View Full Version : self charging 515 amulet

03-12-2013, 10:46 PM
a tiny demon amulet

This is a magical item, which casts spells from the Major Elemental Circle. It is usable once per day.

The demon amulet contains the spell Rapid Fire, from the Major Elemental circle.

You sense that the demon amulet will persist after its last magical charge has been expended.

I don't use this enough to warrant keeping it.

MB:10 million

03-12-2013, 10:52 PM
Man, if this was more than 1x per day . . . I can't think of any one spell that would make my hunting any more efficient and safe.

Suppressed Poet
03-12-2013, 11:59 PM
Could probably find good use for it in a warcamp as the best bang for your buck.

If I were a pure bard, I could imagine this would be useful there. Wait for a huge swarm, 1015, rub this, and then spam 1002 on each target until you've blown up every weapon and shield really fast. Then clean up anything left standing with focused 1030s.

Probably would have been a lot more useful prior to the nice changes made to defensive spell stacking.

03-13-2013, 06:16 AM
I don't think rapid fire works with any bard song.


03-13-2013, 10:24 AM
I don't think rapid fire works with any bard song.


It doesn't.

For 10m though, I'll come cast Rapid Fire on anyone once per day. Or imbed it for them once per day (is Rapid Fire still imbeddable? Pretty sure it is but I haven't checked in years.)

Hell I'll stack 4 hours (or however long you want it stacked) of it on whoever wants it, but it will be expensive, since it would take 240 casts at 15 mana per (3600 mana total, 3780 if you want true 4 hours after factoring in cast RTs, since you can't rapid fire cast Rapid Fire, and assuming waiting on mana pulses isn't required, which is doubtful).

This could have market potential now that I think about it.

Just out of curiosity, what would something like that be worth to someone, if anything?

Tsk Tsk
03-13-2013, 10:40 AM
I don't think rapid fire has ever been able to be embed.

03-13-2013, 10:48 AM
I don't think rapid fire has ever been able to be embed.

This is one of those things that I've checked before in the past, but could never remember the results. I'll check again later today, just because.

03-13-2013, 10:51 AM
Rapid Fire is one of the few spells thats actually listed on the Krakiipedia page as being unimbeddable.

03-13-2013, 11:44 AM
You can stack rapid fire? That seems like an oversight, that would be like stacking haste.

03-13-2013, 11:45 AM
I think the mana cost difference is the key point on why one is stackable and the other isn't.

03-13-2013, 11:47 AM
You can stack rapid fire? That seems like an oversight, that would be like stacking haste.

You can, but it's not very practical, at least not without a mana battery feeding you, and durations are 1 minute regardless of any training or whatever. Though I used to stack 5-10 minutes of it on my cleric and then send him out pwning. Was fun, but I could have just as easily tagged along and refreshed it if it wasn't stackable.

03-13-2013, 11:52 AM
You can, but it's not very practical, at least not without a mana battery feeding you, and durations are 1 minute regardless of any training or whatever. Though I used to stack 5-10 minutes of it on my cleric and then send him out pwning. Was fun, but I could have just as easily tagged along and refreshed it if it wasn't stackable.

A popular strategy was to park a mana battery in OTF up one of the sancted trees and have them stack 515 enough to finish up the hunts. I'll admit I was tempted to do something like that as Rapid Fire is one of my favorite spells.

03-13-2013, 12:32 PM
I've got one of these 1x per day amulets. Its obviously not a hunting staple because of its limitations, but damn, is it useful to have at an instant's notice. I use mine primarily for ancient liches, but I'll frequently use it for instant warchief assassinations and the like. Its supremely useful in invasions, too, when you get swarmed or you have to plink that level 120 to death.

03-13-2013, 12:34 PM
I've got one of these 1x per day amulets. Its obviously not a hunting staple because of its limitations, but damn, is it useful to have at an instant's notice. I use mine primarily for ancient liches, but I'll frequently use it for instant warchief assassinations and the like. Its supremely useful in invasions, too, when you get swarmed or you have to plink that level 120 to death.

Rapid Fire became 582047204270x more powerful in invasions when the INCANT verb came out. My boner from that still hasn't gone away, and it's been way more than 4 hours.

03-13-2013, 04:40 PM
I've got one of these 1x per day amulets. Its obviously not a hunting staple because of its limitations, but damn, is it useful to have at an instant's notice. I use mine primarily for ancient liches, but I'll frequently use it for instant warchief assassinations and the like. Its supremely useful in invasions, too, when you get swarmed or you have to plink that level 120 to death.

I bought this item specifically for invasions. Well, more specifically to kill the uber boss the GM running the show was using to kill us since we were slaughtering his NPCs guarding the town. Rapid fire 720 all up ya eyeballs.

Also, ay! this is mines!

03-13-2013, 04:45 PM
Droit, say you've logged a rapidfire 616?! :/

03-13-2013, 04:48 PM
Ye, I am pulling this for lack of actual interest buying it.

03-13-2013, 06:58 PM
Droit, say you've logged a rapidfire 616?! :/

Of course. I'll see if I can dig one up later.

03-14-2013, 08:11 AM