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- +3 Polearm Ring / Persistent / Mage Rechargeable w/Celerity
- The most Zen cudgel +16 Logic
- +5 Blunt Weapons Bonus/+5 Armor Use Bonus ring
- lots of actions with this skirt
- 2300 PP's
- +7 ranged bonus, +5 spirit summon bonus, +1 shield use, blank imbed, pin worn,crumbly
- Sanctified greaves w/+4 Spell Aiming ranks, persistent
- 5x nicked and dented pyrothag armor 5 cer Crit 35% cold resistant
- Condensed Locker Cleanout
- Spidersilk Cloak, you know the one.
- +30 T2, unlocked fona scripted, lessor mood, max light, max light sledgehammer
- a small mithril toolkit - wrist-worn, weighs < 1lb, holds 15lbs for any
- Gleaming Ora Greathelm: +5 Harness, +8 WIS, +5 FA, +2 MIU
- 6x full leathers, 10 CER crit, 1 CER dmg, max light, T3
- T4 'Of the Faith' Robe. 6/200
- +5 STR/+2 WIS/+8 Max Health necklace
- Perm +6 DEX/+3 Pick Locks Rank wristworn
- A round-cut alexandrite armband - +2 WIS Bonus, +5 Survival Bonus, Blank Imbed
- F/S:a private Elanthian beach to put your toes in the water and butt in the sand!
- +34 Ranged Bonus Set (MR 712, 709, 403, 1111) - 7 Persist and 5 Crumble
- A glyph-etched gold neckchain: Light Spell imbed +8 Shield Bonus, +10 Swim Bonus
- PIN: +3 Health Recov +8 Shield Use Bonus. TALISMAN: +2 Mana Recov +2 Lore Relig Bonus
- ME Bravery (134 total charges), +2 EL-Air Bonus Stickpin - Persist/Persist
- ME Flaming Aura (173 total charges), +1 Spell Aim Bonus Brooch - Persist/Persist
- A topaz-inset pewter earring: +5 FA Bon+5 Disarm Trap Bon +6 Pick Lock Bon
- Buy my last 50-count Rings of Lumnis card. MB 1 silver
- +7 Edged bonus necklace, +8 brawl bonus headband
- Mithril Torc, +2 THW bonus, +4 Edged Bonus, Persists
- 6x SWCW Morphing dagger/short sword/longsword
- Blunt/Cman Enhancive Bracelet
- A few items
- Assassin things, spider bag, parasitic weapon, and a full concealer.
- Consolation cloak, 20 unique verbs, 0.5 lb / 200 lbs
- Landing shop
- Solhaven Shop
- Block of 2400 Premium Points
- Mage Rechargeable Strength of Will (1119) - 40 Charges, Persists
- Runestaffs
- +18 med shield w 9 shield use Bonus, 6 AGI Base, 4 Dodge Bonus, max light
- Illegal alter 0.5/200 scripted Faendryl cloak
- +7 STR/+2 Spell Aim/+2 ML: Transformation helm
- A ruby-inset copper tiara: +4 stalk/hide Ranks, +6 AGI base
- A dark veniom threaded backpack
- 4x void/plasma UAC set, realm-specific scripts, maxlight, no MB!
- +6 THW Bonus, +4 Stamina Recovery, +1 STR Bonus crown
- a blackened invar dragon's egg, a ruby-inlaid gold dragon's egg
- Case that changes imbued wand/rods.
- 7x HCP T3 Fulls
- 25k Weightless Coin Bag
- Treasure trove pull - ineptly cured rotting electric eel
- +6 STR/+2 EL: Air spiked leg greaves & +7 STR/+2 Spell Aim/+2 ML: Transformation helm
- 6x fusion longbox with +8 dex stat orb, two +4 ranged wrist guards
- WL Shop and Compartmentalized Quiver for sale
- +5 OHE Bonus, +5 Dodge Bonus, +2 Wisdom Base, +2 First Aid Bonus Bracer
- 6x elegant mithril-hafted vultite maul
- 360 Day Enhancive Charging Potion
- Complete set of T1 Wounded Wear
- "Mystery" backpack #1 mb 1 silver
- "Mystery" backpack #2 mb 1 silver
- a dark wolf skin gem pouch, 1 lb / 50 lbs, insert gems while closed
- 4 dex perm pinworn
- Odds and ends, Fluff Edition
- 7x Lance - oak-hafted engraved pike
- Bunch of Old Items for EG - Toys, Scripted Items, Jewelry,
- +8 edged weapon bonus enhancive band
- Enhancive Jewelry
- +5 Harness Power, +5 MIU, Phoen's Strength Wristlet
- Enhancive Belt +3 Agility Bonus, +8 Stalking and Hiding
- +5 TWC bonus, +3 Edged bonus, +3 Con bonus, +3 HR Greathelm
- +4 DEX/+5 AGI/+1 MIU band & +4 AUR earring
- A battle-worn elven infantry pack secured with a gold nalfein-crest
- +5 Strength Base, +4 TWC Bonus, +6 HP Bonus Ring - Crumbly
- +4 Wisdom Base, +5 EMC Bonus Ring - Crumbly/Persist
- Aeotoli Cloak and Translucent Spidersilk Cloak
- +31 VHDP T2 full plate
- Viekn's Pawnshop Finds
- Enhancive Jewelry - Lot 1
- Enhancive Jewelry - Lot 2 - Premium Items
- +3 Edge Bonus, +4 S&H Bonus, MR Strength of Will Pin
- 5x Fully Unlocked Somewhat Crit Weighted Knife
- A ruby-inset copper tiara: +4 Stalk/Hide Ranks, +6 AGI Base
- Elven Infantry alter set.
- +5 strength bonus, +13 blunt weapon bonus warhammer
- +8 brawling bonus, +13 climbing bonus, +4 shield use bonus torc
- ranged/dex/assorted enhancives for sale. b/o offers welcome
- Random Locker Stuff
- +6 Spell Aim Crumbly Headband, +2 Spell Aim Pin Persists
- Overstock Clearance
- Ensorcelling up to T5
- +13 DEX Base Mithril Maul
- +6 Blunt Bonus/+1 OHE Bonus/+3 Blessings Bonus pin & +4 AUR earring
- Nice mid-game staffs (lots of acuity)
- Locker Cleanout - Weapons, armor and more
- Enhanced Light Crossbow
- 4x composite bow, +13 ranged bonus, temp sighting MB 1 silver
- Spring Cleaning - Enhancive gear/jewelry, mage rechargeables, toys, fluff
- Iasha falchion/greataxe, 5x brig, and more! MB: 35k Everything must go!
- +9 blunt bonus bracer
- Arm greaves: +7 max stamina, +6 ambush bonus, +8 pickpocket bonus, +3 health recovery
- Leg greaves: +4 ranged ranks, +4 edged ranks, +6 climb ranks
- Few UAC Scripted Handwraps
- Polearms and brawling weapons
- +29 Maul, 5.5 CER (60 services)
- Shimmer Trinket - Four sides
- 3x doubles with +4 dex base, +7 ambush bonus, +4 wis base, +3 shield bonus
- 6 twc bonus 2 agility crumbly earring
- +4 WIS/+4 Max Mana/+2 AS Bonus torc & +5 OHE Bonus/+5 Max Stamina headworn
- T1 Unlocked Wounded Wear
- +9 Logic Bonus Runestaff
- Faulkil's Enchanting Wizard Tears Auction
- Sack of Magic Items (Spells)
- assassin's cloak( fully unlock climatewear with concealing hood & custom pockets)
- 7x targe - +9 ambush bonus orb
- a glowing multicolored swathe x3 min bid 1 silver
- A star ruby inset eonake crown: Soothing ward; +8 DIS, +5 Demon, +2 SMC, +2 INF
- 617 boots. 7 uses/day
- Tier 4 unlocked Forest Armor Robes
- a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment and four-ringed pendant
- +3 AUR Bonus/+5 SL:Demonology Bonus/+2 DIS Bonus helm
- overflowing lockers auction
- Chaos Maul
- A Bunch Of Trash For Sale
- + 10 picking lock bonus, +13 physical fitness bonus glaes double chain
- 66 Fresh Scrolls
- Leg greaves - +8 thrown weapon bonus +10 stalking/hiding & padded
- Locker Cleanout
- 3700 premium points
- 44 Scrolls
- +14 pole arm bonus Helm
- A few enhancives, weapons, mystic focus empowerable
- A rune-etched sterling silver ring: +2 Max Mana, +5 WIS, +4 MIU
- 6x Perfect Maul
- 8x lcw zelnorn main gauche
- Uncommon horse mount
- Sephwir Heavy Crossbow - +25 - Heavily Sighted - Sanctified
- A Fuckton of Barbie Dream Gems
- +18 Lockpick Bonus Helm
- +21 Crossbow +13 Ranged Bonus +6 AGI Bonus +7 S&H Bonus +4 HP Recovery
- +4 spiritual lore - religion bonus enhancive boots
- +1 Spirit Recovery Flamberge
- 3x mithglin claidhmore
- Keyring with assortment of custom lockpicks
- +7 wisdom +11 harness power bonus leg greaves
- +13 stamina recovery mithril helm
- A fine imflass crown:+7FA bon, +3 AGI stat, +3 ML Trans Bon - Monk tat enhancive
- A silver-stitched black suede archer's stalking cloak clasped with a silver arrow
- +4 OHE ranks, +3 pick lock ranks, +3 health recover Ring MB 1 coin
- +6 MOC Bonus, +5 Health Recovery Leg Greaves
- +6 MOC bonus Leg Greaves|+4 MOC bonus neck-worn|+3 MOC bonus, +2 CMAN bonus neck-worn
- warrior's mantle
- +10 dex base +6 arcane symbols bonus +4 summoning bonus leg greaves
- a blank deathdagger ( own a part of history?)
- Zorchar War Hammer +1 Max Spirit, +14 Stamina Recovery, +1 EL:Air Bonus
- stout vaalorn tiger-claw +30 +3 con ranks, +3 brawling ranks, +8 stalking ranks MB 5M
- enhancive yew heavy crossbow
- vaalorn greathelm - 11 polearms bonus, 11 shield use bonus, 1 con bonus
- 3700 Premium Points
- Some things for auction...
- a brass bugle
- Pilum w/ lightning flares, +10 Polearm Bonus +3 EMC, temp VHCW
- 6 perception, 3 pickpocket, 1 trap disarm earcuff
- +2 DEX bonus, spiked, cold-flaring tower shield
- sighted (5 CER, 11 services) +7 Ranged composite bow
- A few nice temp padded armors
- A Dark Blue Zorchar Bastard Axe - +2 STR bonus, +4 CM bonus, 5x and lightning flares
- 5x, Heavily Sighted Heavy Crossbow
- enruned yew long bow - +17 HP, +6 CM Bonus, +5 DIS Bonus, +4 HP Recovery
- +6 DB vultite-tipped paingrip
- A polished vultite helm 11 to Spiritual Lore - Blessings Bonus starting bid 1 silver
- 3x, +5 OHE, +10 Shield Use, (plus others) double leathers
- 3-Room FWI Player Shop
- Mithril chain Hauberk 11 blessing bonus, 11 THW bonus, Sanct min bid 1 silver
- +5 Brawling Bonus, +9 PF Bonus, 1 Dex Base Earring (Persists)
- a sephwir long bow (+25, 10 CER)
- a sephwir ~hand crossbow~ (+25, 10 CER)
- pinworn +8 constitution +2 strength +6 stamina recovery with bravery
- +10 thw +8 ambush helm
- 7x Battle Axe, +8 Str Base, +11 THW bonus
- a tiny nacreous humanoid skeleton with bat wings and a scorpion tail (feature worn)
- +4 AUR Bonus, +1 STR Bonus (and +1 shield use/+2 S/H ranks) greathelm
- Perm +6 OHE Bonus pin
- spell preps some pretty nice. in the right place now
- Glowing Reim Orb with 9 Charges Remaining
- Bastard Sword 1x, +9 OHE, +10 Dodge, temp damage, earth flares
- Bracelet (+3 Ranged Bonus +2 DEX Bonus, and +4 MIU Bonus)
- Scrolls!
- An old vultite aventail: +7 Dodge Bonus, +4 Survival Bonus, +4 Brawl Bonus
- Brigandine - 6x, 10 Cer Crit
- Some decent enhancives (+8 THW, +6 TWC, etc)
- 303 wizard essence
- +3 DB Sharpened Steel Claidhmore with Enhancives
- +4 AGI Bonus, +3 Dis Bonus Torc
- +3 AURa bonus pinworn
- +5 strength bonus 6 miu 7 surviveal 1 stam recovery greaves
- Scroll sale
- Ipantor Composite Bow - +6 DEX Bonus - +17 - Somewhat Sighting CER 5
- Random enhansives
- Weapons, Armors & More - Good Stuff
- 1500 Premium Points
- +8 Blunt Bonus T3 Orb
- +5 Polearm Bonus Bracelet
- Ipantor Long Bow - +17, +12 S&H Bonus, +9 Dodge Bonus, 5 CER Sighting, Max Light
- 6x Brig - 5% Slash Resist, 10% Puncture Resist, 5% Crush Vulnerable
- TWC Weapon Set (Longsword)
- +20 temp VHCP double leather
- Pinworn - +7 disc base +4 trading ranks - lots of charges crumbly
- a diamond-set mithril crown + 5 Dex base, +3 Range bouns
- 4x spiked studded leather with damage padding and perm fire resist
- +8 to CM bonus pin
- More Enhansives! (Stam rec, acuity runestaff, logic)
- Whisper cloak, bazzlewyn gloves, steampunk and more
- +4 STR/+2 Armor Use Bonus/+3 Shield Use Bonus/+2 Mana Recovery pin
- +7 AGI base, +7 DEX base, +6 armor bonus greathelm
- +12 WIS base (stat) leg greaves
- +7 Brawling Bonus, +7 Max Stamina Arm Greaves
- 3x some tooled spiked full leather (+4 TD, Moderatly resistant to 10%)
- Helm +11 Ranged Bonus
- Selling some random items
- +4 CM Bonus moderately impact resistant sancted leg greaves
- +9 Stamina Recovery helm
- sephwir long bow (+25, 10 CER) w/+5 ranged, +9 sta recov, +2 dodge, +1 DIS bonus
- Sephwir Hand Crossbow
- A multifaceted blood crystal
- a gleaming star sapphire band +12 Perception, +10 Stalking and Hiding
- A four-eyed obsidian mask - altered whisper mask
- Another multifaceted blood crystal
- +8 Stalk/Hide Bonus & +9 Pick Lock Bonus earring
- Sephwir heavy xbow
- Ipantor Hand Crossbow
- Enhancives
- Lockpick Collection
- a tarnished garnet-set medallion (V'tull's Fury)
- Got stones? I do. Bag of stones and runes for sale.
- +3 STR Bonus/+2 EL: Water neckworn & +2 STR Bonus earring
- +3 OHE Bonus, +3 TWC Bonus, +5 Disarm Bonus pin. Persists.
- +6 Spell Aim Bonus/+2 Summoning Bonus wristworn
- lumps of ore
- Pin-worn +2 Spell aim, +2 Dodging, +1 Mana recovery
- +7 DEX/+7 Perception Bonus/+4 Thrown Bonus torc
- 3 nice enhancives (+5 Agi Mindward armband, +7 agi base +4 S&H ranks ewave headband)
- enhancive flaring runestaffs, 6x two handed sword
- 9 stam reco, 5 MOC bonus, 12 health helmet
- +5 DEX ring
- 4x chain mail with +11 OHE Bonus, +6 Polearm Bonus, +2 STR Bonus
- +7 DEX, +2 S/H rank, +2 Disarm Trap rank, +1 INF wristworn
- Some Enhansives. Bid on them!
- 5x Elegant Veil Iron Katana
- imbeddable enhancive ring (HP ranks +1, Summoning ranks +2, Inf base +7)
- Parasite Rune Staff T0 OTS
- forest green brig
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