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- Fire Flaring Longsword
- onyx and ruby-linked belt clasped with a glittering ivory web
- +15 robes temp MCP.
- Hoarbeam Runestaff +2 Elemental mana control +4 Wisdom +2 Magic Item Use
- 6x longbow & 6x fusion rune staff
- 50 item auction - mostly 10k starting bids and fluff
- +2 stat wearables auction - STR, CON, AGI, WIS, AUR - persist - 100k MBs
- Big enhansive auction, mostly 35k MB
- Runestaffs galore - the 35k mb store
- Harness Power/Dodge 4x Runestaff & Mana Recovery/Agility Medallion
- Weapons, fluff, enhances, containers, all kinds of stuff.
- Ring + 2 Strength
- Vultite Damage Weighted Falchion
- Locker Cleanout aka Mules are Encumbered (small stuff) (Part 3)
- Miscellaneous Item Sale - Quality Items - 35k MB for Each Item
- 5x enchantment
- Rude and crude!
- Enhancives: Ambush, TWC, Dex, THW, OHE, Con, EMC and others.
- 50ct uncut diamonds and emeralds
- Veil Iron Javelin +13 to Thrown Bonus
- +9 to logic & +7 to air lore tiara ( crumbly )
- Armor and armor accessory auction
- Brawling & Strength enhancing bracers, Mangled Spoons, & Mandis crystal shards
- Some Stuff
- +4 to dex BONUS pendant with zest
- Two +4 ranged bonus wristguards
- +8 pickpocketing pin, crumbly
- +5 STR Bonus Runestaff
- Weapons, Jewelry, Spidersilk Cloak, Lockpicks, Ring Holders & More.
- 100+ Chrism-Quality Orb Gems
- +4 Polearm ranks crown, +4 DS defender longsword, and a fireleaf runestaff
- some scorched form-fitting leathers 5x with show
- Backpack off stuff II
- +2 Strength Ring
- 50ct uncut emeralds
- Mage rechargable 1607 item
- Old items, rare metal containers, poisons, gem-cutter ..little of everything
- Enhancives: Spell Aim; Mana Recovery; EL: Fire; Con; MMC; and other armor
- Backpack of Random Stuff
- 6x Perfect Steel Dagger
- Random Gathering of Enhancives & What-nots.
- +10 SA orb, +10 Dex orb, 7x fusion doubles, 7x perfect dagger, 6x lor runestaff
- imflass miltary pick. temp ECW, +3 health recovery
- a large faenor claidhmore
- +6 to dex stat earring & +5 range torc non crumbly and cheap to recharge
- Weighted, Padded, Enhancive and more!! MB is at PAWNSHOP offered price!!!!
- Selling My altered Lockpick Case. Very nice.
- Selling +2 Bonus to Ranged Weapon use and +1 Bonus to Spirtual Lore Blessing - Ring
- Selling a 5x Fusion Composite Bow
- 50ct uncut diamonds
- Leaving the Lands Auction v1.0
- Wristworn +Wis, S/H, Disarm Traps, Pickpocket
- a fine white sunstone pendant persistant enhansives
- 4x SWCP Brig (deep black rolaren scalemail)
- +6 strength necklace & +3 dex bonus barrette with +6 to trading bonus
- +27 gleaming glowbark long bow
- some 4x/5x OHE's and a siegery mini
- Just Returned, Cleaning out Old Stuff Sale!
- Persistant Aura Necklace
- Random Weapons/Armor Sales
- Enhancives: Spell Aim; Blunt; Dex; HP; Necro Lore; and Agility
- SELLING: a thin-bladed veil iron hook-knife
- 4X Decently Crit Padded Brigandine
- 7X Ora Augmented Chain
- ornate spiked mossbark buckler
- warcamp loot
- 4x some gleaming spiked vultite full plate temp exceptional crit padding, 50-59lbs
- 6x buckler
- 6x OHE blessable axe for sale
- Need some items to work on at RtCF? 7X Shields/Armor/weapon
- a sharp mithril katana
- +30 veil iron studded leather
- Last chance in bulk, CB to pawnshop. Containers, padded, enhancive, weapons ect. . .
- Fireleaf buckler
- Weapon Auction #1
- SELLING 1600 premium points
- Fun little lockpick kit - unique set of picks
- Fairy Kit - just add sprites
- Another big auction, random stuff weapons/armor/containers/fluff you know how I do
- Maul Forging Glyph Set
- +6 Polearm leg greaves
- EG Gems & Joola Jewelry (in large lots)
- couple enhancive weapons
- Heimer runestaff
- Perfect steel handaxe 0x
- Glyph-Etched Mithril Katana, 4x HCW, and Necklace +3 Dodging Ranks
- Blue feather charm
- Fine glaes katana - 3x, katana weighting, sanctified
- THW weapon enhancive MR (double persistant)
- 2x, +3 TD, spiked cuirbouilli leather
- Sure its over priced however,
- Alchemy Shit
- 7x augmented fusion chain CCF material!
- Locker Cleanout
- UAC and Armor Concealer
- +10 Logic bonus barette, MR Cone of Lightning
- +4 Dex Bonus SDW War Hammer
- Raise dead and well of life scroll - two of each
- 4x vultite katana with tier 1 ensorcellment
- Oil lamp with many oils. Starting MB 10k
- some black titanium chain mail - 7x
- +2 Strength Ring - Persists
- spell aiming crown & runestaff
- 13 million silvers up for auction!
- Locker Cleanout Sale: Mostly weapons/armor/containers! New stoof!
- Sighted composite bows
- +2 Enhancive Intuition Persists - Neckworn
- +2 Ambush Ranks Blank Mage Rechargeable Clasp
- Belt from Night at the Academy/H4H With Loresong
- Some stuff
- Uncut diamonds, emeralds
- RtCF Ticket
- Fash'lo'nae's Gift (1750) scroll
- Mithril Full Plate - 5X
- Leaving the lands sale!
- a nicked spiked glaes shield.
- a full suit of diminutive armor 6x
- 4X UAC Boots - Flare Dark Substance
- 6X Vultite Augmented Chain
- 6x HCP full leathers
- 6x fusion gear
- Eonake leg greaves, Actioned Pendant, Scroll Bundle
- veil iron two hander
- mithril arm greaves -- +5 max health +4 wisdom stat
- +1 STR Bonus/+10 Picking Locks Bonus/+7 Arcane Symbols Bonus Earring
- Clean out sale
- +5 edged/+1 aura talisman and +4 thrown/+3 agi bonus torc
- an ora-tipped glaes backsword (3x, +5 edge weapon and +7 dexterity enhancive)
- an old golvern shield, 5x
- a twisting orase staff carved into a wickedly taloned demon (long descript, 4x,zesty)
- free tier one ensorcell
- Weapons/Armor Auction
- 6x Chain Hauberk - Scripted with resistances.
- Aura or CMAN orb fodder
- Pinworn: +3 THW Bonus, +5 Max Mana, +1 Agility Bonus, +2 Armor Use Bonus... Persists!
- stuff. 5x shields/runestaff, enhancives, bags of wands, statues, scrolls, alch. mats
- Enhancive belt: +3 STR/CON/DEX
- +5 stamina recovery GoS ring
- 4x wall shield with harness/pocket
- Small Lot of Eahnor
- blank mage imbed +2 spell aim bonus
- UAC gloves/boots
- Wide assortment of MR/magical/enhancive jewelry - low MB
- Unlocked Duplicity Cloak
- Lor Runestaff 5 X / +25
- +5 Spell aim and plasma flaring runestaff
- Weapons/Armor Auction #2
- Enhancives/Orb Fodder/Imbeddables
- Barbie backpacks
- +5 stamina-recovery GoS "leather-strapped bronze greaves"
- 2x day Unpoison/Undisease ring with scripts
- "Guardian's Power": +2 mana recovery, +3 max mana GoS ring
- Perfect Monir-Handled Mithril Forging-Hammer
- Affordable Upgrades I: Fusion EQ, Sorcerer Runestaff, Veil Iron Broadsword, & More!
- +2 to MIU bonus medallion
- a fire pearl studded pewter pendant +4 arcane symbol bonus
- a glyph-etched gold alloy torc (+2 INT bonus)
- Fundraising
- 20 sealed envelopes mb 1 coin
- Blank MR Necromancy pinworn persist/persist
- FireLeaf Buckler + 22
- 6x or 7x perfect lance
- headband - Persists 1 MIU, 1 HP, 4 Infl
- 6x / +28 OHB, Knockout Flares
- 7x gloves, 7x plate, hcp plate, armor concealers, trollbane
- Potent Pawnables
- Lock picking/Trap lore enhancives and assorted accessories
- Leaving the lands auction ..more items
- Enhancives, misc weapons, orb fodder
- Enhancive weighted 4x Discus
- Stuff
- MB 10k on everything! Lots of zests, fluff, max deep and max light containers, toys
- Eel skin hat, 2x HCW broadsword, furry spider charm (altered goat pin)
- 5x fully unlocked Hkala(dagger holding) zested longsword
- villswood, veil iron, mobiles and iron skin
- +7AS ,+6SA,+3 mana recovery, and +5 max mana crumby torc
- a tri-headed veil iron pike 5x, HCW, triton bane lance
- EG mask, auto-standing cane, other stuff.
- Orb fodder, 15 Influence or 10 SL - Religion
- Locker Cleanout Auction No. 1
- 1 charge call familiar - embedded gem
- Leaving the lands auction...lowered prices and new items
- a shadowy myrtle green silk velvet corset
- backpack with makeup and things
- Various Persist Enhancives and 6x Shield
- Stuff
- 1 Coin MB Auction
- hooded shadow black coat ( pocketed full armor concealer )
- +10 kelyn claid
- Sigil-etched illthorn runestaff
- Lots'o'stuff Auction 1
- Locker sale: kitten, pie machine, HCP armor, perfect weapon, concealor, goat pin
- 5x max light fusion brig
- +5 sorcery lore - necromancy bonus
- Small auction, Random stuff
- +14 Harness Power Bonus orb
- stout imflass handaxe -+5 dexterity, +7 max stamina....
- Temp ECW 4x razor-paw / Runestaff +11 HP bonus +6 Necro Bonus/ Cuirbouilli +11 AGI
- Pin worn +6 dex stat, head worn +7 dex stat +2 ranks shield use
- a vruul skin swordbelt, less than 2lbs, MA, several items. Reduces weight of contents
- 7 dodge bonus necklace & 7 stamina recovery torc (crumbly )
- +6 wisdom stat, +7 arcane symbols bonus arm greaves
- a dirt-caked leather tricorne - Feature altering hat.
- a twilled graphite wool flat cap - Feature altering hat
- ambush imflass jeddart axe, +disc 3x fulls
- pinworn +3 Spell Aim +2 Mana Recovery +2 Magic Item Use +5 Survival
- pinworn +12 Stalking and Hiding Bonus +7 Armor Use Bonus +2 Disarming Traps Bonus
- Lance Glyph Set
- Hermie's Oddities Auction
- Acuity Runestave, Thrown enhancive, and a small gaggle of greaves
- Trick Dagger
- 6 jars of gems and two jars of alchemy components
- 5x per day 1214 - Brace
- Ensorcelling--T1 today or T2 by Sunday/Monday late
- Heroism + Bravery Scroll
- Backpack of random EG gems
- Round-cut ruby torc
- some things
- +3 Spell Aim Rank Earcuff
- +2str/+12 intuition stickpin
- Envelopes
- Container full of max L/D, toys, zesty stuff.
- a silver bound leather weapon harness inlaid with sunstones and moonstones.
- pinworn Dex/ohe brooch
- T1, T2 or T3 ensorcell
- Blank Mage Rechargeable Gem
- Scroll package
- a scratched mithril-bound manacle - 2002 hunt for history prize
- Locker cleaning, 30+ items
- Various Enhancives
- Altered, Unlocked, and Customized Oculoth-themed Crystal Holder
- +5 ranged ranks greathelm
- 6x runestaff
- Pinworn - persist - necro, max mana, mana recovery, influence
- Imflass military pick THW: vibe flares, +4 MIU bonus, +4 necro lore bonus
- 4x Augmented Breastplate, +8 bonus to constitution
- +1 rank Mental Lore - Manipulation +4 Ranks MIU Gornar Twohanded Sword
- +8 agility Claidhmore
- 7x(+33) elegant maple-hilted vaalorn falchion
- Helm +Brawling ranks, +Blunt ranks, +Stamina
- Yierka-spur, +Brawling ranks, + Strength
- +6 brawling bonus orb
- +7 Dodge Bonus orb
- Mage Rechargeable 418 (mana focus) Bracer
- 3-room teras island shop
- a xenium hilted rolaren-edged yarkbalka - 4x DCW OHE
- a furry white goat pin
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