View Full Version : 7x (+35) Acid Flaring Runestaff with Snake Zests

04-15-2016, 01:10 PM
Selling this thing, full 7x (+35) enchanted, acid flares, max light, and snake zests.

a spine-carved pale white crook with a black-tongued sidewinder wrapped around it

No longer for sale, the snake has been stripped.

>rub crook
As you touch your crook, the black-tongued sidewinder recoils defensively and rattles its tail.

>tilt crook
You tilt your crook from left to right, the light playing off of it. The black-tongued sidewinder wrapped around it looks highly annoyed and hisses, baring its fangs.

>tap crook
You gently tap your pale white crook and the black-tongued sidewinder hisses as it hurriedly slithers down the length of it in a tight spiral. Just as quickly, it turns and slinks back to its original position.

>pull crook
You grab your black-tongued sidewinder wrapped around your crook and give it a solid yank! It hisses dangerously at you.

>prod crook
You prod at your pale white crook with the tip of your finger, and the black-tongued sidewinder coiled around it lunges out at you, flickering its silvery black tongue as a warning signal.

>smooch crook
As you ignorantly attempt to kiss your pale white crook, the black-tongued sidewinder lashes out at you aggressively! What ever were you thinking?

>hug crook
As you ignorantly attempt to hug your pale white crook, the black-tongued sidewinder lashes out at you aggressively! What ever were you thinking?

>stare crook
You stare intently at the black-tongued sidewinder spiraled around your pale white crook. With a transfixed stare, its icy black eyes seem to follow you cautiously as if ready to strike.

04-15-2016, 01:11 PM
If I recall correctly, snake flares won't happen on a runestaff unless swung. Right?

04-15-2016, 02:16 PM
If I recall correctly, snake flares won't happen on a runestaff unless swung. Right?

Correct, I have not seen this staff flare anything snaky when casting spells, just the acid flare.

04-15-2016, 05:47 PM
This is snake zest not snake flaring. There is a seperate script for that.

04-17-2016, 03:22 AM
Like Rolfard said, but to elaborate a bit more. There were two living snake related services offered in the past, one to add just the snake and one to add the snake and it's flares. The snake flares are a script-based flare, but on the older end of things and would prevent another flare from being added. The snakes alone do not prevent you from adding other aspects that fit in the flare spot. So, one way to look at it is getting the fun living snake without having a worthless(on a runestaff) flare taking up the spot and having, instead, a somewhat useful flare.

04-19-2016, 10:58 AM
Better bid before I strip that snake!

04-19-2016, 03:30 PM
great design good luck with the sale

04-26-2016, 09:37 AM
Bump and lowered price.