08-21-2020, 10:35 PM
Need to get rid of these damned things which are weighing me down. Sold as a group. Good news is I will continue to add to this as the auction goes along....
sold on buyout
Runes and count:
- - - 6
((O)) 2
(-)(-) 1
(-o-) 2
)*( 11
)|( 6
)X( 2
*Oo**% 1
,~YvY~` 1
.o. 1
/ / / 5
/--/ 3
/o\ 6
/v\ 1
:'`||': 1
---^ 1
^--^ 3
^v^ 8
^w^ 4
_-_- 1
_|_|_ 1
_-~* 0
``\`/ 3
{[: 1
| | | 5
| oo | 5
|*| 17
|^*| 1
||o~o|| 1
|=| 1
|OO| 3
-|T|- 1
~(o)~ 1
~\- 6
~\o 3
~~~~ 1
~o~ 1
0*8t 1
---O 1
O/\O 5
o|` 2
O||O 1
v-o-v 6
Vv| 6
Description of runes:
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "((O))" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "((O))" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "(-)(-)" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "(-o-)" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "(-o-)" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")*(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")*(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")*(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")X(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")X(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "*Oo**%" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ",~YvY~`" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ".o." rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/--/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/--/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/--/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ":'`||':" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "---^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^--^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^--^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^--^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "_-_-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "_|_|_" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "_-~*" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "``\`/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "``\`/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "``\`/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "{[:" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|*|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|^*|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "||o~o||" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|=|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|OO|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|OO|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|OO|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "-|T|-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~(o)~" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~~~~" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~o~" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "0*8t" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "---O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "o|`" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "o|`" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O||O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OOO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OOO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OXO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OXO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OXO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
sold on buyout
Runes and count:
- - - 6
((O)) 2
(-)(-) 1
(-o-) 2
)*( 11
)|( 6
)X( 2
*Oo**% 1
,~YvY~` 1
.o. 1
/ / / 5
/--/ 3
/o\ 6
/v\ 1
:'`||': 1
---^ 1
^--^ 3
^v^ 8
^w^ 4
_-_- 1
_|_|_ 1
_-~* 0
``\`/ 3
{[: 1
| | | 5
| oo | 5
|*| 17
|^*| 1
||o~o|| 1
|=| 1
|OO| 3
-|T|- 1
~(o)~ 1
~\- 6
~\o 3
~~~~ 1
~o~ 1
0*8t 1
---O 1
O/\O 5
o|` 2
O||O 1
v-o-v 6
Vv| 6
Description of runes:
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "((O))" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "((O))" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "(-)(-)" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "(-o-)" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "(-o-)" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")*(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")*(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")*(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")X(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")X(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "*Oo**%" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ",~YvY~`" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ".o." rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/--/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/--/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/--/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ":'`||':" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "---^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^--^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^--^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^--^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "_-_-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "_|_|_" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "_-~*" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "``\`/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "``\`/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "``\`/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "{[:" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|*|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|^*|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "||o~o||" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|=|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|OO|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|OO|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|OO|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "-|T|-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~(o)~" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~~~~" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~o~" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "0*8t" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "---O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "o|`" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "o|`" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O||O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OOO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OOO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OXO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OXO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OXO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.