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- Locker Sale
- Small Auction - nothing fancy
- +12 hoarbeam runestaff, +2 transform rank, +14 INF base, +10 DIS base
- 1x perfect mithril morning star
- a metamorphic cloak (0.5/100 appearance shifting cloak)
- bag of enhancives
- 3 decent enhancives
- 3x leathers with perm somewhat damage padding. Perm shock resist & temp crush resist
- +7 DEX, +5 WIS, +2 AUR Necklace & +4 OHE Bonus, +4 Lockpick Bonus, +11 Max Health Pin
- 5x (+25) +5 MOC Ranks +5 DEX Base Shield. NO Level Requirements.
- a pair of fog grey marbled leather boots with a series of intricate buckles (4x void)
- Helm +9 Stamina Recovery +5 Max Stamina +8 Edged Bonus
- Aventail. +3 SMC. +5 Dex Base. +5 Wisdom Base
- Leg Greaves. +13 TWC Bonus. +2 Dex Bonus
- 7x VCHP t5 fulls, green fire ring, 5x/day Heal II, and more
- +8 THW Bonus Neck-worn & +6 STR Base, +5 EL: Air Bonus Pin
- Enhancives
- 7x ASG 15
- 6x sephwir long bow
- Old-Style Fusion Orbs
- Elven Nations - Ta'Illistim Shop for Sale
- Wizard 178kish wizard essence auction
- Leg-greaves +7 DEX Base, +8 INT Base
- 60k Wizard Tears - Enchanting 2x Wizard
- RtCF Bravery Idol
- Luminescent indigo mushroom
- +7 blunt +7 stamina recovery +2 disc bonus ring
- +7 to con bonus helm with other stuff
- +6 ranged bonus +8 dodge bonus ring
- Some Garbage For Sale
- 6x perfect morning-star 2 cer Crit
- Landing player shop for sale
- bulk sale of luminescent indigo mushrooms
- Bulk gem sale
- Armor/Shields/Weapons from Reim
- Perm +5 THW Bonus neckworn (temp EDP)
- 1 pour - dilute silver ayan'eth potion - for >8x
- Of the Faith kimono
- 3 sided shimmer trinket
- 4x spiked w/temp VHCP full leather
- Couple of Xbows Auction.
- 6 dodging bonus 2 pickpock bonus bracelet
- a tiny nacreous humanoid skeleton with bat wings and a scorpion tail (feature worn)
- 7x double leather - mb 1k
- 6x full leathers - mb 1k
- +6 INT Bonus/+1 AUR Bonus/+2 SL: Blessings Bonus/+5 FA Bonus headworn
- moving into a tiny house sale
- +7 INF Bonus/+1 Mana Recovery fire flaring temp EDP greathelm
- 2x short sword with +16 intuition base, +14 max health and +5 mana recovery
- imflass leg greaves: +7 str base +8 survival bonus
- Some masks, a tiny nacreous skellie, some other fluffy fluffs
- Leech jar
- 2 nice Butchers knives
- 10x Acuity Staff - 1m mb
- max light full leathers: 5x, moderately resistant to puncturing attacks
- Selling an onyx-clasped spidersilk backpack
- Moonglae opal x15, Moonstones (3 types) x30, Blazestar (3 types) x18
- +6 str pin, +9 agi earring
- 64k wizard essence
- Icemule Shop
- 6x (+30) runestaff with +3 mana flares
- +6 Ranged, +7 Ambush Arm Greaves & 5x +6 Ranged, +8 Ambush Longbow
- Ghoul Cloak and Claws
- +6 STR Base, +3 AGI Base, +7 Stamina Recovery 4x spiked greatshield
- x7, Max Light (15lbs), 4 CER Crit, Tier 1 Voln Full Plate
- Permified Perfumes
- +10 OHB Bonus, +8 Login Base Crown
- Feras jackblade +12 Stam +4 Stam recovery +4 CO bonus
- Deity reset item: a glowing sphere (bypasses Intercession ritual)
- Greater Elemental Void Maul
- some decent enhancives for sale
- Capped Wizard Essence 165k approx available.
- Ridiculous amount of gems jars/gems
- +5 Polearm Bonus/+2 Stamina Recovery/+1 CM Bonus vaalorn full plate
- 5x dcp t2 ensorc full leather
- scarlet eahnor broadsword with a sleeping lion pommel - 6x Named - +10 CON Base
- Auction of random items
- Random Stuffs starting at 1k
- Things for your bidding pleasure.
- Forest armor unlock certs T1-T4
- Hedgehog
- T1 Spider Container - a pale silver web-woven haversack
- Dhu Kitten
- Backpack full of random stuff I'm sick of having in my locker
- Want more Blood Script auction, Damage padded plate armors for cash or Blood Script
- +10 Blunt Bonus +8 Logic Base Crown
- some stuff from Ebon gate i think
- strength enhancives and a 7 twc pin
- 130 wand
- Armors, Weapons, and Runestaffs. Uncommon flares, enhancive gear, and more!
- +10 CM Bonus/+6 OHE Bonus/+3 SL: Summoning Bonus gornar main gauche
- +5 Spell Aim Bonus 4x acuity flaring runestaff
- duskruin knick knacks
- +6 LOG/+5 Perception Bonus/+4 SL: Blessing Bonus/+3 SL: Summoning Bonus arm greaves
- +7 OHE Bonus, +2 STR Bonus, +3 Dodge Bonus, +3 Health Recovery earring
- +4 AGI Bonus/+9 Picking Locks Bonus leg greaves
- Multifaceted blood crystal
- +3 THW Bonus/+2 AGI Bonus/+6 HP Bonus stickpin
- +5 OHE Bonus/+4 Thrown Weapon Bonus/+2 Dex pinworn
- 11 Flat etched stones
- +9 OHE Bonus/+12 INF perm SWCW imflass longsword
- +5 OHE Bonus/+5 Brawl Bonus ring - rejoice katar users!
- +3 two handed ranks +5 Stamina Recovery, +2 strength bonus ring (persists)
- +6 Spell Aim Bonus, +5 MIU Bonus Arm Greaves. Arm-worn, persists.
- +9 Infulence Base, +7 constitution Base with a few extras
- 1750 ring
- 7x Maxlight HCP Hauberk
- runestaff, 4x, +2 fire lore bonus, +7 spell aime bonus, +4 logic bonus, +8 miu bonus
- +5 THW bonus, +3 stamina recovery ring, persists
- +2 Brawling Bonus Pin & +3 Brawling Bonus Pin Set - Both Persist
- +7 Stalking & Hiding Bonus, +2 DEX Bonus, Mage Empowerable Self Control Pin
- +5 STR/+4 MIU Bonus wristworn & +4 STR/+3 Stamina Recovery earcuff
- a crapton of spell preps
- 8 int pinworn crumbly
- Containers, Magic Items, Masks, etc.
- +6 CM Bonus/+7 Ambush Bonus/+3 OHE Bonus/+8 Trading Bonus earcuff
- Vanne Fan: sepia ink-on-vellum fan
- +4 THW Bonus/+2 Shield Use bracelet & razern ( 10.66 CER)katana
- Earring: +3 ranged bonus-lvl6 Blank Imbedable. Crumble:enhansive, persist:imbed
- Bracelet:+4 EMC, +1 Fire lore and water lore-Persist
- Ring:+6 F.A. Bonus, +3 Spell Aim Bonus, +8 Pickpocket Bonus-Crumbly
- a dark leather buffcoat-(full leathers) 5X & 5CER Crit padding (Somewhat)
- Crown:+3 OHE bonus and Cloak of shadows imbed. persist/persist
- +8 Brawling Bonus, +5 Shield Bonus, +5 Health Recovery spiked greathelm. Persists.
- +6 OHE Bonus, +6 Thrown Bonus neck-worn
- +7 LOG Base, +5 STR Base pendant
- +9 OHE Bonus/+8 Summoning Bonus/+3 Armor Use Bonus arm greaves
- +5 Spell Aim Bonus/+6 HP Bonus 4x (+18) acuity flaring runestaff
- Veniom-laced spidersilk cloak
- A few weapons up for a small auction
- +9 Pick Lock Bonus/+4 Spell Aim Bonus/+4 Shield Use Bonus/ +4 El Fire Bonus wristworn
- +4 WIS/+3 DEX/+5 DIS neckworn
- +3 CM Bonus, +1 Ranged Bonus pin & +2 CM Bonus, +2 Ranged Bonus pin. Both persist.
- +4 Aura Base, +6 Logic Base, +2 Spell Aiming Bonus Necklace
- +6 Ranged Bonus, +3 Ambush Bonus, +1 AGI Bonus, +1 Stamina Recovery Pin
- Duskruin sewer goodies: stones, crystals, dust, rods. 54 items
- +5 CM Bonus wristworn
- +2 STR Bonus/+2 DEX Bonus/+4 MIU Bonus neckworn
- golvern slabs
- Xred's old stuff
- +5 spell aim bonus pinworn
- +5 AUR pin (and +2 Health recovery/+2 DIS)
- +5 Spell Aim Bonus earring & +30 lor staff
- +7 Blunt Bonus/+2 Brawl Bonus/+2 MOC Bonus/+1 Health recovery ringworn
- +7 Thrown Weapons Bonus ring & +5 CM Bonus/+6 Survival Bonus neckchain
- Climbing Helm...........
- weathered brown leather backpack. From last nights wyromania
- Selling Enhancives and some things
- diminutive mithril bar
- 8000 premium points
- +7 STR pin
- old drinks from under the counter
- Sack of 200 Orb Gems
- Several Enhansive Items (Includes +8 Spell Aiming Ring, +7 Thrown Weapon Clasp)
- +7 AGI neckchain
- Duskruin enhancives - Spell Aim, Thrown, THW, Dex, etc
- 6x sephwir long bow
- Enhancive Torc +7 Perception +6 Physical Fitness
- Aura, Lore, CM Enhancives, Rare MEs, etc
- +6 Spell Aim Bonus neckworn
- +5 Spell Aim Bonus, +3 MIU Bonus Pinworn
- Pin worn enhancives
- +5 DEX/+3 AUR neckworn & perm +4 THW/+1 Perception Bonus/+1 Health Recovery neckworn
- +5 AGI/+1 Dodging Bonus/+3 Max Stamina/+1 Health Recovery pin
- 8 hiding 3 ambush 4 max stamina pinworn crumbly
- 5 ranged pinworn crumbly
- Enhancive Set: +50 Disarm Bonus/+50 Lockpick Bonus
- 5/100 pinworn
- runestaff +14 spell aim bonus/+17 logic base/+2 earth lore bonus
- 100 slot locker expansion
- 5x 5cer brig, +22, +2 ranged sighted bow & Embellish mandolin w/case!
- Blunt/Str/Stam/ Enhancive and Phoen Str Rechargeable
- T3 old style orbs
- Rotating List of Random Items
- +CM,+Edged Weapon, +Stam recovery Imflass Handaxe
- 4x double leathers w/+3 Spell Aim Bonus & +3 DEX Bonus
- Curated Duskruin Arena Loot Armor
- selling t1 compart quiver
- Luminescent indigo mushrooms
- Vultite Arm Greaves 8 stam recov / 8 Dodging Bonus / 5 Blunt Weapon Bonus / 1 to Stam
- Neck worn enhancives!!!
- #21. Divine Absolution a glowing sphere (deity attunement reset)
- +3 DIS Bonus pin & +3 AUR/+2 ML: Telepathy Bonus pin
- nice enhancive arm greaves
- a pouch with 61 jewelry items in it
- +10 S/H Bonus +11 Trading Bonus +3 AUR neckworn
- Sanctified fire flaring enhancive temp VH dmg weighted falchion.
- 7x (+35) DCW 7 CER (95 SER) Dagger
- +8 DEX/+2 SL: Summoning Bonus ring
- +8S&h,+5twc,5+ambush,& 6 disarm bonus pendant(good rogue enhancive)
- 12 ranged weapon bonus helm!!!
- +37 Runestaff
- max lighten & epic deepen ots night shroud cloak
- Gems and Jars
- 7x T5 VHS Longbow
- some decent enhancives for sale
- +9 HP Bonus/+5 Pickpocket Bonus pin & +3 DIS Bonus pin
- +8 LOG, +3 max stam, +1 ambush necklace
- +6 TWC Bonus/+5 AGI necklace & +7 Stamina Recovery helm
- greathelm - +12 dex base
- +4 STR/+5 Disarm Trap Bonus earcuff
- +6 OHE Bonus/+7 Shield Use Bonus necklace & +11 INT/+2 Disarm Ranks pendant
- a handful of nice things
- +30 INT Base enhancive set
- +9 Spell Aim Bonus & +9 INF greathelm
- Box that makes hurling shards
- fully functional Tier 3 Farusteri original: Gown
- Quite a few enhancives 50K minimum on all
- 4x Robes with +10 HP Bonus, +7 DEX Base, +2 STR Base, +1 MIU Bonus
- Rebalance flare polearm
- Whisper of divine essence x2 starting bid 1 silver.
- Bergraham original polearms
- 5 x robes, +5 TD
- fully unlocked climatewear (no functional hood)
- Core for a doll
- +9 dex, +1 spirit regen, +4 logic, +4 elemental lore water helm
- Custom JACKPOT Grasp spell alteration
- some enhancives items for sale
- Reim “chains” all-circles spell prep
- Skeletor or skeletina cloak
- ghezytle amulet ( sk 305)
- pin worn bindings 5 pounds holds 108
- copper dollhouse trinket custom major sanctuary
- +13 INF Bonus set (+7 INF Bonus greathelm & +6 INF Bonus SWCP leg greaves)
- 7x auction quality Grobey tower shield, T1 twin weapon set, +8 claid, 7x flaring mace
- A beryl-inset silver necklace:+6 DIS Bon,+6 Harness Bon,+9 EMC Bon,Blank Imbed
- + 5 Ranged Bonus, +3 Dex Bonus, +3 TWC Bonus Pendant
- membranous grey core from DM
- 7x T1 max light Tower Shield
- Going through my lockers
- mithglin arm greaves +9 ranged weapon bonus/ +1 twc bonus persist-Loresong unlocked
- +9 THW Bonus, +13 Max Stamina Greathelm
- EG 2008 piercing jewelry set
- T2 Globus Staff (Souleater) Steam Flare T1 Ensorcell
- 4x +7 CER crit padded full leather
- reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment
- elongated cocobolo box
- An elven leather smoking jacket
- +32 Warhammer /w Greater Steam Flares
- +18 LOG Stat Runestaff
- +13 THW Bonus, +8 Stamina Recovery 5x Flamberge with Plasma Flares
- Pack Full of Items
- Locker cleaning .. 1k MBs
- locker cleaning , part 2
- a membranous grey core with multiple chambers
- 3x Claidhmore for sale
- Forging Slabs (Razern, White Ora, Drakar, Vaalorn, Gornar, etc)
- +6 Spell Aim Bonus bracelet & perm +3 LOG Bonus/+1 AUR Bonus/+1 Shield Use necklace
- Low level auction
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