06-04-2020, 11:19 AM
CB 50k Tei
BO 250k
I haven't checked all of them but 1750 is confirmed fresh.
[foreach: Item 1 of 44. (0% complete)]
[foreach]>read #497062160
It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see
(112) Water Walking
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(102) Spirit Barrier
(116) Locate Person
(308) Well of Life
[foreach]>read #497062174
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(205) Light
(303) Prayer of Protection
[foreach]>read #497062166
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared paper.
On the smeared paper you see
(308) Well of Life
(108) Stun Relief
(1750) Fash'lo'nae's Gift
(203) Manna
[foreach]>read #497062180
It takes you a moment to focus on the dark vellum.
On the dark vellum you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(306) Holy Bolt
(104) Disease Resistance
(303) Prayer of Protection
[foreach]>read #497062179
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(908) Major Fire
(910) Major Shock
[foreach]>read #497062178
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(1008) Stunning Shout
(1015) Song of Depression
(1004) Purification Song
(402) Presence
(1013) Song of Unravelling
(1002) Vibration Chant
[foreach]>read #497062177
It takes you a moment to focus on the luminous scroll.
On the luminous scroll you see
(1101) Heal
(205) Light
(1706) Flaming Aura
[foreach]>read #497062176
It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see
(101) Spirit Warding I
(314) Relieve Burden
(101) Spirit Warding I
(112) Water Walking
(206) Tend Lore
(303) Prayer of Protection
[foreach]>read #497062175
It takes you a moment to focus on the yellowed scroll.
On the yellowed scroll you see
(1604) Consecrate
[foreach]>read #497062173
[foreach: Item 11 of 44. (22% complete)]
[foreach]>read #497062172
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(506) Celerity
(908) Major Fire
(906) Minor Fire
[foreach]>read #497062171
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(701) Blood Burst
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(705) Disintegrate
(414) Elemental Defense III
(110) Unbalance
[foreach]>read #497062169
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(807) Limb Repair II
(806) Heal II
[foreach]>read #497062168
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt papyrus.
On the burnt papyrus you see
(1105) Organ Repair
(102) Spirit Barrier
(111) Fire Spirit
(116) Locate Person
(204) Unpresence
(203) Manna
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane paper.
On the arcane paper you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(108) Stun Relief
(1607) Rejuvenation
(109) Dispel Invisibility
[foreach]>read #497062167
(113) UnDisease
(1605) Arm of the Arkati
[foreach]>read #497062165
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(509) Strength
(401) Elemental Defense I
(508) Elemental Bias
(502) Chromatic Circle
[foreach]>read #497062164
It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked papyrus.
On the neatly inked papyrus you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(704) Phase
(103) Spirit Defense
(703) Corrupt Essence
(712) Cloak of Shadows
[foreach]>read #497062163
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred parchment.
On the charred parchment you see
(709) Grasp of the Grave
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(1709) Minor Cold
(113) UnDisease
[foreach]>read #497062162
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(101) Spirit Warding I
(101) Spirit Warding I
(107) Spirit Warding II
[foreach]>read #497062161
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(212) Interference
(112) Water Walking
(104) Disease Resistance
(212) Interference
[foreach: Item 21 of 44. (45% complete)]
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(1210) Thought Lash
(1701) Arcane Decoy
[foreach]>read #497062159
[foreach]>read #497062158
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated parchment.
On the illuminated parchment you see
(208) Living Spell
[foreach]>read #497062157
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(112) Water Walking
(105) Poison Resistance
(615) Call Swarm
(106) Spirit Fog
[foreach]>read #497062155
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(901) Minor Shock
(404) Disarm Enhancement
[foreach]>read #497062154
It takes you a moment to focus on the obscure papyrus.
On the obscure papyrus you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(104) Disease Resistance
(101) Spirit Warding I
[foreach]>read #497062153
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated paper.
On the illuminated paper you see
(205) Light
(1101) Heal
(1113) Head Scar Repair
(104) Disease Resistance
(109) Dispel Invisibility
It takes you a moment to focus on the obscure vellum.
On the obscure vellum you see
[foreach]>read #497062152
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(411) Elemental Blade
(102) Spirit Barrier
(712) Cloak of Shadows
[foreach]>read #497062151
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(108) Stun Relief
(107) Spirit Warding II
(104) Disease Resistance
(106) Spirit Fog
(1711) Mystic Focus
[foreach]>read #497062149
It takes you a moment to focus on the light scroll.
On the light scroll you see
(204) Unpresence
(112) Water Walking
(202) Spirit Shield
(105) Poison Resistance
[foreach]>read #497062148
It takes you a moment to focus on the silver embossed scroll.
On the silver embossed scroll you see
(1202) Iron Skin
[foreach: Item 31 of 44. (68% complete)]
(106) Spirit Fog
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(1204) Foresight
(107) Spirit Warding II
[foreach]>read #497062147
It takes you a moment to focus on the blackened scroll.
On the blackened scroll you see
(705) Disintegrate
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(709) Grasp of the Grave
(107) Spirit Warding II
(411) Elemental Blade
(115) Fasthr's Reward
[foreach]>read #497062146
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(1219) Vertigo
(116) Locate Person
(1215) Blink
(1204) Foresight
(101) Spirit Warding I
(114) UnPoison
[foreach]>read #497062145
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(505) Hand of Tonis
(901) Minor Shock
(409) Elemental Blast
(412) Weapon Deflection
[foreach]>read #497062144
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(912) Call Wind
(909) Tremors
[foreach]>read #497062143
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering papyrus.
On the glittering papyrus you see
(702) Mana Disruption
(405) Elemental Detection
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(703) Corrupt Essence
It takes you a moment to focus on the obscure papyrus.
On the obscure papyrus you see
(110) Unbalance
(413) Elemental Saturation
(716) Pestilence
(415) Elemental Strike
[foreach]>read #497062142
[foreach]>read #497062141
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled papyrus.
On the crumpled papyrus you see
(516) Mana Leech
(915) Weapon Fire
(417) Elemental Dispel
[foreach]>read #497062140
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared paper.
On the smeared paper you see
(410) Elemental Wave
(1718) V'tull's Fury
(1008) Stunning Shout
[foreach]>read #497062139
It takes you a moment to focus on the glowing paper.
On the glowing paper you see
(413) Elemental Saturation
(401) Elemental Defense I
(917) Earthen Fury
(914) Sandstorm
(913) Melgorehn's Aura
(404) Disarm Enhancement
[foreach]>read #497062138
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery paper.
On the silvery paper you see
(1601) Mantle of Faith
(102) Spirit Barrier
(114) UnPoison
(1603) Faith's Clarity
[foreach: Item 41 of 44. (90% complete)]
[foreach]>read #497062137
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery paper.
On the silvery paper you see
(1202) Iron Skin
(1201) Force Orb
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(1218) Mental Dispel
(1201) Force Orb
[foreach]>read #497062136
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(405) Elemental Detection
(112) Water Walking
(704) Phase
(706) Mind Jolt
(712) Cloak of Shadows
[foreach]>read #497062135
It takes you a moment to focus on the light scroll.
On the light scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(411) Elemental Blade
(101) Spirit Warding I
(709) Grasp of the Grave
(105) Poison Resistance
(113) UnDisease
[foreach]>read #497062150
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(1203) Powersink
(110) Unbalance
(107) Spirit Warding II
--- Lich: foreach has exited.
(1207) Force Projection
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering scroll.
On the glittering scroll you see
(210) Silence
(209) Untrammel
(1108) Empathy
(208) Living Spell
(116) Locate Person
BO 250k
I haven't checked all of them but 1750 is confirmed fresh.
[foreach: Item 1 of 44. (0% complete)]
[foreach]>read #497062160
It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see
(112) Water Walking
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(102) Spirit Barrier
(116) Locate Person
(308) Well of Life
[foreach]>read #497062174
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(205) Light
(303) Prayer of Protection
[foreach]>read #497062166
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared paper.
On the smeared paper you see
(308) Well of Life
(108) Stun Relief
(1750) Fash'lo'nae's Gift
(203) Manna
[foreach]>read #497062180
It takes you a moment to focus on the dark vellum.
On the dark vellum you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(306) Holy Bolt
(104) Disease Resistance
(303) Prayer of Protection
[foreach]>read #497062179
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(908) Major Fire
(910) Major Shock
[foreach]>read #497062178
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated scroll.
On the illuminated scroll you see
(1008) Stunning Shout
(1015) Song of Depression
(1004) Purification Song
(402) Presence
(1013) Song of Unravelling
(1002) Vibration Chant
[foreach]>read #497062177
It takes you a moment to focus on the luminous scroll.
On the luminous scroll you see
(1101) Heal
(205) Light
(1706) Flaming Aura
[foreach]>read #497062176
It takes you a moment to focus on the old scroll.
On the old scroll you see
(101) Spirit Warding I
(314) Relieve Burden
(101) Spirit Warding I
(112) Water Walking
(206) Tend Lore
(303) Prayer of Protection
[foreach]>read #497062175
It takes you a moment to focus on the yellowed scroll.
On the yellowed scroll you see
(1604) Consecrate
[foreach]>read #497062173
[foreach: Item 11 of 44. (22% complete)]
[foreach]>read #497062172
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane scroll.
On the arcane scroll you see
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(506) Celerity
(908) Major Fire
(906) Minor Fire
[foreach]>read #497062171
It takes you a moment to focus on the faded scroll.
On the faded scroll you see
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(701) Blood Burst
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(705) Disintegrate
(414) Elemental Defense III
(110) Unbalance
[foreach]>read #497062169
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(807) Limb Repair II
(806) Heal II
[foreach]>read #497062168
It takes you a moment to focus on the burnt papyrus.
On the burnt papyrus you see
(1105) Organ Repair
(102) Spirit Barrier
(111) Fire Spirit
(116) Locate Person
(204) Unpresence
(203) Manna
It takes you a moment to focus on the arcane paper.
On the arcane paper you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(108) Stun Relief
(1607) Rejuvenation
(109) Dispel Invisibility
[foreach]>read #497062167
(113) UnDisease
(1605) Arm of the Arkati
[foreach]>read #497062165
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled scroll.
On the crumpled scroll you see
(509) Strength
(401) Elemental Defense I
(508) Elemental Bias
(502) Chromatic Circle
[foreach]>read #497062164
It takes you a moment to focus on the neatly inked papyrus.
On the neatly inked papyrus you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(704) Phase
(103) Spirit Defense
(703) Corrupt Essence
(712) Cloak of Shadows
[foreach]>read #497062163
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred parchment.
On the charred parchment you see
(709) Grasp of the Grave
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(1709) Minor Cold
(113) UnDisease
[foreach]>read #497062162
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(101) Spirit Warding I
(101) Spirit Warding I
(107) Spirit Warding II
[foreach]>read #497062161
It takes you a moment to focus on the ancient scroll.
On the ancient scroll you see
(212) Interference
(112) Water Walking
(104) Disease Resistance
(212) Interference
[foreach: Item 21 of 44. (45% complete)]
It takes you a moment to focus on the wrinkled scroll.
On the wrinkled scroll you see
(1210) Thought Lash
(1701) Arcane Decoy
[foreach]>read #497062159
[foreach]>read #497062158
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated parchment.
On the illuminated parchment you see
(208) Living Spell
[foreach]>read #497062157
It takes you a moment to focus on the aged scroll.
On the aged scroll you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(112) Water Walking
(105) Poison Resistance
(615) Call Swarm
(106) Spirit Fog
[foreach]>read #497062155
It takes you a moment to focus on the scorched scroll.
On the scorched scroll you see
(901) Minor Shock
(404) Disarm Enhancement
[foreach]>read #497062154
It takes you a moment to focus on the obscure papyrus.
On the obscure papyrus you see
(103) Spirit Defense
(104) Disease Resistance
(101) Spirit Warding I
[foreach]>read #497062153
It takes you a moment to focus on the illuminated paper.
On the illuminated paper you see
(205) Light
(1101) Heal
(1113) Head Scar Repair
(104) Disease Resistance
(109) Dispel Invisibility
It takes you a moment to focus on the obscure vellum.
On the obscure vellum you see
[foreach]>read #497062152
(404) Disarm Enhancement
(411) Elemental Blade
(102) Spirit Barrier
(712) Cloak of Shadows
[foreach]>read #497062151
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(102) Spirit Barrier
(108) Stun Relief
(107) Spirit Warding II
(104) Disease Resistance
(106) Spirit Fog
(1711) Mystic Focus
[foreach]>read #497062149
It takes you a moment to focus on the light scroll.
On the light scroll you see
(204) Unpresence
(112) Water Walking
(202) Spirit Shield
(105) Poison Resistance
[foreach]>read #497062148
It takes you a moment to focus on the silver embossed scroll.
On the silver embossed scroll you see
(1202) Iron Skin
[foreach: Item 31 of 44. (68% complete)]
(106) Spirit Fog
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(1204) Foresight
(107) Spirit Warding II
[foreach]>read #497062147
It takes you a moment to focus on the blackened scroll.
On the blackened scroll you see
(705) Disintegrate
(712) Cloak of Shadows
(709) Grasp of the Grave
(107) Spirit Warding II
(411) Elemental Blade
(115) Fasthr's Reward
[foreach]>read #497062146
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(1219) Vertigo
(116) Locate Person
(1215) Blink
(1204) Foresight
(101) Spirit Warding I
(114) UnPoison
[foreach]>read #497062145
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery scroll.
On the silvery scroll you see
(505) Hand of Tonis
(901) Minor Shock
(409) Elemental Blast
(412) Weapon Deflection
[foreach]>read #497062144
It takes you a moment to focus on the golden scroll.
On the golden scroll you see
(503) Thurfel's Ward
(912) Call Wind
(909) Tremors
[foreach]>read #497062143
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering papyrus.
On the glittering papyrus you see
(702) Mana Disruption
(405) Elemental Detection
(109) Dispel Invisibility
(703) Corrupt Essence
It takes you a moment to focus on the obscure papyrus.
On the obscure papyrus you see
(110) Unbalance
(413) Elemental Saturation
(716) Pestilence
(415) Elemental Strike
[foreach]>read #497062142
[foreach]>read #497062141
It takes you a moment to focus on the crumpled papyrus.
On the crumpled papyrus you see
(516) Mana Leech
(915) Weapon Fire
(417) Elemental Dispel
[foreach]>read #497062140
It takes you a moment to focus on the smeared paper.
On the smeared paper you see
(410) Elemental Wave
(1718) V'tull's Fury
(1008) Stunning Shout
[foreach]>read #497062139
It takes you a moment to focus on the glowing paper.
On the glowing paper you see
(413) Elemental Saturation
(401) Elemental Defense I
(917) Earthen Fury
(914) Sandstorm
(913) Melgorehn's Aura
(404) Disarm Enhancement
[foreach]>read #497062138
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery paper.
On the silvery paper you see
(1601) Mantle of Faith
(102) Spirit Barrier
(114) UnPoison
(1603) Faith's Clarity
[foreach: Item 41 of 44. (90% complete)]
[foreach]>read #497062137
It takes you a moment to focus on the silvery paper.
On the silvery paper you see
(1202) Iron Skin
(1201) Force Orb
(1701) Arcane Decoy
(1218) Mental Dispel
(1201) Force Orb
[foreach]>read #497062136
It takes you a moment to focus on the tattered scroll.
On the tattered scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(405) Elemental Detection
(112) Water Walking
(704) Phase
(706) Mind Jolt
(712) Cloak of Shadows
[foreach]>read #497062135
It takes you a moment to focus on the light scroll.
On the light scroll you see
(107) Spirit Warding II
(411) Elemental Blade
(101) Spirit Warding I
(709) Grasp of the Grave
(105) Poison Resistance
(113) UnDisease
[foreach]>read #497062150
It takes you a moment to focus on the charred scroll.
On the charred scroll you see
(1203) Powersink
(110) Unbalance
(107) Spirit Warding II
--- Lich: foreach has exited.
(1207) Force Projection
It takes you a moment to focus on the glittering scroll.
On the glittering scroll you see
(210) Silence
(209) Untrammel
(1108) Empathy
(208) Living Spell
(116) Locate Person