View Full Version : Auctions
- Unlocked Duplicity Cloak
- Label Box Full of Labels
- 303 unsung gems
- Enhancive 4x crit padded fulls, spell aim bracer, WIS tiara, con earring, blunt crown
- Misc Locker Weapons
- Altered Containers - VLA and LA Beltworns, Bandoliers, Gambling Kit, Etc.
- a zorchar longsword 4x +3dex+3agil+1hiding bonus
- 4x SWDP spiked brigandine with disintegration resistance (perm/perm)
- Lockpick and Disarm Enhancement Vials >300 uses
- Pirate Set - Clothing & Accessories
- imflass battle axe +8 THW + 5 spirit lore blessings
- "a wooden barrel with wide leather shoulder straps" VLA backworn
- Small locker cleanout, runestaves, armor, shield, weps
- Eahnor full plate
- Unlocked, altered Last Breath Halted stole (a glossy black lizard stole)
- Mage Rechargable Purify Air stickpin (crumbly)
- +2 Mana Flaring Runestaff with +3 Bonus to AUR Bonus
- Weapons and Containers
- LA beltworn - a deep black velvet sack: max deep, max light
- Bracelet w/ +2 shield use, +7 edged weapons, +12 pickpockets (crumbly)
- a thick silvery brown wolf fur coat - VLA
- 4x perfect 4m sancted white ora longsword
- Mithglin Katana +6 armor +7 stam recov +4 agility +4 ambush
- Altered Clothing - VLA and LA Corsets, Altered Robes, Yansio Clothing, Nalea, etc.
- Label case - 20 capacity (once deepened)
- a translucent spidersilk backpack
- a dark suede jacket with iron-wrought closures
- Recent boxfound/locker cleanout auction.
- a chased silver alloy earring - Elemental Focus - Mage Rechargeable - Non-crumbly
- Ebons Gate feature changing Mask "whisper mask"
- critter-found 5x profession/attunement scripted runestaff
- Locker Clean-Out 2.0
- some old ora leg greaves, temp HCP Incrediable amount left
- Maul and Lance glyphs
- Attuning Spidersilk Cloaks
- vultite woodsman's axe with a carved oak haft - 4x unbalance flares
- Godefroy's "Huh, I Owned THAT?!?" Auction
- Bag of Toys
- Backpack of wearable flowers
- Enhancive Helm
- Jewellery including piercing (non-enhancive)
- Lance +5 stalking and hiding +2 combat maneuvers (i'm broke auction) - 1 silver mb
- A step-cut golden topaz ring - +7 brawl +3 Survival +6 Intution
- Warcamp Finds - ipantor bow, enhancives, +5 spell aiming,+2 THW,+8 OHE, etc.
- runestaffs
- A gold-edged vultite katana
- Tiara- +4 Spell Aim Bonus, +2 Str stat, +2 Logic stat, Crumbly
- 7x gloves, 7x naginata and ddw waraxe
- Silly locker cleanout auction...I don't know what half this stuff does
- fully unlocked veola barrette
- Weapons, Armor, Doeskin Vest, magic items -
- A Filligreed Gold Torc - Neutralize Curse (MR) / +2 Spirit Lore-Blessing Bonus
- 6x max light golvern aug chain
- a delicate pewter crown, +2 Agility Bonus, persists.
- studded bronze crown +6 Spell Aim Bonus +2 Agility Bonus - PERSISTS
- Account Cleanout v1.1 - Armor, Weapons, Shields
- Account Cleanout v1.2 – Clothing, Containers, Weapons, Enhancives
- Enhancives
- Medium amount pin worn jacket
- Some enhancive caster fulls, robes, functional jewlery, etc.
- Big ass lot of unsung high value gems
- 6x Fusion Full Plate
- A golden beryl inset copper torc +2 Spell Aim Ranks, torc persists, imbed.
- Charged scroll - cloak of shadows, elemental guard III, fasthr's reward, MB 50k
- a scratched crystal ball - altered magic 8 ball with custom script
- Splitting Warhammer Auction
- +9 Dexterity runestaff
- A malachite-set gold bracelet - Mage Rechargeable Enhancive
- Good Young Mage Enhancive/Imbed
- Leaping Loquots Weapon Auction! It all must go!
- an onyx-inlaid platinum pin - enhancive with heal spell
- Useful and Affordable
- Pure potions, small statues, blue/white/black crystals, etc.
- Gem Jars
- Morphing Bracelets/Wands
- 5x/day Wizards Shield, Camp loot enhancives + orb fodder
- +9 First Aid Bonus/+9 Harness Power Bonus/+8 Pickpocketing Bonus Circlet
- +5 Aura Bonus, +5 Air Lore Bonus, +9 MIU Bonus, +4 INT Bonus, fireleaf runestaff
- a couple low-end CMAN enhancives
- ShadowDeath QuarterStaff 4x-5x - banded black alloy quarterstaff
- Flaring Scripted Runestaff/Polearm collection.
- 50 Count Gem Jars
- Wichai's Odds & Ends Auction Feb 2013
- Night at the Academy finds enhancives and armors
- Anyone know who owns Sunbaem's Outfitting
- Altered Accessories - Feature Concealing Masks, Enhancives, Yansio Hats and Jewelry
- Ranged, STR, DEX enhancives, Sheru ring and a few other things
- 3x glaes chain hauberk, resist nature and void flares
- Few enhansives/orb fodder along with other things,
- Starter Gem-hoard set
- Leaping Loquots Armor/ Shields Auction!
- GoS Ring
- 5x/1x augmented chain
- Faenor claidhmore, standard +8, newstyle
- an archaic ipantor long bow: 2 lbs, +22, somewhat sighted, max light
- 6 Dexterity Bonus orb fodder
- Godefroy's "Holy cow, I have WAAAAAY too much stuff!" Auction
- 2-room over viewing Spyglass
- Haunted EG Masks
- 5x swcp spiked doubles
- +18 SWCW fel-hafted vaalorn morning star
- A Scripted "Rune Staff"
- Enhancives, other jewelry
- Full armor concealer
- a 5x faewood runestaff
- +6 agility bonus crossbow
- a pair of dirty bloodstained hand-wraps
- Too many heavy quartz orbs!
- Random Weapons, Enhancives and Corset Armor
- Aventail - Temp VHCP +3 TWC ranks, +6 Max Mana
- Mage Rechargeable Bravery (211) Crown
- 2x perm somewhat crit full leather & 4x &1xtd light leathers
- +6 brawling bonus, +4 stamina recovery vambraces (arm worn)
- Armors, weapons, accessories, flaring stuffs, and enhansives.
- +1 Claidhmore
- selling my 3 room landing shop
- Necklace: +6 blunt bonus, +2 con bonus, +3 TWC bonus. Crumbly. MB 2M
- 4x swdw mace
- +6 strength stat and +9 spell aim bonus crown
- FWI 3-room Shop
- 5x fusion composite bow
- Pawnshop enhancives. 50k MB's going fast.
- 5x - ebon leather razorpaw spiked with shards of vultite
- Weapons & Enhacives
- Locker Clean Out - 13+ years of items....
- +7 necro lore neckworn
- Massive Ora Mattock
- 3x a day Invisibility Amulet
- pin worn VLA coat, weighs 6 holds 130.
- 7x wand holding composite bow
- 6x fusion robe
- +9 Spell Aim +5 Health Recovery Torc (Jewlery)
- Few Enhancives (Mana, OHE, Stamina, Polearm)
- 5x dcw rolaren war hammer
- 5x enruned longsword (self mana 801 ) heal
- a fish spine sword - 0x exceptionally crit weighted
- a tempered heavy greataxe 4x hcw
- Bag O' EG Glyphs!
- 3 runestaffs
- Lots of random weapons and one lonely shield.
- +2 Strength and +2 Dexterity Enhansives
- a rolaren edged vultite katana
- Container of EG potions - quickie
- +4 Brawling Bonus Blank Mage Recharger Ring
- +3 DEX, +5 PF, +2 WIS earcuff
- Master Quality Instrument -- a lily-carved cocobolo shawm
- Enhancive rapier (+12 to dex & agility ranks, + 6 to dex & agility bonus)
- Gear-Up Auction: fine armor, weapons, shields, and enhancives
- Semi Mysterious Backpack
- 5x runestaff +10 harness power bonus
- Flaring Runestaffs
- cman potion (weak potion of accelerated unlearning) -a pale blue potion
- 4x double leather - +14 to influence stat
- +5 INF, +6 DEX Bonus amd 5 Trading Ranks Persists Leg Greaves
- self rechargable 1215 orb
- Backpacks full of EG 2011 items.
- a fur-lined white silk coin pouch hold silvers and zested
- Brand new auction - snake flaring, 2-weapon displaying, armor concealing, and more
- +6 brawling bonus - wrist worn - blank MR - crumbly
- Glowbark Longbow [+22, Somewhat Sighted and Enhancive]
- +4 spell aim, +2 disarming traps earcuff
- gaudy pants that hold La amount with yansio zest
- going twice for 50k - some tooled cuirbouilli leather - 3x, +4 CON, DDP perm
- a starstone inset mithril band: +7 shield use bonus (crumbly), blank MR (persist)
- Feature Concealer Whisper Masks
- a turquoise-set mithril brooch +4 wisdom
- Some Academy Run finds - quick auction
- Scroll sale
- 3 enhancive staves
- Enhancive Items
- 480 sips of foraging, 90 sips of mystic focus, 75 sips invis, more more more
- Thick leather wrist guard- +4 ranged bonus
- Cloak with some stuffs... 35k to start off!!!
- +4 swim +3 polearm bonus & mage rechargable icepatch - headband
- ring +4 ambush ranks, +6 agility, crumbly, blank mage rechargeable
- persistant +4 ranged buckle
- ECW Short Sword, Veil Iron Shield, Sai Splitting Hairsticks, Enhancive Boots, etc
- Locker Cleaning #3
- Veil Iron Shield (medium-- 11 pounds)
- +6 Polearm BONUS, +4 aura stat, +2 logic stat necklace
- persistent +4 to Edged pendant
- a burnished orase buckler, 4x, 7 to Dexterity, 7 to Stamina Rec, 8 to Dodge Bonus...
- 1 coin MB locker clean out
- +OHE Pin, decently crit weighted falchion, other stuff
- 7x full leathers - max light
- +2 discipline, +2 ambush, +4 MOC Armband
- treasure hopper flail, 5x fire flares
- +40 Influence Enhancive Set
- necklace: +7 intuition, +3 spiritual lore - blessings, blank MR
- +6 Spell Aiming Neckchain Crumbly
- spiked arm greaves
- More Altered Stuff: Vanne Fans, Spell Gloves, VLA Front-Worns, Containers, Etc.
- +5 SA BONUS Steel Skullcap
- 5x fully unlocked Anfelt zested longsword
- duffel bag filled with potions
- A skull-inset vultite warsword - taunting weapon
- +10 PF bonus, +8 ambush bonus, +8 swimming bonus, +9 logic stat aventail
- a time-worn leather wand harness max light/deepened mb500k
- Enhancive bracer +1 ranged, +3 trading
- +3 Dex bonus pin, +6 Edged bonus ring, +9 Blunt/+9 Percept bonus earring
- Cloak #1 (Weapons, armor, jewelry, etc) MB 1 coin
- MB 1 coin auction
- +6 Spell Aiming Bonus, +2 WIS stat, +3 Pickpocket Bonus - Necklace
- Continued locker clean out. Enhancives and scripted containers.
- A siren lizard scale leather. 5x SWCP reinforced leather. 3x lightened. MB 1M
- Enhancive sheru ring
- Selling 6200 Premium Points! (52m Bid right now)
- 3x per day (1706) Flaming Aura
- Pack with 100 lamp oils MB 10k
- Lot of Eahnor Stuff
- Flaming Aura triangles, imbeds, and scrolls
- Packrat Seeking To End Addiction - Selling backpacks of random crap at 1k MB
- A couple of enhancive cloaks
- +3 brawling +5 swimming, MR eye spy, pinworn, crumbly on enhancive, persist on magic
- Recent Finds
- Lot of Bottled Gems, MB: 500k
- +1 lockpicking ranks, +1 perception ranks - crown, non-crumbly
- mage-rechargeable, non-crumbly, spirit fog : crown
- ScrollZ(606,308,215,1217,115,116,102,etc)
- new mithril +5 claidhmore
- orb fodder flail, +15 INF, +3 Mana Recovery, +5 Spell Aiming bonus
- 5x Fusion Waraxe
- People scalps! - Scalps of people who died during that Krolvin Invasion
- Whisper Mask - blond thanot mask
- 50 count jars of farlook vitreous humour (dying component)
- 3 50ct uncut gem jars
- an opal and white starstone crown, 4 to Agility, Persists.
- Pair of Ziethsmet zested lockets
- Glowing glimaerstone engagement ring
- some embeddables & enhancives
- THW vultite swords 5x and 6x/flaring/enhansive
- a brass-buckled heavy leather backpack with stuffs ~ 35k to start off
- T5 Parasol Warsword, Pie Machine, 1x/Day Picnic Basket and Unique Gem Cutter/Patterns
- Random enhancives.
- Lot of hair/eye dyes
- Mechanical Dove
- Help me afford better stuff!
- Bulk "smoke bomb" invisibility spheres (67)
- Art Kit and Assorted Supplies - For the Aspiring Artist!
- Assorted Wigs
- brand new auction, 6x lightened armor, random other stuff, you know how I do
- Random Things
- Heavily Sighted Carmiln Composite Bow
- +3 stam recovery, +1 strength bonus crown
- 5x swcp robes
- Locker Cleanout
- Another Backpack! (weapons, armor, scripted items, fluff!)
- Altered Clothing, Containers, DM prize and other stuff kind of Auction
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