View Full Version : Scrolls!

07-19-2020, 03:28 AM
Was saving these to do sorcerer stuff to them but then I realized i'm way to lazy for that so yeah....buy them. All are fresh Box/Critter found.

Sold on Buyout

In the duffel bag: scroll (39):

On the scorched scroll you see
(1108) Empathy in vibrant ink
(112) Water Walking in vibrant ink
(102) Spirit Barrier in vibrant ink

On the arcane parchment you see
(307) Benediction
(211) Bravery
(201) Calm

On the old papyrus you see
(114) UnPoison
(1210) Thought Lash
(1205) Soothing Word
(115) Fasthr's Reward

On the ancient paper you see
(1001) Holding Song
(402) Presence
(412) Weapon Deflection
(1002) Vibration Chant

On the illuminated parchment you see
(410) Elemental Wave
(402) Presence
(417) Elemental Dispel
(401) Elemental Defense I
(416) Piercing Gaze

On the silvery scroll you see
(1604) Consecrate in vibrant ink
(111) Fire Spirit in vibrant ink
(1602) Pious Trial in vibrant ink
(105) Poison Resistance in vibrant ink
(111) Fire Spirit in vibrant ink
(115) Fasthr's Reward in vibrant ink

On the aged scroll you see
(1111) Limb Scar Repair
(103) Spirit Defense
(110) Unbalance

On the torn scroll you see
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(1013) Song of Unravelling
(408) Disarm
(1005) Lullabye
(1008) Stunning Shout

On the scorched papyrus you see
(114) UnPoison
(101) Spirit Warding I
(1208) Mindward

On the wrinkled scroll you see
(705) Disintegrate
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(115) Fasthr's Reward
(702) Mana Disruption
(409) Elemental Blast
(409) Elemental Blast

On the golden scroll you see
(711) Pain
(1713) Death Cloud
(412) Weapon Deflection
(405) Elemental Detection

On the luminous parchment you see
(1705) Martial Prowess
(110) Unbalance
(609) Sun Burst
(607) Sounds
(101) Spirit Warding I

On the crumpled paper you see
(504) Slow
(501) Sleep
(405) Elemental Detection
(507) Elemental Deflection
(407) Unlock
(413) Elemental Saturation

On the glowing scroll you see
(911) Mass Blur in vibrant ink
(508) Elemental Bias in vibrant ink
(401) Elemental Defense I in vibrant ink
(910) Major Shock in vibrant ink
(503) Thurfel's Ward in vibrant ink

On the silvery vellum you see
(1106) Bone Shatter in vibrant ink
(211) Bravery in vibrant ink
(1112) System Scar Repair in vibrant ink

On the crumpled scroll you see
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(902) Minor Elemental Edge
(401) Elemental Defense I
(905) Prismatic Guard
(407) Unlock

On the scorched scroll you see
(509) Strength
(408) Disarm
(503) Thurfel's Ward

On the glittering scroll you see
(105) Poison Resistance
(208) Living Spell
(203) Manna

On the faded scroll you see
(1215) Blink
(107) Spirit Warding II
(105) Poison Resistance
(101) Spirit Warding I
(103) Spirit Defense

On the golden scroll you see
(116) Locate Person in vibrant ink
(202) Spirit Shield in vibrant ink
(204) Unpresence in vibrant ink

On the light papyrus you see
(1008) Stunning Shout
(412) Weapon Deflection
(407) Unlock
(1002) Vibration Chant
(1008) Stunning Shout

On the luminous scroll you see
(903) Minor Water
(405) Elemental Detection
(1716) Neutralize Curse
(415) Elemental Strike
(408) Disarm

On the silvery scroll you see
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(219) Spell Shield
(301) Prayer of Holding

On the torn scroll you see
(712) Cloak of Shadows in vibrant ink
(701) Blood Burst in vibrant ink
(712) Cloak of Shadows in vibrant ink

On the crumbling scroll you see
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(403) Lock Pick Enhancement
(503) Thurfel's Ward

On the golden scroll you see
(305) Preservation
(107) Spirit Warding II
(208) Living Spell
(206) Tend Lore

On the luminous vellum you see
(405) Elemental Detection
(107) Spirit Warding II
(713) Balefire
(706) Mind Jolt
(414) Elemental Defense III

On the silver embossed scroll you see
(108) Stun Relief
(1214) Brace
(1204) Foresight

On the arcane scroll you see
(408) Disarm
(501) Sleep
(501) Sleep
(404) Disarm Enhancement

On the yellowed scroll you see
(310) Warding Sphere
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(201) Calm

On the scorched scroll you see
(901) Minor Shock
(913) Melgorehn's Aura
(909) Tremors

On the aged paper you see
(105) Poison Resistance
(212) Interference
(302) Smite
(302) Smite

On the forest green scroll you see
(601) Natural Colors
(101) Spirit Warding I

On the old scroll you see
(1707) Minor Steam
(114) UnPoison
(414) Elemental Defense III

On the faded palimpsest you see
(203) Manna
(112) Water Walking
(1107) Adrenal Surge
(106) Spirit Fog

On the resplendent scroll you see
(1605) Arm of the Arkati
(101) Spirit Warding I

On the golden scroll you see
(201) Calm in vibrant ink
(103) Spirit Defense in vibrant ink
(302) Smite in vibrant ink
(211) Bravery in vibrant ink

On the burnt scroll you see
(205) Light
(304) Bless

On the ancient vellum you see
(104) Disease Resistance
(111) Fire Spirit
(1601) Mantle of Faith
(1604) Consecrate

07-19-2020, 03:35 AM
1 coin

07-19-2020, 04:51 PM
5 coins

07-19-2020, 05:11 PM
12 coins

07-19-2020, 06:03 PM
12 coins

11 coins

07-19-2020, 07:43 PM