View Full Version : Uncommon horse mount

06-07-2020, 11:49 AM
Interested in owning a mount without dealing with the hassle of Rumor Woods?

This is an uncommon tier mount, available at the 2019 Rumor Woods event for 15k raikhen.

MB: 5m
BO: 30m


Auction will go once, twice, SOLD and will be updated daily.

some tattered leather reins (This is your summoning device. Don't lose this)

>look cob
You see a chunky apricot-hued cob.
He stands just 15 at the withers. He has a chunky body with a brindled apricot-hued coat. He has a pig-eyed face, a tousled forelock, and notched ears. He has a ragged mane of wild and varying lengths, and a scraggly reddish tail.
He has nothing at this time.

>anal rein
You analyze your leather reins and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

The creator has also provided the following information:
This is a summoning item and will currently summon: a chunky apricot-hued cob, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics:

Height: just 15
Face: a pig-eyed
Ears: notched
Forelock: a tousled
Body: a chunky
Coat: a brindled
CoatColor: apricot-hued
Mane: a ragged
ManeQuirk: of wild and varying lengths
TailQuirk: a scraggly
TailColor: reddish
Unique: None set

This summoning item cannot be altered in any way.

USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount)

Mounts cannot be:
- summoned while inside.
- ridden inside or in water.
- used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended.

Mounts will:
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.)
- return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner.
- remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely.
- return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them.
a chunky apricot-hued cob.


>wave rein
You wave your leather reins through the air, and a chunky apricot-hued cob appears by your side.

>mount cob
You affix your reins to a chunky apricot-hued cob's bit, and with a firm push off the ground, you swing astride the cob and settle comfortably onto his bare back.

>hug cob
Feeling suddenly weary, you lean forward against a chunky apricot-hued cob, your arms encircling his neck in a hug.

>kick cob
Holding tightly to some tattered leather reins, you dig your heels into your cob's sides, causing him to buck wildly and nearly throw you off!

>nudge cob
You nudge your apricot-hued cob slightly with your heels, urging him forward.

>push cob
Issuing a subtle command, you pull lightly on your reins and a chunky apricot-hued cob drops gracefully to one knee in the equivalent of an equestrian bow.

You ride a chunky apricot-hued cob east.

You climb down from a chunky apricot-hued cob and carefully detach some tattered leather reins from his bit.

>dismiss cob
You slap a chunky apricot-hued cob firmly on his hindquarters.

A chunky apricot-hued cob whinnies and gallops off into the distance.

You can customize each of the features listed in the analyze up to the Uncommon tier offerings available at Rumor Woods. Each feature costs 500 raikhen. Last year's offerings are available here: https://gswiki.play.net/Rumor_Woods_2019_shop_listing#Ostler.27s_Den

Also included
a leaf-embossed russet canvas feedbag: this mount prop allows you to insert food into the bag for your horse to eat. You PUT BAG ON COB for usage.

06-07-2020, 11:59 AM
5m Horsie!

06-07-2020, 12:48 PM
Sold on BO, pending delivery.

06-07-2020, 01:23 PM
How many mounts went out at Rumor Woods? I've been active for the past 3 months and haven't seen any around.

06-07-2020, 01:31 PM
How many mounts went out at Rumor Woods? I've been active for the past 3 months and haven't seen any around.

As many as people wanted to buy

06-07-2020, 02:06 PM
How many mounts went out at Rumor Woods? I've been active for the past 3 months and haven't seen any around.

I bought a fairly standard one, and even though it is very fitting for my character's RP, it never gets used. They have very little interactivity.

06-07-2020, 02:27 PM
I consider them largely an RP prop, and I did enjoy the cob quite a bit. I seldom use him these days, but that's more out of forgetfulness than feeling bored with it. I'm currently attempting to bribe a friend to make a ;go2 version that is compatible with mounts. I think I'd use it a lot more if I could lazy script with it.

I am pretty excited for the new tortoise mounts at the upcoming RW (hence this sale). And, I have high hopes for the fast travel unlocks, which will add some nice functionality. They haven't released the price point for that yet, so we'll see!

06-07-2020, 02:27 PM
I've only ever seen one person using them. They are obviously being bought, though.

06-08-2020, 04:12 PM
I use mine often. It's rp but I worked hard to get one so I may as well use it.