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- crown and pin (polearm str wis cm)
- 5x, earth-flaring, lightly crit padded, temp crush resistant golvern aug chain
- Epic Deepened Fluff unlocked Night Shroud greatcloak, green fireball ring, VHCW axe
- +13 runestaff with +7 Spell Aim Bonus + Fire Flares
- imflass full plate, perm SWDP, +10 THW BONUS, +8 PHY
- a dented sephwir long bow
- Various enhancives and a few 5-6x items
- Wanted: Interesting handaxes
- Decent enhancives - MB 100k each
- Slatted Fortune Case
- small yellow dollhouse toy and a small decrepit dollhouse toy 100k mb each
- a pair of dirty bloodstained hand-wraps - +20 LCW, heavily scripted
- 6x sancted veil iron katana
- 7X T2 Hauberk
- Fusion Orb, a few enhancives and a Defender Maul
- 250 orb gems - MB: 1.84m
- Dex and spell-aiming enhancives
- +Spell Aim, +Necro Lore double leathers
- +9 INF, +9 LOG, +9 HP, +2 Blessings Bonus 4x Runestaff
- 5x/5x acuity staff with fully unlocked orb zests
- +7 Harness Power Ranks Runestaff
- 4x war hammer: +4 blunt bonus, +3 health recovery, +5 ambush bonus
- Huz's first auction. Buy my stuff so I can go buy more stuff
- 6 CM rank, 4 Dodge Rank, 4x mattock
- 3x temp masterfully crit padded full leather (perm mod resist to puncture)
- Sanctified perm DCP helm
- +18 SWCW vaalorn broadsword
- Backpack with High end Goodies MB: $1
- boxfound auction: SWCW rolaren axe and DCP crush resist greaves
- +7 thrown, +6 CM leg greaves
- Bards and Troubadours Harken!
- 5x Mana Flare + Mana Recovery runestaff
- A few things
- 50k mb more stuff
- a miniature inscribed tombstone (custom 316 or 1640)
- a blue monkey's paw trinket (custom Major Sanctuary 220)
- many spell preps and a few other things 500k mb
- more spell preps and customizations 500kmb each
- Selling indigo and silver mist spell prep
- tangleweed and major sanct custom spell preps
- T5 Win: Weapon Harness, +7 Blunt Weapons
- 4/160 cloak worn - A patterned silver gauze robe
- +3 Spirit Recovery Drinkable Wristband
- a blue monkey's paw trinket, Major Sanctuary The Deluged Bluefin
- EG Auction (2009) Planetarium Lantern
- 8x barnacle-covered spiked rolaren buckler
- Veniom Auction
- Spell prep - MB 500k
- Custom major sanctuary - the Deluged Bluefin
- Spell prep - esophageal purge
- sparkling yellow prism
- Selling a (T5) Ghezresh Preservation sigil
- EG T5 find: hair feather/beads
- WTS A feathery soft white vellum T1-T2
- Set of EG Prizes for Auction
- folded blue silk satchel clasped with a Wizard's Guild insignia
- T5 Win: +25 5x Robes with Slash Protection
- A silver-edged villswood scutum +18, weapon harness large shield, +5 AGI, +5 CM ranks
- a circular chelioboros sigil - T5 win
- DCP ora chain mail
- Locked Night Shroud Cloak - A mithglin-buttoned billowing black greatcloak - 6/140
- Going back to school sale.
- Mechanical tea set? painted brass and oak case.
- New EG Auction with a big of everything Spell Prep/Clothing/Containers/etc
- Permanently sighted bows: somewhat/decent/decent
- 50 count locker expansion - T5 win
- Autobundling Cobblers tote mist master punch
- 7x sanctified golvern augmented breastplate
- EG auction - more of those T4 spell preps/containers/clothes/etc.
- 90,000 seashells, 45m MB
- 7x heavily sighted longbow
- 250 high quality orbs -
- a bag of 20 spell preps selling as a whole
- 115k seashells - Auction ends TONIGHT
- +7 spell aiming ranks (lv56), +3 Harness Power ranks (lv12), +20 runestaff
- T5 digging wins - for sale!
- 4x Ice Flaring Unlocked "Smart" OHE Axe
- blue monkey's paw trinket
- +7 stamina recovery & +3 THW bonus pin
- xojium lor staff and 50 item locker expansion contract
- tooled casting leathers
- EG Tier 6 pull - some ancient mithril full plate
- battered driftwood stationary box
- 3x HCP full leather. MB: 1m
- Constellation Lantern - "Summer" - T5 win
- Enhancive Jewelry 50k MBs
- Preservation (305) holy item - an ornate sapphire sigil on a woven silver cord
- T5 Win- Juggling ball
- REAL Lightening/Deepening Notes (Get out of here with your Indigo!)
- couple t5's
- 7x handwraps
- tiny redwood trinket
- shadow grey crystal ball pin
- BloodMist spell Prep
- Black ora faceplate( major black ora jewelry)
- unlimited shifting perfume vial
- 150,000 seashells
- a couple spell preps might be neat
- 7x blessable uac gauntlets with gore & lesser mood
- an amber-eyed black onyx cat pin (EG prize enhancive hider)
- Fully unlocked Feature concealing Climatewear cloak, Max Light Epic Deepened.
- 2900 Premium Points
- 4x Gladiuses
- 85k seashells, 1k MB
- Ethereal Chain Spell Prep
- Perm Disintegrate Fletching Razor
- WTS Old feature Concealer Cloak Max Light/Epic Deep
- +13 brawling bonus fusion orb
- Fully Unlocked Farusteri Gowns
- krolvin skin gloves (greater elemental fire flares) & 7x deep throat longsword
- silver keyln tetsubo patterened with spirals along the head
- disk changer - creates "the scaly [character] disk"
- couple more t5's
- lots of stuff all 1 silver MB
- 110k seashells.
- T6 Jackpot
- coral-carved ebon yumi
- SK 503 cloak
- a stained driftwood easel T6 jackpot pull
- Enhancive runestaff-AGI, HP, LOG
- a collection of 8 lighten notes and 62 deepen notes from eg
- Professional Courtesy gear: Ranger, Empath, Sorcerer, Wizard
- 25 Use Reim Orb
- 5x Unlocked shocklance
- Auction: v11.02.17
- Selling all the runestones
- Temp +13 TD 3x medium shield
- Kotin's Auction
- Steampunk Themed Longcoat
- 7x T2 UAC gloves
- Low Start Auction (50K)
- a fine sephwir long bow with a T3
- epic deepen tactical harness t-2 spider bag
- Locker Cleanout -- MB: 10K on everything
- 271 EG runestones
- Prank set (water cannon + hand buzzer) & illusion gloves
- Professional Courtesy Wizard Gloves
- 11200 Premium Points
- fusion full leather, +20, T4 ensorcell, LCW, max light
- Disparate Miscellany
- Some weps for 1 silver, take these off me plz :)
- a fur-lined dark chestnut cloak (whisper cloak?)
- 7x and 8x OHEs
- Rarer spell prep
- Wizard siegery miniature
- pack full of flaring arrows
- Unlocked Gnomish Lockpick Bracer with 4 nice unused picks
- Selling perfect 7x morning star
- 4x Augmented Breastplate
- a patchwork leather toolkit with lockpicks
- 7x fully unlocked fana falchion with fire flares
- Kroderine katar
- 250 high quality orbs
- WTS +18 Runestaff w/ +9 Wis/+5 logic Bonus
- EG Spell Prep Eels - Cleric Based
- Bounty heirloom "toy"
- Farusteri Gown
- A polished stormcloud diamond, Belly gem
- A small crimson and gold shrine engraved with the head of a jackal
- NEW Heirloom Bounty "toy"
- Leg greaves: +9 dex stat, +8 aura stat, +5 ele lore:fire bonus, persist
- t-5 coin pouch from EG
- A Kelyn-Hilted Vultite Longsword - 4x, Temp DW, HP & PF Enhancive
- +35 Fully Unlocked Fana Falchion with PLASMA Flares
- Weighted and padded gear auction
- Helm: +10 polearm bonus, +7 max stam, +9 armor use bonus, +8 HP bonus
- Arm greaves: +8 CM bonus, +4 shield use bonus
- Various enhancive jewelry
- Professional Courtesy: few gloves
- Bag with a bunch of jars filled with EN Gems
- Cleaning out the lockers
- Lightening and Deepening Notes
- +1 bonus aura +4 str bonus arm greaves with pockets
- Exceptional Wearable Enhancives
- Locker cleanout auction. Cloaks, weapons, armor, all kinds of things.
- Duskruin pet rats
- a pink donut box
- fully unlocked metallic gown/tier 3
- some items for sale you buy now!
- we will call this my mistake auction
- enhancive headband : +5 brawling, +9 stamina recovery. Persists.
- Skull ring
- Spirit beast accoutrements and paraphernalia
- +3 Necromancy cloak (Professional Courtesy EG 2017)
- 6x HDP Max Lightened T5 Full Plate
- Fusion orbs brawling, agi, 5x fusion leathers, high end uac gloves
- Persistent 7 Dex, 4 Stam Rec, 5 Disc Crown
- Edged, S&H, DEX, INF Enhancive
- 1 silver MB mini auction
- 6x hauberk, +33 shield
- Femereffs Shop and locker clean out Auction
- a fel-handled imflass war hammer
- 8x SK 306 runestaff
- Fix skill and fix stat potions
- Vambraces and a few old weapons
- Spell Aim Enhancives for auction!
- Temp ECW (14 points), +8 ora-edged faenor dagger
- Temp MCP (16 points) , perm moderate plasma resist, +20 scorched full leather
- +7 Harness Power Ranks (level 56), +10 steel-capped kakore runestaff
- +Dex Bonus, +Log Bonus, +22 ipantor longbow
- Temp VHCP (11 points) thick vultite greathelm
- Enhancive Token for Summit Academy
- Enhancive token sack all three items
- Winter locker sale
- Colour-themed backpack auction
- Yet Another Enhancive Token
- +2 shield rank / +2 health recovery
- A handful of enhancives
- +5 influence necklace crumbly
- Assorted Collections (Arkati boxes, Lockmastery
- Selling nice Ranged/Survival/Climbing enhancive to permify
- A fistful of stat enhancives
- 10x T3 handaxe
- 5X ethereal armor hauberk
- T1 unlocked eisenruck with gnomish repair toolbelt
- Many Pumas Died to Bring Us This Outfit
- mithglin main gauche
- 7x LDP Full Plate, 4x Greater Mood Plate
- Enhancive ring +5 stamina recovery, +2 STR bonus, +3 THW
- +20 ruic long bow, +11 Perception Bonus, +5 agility
- rolaren-edged mithril claidhmore
- Locker Clean Out: Some T3 Fusion orbs from 2016 EG
- An Oversized Faewood Alchemy Case...
- 3x half plate with perm somewhat damage padding and temp moderate shock resistance
- +6 stamina recovery, +2 CON bonus ring (perm)
- Good Enhance/Old Style Orbs stuff for (THW/OHE/TWC/STR/LOG)
- Another backpack auction
- Gowns, Gowns, Gowns oh did I say BELLED SKIRTS ALSO?
- +4 Edged, Blunt and Spell Aim bonus enhancives
- Fusion orbs: +9 THW bonus, +11 strength stat
- Shoulderworn, Significant, 3 lb Joola
- +25 Perm mod slash resist double leather
- +4 to max Mana brooch
- sterling silver and teak case (complete tea set)
- DEX orb
- backpack of toys
- Account with 2700pp
- Bundles of joy - all 1m MB
- Small Block of Premium Points - 1700
- A sack of imbeds: 618, 712, 1617, 1718, more
- 4x spikestar with disintegration flares against Grimswarm. Named weapon: Grimsbane
- An opaque onyx black shroud - facial concealer
- Face Concealers: Wraps, Veil, Scarf, Face-wrap, and Shroud
- a tear-shaped black diamond necklace - stunning puzzle jewelry
- Barbie Auction
- EN Gem Jars - mostly full
- ultra rare/limited edition +5 to polearm bonus red harness
- MR and enhancive jewelry
- Selling EG T5: enruned mithril dagger (5x, +2 Logic, +4 Logic Bonus)
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