View Full Version : Got stones? I do. Bag of stones and runes for sale.

08-21-2020, 10:35 PM
Need to get rid of these damned things which are weighing me down. Sold as a group. Good news is I will continue to add to this as the auction goes along....

sold on buyout

Runes and count:
- - - 6
((O)) 2
(-)(-) 1
(-o-) 2
)*( 11
)|( 6
)X( 2
*Oo**% 1
,~YvY~` 1
.o. 1
/ / / 5
/--/ 3
/o\ 6
/v\ 1
:'`||': 1
---^ 1
^--^ 3
^v^ 8
^w^ 4
_-_- 1
_|_|_ 1
_-~* 0
``\`/ 3
{[: 1
| | | 5
| oo | 5
|*| 17
|^*| 1
||o~o|| 1
|=| 1
|OO| 3
-|T|- 1
~(o)~ 1
~\- 6
~\o 3
~~~~ 1
~o~ 1
0*8t 1
---O 1
O/\O 5
o|` 2
O||O 1
v-o-v 6
Vv| 6

Description of runes:
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "- - -" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "((O))" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "((O))" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "(-)(-)" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "(-o-)" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "(-o-)" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")*(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")*(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")*(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")|(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")X(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ")X(" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "*Oo**%" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ",~YvY~`" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ".o." rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/ / /" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/--/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/--/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/--/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "/v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the ":'`||':" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "---^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^--^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^--^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^--^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^v^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "^w^" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "_-_-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "_|_|_" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "_-~*" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "``\`/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "``\`/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "``\`/" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "{[:" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| | |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "| oo |" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|*|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|^*|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "||o~o||" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|=|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|OO|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|OO|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "|OO|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "-|T|-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~(o)~" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\-" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~\o" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~~~~" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "~o~" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "0*8t" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "---O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O/\O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "o|`" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "o|`" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "O||O" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OOO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OOO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OXO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OXO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "OXO" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "v-o-v" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.
Carved into the top of the stone is the "Vv|" rune. While unfamiliar, you sense that reading it again will set its design to memory and cause the stone to crumble.

08-21-2020, 11:03 PM
5k silvers or bloodscript?

08-21-2020, 11:06 PM
Silvers. Got enough BS to fill a number of inanimate objects.

08-21-2020, 11:08 PM
then 5k bid it is

08-21-2020, 11:26 PM

08-21-2020, 11:27 PM

08-22-2020, 09:35 AM

08-22-2020, 03:23 PM
750k once. Will add more stones tonight

08-22-2020, 04:10 PM
For whoever buys this, I'm interested in acquiring the:


rune... please PM me with a reasonable price, if you're willing to sell!

08-22-2020, 09:32 PM
Sold on buyout -

08-22-2020, 10:32 PM
For whoever buys this, I'm interested in acquiring the:


rune... please PM me with a reasonable price, if you're willing to sell!

Kuon bloodrune found, thanks!