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- Mithril and Amber Torc - +3 Agility bonus / +1 Telepathy Ranks
- Locker Cleanout #1, 25k min bid each
- bracelet +4 brawling +2 influence +1 con
- +5 Spell Aiming Bonus Stickpin, noncrumbly & Blank Mage Rechargeable
- oak-handled gornar Hammer of Kai - earth flares, +4 to spell aiming
- Krinklehorn! H4H shield w/ chest
- +6 stalking and hiding, +4 OHE both bonus and persists medallion
- Enhancives, Defender Weapon, TD Shield & More
- 2x Runestaff - +7 STR - An Ale Brown Kakore Runestaff - Fire Flares
- One coin MBs! Encumberance reducing backpack, earring container, 1x/day candy maker
- Lockpick and Case bundles
- Black Deathstone Necklace
- 4x Maul - +9 DEX, +2 CM Ranks, +3 DIS
- 108 High End Duskruin Gems
- +13 Polearm Bonus Orb
- bonus +12 stamina recovery
- 7+ year old knapsack full of 67 gems
- 7x t1 small shield
- aura earring and sephwir short bow
- Fully Unlocked Peretta and Rainbowear Gowns
- 8 THW Bonus orb
- 7x runestaff
- a perfect steel-hilted mithril short-sword, 7x (+35) MB: 1m
- 3x SWCP spiked Brig
- Fully Unlocked Felthrop Maul - 4x, lightning flares, and you can slap people!
- Naelan's Grab bag Auction - Wearable Enhancives, Weapons
- Weapons and Orbs
- Dwarven Work boots
- Another big group of lockpicks
- Old lockerd items
- shield rank enhancive greaves
- +8 brawling, +10 stamina medallion
- Summer Locker Cleanout Auction
- a gleaming eonake tower shield
- a weathered leather coin pouch stitched with strands of veniom thread
- +15 polearm bonus orb
- My last auction ever...for reals this time
- Defender Maul - 4x, +5 Defender, +9 DEX, +2 CM, +3 DISC
- locker cleanup
- +22 T3 Fireleaf Runestaff with +3 Mana Flares
- Auction: v8.8.16
- a wide-brimmed black hat adorned with a stylized silver feather - Joola hat
- +11 Dexterity Orb
- Fully (Twice) Unlocked Superspecs - a pair of tiny mechanical glasses
- a split-visaged silvery lor mask - zesty, feature worn
- runestaves, some possible orb fodder
- Lots of shit here! Including the best dart in the game! #34!
- +14 spell aiming bonus orb
- a silver-runed eonake waraxe 5x sanctified realm flares
- Enhancive stuff, 50K MB each
- enhancive list (screenshot of them laid out in a table!)
- 137 Orb Gems
- Duskruin finds 2016
- some weapons and armor from duskruin 2016
- Some armor and weapons
- Nice Helm
- Copper Torc: +5 Water Lore BONUS, +2 EMC BONUS, +2 MIU BONUS
- 6X HCP full leather T3 Ensorcelled
- 5x Long Bow
- Barbie Backpacks - The Summer Edition!
- Charl? Themed Set. T5 Prize from Duskruin Dig
- a checkered linen cloth knotted on a short makeshift pole - hobo sack anyone?
- Leaving the Lands Sale
- Demon Disk Changer and Auto Refilling Candy Tin
- less than 2 pounds epic deepen glowing golvern-shot mesh cloak
- glossy black leather veil iron-toed boots - 6x disruption flares - unlocked zesty
- 6x runestaff, HCP aventail, +6 ranged helm, 5x CON/INF flaring star
- an ipantor composite bow - +17, sighted, +14 perception bonus
- a curved bloodstained bone talon - ring that smells like blood
- Summer Clearance sale - tons of items 10k to 20m. Weapons, armor, clothes, containers
- 7x golvern morning star & temp MCP helm
- A Backpack Full Of Miscellaneous Things
- Unlimited Frosting
- Fully Alterable Forehead Gem
- spider lock satchel, shoulderworn, 4 lbs, PLA (70-79 lbs), auto-closing spider
- a scintillating snowflake-set staff - altered/unlocked cold flaring 4x smartweapon
- +5 Logic bonus, +1 Wisdom bonus, +2 spell aiming medallion
- a delicate silver diadem bisected by a single (glowing) golden glimaerstone eye
- 5x/4x Acuity Enhancive Runestaff
- Locker Cleanout (Gear, clothes, containers)
- Some enhancives
- Cracked mithglin handaxe, lightning flares, +8 intuition, +3 spell aiming ranks
- Pinworn +4 strength bonus and +3 pickpocketing ranks
- ECW Broadsword / Fish Spine 0x
- Heavy backpack with alter fodder - MB 10k
- Bunch of Enhancive Stuff 35k MBs
- 100k Bloodscrip
- Unlocked/Altered Gweedetta Wig W/ flame-hued Viper Inside
- Steampunk-ish themed duplicity mask and wings.
- Burial shroud ( cloak worn less than 2 pounds and holds 200)
- Auction: 3/200 Back worn.
- 21000 Bloodscrip
- 4x rpa orb
- A few things, accepting silvers and/or scrip
- Living Spider belt worn. T2 w/ 6 spiders
- a pair of gold spurs set with luminous golden glimaerstone rowels - Truthie jewelry
- elegant haon-handled vultite fist-scythe - IronWight Flares - 4x - Cold Fire or Void
- 6x perfect maul, +22 katana, 5x realm-flaring short swords, and more!
- 6x Voln doubles
- +9 STR stat crown
- +14 S&H Bonus, +15 Ambush Bonus, +3 Blunt Bonus 2x Mace
- +6 Max Health, +8 Shield Bonus, +2 Agi Stat Finger-Worn
- Sewer Rat
- 3 divine bloodstones
- Fixskills and Fixstats potions
- Minotaur Bloodrune
- 2x temp ECP ora full plate
- +4 Ranged, +3 Ambush, +4 Perception Sephwir Short Bow
- Enhancives from Duskruin (mostly runestaffs) - Revolving List
- Full Armor Concealer, Lockable Collar, and Variety of Stuff
- Earring with Call Wind,+4 Shield Ranks,+4 TwoWeapon Ranks,+2 2HandedWeapon Ranks
- +2 Wis Bonus, +2 Dodge Bonus, Crumbly Tiara
- Niima bloodrune, a heavy dirt-caked bloodrune
- spiked golvern shield, temp +4 TD, MB: 35K
- Tier 4/Fully Unlocked Felthrop Zested Claid
- a knee-length silk loincloth draped low on the hips - Altered IACL
- 5x perm Decently Crit Sighted +6 Ranged bonus/+8 Dodge bonus composite bow
- 4x HCW whip-blade (heh) +8 INF/+3 INT/ +2 Mana recovery pinworn & 5x runestaff
- a reticulated crystal-edged golvern segment
- Lot of 96 scrolls of value. Vast majority fresh, forewarned that some may not be.
- 15k bs
- Fixstat potion
- Mage Rechargeable Heroism Crown
- 20k blood scrip
- Complete Set of Coventry Items - the must have for rituals, witches, summoning, etc
- +28 disruption flaring fireleaf runestaff w/ +3 CON bonus and +3 SMC ranks
- Mage Rechargeable Elemental Bias Mask - a polished frost agate mask
- 7x Perfect Forged lance and 7x max lightened Full Plate
- +13 Stamina Recover Orb Fodder
- Duskruin Sale, MB 50k on all!
- +20 reinforced leather, 1 health recovery, moderate shock resistance, temp EDP
- +11 Spell Aim/+2 Mana recov/+8 Percept runestaff 4x SWCP leather 4x/3xAcuity staff
- +10 LOG/+9 CON/+4 HP 3x cold flaring awl-pike
- -+12- Stamina Recovery Orb Fodder
- Veil Iron Aegis, +4 THW neckworn
- some August Duskruin jewelery
- some August Duskruin Armor/weapons
- Bravery scrolls (4)
- Blank DR pendant (a four-ringed metal pendant)
- Backpack of DR Digging Alter Fodder
- some digging dr alter stuff sold as a bundle. i will put in a backpack of course
- +2 WIS, +6 LOG Blank MR
- +10 INF, +3 Stalking and hiding, 4x sancted longsword
- Enhancive Vaaling Quality Feature Altering Hairstick
- Some Containers with Nice Alters/Features
- 400k of alchemy components, MB 400k
- Six Statistic and Weapon Enhancives, MB 50k
- 4x temp MCP robes
- Locker Clean Out - (+9 OHE/+4 Dodge Enhancive inside) + other stuff
- A faenor-tipped vultite naginata
- 5x HDP golvern full plate
- Zesty Shell With a Tiny Kraken In It
- EZscripted art case and accompanying scripted painting gear
- a pair of hollowed sephwir hoops encircling honey amber drops - scented jewelry
- 7x T1 Perfect Maul
- Str, Wis, Elem air lore ring
- Mage Rechargeable Lockpick Enhancement - non-crumbly pin-worn
- an ornate golvern katana
- an ornate golvern katana
- Glowbark Shield: 9lb, +22, +8 Ambush Bonus, Temp Protection From Magical Attacks
- Armor concealer
- weighted and padded gear
- sephwir composit bow
- Necklace - 2 Dex Bonus - 1 Harness Power Fasthr's Reward MR
- Clasp - 1 Strength Bonus, 2 Influence Bonus - Blank MR
- +6 Blunt /+4 Spell Aim /+4 Thrown /+4 Shield /+4 Perception enhancives
- Talisman - 3 Agi Bonus - 4 Dodge Bonus Blank MR
- an etched vaalorn chain hauberk - temp masterful crit padding
- some more duskruin august stuff
- a veil iron twohanded sword 5x, A gleaming golvern greathelm
- Enhancive auction ends 2100 Sunday Eastern
- Bag of 38 EG potions
- Bag of EG Makeup
- weapons and armor
- some of the divine stones
- veil iron double chain
- a golvern backsword 6x, some veil iron augmented chain, 5x.
- some thick imflass studded leather. Lightning flares, crush resist, shock resists.
- +4 STR/+2 Fire/+3 Mana/+1 Trade medallion & 3x Decently Sighted composite bow
- +8 Spell Aiming BONUS - Orb Fodder
- 5x DCW vaalorn short sword & 5x Fire flaring Aura & HP fireleaf runestaff
- 41 Stones for Bloodrunes (most unique)
- +27 HCW Handaxe (via enhancive)
- Cyber Kink Starter Kit - Altered nightgown, slippers - lockable container, BDSM toys
- a tiny lapis banner charm - +5 Dodging Bonus - no level requirements
- Mithril and Imflass Claids
- 6x (+30) Full Plate - Greater Mood Flares
- +6 LOG, +4 Health Recovery Plasma Flaring 4x Runestaff
- +5 OHE, Bonus, +4 Dodge Bonus, +1 Mana Recovery Neckworn
- Enhancives and weapons
- +5 SA, Blank MR Pinworn
- Unique Box Found Toy
- Veil Iron Party!
- +3 aura bonus, 7x hauberk, 5x grapple flaring breastplate, other stuffs.
- Nice mid-range armors!
- petticoats, corset, blanket, scripted flower.....
- sighted duskruin mechanical crossbow (heavy)
- +7 Shield Bonus/+7 DEX pendant & +4 INF/+2 Arcane Symbol earcuff
- Unlocked Max L/D Climatewear - a fuzzy panda fur jacket with a black-eared white hood
- 2x double leathers - +4 spirit mana control ranks, +5 influence bonus
- 2/200 backpack
- some august duskruin jewelery 2
- 4x max lightened w/ enhancives full plate and more!
- beautiful skin bundle bag
- +10 Claidhmore
- +15 Max Health Orb Fodder
- +5 STR Bonus, +11 Blunt Bonus, +4 Max Mana 2x Mace
- +5 Max Health Persist Torc
- Back in the lands cleanup auction.
- Quick auction of a few items.
- Altered dragon Whisper Mask and zested dragon wings
- 35k MB Duskruin prizes auction - flaring, weighting, sighting, MRs and more!
- Sack of Scrolls
- +3 wisdom, +8 spirit mana control bonus, +3 mental mana control bonus (OHB)
- +8 claid
- You all know it and love it: some dragon-etched golvern platemail
- Closing up shop auction! Round one!
- a rune-etched platinum earring +5 ranged weapon bonus...
- a swirled lightning glass band - smells like ozone!
- a red-headed bard pin - insults you with every poke!
- Partially Customized Death Mask - Become a Burned Corpse
- Max L/D 6lbs/140lbs Unlocked AdventureWear longcoat
- fireball ring! PRE-customized
- 5x large shield - a nicked illthorn aegis
- Couple Epic Deepened Containers
- +4 Edged, +1 health recovery non-crumbly pin-worn
- conplete locker sell
- 4x Vultite Damage Weighted Mattock
- 6x flaring robes (DR robes) and altered longcoat
- Fusion FGB, Perfect bubble-flare grimbane maul, 6x/6x nervestaff, and other stuff
- a +22 hoarbeam long bow with +11 Ranged Weapon Bonus
- A Shimmering Violet Orb - RPA orb
- a ruby-studded black ora shield - 4x Fully Unlocked Anfelt/Gizwizit Zests
- Altered auto-closing pouch +4 logic bonus, +3 trading bonus
- Locker / Duskruin cleanout - Armors, weapons and Runestaves - 35K MB
- +8 wisdom orb
- a fir-hafted ora-studded maul 5 ranks SMC fire elemental
- a crude bloodstained staff tipped with a severed troll head - 4x wand holding staff
- 6x perfect spikestar, shade-lizard
- 4x swcp Robes
- a sapphire-eyed golden skull ring ENH +6 perception
- 4X DCP robes, 3x +3 WIS/+9 MIU bonus double leather, 5x veil iron halberd
- A backpack full of gowns!
- Item Consolidation - All the items all the time!
- 5 to Wisdom Bonus orb.
- 8 to Aura orb
- 12 to Intuition torc
- max light full plate
- [Selling] A bunch of stuff: enhancives, utilities, etc
- 2800 Premium Points
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