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- Locker Sale!
- Runestaffs, Weapons, and Shields
- Lockered items
- 4x sanctified lance +9 polearm +13 stam recovery Bonus
- 4x double chain - disintegration flaring, +6 max health, temp SWDP
- +50 edged enhancives auction
- enhancive weapons auction
- x5 Aegis CMAN/STR Enhance
- earring +3 blunt bonus +4 brawl bonus persists
- +6 Stalk/Hide Bonus & +6 SL: Summoning Bonus wristworn
- Fast Auction
- +13 edged bonus T3 old style fusion orb
- Locker clear out
- A couple perfects
- +8 S&H Bonus, +2 Ambush Bonus, +2 Mana Recovery
- Earcuff - +3 Pole Bonus, +4 First Aid Bonus - Permanent
- 14 Infused Scolls as One Lot - 219, 606, 307, more
- +10 Blunt Bonus, +3 Health Recover, +3 Max Health, +2 Pickpocket Bonus Crumbly Torc
- Cheap Enhancives 50k MB's
- +6 INF/+6 INT earring
- 6x Veil Iron Falchion
- 7x HCW Waraze
- Mage empowerable Cloak of Shadows
- Buy my stuff.
- Enchanted Claids
- Mage Rechargeable Melgorehn's +2 Max Stamina +1 CON Base, persists
- Soon Open Speed Enchant Slot
- +19 int and +1 spirit mana control hoarbeam runestaff
- A bunch of new bullshit for sale
- shock spear
- 130 jars 50 item count
- 50x jars with 50 item capacity
- Helm: +4 edged, +2 stalking/hiding
- 1x/Day Heroism
- Perm +6 DEX & +6 DIS neckworn
- 215/319/613 Infused Scrolls Lot
- 3x two-hander sword +4 THW Ranks, +8 Stamina Recovery, +3 Dodge Ranks, +6 INT Bonus
- 2x Full Plate +7 Stamina Recovery +2 PT Ranks, +2 Polearm Ranks, +2 SL: Blessing Rank
- Stun and Choking Jewelry, Eye Color Vials
- Lot of 40 Fresh Scrolls: 215, 211, 1119 ,319 ,310 ,606, 919 and more
- +3 DEX, +6 Perception Bonus, +5 Max Mana ring
- +8 strength +6 TWC vambraces
- 2/200 backpack, and more
- 40 charges of +20 mana recovery
- Deity reset item: a glowing sphere (bypasses Intercession ritual)
- T5 Daxela Jewelry Box
- +20 Troll-Claw +9 Brawl Bonus +5 AGI Bonus +5 Ambush Bonus +5 Max Health
- container sale
- FULL ARMOR CONCEALER - a cowled sapphire matte silk cotehardie
- worn enhancive auction
- +2 DEX Bonus/+5 Disarm Tra[s Bonus/+4 Pickpocketing Bonus pinworn
- Make my stuff your stuff
- a large treasure sack with a blood crystal clasp (major)
- Mage Rechargeables, Empowerables, Imeddables, and Enhancives
- Over 100 RARE EG gems!
- flaring arrowheads for fletching
- 6x sanctified eonake longsword
- More Infused 215, 613 Scrolls
- a bunch of off the rack fusion stuff
- 5x Disruption Flaring Runestaff +3 Spell Aim Ranks, +2 Summoning Ranks
- +4 spell aim, +4 harness power ring
- +7 THW Bonus & +4 SL: Religion Bonus necklace
- Locker cleanout - Duskruin edition
- +4 Pole Bonus, +5 Armor Use Bonus Crumbly Torc
- little enhancive trinkets (mostly)
- +4 Stamina Recovery & +2 DEX Bonus earring
- 35K MB weapons
- invar-hilted vultite katana 4x
- +3 Brawling Bonus +2 AGI Bonus - some brushed steel bracers
- +9 Edged Weapons BONUS Old-Style Fusion Orb
- +5 Climbing Bonus +4 Influence Bonus +7 Physical Fitness Bonus armband
- T3 Nalfein Black Rose Deck
- Fully unlocked Ghule Fangs and Ritual Dagger
- 4x composite bow with +7 ranged and +10 stamina
- 7x UAC Boots with Unbalance Flares
- +3 Str Stat Perm Brooch And +4 Dex Stat Crumbly Earcuff
- +5 Aura/+6 Mana/+4 Harness Power/+4 Shield Use greathelm
- +4 Ranged Bonus +4 S&H Bonus Permanent Ring
- Pin/Ring Set: +6 Spell Aim Bonus, +3 HP Bonus, +5 Max Mana
- +6 STR/+9 Mana 4x runestaff
- +8 S/H Bonus wristworn
- 6x golvern half plate w/ temp moderate impact resist
- 4x runestaff with +8 Spell Aim Bonus
- Auction for winners
- Pinworn +4 Ranged Bonus, +5 PF Bonus. Persists.
- +4 AUR/+3 EL: Earth Bonus/+1 EL: Air Bonus wristworn
- A Multifaceted Blood Crystal && Minor Bag of Holding
- Neckworn +6 S&H Bonus, +6 Logic Base. Crumbly.
- +40 Influence Set. Crumbly. (Correct Thread)
- Neckworn +4 Spell Aim Bonus, +3 Harness Power Bonus. Crumbly.
- Wristworn +3 Ranged Bonus, +6 S&H Bonus. Ring +4 Ambush Bonus. Crumbly.
- Neckworn +3 OHE Bonus, +2 Pickpocketing Bonus. Persists.
- Random DR enhancives and gear (ranged, polearm, cm, stam recovery, etc)
- Neckworns: +6 TWC Bonus, +4 AGI Base - +7 S&H Bonus, +3 TWC Bonus. Crumbly.
- Earcuff +3 THW Bonus Persists
- Headworn +5 DEX Base, +4 Max Stamina, +4 Stamina Recovery. Crumby.
- OHE Enhancives. Various worn locations, some crumbly some persist.
- Neckworn +4 Brawl Bonus, +4 Thrown Bonus. Persists.
- Neckworn +3 CM Bonus, +1 SL: Religion Bonus. Persists.
- Headworn Empowerable 'Arm of the Arkati' +5 THW Bonus.
- Pinworn +2 Spell Aim Bonus. Persists.
- Forest Armor and Unlock Certs
- Two +2 Blunt Bonus pins, both persist.
- Pinworn +2 Ranged Bonus. Persists.
- Duskruin Trinkets
- FFS Scrolls
- Bag o' spell preps/modifiers. 1 silver mb
- Spell Aiming and Dex Enhancives
- Pinworn +4 Spell Aim Bonus, +3 EMC Bonus. Crumbly.
- Ring-worn +2 WIS Bonus, +5 Brawl Bonus. Crumbly.
- a perfect walnut-hilted razern dagger
- +6 AGI neckworn
- 4x robes - temp ECP and +2 AUR Bonus/+8 EMC Bonus/+2 HP Bonus
- luminescent indigo mushroom - for Resist Nature on heavy armor
- +6 Brawling/+6 OHB crumbling torc
- +3 TWC bonus +2 MOC bonus persistent pin worn enhancive.
- Heavy Black Ora Slab, 25lbs
- Heavy Rolaren Slab, 25lbs
- Pinworn +3 Blunt Bonus, persists
- Pinworn +5 Polearm Bonus, +4 SL: Summoning Bpnus. Crumbly.
- Crazy Belmesar's Miles of Weapons
- +4 Spell Aim/+4 Blessing/+2 CON Bonus sanct greathelm & 5x fire flaring temp ECW mace
- +5 Stam Recovery/+5 AGI/+5 THW Armband
- Duskruin Drops
- 5x (+23) w/+8 Spell Aim Bonus +2 CON Bonus runestaff
- Neckworn +4 OHE Bonus. Persists.
- Another Bag o' spell preps/modifiers
- Some Spell Aiming Bonus. Locations Vary. Most Persist. One Crumbly
- Hey, yet another bag of spell preps
- Spell Aiming and Dex Runestaffs
- +8 Logic/3 dex/5 wis necklace (crumbly)
- More DR enhancives: 3 log pin, 5 THW bonus ring, 3 ranged bonus buckle, etc
- DEX Enhancives. Neck, Wear, Wrist, Pin. Mostly Crumbly. BOs listed for everything.
- BRAWL Enhancives. Includes +2 Brawl Bonus pinworn persist. BOs listed.
- Neckworn +4 Dex Base / +6 Brawling Bonus. Crumbly.
- +12 Edged Bonus Set (2 pin, 1 earring)
- +6 Stamina Recovery & +3 Mana Recovery pin
- SPELL AIM: +3 Bonus Pin, +5 Bonus Neckworn and more. BOs listed.
- 1750 Mage Empowerable +3 EMC
- a saw-toothed razern dagger +10 Stamina Recovery
- Neckworn +7 OHE Bonus
- CMAN Enhanvices: +3 Bonus Pin, +5 Bonus Ring
- Polearm Weapons Bonus +4 Earworn/+4 Neckworn/+2 Pin
- +4 Stamina Recovery/+2 Ambush Bonus/+5 Pickpocketing Bonus permanent crown
- Blunt Weapons Bonus Neckworns: +2, +3, +5
- Ranged and Dexterity enhancives
- +5 AGI, +5 Logic, +2 INT Torc & a Mana Recovery/Flaring Runestaff
- strand of veniom thread
- +10 spell aiming bonus helm
- +6 Ranged Bonus & +2 SL: Blessings Bonus neckworn
- Shimmering Indigo Orb
- RANGED Enhancives: +4 Bonus Perm Pin and Mora
- +4 ranged / +7 brawling earring
- THW Enhancives: +6 Bonus Pendant, +2 Bonus Pin
- OHE Enhancives: +5 Bonus Pinworn,
- Stuff for Sale
- perfect spikestar
- WTS unique 5x perfect forged polearm MB 2M
- Enhancives better than the pawnshop deserved
- Armor and weapons better than the pawnshop deserved
- 5x runestaff with 3 mana recovery 5 spell aim bonus
- Caster Enhancives, 6x Fulls, and 5x Runestaves
- 2x Claid
- Logic Bonus and Base. Various Locations. Some Persist.
- +4 MOC Bonus, +6 Pickpocket Bonus, +2 Ambush Bonus, 3 Max Stamina. Neckworn. Crumbly.
- +6 Brawling Bonus, +4 DEX Bonus LEG Greaves
- +8 logic pin
- +4 Stamina Recovery/and more headworn & +3 Stamina Recover/+2 HP Bonus neckworn
- +50 Stamina Regen Set
- +6 Ranged Bonus, +7 Ambush Bonus Arm Greaves.
- Helm: +10 Blunt Bonus, +9 Ambush Bonus, +8 Stamina, +4 Armor Bonus
- Enhancive Auction - 30+ items
- Weapon Skill Enhancives
- time to go...will be added to as i go thru lockers
- Pin worn w/ +10 blunt bonus,+3 brawl bonus,+2 twohanded weapon bonus & +3 climb bonus
- Jeddart-axe: +13 DEX, +7 CMAN Bonus, +9 Stamina Recovery
- Foot-worn +4 AGI Base Boots
- +3 EL: Air Bonus/+3 EL: Fire Bonus/+1 EL: Earth Bonus neckworn & +3 perm Thrown Bonus
- +4 Elemental Lore - Water Bonus, +3 Elemental Lore - Earth Bonus. Neckworn. Crumbly.
- KatananananAcution
- a moss-covered leather book with some mud-caked parchment pages - zesty writable book
- Full Ghule Set - All OTS
- An elegant veil iron katana
- a perfect walnut-hilted razern dagger
- Get Your MRs, MEs, and more!
- Some weapons, some armor, some other such n such
- Locker Clean Out
- Another Duskruin enhancives thread!
- Hairpin
- 7x UAC Handwraps. 6pts Damage Weighting. Feature Altering Zest.
- 4x Razern falchion and 4x naginata
- a 5x black ora short sword. It's name is Deceipt.
- 1750 scroll
- +11 blunt bonus t3 orb
- +12 CON base T3 fusion orb
- +10 INF crown and perfect kelyn dagger
- Inside my cloak, lots of awesome stuff!!!
- Invisibility Pin
- Locker #1 - Weapons, Armor, STR bonus enhancives... 59 items
- Pinword enhancive: +7 blunt bonus, +5 CM bonus, +3 stamina recovery
- white ora military pick +5 CM ranks sanctified
- A few logic items
- Leg Greaves. +9 Logic Base
- Eahnor Helm. +6 INT Bonus, +3 AGI Bonus, +3 STR Bonus, +6 Perception Bonus
- Neckworn. +4 Combat Maneuvers Bonus. Crumbly.
- Small enhancives
- Arm Greaves. +6 Dex Base. +6 Brawling Bonus. Temp Padding.
- Leg greaves - +10 max mana, +5 EMC bonus, SWDP
- Enhancives of Many Colors, Blunt Bonus, EMC, AS, MRs, etc
- lesser back ora ring
- Old-Style Fusion Orbs, MB 50k
- 7x, Unlocked Morphing (Rikelle) MBP
- T3 altered quartz orb baldric.
- Locker 2, +5 Spell Aim Orb, 6x leathers, Weighted and padded weapons and armor.......
- High Charge Mage Empowerables
- ME Fash'lo'Nae's Gift Baton
- +3 AUR Bonus/+1 LOG Bonus/+5 Blunt ranks ring
- Imflass Greathelm +5 strength bonus, +5 fire lore bonus, +3 HP bonus, +3 EMC bonus
- +4 AUR/+6 INF/+2 CM/+1 Polearm pinworn
- Mage Empowerable Heroism
- a 5x spike w/ lightning flares and a zested pin worn harness that holds daggers & sai
- Wanna talk about Tayvin and Mytmo, maybe Tayson and Kid
- A Tiny Orange Calico Kitten with a Tiny Kitten Sack
- a dark red vaalorn lute symbol (chrism holder)
- a cold and brass capsule (chronomage sphere holder, can hold up to 240)
- +9 logic bonus arm greaves
- Armor Concealer
- a walnut case with built in mirror
- a silver-threaded indigo survival kit
- aventail: +4 pole bonus/+7 stam recovery/+2 agi bonus/+12 disarm bonus
- +12 Stalk & Hide Bonus/+11 Climb Bonus/+5 Dodge Bonus perm neckworn
- Ethereal Armor cert
- Armor Concealer - a dark red tabard
- a pair of wide-cuffed sharkskin boots - 6x, fully unlocked, void flares, UAC
- Some Enhancives, 50k MBs
- Essence of Greater Fire
- enhancives
- Proffesion Stuff - Wizard and Rouge
- +3 AGI Bonus pin
- Ethereal scrip blocks of 500k, 120k, and 1 T4 cert (200k), MB 1 dollar
- +18 spiked large shield with temporary +9 TD protection.
- 5x dcp t2 ensorc full leather
- +8 WIS wristworn
- ME's, MR's, and whatnot
- a glowing sphere (deity attunement reset)
- 3x runestaff with +2 mana flares and +2 Mental Lore Transformation Ranks
- Enhansives and Things 3
- 6-7x speed enchant for sale, difficult items
- a luminescent indigo mushroom
- 5x/4x T4 Nerve Staff, 5x DCP Doubles, Few Other Things
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