View Full Version : Few choice items (HCP, Masterfully Sighted, etc) anda couple others

01-14-2016, 03:39 PM
1) some well-oiled brigandine affixed with a carved faewood breastplate - CB 15m to Loxe SOLD
+22 HCP T2 Ensorcelled, Max Light Brig

2) a vaalorn-bound silver bow CB 35m Arodon LAST CALL!
Along the upper and lower limbs of the bow, slender bands of twisted vaalorn bind the bow and are fixed in place by wicked barbs that bite into the silver-hued wood. The grip is a sheath of dark argent suede that compliments the material of the bow that lies protected beneath a translucent varnish that guards it from harm against the elements. Extremely long and bent into a graceful crescent, the limbs terminate at the nocks, which are formed of tri-bladed claws of polished vaalorn. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

7x full +35, Masterfully Sighted(+20) Composite Bow

3) a whorled golvern lance - It has a bonus of +35 from a normal lance, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in polearms to use effectively. The lance has a lightly increased effectiveness in combat.

The elegantly forged golvern lance is whorled with inlaid crimson eahnor grooves in a perfect spiral from tip to base. The widest part of the lance itself is artfully crafted into a pair of intricately carved wings which flare out to protect the wielders hand. The haft is crafted of fine oak, wrapped in padded leather and capped at the base with a glimmering firemote orb. You notice a small enchanter's glyph and Mikoguchi's crafting mark.


4) a whittled stick thin runestaff - +35 T1 ensorcelled
Diminutive in stature, the staff seems almost frail and is ridiculously thin. Long carving lines give the impression that the piece has been whittled to within an inch of existence. The top is smooth and slightly rounded, but looks like it might fit into the palm of a child's hand more comfortably than an adult's. Clear varnish preserves the piece and holds a slightly metallic sheen. A strange necrotic haze radiates from the runestaff.

MB 6m!

5) A zombie Rolton Marionette - T5 prize a few years back - Doesn't seem to do too much MB 1m
a zombie rolton marionette
Look description:

Inspect/Analyze Information
Alteration restrictions: Unknown
Can be lightened: Unknown

The following may be zests:
slap: You slap at the rolton marionette which swings back at you, reaching its biting jaws towards your face.
tap: You twitch at the crossbars holding the rolton marionette, causing it to bound and leap.
push: Your rolton marionette rears up in mock menace as you push at its crossbars.
press: Your rolton marionette rears up in mock menace as you push at its crossbars.
pull: Your rolton marionette bows its head and clacks its bony jaws together as you pull at its crossbars.
turn: You turn the crossbars of your rolton marionette slowly and watch as it turns in circles.
kiss: You raise the marionette to your lips and kiss it tenderly.
tickle: You tickle at the rolton marionette but only manage to get a splinter in your thumb. Didn't anyone ever tell you wood wasn't ticklish?
nudge: You nudge the crossbars of your rolton marionette to make it prance and lift its head.
lick: You lick at the rolton marionette, tangling the strings hopelessly.
wave: You wave the bars above the rolton marionette, causing it to weave from side to side.

01-16-2016, 07:14 AM
mb #1

01-16-2016, 12:40 PM

01-16-2016, 05:56 PM
I'll do the MB on the bow.

01-18-2016, 11:34 AM

01-18-2016, 05:28 PM
Bid was retracted on the runestaff. MB back in effect. Thanks.

01-19-2016, 11:55 AM

01-20-2016, 12:43 PM
Final update!