View Full Version : Gwen cut me off auction!

03-22-2016, 08:58 PM
1- A suit of body armor- 8x heavily crit(PERM) padded full leathers 7 pounds & Tier 3 voln armor
70 mil min
80 buyout

The harmonics generated tell you that the armor serves to reduce the severity of inflicted wounds.
The body armor resonates with your voice, indicating that it has been enchanted by Askip.
As your song penetrates the body armor, you determine that it is very resistant to puncturing attacks and incredibly resistant to natural attacks.

temp ranger resist and warrior fittings

You analyze your body armor and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This armor has been designed to provide mechanical benefit to members of the Order of Voln. Some FLUFF verb traps are available to non-members, but unique abilties are bestowed ONLY on members. Due to its nature, the body armor will repel anyone converted to Luukos who attempts to touch it, as well as preventing usage to anyone wearing or holding Shadow Death, Black Ora Jewelry, or Rapture Cloak items. Furthermore, it CANNOT be ensorcelled, which is by design.

The body armor is currently TIER 3 and has the following options available:


Fluff: PUSH, and EXHALE

* DS flares against undead foes. Base chance to flare of 15%, +5% for Voln Masters, +5% for Voln converts. Amount of DS applied equal to armor enchant, min. of +10, max. of +50.

* +10 passive Shear Fear resistance against undead.

* Automatic Symbol of Need upon death - half normal favor cost. Must already possess knowledge of the Symbol. Toggled on/off with WHISPER.

* Phantom critical padding augments DS flare. If flare triggered and attack goes through, it does so with critical padding in place. Amount of padding applied equal to half armor enchant, min. of 5 points, max. of 25 points.

* Locate nearby undead ability - cost of 5 units of favor. Activated with PONDER.

You can tell that the armor is as light as it can get.

2-perfect lead-weighted spikestar- 8x perfect with T-5 ensorcelling
51 mil flat

3-veil iron-shot twisted illthorn walking stick- 7x enchant/6x acuity flare T-4 nervestaff with T-5 ensorcelling
50 mil min
60 mil buyout

FLARES - Off-the-Shelf, this item comes with a 'Muscle Memory' flare that, when triggered, will temporarily enhance the wielder's Combat Maneuver Ranks. The magnitude of the enhancement is based on the degree of Affinity shared with the wielder, while the frequency of the the flare is determined by the item's tier.

Unlocked items also possess the potential for an offensive 'Misery Unleashed' flare. This flare can ONLY be triggered when the the item is wielded against like level foes by someone with whom a COMPLETE Affinity is shared.

This is a tiered item that is currently Tier 4 of 4, which results in a 35% chance for the Muscle Memory flare to trigger when used against like level foes. It also has the following verbs available: CLENCH, TOUCH, STARE, LISTEN, and BERSERK.

The twisted walking stick shares a slight Affinity with you! This will result in a bonus of 5 to Combat Maneuver Ranks being applied when the Muscle Memory flare is successfully triggered.

Using this item in combat against like level foes will increase the Affinity Level

This twisted walking stick may be freely altered by any merchant who is comfortable doing so, with the following caveat: The stick was formed of special saplings that were trained to grow around one another. In order to reflect this, it should always contain the word 'twisted', 'braided', 'helical', or something similiar in its TAP description.

You can tell that the stick is as light as it can get.