View Full Version : Shop Stuff

05-03-2016, 11:06 AM
An elegant speckled marble boutique with a gabled roof
Lich Room ID: 351

Listing these here if someone wants to go pick anything up for current prices before I revamp the shop; Added a couple of things including a raffle quality snow satchel that can hold 80 snowballs and produce a snowbank 1x per day.

a dual-bladed vaalorn handaxe, 4x (+18) perm heavy crit weighting, max light, T2 ensorcelled. 9m

a finely honed rolaren khopesh set with a large amethyst, god auction 4x falchion with random crit weighting up to masterful against living, 3x permablessed w/holy water flares against undead. T2 ensorcelled. Show/named: 25m

A strange necrotic haze radiates from the khopesh.
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:
Shadow's Slave

a ruby-hilted black rolaren longsword with tattered zombie skin wound about its hilt, 6x blessable. 2.5m

a shrouded dark cotton shirt, 4x old alter torso chain, 1.25m

a thick golvern aegis, 5x large shield, 500k

a twisted kelyn flamberge with a mist-shrouded necrotic serpent wrapped around it, 5x snake flares, scripts, etc. 1.65m

a viciously serrated moon axe with a knotwork-carved ivory haft, 6x perm mechanical flares (hits the same location, will crit sometimes and flare up to 60), T2 ensorcelled, max light. 12m

a well-balanced eonake short sword, +21 perm decent crit weighting, +9 OHE bonus and some other enhancives I don't care about, amazing for TWC. 8m

an etched rhimar longsword with a niveous suede grip, 6x cold flares, max light, T2 ensorcelled. 4m

some darkly stained double leather, 4x fairly or somewhat damage padded. 350k

some shimmering void black armor, 7x MBP, T3 ensorcelled, max light; old boxfound that had (fully unlocked Gizwizit?) scripts added. Show/named: 18m

Pure rolaren has been seamlessly forged and dyed void black, creating the appearance of nearly surfaceless depth. Azure blazestars studded randomly into the armor glimmer ephemerally, mirroring the cold light of the stars against the inky canopy of night, before fading back into hiding amidst their twinkling brethren. A strange necrotic haze radiates from the armor.
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:
~ Bejeweled Battle ~

a blackened long-bladed khopesh, old 5x blessable falchion. 2m

a deadly serrated-edged blade, old 4x vibe flares broadsword. 750k

a jagged orcish vultite cutlass, old 4x perm heavy damage weighting scimitar. 2m

a jet black vultite lance, 5x enchanted, 2x defender. 1.5m

a silvery mithril mesh jazerant, 5x aug chain, perm decent crit padding, max light. 9m

a wickedly sharp handaxe, old, 3x perm decent damage weighting. 200k

an icy steel broadsword, old, 0x fire flares. Glacier glyph. 750k

a black rolaren mesh sack, auto open-close. Has been lightened once. 1.5m

a dark invar dwarven-forged claidhmore, old invar claid. 1.5m

a dual-bladed black rolaren waraxe, 5x realm flaring, realm scripts when retrieving. 2m

a glaes-ringed hoarbeam runestaff, +27 runestaff. 750k

a rugged dark leather surcoat, armor concealer for soft leather, rigid leather, chain mail and plate mail armor which covers torso, arms and legs when it is worn. 900k

some glaes brigandine armor, 3x perm decent crit padding, lightened significantly. 750k

a silvery-blue scaled dragon kite with a tail of smoke-hued ribbons, altered super scripted fluff. 1.75m

a black rolaren puzzle ring with frosted interlocking bands, red ice ring, heavily scripted fun and can severely ruin AFK scripters when they have an empty hand. Ice color can be altered via PP. 9m

a dwarven wand harness, old, lightened. 4m

some steel-toed dwarven boots, old, pocketed and heavily scripted. 7m

a jet black spidersilk cloak edged with silver silk trim, attuning living spiders cloak. 900k

a veniom threaded harness, 777k

a xenium anklet, ice age, self-charging 3x ewave every 5 days. 15m

an ebon-handled invar shovel, permanent digging shovel for indefinite EG prizes, and this may be the last year to use it. 18m

a seashell comb, pin-worn. I think these were the first ever wearable combs, and I've only seen one other back when GS was in its prime. 20m

an oilskin ice-blue satchel, raffle quality, produces a snowbank 1x per day, holds 80 snowballs. Alterable. 1 of 5 that exist, I believe. 12m

some vultite studded leather, 5x reinforced leather. 250k

an invar skeleton key strung on a thin black vaalin chain, wearable superb quality lockpick. 750k