View Full Version : Chronomage Dagger

03-28-2016, 06:47 PM
I've been holding out in hopes of grabbing a 2nd one to use shortly, but that doesn't appear as easy as it came into my brain.

With the seldom time I have to myself between the 2 kids, and another on the way, and moving...I think I just am too old anymore to have much time for vidya games unfortunately. And likely will have to settle on more hobbies that don't suck up alot of my time on my ass

So this is technically now up for sale and all that jazz

It's the 5x variety, blessable.

If interested, PM me.

03-28-2016, 07:09 PM
I think you are mistaken, my buddy with 3 kids ranging from 2 to 12 is consumed by video games lol. They all want their games and want their dad to play too!

Good luck :)

03-28-2016, 07:13 PM
I think you are mistaken, my buddy with 3 kids ranging from 2 to 12 is consumed by video games lol. They all want their games and want their dad to play too!

Good luck :)

I'm not typically your average gamer though, and I tend to have alot of stuff going on at the time.

I could have likely gone pro in ESL with Siege for example but didn't pursue it knowing that every 5mins my kids are asking me for something and interrupting any "free" time I have heh.

I've kind of concluded at this point in my life that I just don't have the time to put into games the way I once did, nor do I really want to put into what little valuable free time I have of mine now into games at this rate, as opposed to something else beneficial.

Games have been an escape and can be from the kids, that's for sure heh..But I'm basically a single dad while my woman goes to work since it's just me with the kids for 8 hours weekdays.

If I had her here to help instead of being at work, it wouldn't be so bad. But the fact I'm the only one here to feed them, do homework with, entertain them etc THEN has to go into work at midnight, it leaves me with little time to myself since I typically wake up at 2:30pm to get them from school and repeat the daily shift work all over again :(

03-29-2016, 12:29 PM
Do these get ambush weighting from snipe?

03-29-2016, 12:30 PM
Do these get ambush weighting from snipe?


Which is why I actually enjoy it for GoS instead of just ranged weaponry typically.

03-29-2016, 12:34 PM
If you talking about throwing the dagger from hiding no.... Hurling something from hiding is like hurling from the open without ambush modifiers

03-29-2016, 12:35 PM

03-29-2016, 12:36 PM
If you talking about throwing the dagger from hiding no.... Hurling something from hiding is like hurling from the open without ambush modifiers

Well yes...But AIMing on the other hand from hiding is what I think he meant...Not unaimed sniping, then yes...Unaimed hurling has no weighting either unless using well, a weighted dagger, right?

Aiming of course using the Ambush skill from hiding...And ambush/cm skill from the open

03-29-2016, 01:05 PM
Well yes...But AIMing on the other hand from hiding is what I think he meant...Not unaimed sniping, then yes...Unaimed hurling has no weighting either unless using well, a weighted dagger, right?

Aiming of course using the Ambush skill from hiding...And ambush/cm skill from the open

Why would I ask if daggers using attack/ambush have weighting? Doesn't this only proc on hurl?

So, no weighting or stance pushdown from Hurl or from snipe. :(

03-29-2016, 01:08 PM
Why would I ask if daggers using attack/ambush have weighting? Doesn't this only proc on hurl?

So, no weighting or stance pushdown from Hurl or from snipe. :(

It does proc with Hurl, but there is a difference between unaimed attacks versus aimed attacks, it works the exact same way as ranged weapons..

03-29-2016, 01:36 PM
hurl is not the same as range

03-29-2016, 01:37 PM
Someone has been looking for a chronomage dagger on lnet recently

03-29-2016, 01:50 PM
Gizmo, you came back? When did 5x variants come out? The GSWiki only mentions 6x.

03-29-2016, 01:51 PM
The seller is also the buyer. Predestination.

Also, the way hurling works (from hiding) you get no critical benefits like when you ambush from hiding. You can use sigils or weighted choromage daggers (they released the script to be applied to the dagger of your choice at RtCF) to get weighting though...

03-29-2016, 02:52 PM
The advantages you get with sniping with a chronomage dagger are, in no particular order: coolness factor, remaining hidden, melee DS bypass as with all hurled weapons, and frequent multiple bonus strikes. There's a rogue who has a pair of them, and it makes pretty good entertainment.

03-29-2016, 03:06 PM
It does proc with Hurl, but there is a difference between unaimed attacks versus aimed attacks, it works the exact same way as ranged weapons..

So much bad information and confusing posts.
I ask about hurl, you talk about ambush/attack. I ask about attack, you talk about hurl/ranged.

To sum all the information up so far:

It's a hurl attack.
It is not the same as a ranged attack.
It does not receive any ambush bonuses from hidden sniping. No DS pushdown or crit weighting. It only allows one to remain hidden.
Flares on hurl only.

There are no flares when MELEE AMBUSH/ATTACK.
It is a standard 5x dagger during AMBUSH/ATTACK.

03-29-2016, 04:15 PM
Gizmo, you came back? When did 5x variants come out? The GSWiki only mentions 6x.

Not sure.

There are also variants now that they allowed the script to be added on to existing weapons, such as a 4x swcw chronomage dagger...teehee

03-29-2016, 04:58 PM
For those asking....I'm looking for 60mil, or 450 cash. Whichever comes first

03-29-2016, 05:18 PM
One last question...

Player or PP enchantable?

03-29-2016, 05:19 PM
Both. The script allows it to be player enchanted although not sure if I or others would run the risk of doing that.

03-29-2016, 08:06 PM
Capped at 6x enchant. Can't enchant beyond that per the script.

03-29-2016, 08:10 PM
I'm not typically your average gamer though, and I tend to have alot of stuff going on at the time.

I could have likely gone pro in ESL with Siege for example but didn't pursue it knowing that every 5mins my kids are asking me for something and interrupting any "free" time I have heh.

I've kind of concluded at this point in my life that I just don't have the time to put into games the way I once did, nor do I really want to put into what little valuable free time I have of mine now into games at this rate, as opposed to something else beneficial.

Games have been an escape and can be from the kids, that's for sure heh..But I'm basically a single dad while my woman goes to work since it's just me with the kids for 8 hours weekdays.

If I had her here to help instead of being at work, it wouldn't be so bad. But the fact I'm the only one here to feed them, do homework with, entertain them etc THEN has to go into work at midnight, it leaves me with little time to myself since I typically wake up at 2:30pm to get them from school and repeat the daily shift work all over again :(

Go pro at GSIV

03-29-2016, 09:05 PM
I was told by a mage he took one of the originals to +35. I will try to confirm.

I took 2 to 7x


03-29-2016, 09:09 PM
I took 2 to 7x

03-29-2016, 09:12 PM
Perhaps thinking of chainspear script's enchant cap?

03-29-2016, 09:13 PM
the creator actually left a note saying not to alter it in any way

03-29-2016, 10:03 PM
They can definitely be enchanted. There is at least one at 10x.

03-29-2016, 11:15 PM
Ah, I just remembered the 6x and below being auto-approved at RtCF. My mistake.

03-29-2016, 11:46 PM
Perhaps thinking of chainspear script's enchant cap?

this would be correct - it's chainspears capped at 6x, which blows. Join me! Join me in my pestering to get chainspears fixed!

03-30-2016, 12:03 AM
this would be correct - it's chainspears capped at 6x, which blows. Join me! Join me in my pestering to get chainspears fixed!

I agree. Chainspears should be enchantable. They're cool but not that mechanically advantageous. There's no logical reason to restrict them.

03-30-2016, 12:44 AM
I agree. Chainspears should be enchantable. They're cool but not that mechanically advantageous. There's no logical reason to restrict them.

That's not even the part I want fixed, either, honestly.. I mean, I do, but if you swing them there is a missing line break so the messaging is all jumbled up, for one. I was swinging at Aurach the other day and the messaging disappeared entirely, I was just seeing the line for RT. I've bugged both at least once.

They can be ensorcelled, but the ensorcell doesn't work when hurled due to how the chainspear is put together. It's 3 items, in a sense. The spear, which is a pole-arm and the item that is ensorcelled.. the spear head which is hurled.. can't be picked up and inspects as a modified spear - and isn't ensorcelled, though a sorcerer can temp ensorcell it... then the shaft that you're left holding when you hurled it, which also inspects as a modified spear (so no, for those who had previously inquired, you do not need blunt training for the time you just have the shaft)

I can't get an answer on whether you can weight or flare them, but I suspect even if you could you'd have the same issue as with the ensorcell. Then the randomness of the RT when pulling the shaft and turning it back into a spear is anywhere from 2-4 and I feel like that shouldn't be random. 4 maybe if I'm yanking it back out of someone, but not when it's on the ground!


04-01-2016, 01:27 AM
That's not even the part I want fixed, either, honestly.. I mean, I do, but if you swing them there is a missing line break so the messaging is all jumbled up, for one. I was swinging at Aurach the other day and the messaging disappeared entirely, I was just seeing the line for RT. I've bugged both at least once.

They can be ensorcelled, but the ensorcell doesn't work when hurled due to how the chainspear is put together. It's 3 items, in a sense. The spear, which is a pole-arm and the item that is ensorcelled.. the spear head which is hurled.. can't be picked up and inspects as a modified spear - and isn't ensorcelled, though a sorcerer can temp ensorcell it... then the shaft that you're left holding when you hurled it, which also inspects as a modified spear (so no, for those who had previously inquired, you do not need blunt training for the time you just have the shaft)

I can't get an answer on whether you can weight or flare them, but I suspect even if you could you'd have the same issue as with the ensorcell. Then the randomness of the RT when pulling the shaft and turning it back into a spear is anywhere from 2-4 and I feel like that shouldn't be random. 4 maybe if I'm yanking it back out of someone, but not when it's on the ground!


Have you tried to perm ensorcell all 3 of the pieces?

04-01-2016, 02:07 AM
I tried the whole spear and the spear head.. no one, yourself included, can pick up the spear head and that prevents it from being ensorcelled.

04-01-2016, 08:03 AM
I too have submitted a bug report regarding the chainspear melee linebreak problem. I haven't posted anything on the officials, but perhaps that would help.

I think the flaring and weighting would work since blesses do work on the spear head (including holy water flares). Plus, I think in the past there were posts here in PC sales threads with paladin bonding flares on spear head hits? I think it might be better to keep that slot open anyway for blessing/paladin bond flares. The pull should be updated to a flat 2 second rt at most.

Hope the OP doesn't mind the off-topic bumps! :)

04-01-2016, 01:05 PM
Dont mond it at all.

As a side note, the cman predators eye does in fact work with aimed hurling. So thats a nice thing to habe for this, on top of gos sigils

04-01-2016, 07:04 PM
I tried the whole spear and the spear head.. no one, yourself included, can pick up the spear head and that prevents it from being ensorcelled.

I wonder if there is any items you can use to get around this. Spider pouch?

04-02-2016, 06:00 PM
To the top!

04-02-2016, 08:05 PM
I've also lowered the price on this fine item to 50million.

04-05-2016, 01:07 AM
I wonder if there is any items you can use to get around this. Spider pouch?

I just tested that, actually, and it's a no go. Spiders ignore it.