View Full Version : A Fuckton of Barbie Dream Gems

06-08-2020, 09:13 PM
I have a bag with 90 unique gems (no duplicates) from the Duskruin dig gem pile. Some of them have been altered with my gem-cutter and lapidary box.

Important note: You cannot sell these gems for silvers - they have no silver value! They are decorative only. They are ideal for veola/joola, and other gem accessory items. As noted above, they are lapidary and gem-cutter compatible.

I recommend keeping these on a locker mule - they're not going to fit in any but the emptiest of lockers.

MB: 250k
CB: 450k to mgoddess, SOLD!

Bidding will go Once - Twice - Sold and will be updated daily. Silvers currency only please.

In the red velvet bag:
Gems [90]: a round of gnat-filled amber, a pallid cobweb silver mistvein diamond, a translucent whiskey-toned citrine, a segment of lilac petrified haon, some glistening milky sea green ora-bloom, a misty azure dragonsbreath sapphire, a slim bar of woodland green jade, a ten-pointed gardenia white diamond, a cushion-cut ember orange hyacinth, a spiny twig of fawn-colored jade, a fiery-swept honeyed orange jacinth, a silver-washed celestial blue moonstone, a copper-flaked vivid cerulean azurite, a silver-faded geranium pink pearl, a flame-banded gold chameleon agate, a frost-glazed stormy black pearl, a slim shard of greyish green malachite, a hazy shard of faint pink rose quartz, a silver-swept blue mistvein sapphire, a polished smoky dove grey glimaerstone, a midnight blue crystal-cored geode, a cylindrical murky viridian emerald, a cluster of gingery golden chrysoberyl, a spherical bright sanguine dreamstone, a pale metallic silver mistvein diamond, a wheel-incised incarnadine ruby, a black-rayed celadon star emerald, a nugget of bubble-filled amber, a rainbow-cast niveous opaline moonstone, a tiny orb of pomegranate red garnet, a vert-striated red chameleon agate, a triangular pastel rainbow quartz, a brilliant teal-laced azurite, a satin-sheened peacock blue dreamstone, a pear-shaped butterscotch chrysoberyl, a vibrant teal ebon-crackled turquoise, a gently sloped green moss agate, a dark-veined apple green turquoise, an oversized shadowy purple pearl, a nearly black lustrous maroon bloodjewel, a trilliant-cut yellow-green peridot, a grey-tapered sage green moss agate, a deeply fluted daffodil yellow diamond, a saffron and gold cat's eye quartz, a multi-faceted royal purple feystone, a swan-carved aqua and ivory moonstone, a coral-lined peach rutilated quartz, a pyrite-capped vibrant blue lapis lazuli, a cyan-haloed creamy ivory moonstone, a cube of sheer blossom pink rosespar, a pristine smoky violet glimaerstone, a bronze-tinged lambent yellow jacinth, a pale-edged powder blue dreamstone, a heart-shaped aqua green emerald, an ivy-engraved chartreuse fire agate, an ecru-ridged royal blue lapis lazuli, a multifaceted rich vermilion ruby, a wedge of canary yellow heliodor, a glimmering magnolia white pearl, a fragment of lilac-toned amethyst, an inky-cored vivid carmine bloodjewel, a small disk of velvety green malachite, a pastel-tinted heather purple opal, a slice of gold-blended ametrine, a high-lustered verdigris star emerald, a dainty orb of primrose yellow heliodor, a radiant-cut azalea pink peridot, a cabochon of burnt sienna hyacinth, a six-pointed rich sanguine garnet, a paw-shaped iridescent fire agate, a paw-shaped aqua and ivory moonstone, a flame-washed gardenia white diamond, a gold-veined silver mistvein diamond, an ash-spiraled crystal-cored geode, a silver-swept peacock blue dreamstone, a flame-washed stormy black pearl, a flame-washed silver mistvein diamond, an ebon-smoked dragonsbreath sapphire, a paw-shaped silver mistvein diamond, a gold-veined smoky dove grey glimaerstone, an ash-spiraled silver mistvein diamond, a flame-washed smoky dove grey glimaerstone, a clouded maize-colored citrine, an ebon-smoked celestial blue moonstone, a flame-washed niveous opaline moonstone, a petite bar of opalescent pink rosespar, a smooth black umber-suffused dreamstone, a beryl green crystal-filled geode, a gold-veined umber-suffused dreamstone, a gold-veined gardenia white diamond

Thank you for contributing to Maylan's tortoise fund.

Discord: Maylan the Maybug#0248

Delivery available to FWI, or anywhere west of the Spine.

06-08-2020, 09:30 PM

06-09-2020, 01:03 PM

06-09-2020, 07:04 PM

06-09-2020, 09:13 PM

06-10-2020, 08:44 AM

06-10-2020, 12:44 PM
CB: 400k to Lynkdead, going once.

06-10-2020, 03:10 PM

06-11-2020, 11:31 AM
450k to mgoddess, going once

06-12-2020, 11:22 AM
450k to mcgoddess, going TWICE. Thread will be marked as sold if no additional bids are received by Saturday morning.

06-13-2020, 11:59 AM
SOLD to mcgoddess, pending delivery :)