View Full Version : Auctions
- Merchant Ice Fletching Razor, 4x double chain, glaes meat cleaver
- longsword 4x, 4 dodge ranks, 4 CM ranks
- Once Unlocked Hair Bauble
- +5 to Ranged Bonus, +8 to PF bonus (neck-worn)
- a rusted iron spyglass
- Scratched mithril Greathelm- Enhancive
- golvern main gauche
- cb: 1m - headworn tiara +5 bonus to ranged bonus crumbly
- Bag of Charged Statues
- 11 max health, 9 Combat manuvers, 4 strength war hammer
- 4x Vibe flaring runestaff
- A Gold-nocked Ipantor heavy crossbow - sighted
- Fully Unlocked/Charged Phoen's Strength Scroll (606) 20+
- Mithril Greathelm MB 1M (+5 FA/+4 Picking locks/+7 PF)
- +3 demon lore & +3 smc non crumbly pin
- a corseted mithglin-hued marbrinus gown subtly swirled with blended midnight blue a
- +4 Max Stamina, +4 Health Recovery, spiked helm.
- torc with blunt/pickpocket/brawl
- Once Unlocked 4x mechanical wand runestaff
- Chrism Holder
- last call! cb - 35k - ornate mossbark aegis - 3x +7 TD perm large shield
- 6x fulls
- +8 OHE bonus fusion orb
- Some older stuff.
- EN bounty gems
- Mage rechargables, enhansives, and more.
- +22 +13 PF +3 mana recovery runestaff
- Necklace +2 INT bonus, +3 summoning lore bonus, +2 spell aim bonus
- fiery red razern main gauche +5 dex
- Couple o' Enhancives
- +20 double leather, temp incredible crit padding
- Vivi's Backpack Auction - Take III
- 4x falchion, Perm. DW
- a gold-tipped imflass dagger - +12, +4 mana recovery, +9 Dexterity
- Forged Daggers Auction
- Fully unlocked longcoat - VLA, shoulders
- 3 weaps / 2 enhancives
- 6x spiked altered hauberk
- +4 CO bonus +7 DEX bonus dagger
- +2 DEX Bonus RING - Blank MR
- Pinworn +4 AURA, +6 Climbing
- mithril claid once unlocked gostahl kit khlatt satchel unlocked n +5 logic orb
- Set of unlocked scrolls (heroism, bravery, cloak of shadows, phoen's strength)
- Locker Cleanout auction
- +12 stalking bonus/+4 con bonus/+6 max health band
- Ranged bonus ring
- Fusion Orb: +4 Bonus to Aura Bonus
- +6 Harness power bonus pendant (also 316 imbed)
- +2 Spell Aiming Ranks, blank MR, crown
- THWs, Sanctified Weighted Weapons, Basic Metal Armor & More
- Bunch of Scrolls
- Bag o' gems
- +3 Dex pinworn blank mage rechargeable
- Crown: +4 EMC bonus, +4 DEX bonus, +2 CON bonus, +4 SMC bonus
- +4 DEX Bonus, +6 PL bonus, Ring
- chrism quality gems
- +2 inf bonus +4 FA ranks torc persists
- Backpack Liquidation #1
- Fir-handled gornar morning star : 1x, +3 blunt ranks, vibe flares, +5 discp stat
- Torc: +3 SA, +3 MIU, +3 HP
- EG broomstick (zesty)
- 4x, lightning flaring, an etched vultite hippe edged with zorchar (halberd)
- +3 Intution bonus Torc - persists
- Sack of 50 chrism quality orbs
- Locker Cleanout - 4x stuff, few minor enhancives
- Drinking horn - a dark onyx-rimmed horn
- Leaving the lands...
- Zested 4x longbow
- Backpack Liquidation #2
- Fusion gear and orbs
- GOS sword
- 3 perception ranks 3 lockpick ranks crumbly
- Backpack Liquidation #3
- Runestaff: +6 to Mana Recovery, +11 to Physical Fitness Bonus, +8 to INF
- Leg Greaves: +2 to STR bonus
- Ora Greathelm: Temporarily Crit Padded
- cb 35k - 4x small shield +4 max mana, +12 TD temp, spiked
- 6x Perfect Longsword W/Show, +32 Hcp Brig, 2x HCW Great Axe
- some rhimar studded black platemail (5x +25)
- Weapon Displayers For Auction
- +4 Armor Use Bonus, +3 SL: Blessing Bonus, an eonake-edged conical bronze helm
- 9x Tower (or medium) Shield
- Backpack Liquidation #4
- pinworn +8 Agility +4 Max Mana
- 6 Dexterity Headband
- 4x disintegration flaring runestaff
- Enhancive items
- max light/deep +2 stamina return scripted dragon cloak
- Spring Cleaning: Fully Unlocked Bauble, Weapons, Containers, Clothing, and Moar!
- +5 Ranged Weapons ranks, +6 Picking Locks ranks, neckworn
- Perfect Mithril Maul - 1x
- Armor concealer, weapons, etc.
- Greathelm: +9 Dex, +9 stamina, +14 PP, +7 S&H
- Ora Trident, +8 to Stamina Recovery
- Locker Cleanout: 4x weapons, containers, sheaths, and more!
- stuff to be rid of
- 3 Blunt weapon ranks, 9 Dis, 1 Health Recov, headworn
- 5/27 1:00 PM maze Run
- engraved vaalorn trident: +6 Ambush Ranks, +8 CON, +1 Polearm Ranks, +2 Max Health.
- +3 Ranged Weapon Bonus, neckworn
- infused 618 scroll
- infused 606 scroll
- infused 211 scroll
- 2x claid, 4x HDW cutlass, +7 TWC pin, and a few other enhansives
- COL Bracers (2)
- 2x handaxe: +3 CON Bonus, +4 SL: Summon Bonus, +3 Armor Bonus
- 5x Katana for sale
- 4x flaring runestaves
- Merchant-Won Acid Fletching Razor
- Haunted EG Masks
- All-or-Nothing Grab Bag #1
- vultite katana.. mith claid
- All-or-Nothing Grab Bag #2
- All-or-Nothing Grab Bag #3
- Backpack Liquidation #5
- A FEW THINGS 5.13.12
- Weighted/flaring OHEs and other stuff
- Goblin/GoS Outfit Set
- Archery Stuff
- Spring Cleaning - weapons, clothing, armor, etc.
- WEAA Pin - peg-legged cat pin
- +4 logic bonus 8 cilimbing bonus pin non crumbly
- ringworn +5 Max Stamina +5 Armor Use Bonus, blank imbed
- 4x Fire Flaring Runestaff w/ +3 Armor Use Bonus
- +2 dex bonus, +2 log bonus, headworn persists
- an eahnor halberd
- Orb fodder
- 2: 5x OHe's:: Fire Flaring Shortsword, Golvern Gauche
- Ramdom stuff, mostly Eg 08
- 6x Fusion Brig
- Max Mana Bonus Morning Star
- Selling an enhansive tan imflass-spiked maul
- a beryl-inset imflass pendant, +2 Mana Recovery
- Selling an enhansed glass-inset incised bone wristcuff
- Zesty 4x longsword
- Backpack Liquidation #6
- Backpack Locker Cleanout
- Backpack Liquidation #7
- Runestaff +17 inf, +5 dex, +13 SMC
- logic bonus set
- couple weapons and shields
- Fast auction of a few items
- 4x fully unlocked Felthrop runestaff
- 50 count Diamonds and Rubies
- +5 Logic bonus longsword
- Backpack of 50 charged statues
- Backpack of stuff
- engraved glaes twohanded sword-critter found
- enhancive auction
- couple of enhansive staffs, bunch of misc
- 4x longsword - +6 DEX Bonus, +4 WISDOM Bonus, +8 SMC Bonus
- Widgit's Wares #1 - Coin Collection
- No Minimum Auction of Random Things!
- 5x hauberk
- mist hauberk ring
- earcuff +7 shields bonus +7 emc crumbly
- Armor, Weapons, Shields, Misc. Auction 4-7x Gear
- Crap ton of EG makeup
- Zested Enhancive Cape
- Lot of EG Potions
- BJ tiara
- fishing supplies, all you need
- Locker Cleanout 50+ items
- Locker Cleanout 50+ items
- 2x 17lb hcp mbp n other stuff
- display sheath 2x two handers
- Elanthian Elegance Auction Leftovers
- Agi/Dex Orbs
- a beveled white sunstone bracer
- Vaalorn short sword and self control torc
- Enhancives, weapons, shields, mage rechargeables
- agility Earring
- orb fodder +8 ohe bonus or +5 dex bonus
- Locker dump
- 4x altered cane sword
- 2x mace-sanct, +13 max health, +3 influence
- 3x two hand sword, crit weighted, sanct, con bonus..
- Fixstat / 4 Fixskills
- clothing, containers, instrument strap all 1k mb
- Locker Cleanout
- Two enhancives. runestaff and armband
- 6x Waraxe
- The Bracelet of Climbing (and ranged)
- bounty gems, orb gems, 5x brig, +6 ranged orb
- a worn faenor talisman 3x/day invis
- Enhancive item (+2Strength Bonus, +3 TWC Bonus)
- Fully Unlocked Scripted Weather Cloak
- neckchain - +6 INF, +5 stamina recovery, +2 THW ranks
- an etched mithglin greatshield - +15DS and +3TD
- Backpack Liquidation #8
- 5x runestaff w/ earth flares
- shield from droughtman's
- Great enhancive runestaves/weapons/orb fodder, 50K MB!
- Live Animal Wig - A Petit Grey Dormouse
- Droughtmans Item - a ruby-inset steel box
- Unique Nalea Gown (Droughtman Prize)
- Enhansive leathers
- Enhansive items and a few other things
- Clothing, Containers, Armor, Weapons, Magic Items & More
- Couple Droughtman Items
- 4x HDW Maul
- boots - +5 S&H +3 dodge
- Droughtmans Item - a braided rolaren and faenor circlet
- 3x per day Whispering Willow (605) Rod - Droughtman Win
- Backpack sale 4x-6x gear and fluff
- Chronomage Disk from Droughtman's run
- A slender black alloy longsword-Shadowdeath
- Enhancive runestaff
- A heavy golvern slab - 25 lbs
- Droughtman Spell Aim torc
- 5xday Mystic Focus Gauntlet
- +5 spell aim bonus/+11 max mana/+3 mana recovery runestaff
- +2 STR Bonus +2 Blunt Hammer
- Canon : Some items in a sack
- 5x Troll Bane Maul
- 5x Fel-hafted waraxe
- 5x Mace w/Ice Flares
- Altered Runestaff: 4x, +6 Spell Aim Bonus, +15 Max Mana, +7 SL: R Bonus
- 3 spell aim rank 6 logic bonus earring +etc, crumbly
- Zested Beard-Clip
- Zested Spider Clasped Longcoat
- a smooth black modwir mask - spooky mask
- Fletching Supplies
- Earring: +5 Logic Bonus, +2 Ambush Blank MR
- Small items, 1 backpack, fast sale
- +2 earth Ranks +3 Arcane Symbol Ranks
- +1 edged bonus +3 summoning bonus
- pinworn +1 Health Recovery, +3 Survival, persists
- 3yr Old Locker Sale
- EG cloak +2 mana recovery
- 4x disintegrating runestaff
- HCW short sword and HCW dagger
- Couple enhancives and random low enchant armor.
- Warcamp Loot - Enhancives & Stuff all MB: 35k
- Mana Flaring Runestaff w/ +4 SA Bonus
- Spring Locker Cleaning, Take 3
- Scimitar 3 DEX 3 CM
- Long Bows - 5x Decently sighted, 7x acid wand bow
- A few items
- +3Dex Bonus & other enhancive Great Shield
- 8x handaxe
- Reverse auction for 3x greatshield w/+4armor, +6ambush, +4max mana
- haon-hafted golvern-spiked maul 5x w/ enhancive and heavy eonake slab
- Reverse Auction! Crown with benediction spell, +2aura +1 MIU 6trains to use
- Reverse Auction! Crown with +2swimming ranks and is also a blank imbedable
- Reverse Auction! elegant forged greataxe!
- Mule Clean Out.
- Giggler Orb ~ 303, 910, 418
- a set of brushed mithril platemail - 4x, fusion, full plate
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