View Full Version : Auctions
- 4x enhancive crit weighted vultite twohanded sword
- Bodypaint brushes
- a scorched wyrwood light crossbow
- Another locker auction.
- Siolan daggers and some wand bows
- 318 Scroll
- ornate spiked vaalorn shield (enhancive)
- FS +12 Edged Bonus, +2 Symbols Bonus Double Chain
- dented white ora maul
- an ancient elven battle blade
- 3-room FWI shop with contents
- a brushed imflass pendant +4 Aura Bonus crumbly
- onyx-inlaid gold earring +6 spell aiming bonus, +3 MIU bonus, crumbly
- jade and star ruby torc, +6 ArcS bonus, +6 FA bonus, rechargeable haste, crumbly
- +22 burnished witchwood runestaff +7 defender, +10 bonus to dex, +2 fire lore ranks
- Selling: a rowan-handled black ora lance
- Enhancvies & a neut curse rechargeable
- 7X maul and more
- Alter Scroll
- ICE age items/Random stuff
- Talisman, non crumbly +1 to shield use ranks
- Sanctified imflass half plate
- +3 DEX bonus, +4 spell aim bonus, Torc
- Bag of Alchemy fun
- 4x, +8 stamina recovery, Handaxe
- +1 Aura BONUS, Crown
- +35 MBP, 14lbs with show
- Siegery items
- Rechargers, couple enhansives, Teras Shop, HCW fal
- imflass war hammer; HP and mana recov.
- Stuff I'm not taking to CCF
- Enhancives, Rechargables, Armor, oh my....
- +10 Logic, +5 Agility Runestaff
- Imflass Quoit +3 thrown weapons bonus +5 perception bonus ice flares
- Lockered items from '03 (mostly) cross post from official forums
- +3 Shield Bonus, +1 Wis PERSISTANT Crown.
- 5x DCW Axe
- Orase runestaff - +5 defender, +2 Dex bonus, +3 MIU ranks
- Ta'Vaalor Shop (2 rooms) and Home
- torc,+7 ranged,+5TH bonus,crumbly persis
- Gems!
- A couple more items from '03
- Claidhmore, +4 AU ranks, +4 stamina recovery
- Flail - 5x, fire flaring, +7 INF bonus
- Rhimar Short Sword (Edged/CM/Agility/Health Enhancive)
- 6x superior THW and 7x perfect OHE/THW
- a spidersilk weapon harness
- Auction - Weapons, Armor, Enhancives
- A unique 6pc wedding gown set
- a scorched deringo runestaff- +3 to LOG & DEX Bonus
- a mithril claidhmore
- Some fun stuff and some useful stuff
- 1x Broadsword +5 Agi Bonus +3 Con bonus fire flares
- Enhancives, Rechargables, and Stuffs
- Clasps Key Blanks for LM
- +12 very heavily crit weighted mattock
- 3x decently crit padded full leather
- Perfect steel mace
- a glaes-tipped black ora lance
- +1 INF bonus, 919 rechargable torc
- FOR SALE: Multi-lore earcuff. Just in time for CCF!
- Permanent HCP warhelm. Head/neck coverage
- Enhancive pendant: +2 Polearm ranks +8 Constitution
- 1k MB Going Out of Business Sale
- Trinkets for sale
- 7x perfectly forged acid flaring greatsword
- +3 Brawl, +9 Perception, +9 Blunt Enhancive
- altered FGB, spiked, master crush protection
- Auction with some nice items
- +12 buckler, +9 Spell Aim BONUS, +3 ML:Trans, +5 SL:Blessing
- Range of Items
- 7x Shield
- 5x fire resistant double leather
- 6x Butcher's Cleaver (scripted)
- +2 Constitution stickpin persists
- Bracelet: +2 Sorc Lore Necro Bonus +1 Dis Bonus
- Huge lot of stuff! 1 coin MB! Lots of enhancives
- Tons more old stuff
- Ring worn +5 spell aim, +2 logic bonus+ +3 mana recovery
- an elegant gold crown +4 edged BONUS
- 5x Spiked flared Full Plate
- stamina recovery and crit weighted flail
- Heroism Scroll
- spiked leg greaves, Temp MCP and Master Puncture protection
- an ora-edged gornar backsword - +5 SA, +5 HP, +15 INF, +1 AUR
- 4x dcw perfect morning star
- +4 edged bonus torc, crumbly
- several nice items! (2x claid, 7x leathers...)
- +35 Breastplate (HCP) & +40 THW
- Armor, buckler & things
- Armor, buckler & things
- 8x falchion and 7x hauberk
- CCF goodies
- Vivina's Weapon, Armor, and Shield Auction
- spikethorn immunity leg greaves
- evil/demon altered hooded armor concealer with matching belt
- stunning skull capped vultite mace, heavily scripted
- 4x runestaff, +3 LOG bonus, +5 Telepathy, +2 MMC
- Landing shop
- a filigreed mithril ring
- Lot of Scrolls: Heroism, Bravery, CoS, Spirit Shield, etc.
- Cleric In A Bag Scroll Auction
- 4x EDW Falchion - No MB
- Full armor concealer - some long flowing silk robes tied with a silver cord
- a cracked golvern handaxe - 5x
- spiked & temp mod res puncture arm greaves
- Brooch: +3 Strength +3 Blessings ranks
- Bag o'Bravery Etc.
- 200 Gems!
- 4x, +3Spell Aim Bonus, Ice Flaring, Box Found Double Leathers
- boxfound reimbeddible/mage rechargeable ring
- 1X Day Lesser Shroud Cloak
- +8 runestaff +5 HP ranks and +5 max mana
- +17 imflass mace - DCW, +3 STR/WIS/Blunts
- 300 Untouched Gems
- +12 short sword, +6 CM bonus, +11 ambush bonus
- 2 set of armor & 1 weapon
- a gold-tipped faenor claidhmore
- Curious about a suede-gripped ipantor yumi
- some blackened ora arm greaves - +4 OHE Ranks, +13 Health, Padded
- xbow 4 ag, 8 stam rec, 2 ranged, and crit sighted short bow
- spiked helm with +8 MIU bonus
- haon-handled eahnor jeddart-axe +2 Polearm Bonus +10 Stam Recovery Temp MDW
- A well balanced glaes pilum 3x SWDW
- toothpick of recovery!
- 7x perfect acid flaring greatsword and other items
- Sanctified Mace, +22 somewhat crit-weighted
- ruby-handled white ora spear: 2x sanctified, ice flares +6 MOC Bonus
- Eovenah Potion
- 4x +6 Str Bonus +1 CON jeddart-axe
- Ipantor and Enhansive Composite Bow
- few things
- Five Ayvenah Potions (ENHANCIVE ENCHANTING)
- Torc: Blank Mage Rechargeable and +3 Survival +3 Swimming
- black ora longsword
- +4 Dex Stat pinworn ring
- 330 Prayer of communion scroll
- Ipantor
- hooded armor concealer
- Headband: +5 Ranged Bonus +2 Con bonus persists
- 0x claidhmore, +5 STR bonus, +4 HP ranks, +2 telepathy ranks
- +13 Dex, +8 Summoning, sancted halberd
- Locker cleaning
- Enhancive auction: OHE, Pole, Brawl, Stam recovery and more
- +10 STR +9 INT Golvern mattock
- 4x Main Gauche, +4 TWC, +3 stamina recovery, Acid Flaring
- Scripted, Clothing, Alter Fodder Auction
- 5x, zested fist-scythe w/ acid flares
- Five More Ayvenah Potions (ENHANCIVE ENCHANTING)
- Enhancives for Enchanting: Edged Bonusing Edged
- Alteration spot
- Five ayveneh potions
- 5 Alteration spots
- some deep black rolaren scalemail
- 7x hauberk, 8x falchion and enhancer, 1 coin MBs
- +4 agility sunstone necklace
- One more alteration spot
- Auction - Alters, Scripted items, Containers
- +4 agi bonus +13 ohe bonus 4x broadsword
- Enhansive Defender Runestaff
- Bunch of stuff...
- 2 lockable boxes with keys
- 4x Naginata that can be e-bladed
- malachite-set copper crown +3 blunt, +3 intuition re-imbedable, persists
- hooded armor concealer
- a turquoise-set gold pendant
- Full Armor (Plate!) Concealer - some long flowing silk robes tied with a silver cord
- Large Beltworn Satchel
- perfect forging-hammer
- Heroism and Bravery scrolls
- Used Torc - +2 DIS bonus, +11 max health, +1 summon rank
- Hat That Holds 10 lbs
- Pinworn blank imbed- +3 Wisdom, +3 Brawling Ranks- Crumbly
- 4x gear for sale + more
- a fine pewter talisman - +11 to Perception,+ 5 to Max Stamina,+ 4 to TWC - crumbly
- Pre-CCF Coin-Raising Auction
- Torc: +7 Polearm Bonus, +4 telepathy bonus, +4 harness power bonus
- +9 CON, +6 MMC, +1 AGI, +1 Blessing Pendant
- FWI shop for sale
- Kai Prayerbeads, veil iron shield, Kinorn sets, Ronan painting...
- a fine golden topaz medallion, mage rechargable 304
- Some Old Spiked Full Leather!
- helm- swdp +10 stamina recovery, +3 hiding, +4 int
- steel-capped fireleaf runestaff defender +7 MIU, +5 health recovery
- 1x a faenor-edged mithril flamberge +10 Dex and +14 Inf stats
- locker cleanout 1k MB on everything
- Crown: +2 Aura +4 perception blank mage rechargeable
- sancted, +5 Dex, +4 INF Greaves
- full-crescent kelyn battle axe
- Stuffs 4 Sale
- Enhancive Runestaff and Crown
- Heroism and Bravery scrolls
- Pre-CCF Coin-Raising Auction #2
- Compass with case
- Box found Vaalorn greathelm
- a tanik-hafted vultite awl-pike 4x ice flares
- +1 edged, +4 stamina noncrumbly MR ring
- 7X double leather
- +18 composite bow DCW
- 2 unlocked/charged 618 scrolls
- a gleaming iron aventail
- Radom/Swilling enhancives...(variety)
- +22 glowbark runestaff & +20 orase runestaff
- +6 Dodge Bonus, +4 Dex, +1 Fire Lore, +4 Mana Recov. earcuff (crumbly)
- +3 bonus to CM and MIU, non-crumbly circlet
- Big Auction
- +9 Dex, +1 Wis, 4x ancient faewood runestaff
- +6 Dex +7 max mana Brooch crumbly
- Everything Goes! 1 coin MB
- a perfect vultite handaxe
- Crown: +7 FA bonus / +4 MIU Bonus
- Stout golvern mace
- A heavy eonake slab
- +8 ranged +2 agility
- Enhancive barrette
- Bracelet: +7 Max Stamina +4 Stamina Recovery
- 6x MBP, 6x buckler and other misc items
- +1 Aura Runestaff
- enhansive earcuff--- +1HP +2 strength +1 wisdom
- Enhancives - shield, weapons & worn
- vultite leg greaves +8 strength +6 perception
- A hooded armor concealer
- 2x +6 Arcane Symbols Bonus temp HCP, spiked, slash resistant double leather
- spiked leather bp, temp master dp, +4 MR and 1 MIU
- Golvern morningstar, other crap.
- Feature concealer
- 6x cold flaring shortsword, 4x fel hafter
- Prem Account for sale
- bracelet +3 aura
- A small lor runestaff 5x 2 pounds
- helm+9hp,+6bles,+6braw bonus's
- +5log bonus crumbly ring
- Spiked Aegis, +10 TD (temp), +3 ambush bonus
- Enhancive Locker Cleanout
- Premium Points
- Old Dusty Stuff in the Locker
- Black Ora Short Sword, temp exceptional dp
- +22 glowbark runestaff and other stuff
- 3x double leather, DCP, +4 spell aim, +4 mana recovery
- 4x Armor Auction (Full Plate, Hauberk, & Brig)
- Post CCF locker clearance
- Ora War Hammer, +5 Max Health
- Sancted +12 Plate, Glowbark Crossbow, etc.
- Heroism scroll
- some embossed mithglin chain mail - +7 DEX, Temp HCP
- +7 Spirit MC, +2 Harness Power earcuff
- some thick glaes arm greaves +6 to dex bonus
- morning star, +5 Blunt Ranks, +5 H/S Ranks, +1 Ambush
- a perfect ebonwood-hilted steel warsword (4x)
- Lor Runestaff 5x
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