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- white ora fist-scythe - +7 Brawl rank, +5 STR Bonus, +1 Ambush Rank, +4 St/Hi Ranks
- 1x battle axe - +6 DEX Bonus, +1 Spell Aim Rank
- 5x veil iron falchion/severe damage crits/ incredible charges
- a miniature veil-iron gong x4
- +3 Ranged Chain mail
- +22 scorched imflass katana - 4 lbs
- Clothing, high-end weapons/shields, etc
- a midnight blue buckler - 6x, medium shield
- 4x HCW runeblade and eonake shield
- 5x veil iron broadsword - +6 OHE Bonus, +11 Dex Stet
- some lapis lazuli prayer beads etched with tiny gilded sunbursts (Phoen prayerbeads)
- +22 scorched imflass katana - 3 lbs max lightened
- Locker Cleanout #2
- 82 scrolls, 225 spells
- +28 light crossbow
- blank MR +1 wisdom brooch 50k!
- dull illthrorn runstaff
- 2x day V'Tull's Fury
- a faewood-cased fletching razor carved with lavender blooms
- +6 rough carmiln runestaff +3 mana flares
- 1x battle axe - +16 INF Stat, +11 Max Mana, +4 Health Recovery
- Blank mage rechargeable sapphire
- Eonake Armband
- 3x bastard sword - +5 Dex stat, +5 Dis stat, +4 SL:B Ranks, +2 MMC Ranks
- spell store 1 FA/MIU/DIS earcuff
- 4x Katana
- random enhancives
- 4x Sai +13stam recovery, +5 HP ranks, +5 DEX stat
- +5 Summoning Lore Bonus, blank MR Tiara
- 5x earth flaring runestaff
- +2 agility MR bracelet.
- +6 Brawling Bonus white ora sai
- +8 Perception Bonus/+3 Max Stamina blank embeddable
- 1 Perfect & 1 Hefty Mithril Forging Hammers
- Enhancive Longbow, 3x a day 707, and more
- 2 brawling weapons
- +11 Combat Maneuvers Bonus Feras bastard sword
- 1 MB Forging Hammer Auction
- Unsung Gems
- a gerbil-shaped golden ora pattern
- 1 MB 4x SWCP Light Leather
- Locker Cleaning: Raise Dead Scroll, +10 Stamina Recovery Falchion
- an old cracked leather belt pouch
- Enhansive acuity runestaff
- Heimer Runestaves, Beards and More!
- old spiked mesille buckler 3x/1x td
- Custom Gem Cutter and 5 Patterns
- Ice age wood - a wickedly barbed thokot earcuff
- +13 CM, +7 Ranged, 8 Max Stam crossbow
- 4 to logic bonus & 2 spell aim rank pin worn
- Cornett with loresong
- +5 Longsword - +4 ohe ranks, decently critic weghted
- MR Imbeds, reimbeddables, enhancives for DIS/AUR/LOG/DEX/INT/STR/CON, SA, EMC + more
- a vaalorn-edged black ora katana (enhancive)
- Enhancive Necklace +5 Wis Stat
- 33 Charged wands (metal, gold, aqua)
- Enhancive Military Pick: +16(!!!) THW Bonus; MB 1m
- Stuff-35k MB.
- Pinworn VLA Container - ~8lbs, VLA, can be further L/D
- Runestaffses
- test
- +2 Wis bonus, Ice Flaring oarse Runestaff
- +3 health recovery PINWORN barrette, blank MR
- gloves, hand worn, +1 edge weapons bonus, persists
- custom ez script
- Weapons: enhancive, flaring, etc.
- +10 INF, +5 AGI, +2 PF ranks neckchain
- maxdeep +2 stamina return scripted dragon cloak
- Zelnorn Weapon
- Pin: +2 OHE, +3 MIU, blank MR, non-crumbly
- 200 Chrism Quality Gems
- 5x Golvern Aug Chain: +13 Stamina Recovery
- Alchemy components and jars
- Unsung gems and jars
- backpack full of scripted weapons, possibly for two weapon combat
- scripted heels for women or trannies
- exotic dancer scarf!
- EG Game Wins
- Flaskets and Flacons - permanent eye and skin dyes, fancypants lady salon makeover
- Enhancive Cloaks, Gloves and other Scripted EG Prizes
- +1 Mana Return, +1 Stamina Return, Heavily Scripted (bells/music) VLA cloakworn CAPE
- bellydancer/gypsy bell scripted clothing
- unlocked iasha white ora maul - raffle won
- Enhancive Gloves.
- +3 Two Handed Weapon Bonus Mage rechargeable
- 6x mithril tower shield - max light
- Enhancive gloves
- a pale violet gossamer-skirted gown with an ornate ivory-embroidered corset - Peretta
- EG Noodling Tier 4 Wins
- Glue wand (tier5 prize)
- poker dice auction
- a mithril-faced skull ring
- EG game wins.
- Weapon displayer
- +13 ambush bonus feras short sword
- Weapons / armor - 7x fulls, faenor waraxe, etc.
- Dark green faenor-scaled gauntlets +1 Polearm Bonus
- a pair of dark grey silk gloves lined with silvery satin - +1 Thrown Weapons Bonus
- Lot of scrolls
- 4x fire flaring metal breastplate
- 6x golvern hauberk
- 2 enhancive gauntlets
- a tourmaline inset platinum stickpin +2 Thrown weap +1 stalk hide ranks +1 health rec
- perfect mithril dagger
- +5 to wisdom & +1 mana recovery earcuff
- Weapons, gauntlets and gloves, oh my!
- OMG EG has been extended orb-makers extravaganza!
- Fusion OHEs/Orbs, +1 Ranged Gloves,
- Big Bag of EG potions
- Mage rechargeable heroism gem
- Mage rechargeable WoF
- Fusion Orbs
- About my Dhu Kitten
- hilt wraps
- (tier 5 prize) trunk of clothes
- crit padded brig with nice alter
- Ranged Gloves from EG
- Another perfect mithril dagger
- tier two iasha troll-claw
- enhancives, scripted clothes, and more
- Sword-cane yoribo/katana
- +2 Blunt Headband MB 1 coin
- Enhancive Katana
- ultimate steampunk runestaff - perfect for gnome. enhancive, steam flared and scripte
- Hilts Part 2
- +2 first aid enhansive, blank imbeddable bracer.
- Dusty Locker Auction
- EG T3- T5 wins
- Enhansive runestaff, golvern arm greaves etc
- A few things for Orb Fodder
- Orbs!
- x5 perfect maul
- 5 charged small statues
- Scripted Horn
- Enhancive Cloak
- EG potion and ring holder lot
- Enhancive/Scripted Cloak
- EG Potions
- EG Tier 5 morphing jewelry
- Container Auction
- 112 fresh EG wands
- Stockpiles: black crystals, silver wands
- Altered Fel Hafter
- Post EG clearout
- Gowns
- +5 EMC mage recharge 509 pendant - persist on both
- 7x ice flaring awl-pike
- +8 agility and +6 dex stickpin
- Tier 5 Cotehardie with 2 daggers
- +5 FA ranks and +2 Aura (+1 bonus)
- Fabulous women's attire!
- mithril claidhmore, white ora katana, 5x jeddart-axe
- Pinworn +3 Max Stamina Blank Mage Rechargable
- Blunt Band
- A gold-faced skull ring (Container Locking)
- Backpack full of stuff, enhancives, mage rechargeables, orbs, weapons, and more...
- temp masterful long bow
- Gleaming Ora Shield
- +14 lockpicking bonus orb
- +1 max spirit orb
- 2x, 3x, 4x Doubles
- OHB, Brawling, Thrown Enhancive Gloves & Mana Recovery Cloak
- Mage Rechargeables, Imbeds and Enhancives
- Enhancive weapons/armor/bracelet
- Sorcerer and Wizard Staves
- +3 spell aim, +3 HP, +1 mana recovery buckler
- 0x poison gas flaring dagger
- A few weapons and armor
- Vanity Mirror
- Giggler orb
- Costume(s)
- Pouch full of fun for the girls
- Stuff- Tier 5 (and some 4) wins from EG, orbs, etc
- Satchel full of stuff
- Enhancive shield
- 2x Leather Breastplate: +1 Max Spirit, +4 MIU, +2 OHE
- Cloak, VLA, MaxLight, MaxDeep
- Crumhorn with loresong
- very heavily crit weighted hatchet (perm)
- A few different items....
- Trunk of Clothes
- Vanity Talking Mirror
- Skullcap, +5 Spell Aiming
- 6thw bonus 4ambush bonus
- Locker Clean Out: Standard Gear, Fluff, and Other Junk
- Teras Shop Overflow
- EG Flacons (skin alter), Scripted items, Candy Jar (1x/day), Wand Bow, & More
- 3x Aegis - +7 Shield Bonus, +7 Dodge Bonus, +10 Stalk/Hide Bonus
- A small auction
- +12 to polearm weapon bonus
- Enchanted Black Ora Weapons
- sheaths, swordbelts and scabbards!
- +1 Max Spirit Fusion Orb
- Disk Changers
- Clothes and Jewelery
- Unlocked Felthrop Runestaff
- Alteration boxes
- a glaes-hilted ora claidhmore
- +5 Combat Manuver rank - shield
- Circlet +4 HP, +2 Strength bonus, +2 Thrown
- enhansive runestaves
- enchancive runestaff with vibe flares
- headworn +4 Max Health, +5 Blessings Bonus, +3 OHE Bonus
- Armband - MR Heal, +6 Brawling bonus
- 11 flacons & 9 flaskets - bulk sale
- 4x Acid flaring full plate & +10 Dex stat orb
- 1x a day candy jar
- 4x runestaff, +5 int bonus, 7 MR, 3 SMC ranks
- 4x flaring greatshield, 9 shield use bonus, 9 CM bonus
- 4x greatshield, 8 Max Stamina, 3 Agil bonus, 3 str bonus
- 1 coin MB LOTS of Rare Slabs - Rolaren, Eonake, Eahnor etc
- 5 charged small statues
- 5 thrown weapon bonus torc persists
- +26 runestaff
- +12 handaxe(+5 Max Health, +1 OHE, Temp. DW)
- +5 agil bonus flail/+2 harness power
- a sleek ipantor long bow, +17, decent sighting
- Kiddie Staff +6 lightning flares
- earring, 10 shield use bonus, 4 influence bonus.
- Selling 5x serpent flaring estoc.
- disk changers
- Veil Iron Helm, Gold-Twined Deep Blue Flasket
- pinworn +6 Influence +2 Health Recover blank mage rechargeable
- +1 multi opponents bonus necklace MR
- Mattock 1x enchant, earth flares, +2 religion lore ranks
- +6 WIS stat crumbly wrist worn
- ivory-hilted imflass rapier +10 Logic stat +7 edged weapon bonus
- +5 to WIS helm
- takeing offers on a 4x dcw perfect maul
- +9 trading bonus crown MR
- +6 influence stat ring persists
- couple things for auction
- influence set
- locker cleaning
- A lot of enhancive jewelry/armor/weapons! (plasma flaring runestaff!)
- Enhancive Katana
- Crystal holder & Crystals
- Disk Changers
- WEAA Pin - A furry red fire cat pin
- Rolaren Mesh Sack - Beltworn, Large Amt, Self-closing
- Orb Gems
- potions from EG
- 18 Small Statues
- a heavy invar-buckled leather weapon harness
- 5x Robes
- 5x Decently sighted longbow
- 6x Fusion Longbow
- Weapon Alteration box
- 1X claidhmore
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