a new version that fixes a bug I introduced with the previous version that caused the script to no longer work.
So now it, like, works, and stuff.
03-30-2022, 11:38 PM
If someone wants to give me 50 or so RR gems I can maybe, possibly, someday, update this script to work in RR.
04-05-2022, 02:50 AM
How can this script possibly get any better??!?!?! This is how!!!!!!
Lots of new features and changes!
All of your Landing stats will be reset. Please don't hurt me!
Script now works in River's Rest using River's Rest gems.
Script no longer uses command line variables when starting the script, instead there is now a setup menu where all of your options are saved.
There are still command line variables to use for certain features. Be sure to do ;dirty-deeds help to see all of the settings and options.
;dirty-deeds reset has been changed to ;dirty-deeds reset stats
New option: ;dirty-deeds reset formula - This makes the script go back to using the accepted formula in all towns.
New option: You can now set the minimum silver value to use to get a deed. Example: ;dirty-deeds setto 10000 would use 10000 silvers as the minimum to get a deed.
New option in setup menu: You can choose how many silvers you want to increase the minimum silvers needed whenever you fail to get a deed.
New option in setup menu: You can choose what multiplier you want to use in each town. For example you can tell the script to use 2.6 times the value of gems in Landing and 3.1 times the value of wands and lockpicks in Icemule.
Script no longer automatically starts running around and getting you deeds when you start the script. Instead the script tells you all of your stats and various settings and then gives you a menu of options of which town you want to get a deed in.
Main takeaways: Script now works in River's Rest! Did away with all of the command lines because all of the various options I added to the script made the command line variables too clunky, so now you all get a setup menu, and I know everyone loves setup menus!
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